Malawi Airlines has ‘conceded’ accusations that it departed Lilongwe for Harare like a minibus as customers led by musician Wendy Harawa describe the airline as the worst in the whole world.
Gospel artist Wendy Harawa yesterday fired deadly shots at Malawi Airlines for delaying her international trip.
Writing on her Facebook page, the singer has labelled the airline as the worst service provider she has ever done business with across Africa.
“I am a very patriotic person, but am sad to call Malawi Airlines the worst airline I have ever come across in Africa,” reads her post in part.
According to Harawa, her flight was delayed by many hours, and the relevant authority did not make any communication on the matter to the clients
Harawa said she left home at around 7 am to catch a Malawi Airlines flight scheduled for 10:30 am only to find that the flight would leave at 4:30 pm. On check in, she was told the flight time had been updated to 19:30.
She added that she asked the handler if the flight would make it and was told that it would leave in the evening. Harawa then went home to rest but was shocked when she got a call at 15:22 from the airline telling her go to the airport because they were about to close the doors of the plane.
“I answered am home why dint you call, lemme come quickly, my home is 15 to 20-minute drive. She said no we can’t wait for you and dropped my call as I expressed my anger. I am hurt and angry due to the time wasted and costs incurred,” she said.
In response to the matter, Malawi Airlines said they communicated to the client about the flight delay.
“All passengers booked for this flight were duly informed at check-in counters of the delay by our contracted ground handlers of the new planned operating times (but with caution of an early departure than the planned new flight)” reads the communication in part.
The Airlines added that they offloaded Harawa because she was not at the Airport terminal at the time of departure.
“Due to the time limitations, for someone to drive from town to Kamuzu International Airport, the airline decided to offload the passenger as any further delay would have meant misconnecting all other clients who had further flight connections out Harare and Lusaka,” the airline said.
Leaving the airport for home due to a delay in departure time? No no no! Flight rules are completely different from any transportation provider on land. Now you being at fault here because you met your fate shouldn’t be an issue for the consumption of the whole world.
Always keep in mind that there is tomorrow in time management. You may abuse the airline today coz you are angry, but how about tomorrow…… Will you not need its services any longer? In life, they say that if you have bought a new cloth, never tore or throw away the old one, you may find that the one you considered new in your eyes is never what you expected.
Flight schedules are always subject to change depending on a number of factors and you were not supposed to have gone that far as up to your home! You are partly to blame much as the airline also had its issues with the same flight!
I am so shocked at how people miss the point from Miss Wendy Harawa’s perspective… This has nothing to do with being a celebrity, the lady is simply complaining on the part of miscommunication. Tatiyeni tisiye msanje a Malawi. Mai Harawa has the right to express herself. Enanu, just like me have been lucky ndikusakwera kwera kwathuku to always enjoy the service,
If You Were Connecting Would You Hv Gone Home? I Think She Had Other things To Do And Never Minded Her Flight. I Would Hv Been Surprised If The Head Count Had Over 5 Passengers Not Onboard. She Just Wanted To Mek Noise…. Ndege Sitiiyiuza Kuti Dikiteni Nanjinanji International Flight. Ayi Zikomo
Ethiopia airlines 7 hrs delay at heathrow, british airline 26 hrs delay at Cape town, lilongwe blantyre malawian airline 21 july rtn 22 july 2021 we were on time even landed 7 minutes earlier on our destinations. It happens with every airline, they all try to fly on time however theres a bad day each airline will operate a late flight of cancellation. By the way the main primarily reason for a cancellation or late flight varies however it could be technical, operations, logistical, weather, regulations, crewing issues however just understand that either the crew or the aircraft wasnt available to safely operate the service at your time of choice. For those who dont know I paid k40 000 blantyre lilongwe one way and same amount return. I wouldnt want to destroy a thriving airline on social media kuti ithe just because I was late. Read the small prints, airlines reserves the right to amend times and type of equipment or cancel the flight, they only have to refund you. You dont own a piece of shh ,mwayamba kuyenda pa ndenge mochedwa, people had tickets booked with south africa airways, inatha before they even flew lucky you, your flight was delayed, lucky you can afford a flight, lucky you can afford ma unit yo winger on social media, lucky you.
I’ve also had a bad experience with them. They have terrible services. When wrong they even blame the customer.
angokhala ozimva u cereb apa mukuti a wendy harawa……as if kanali koyamba kukwera ndegeyo nawo. She should be oriented on Airport guidelines.
Wendy don’t you worry with the worse service provider #Airmalawi kangogula yako komanso ma selebu ngati iwe ndi chattered basi
Why would you want to portray the company and its staff in a negative light to the public due to one passenger’s negative experience? Its a known fact that flights are frequently cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances, physical or environmental. Per my experience, Malawian Airlines (Ethiopian Airlines operating partnership) is one of the best airlines in Africa, in terms of service quality and friendliness and understanding of staff. I travel frequently for business and pleasure to many countries (Zambia, Tanzania, Angola, Botswana and Rwanda) and have never experienced any reason to complain about this young airline and its wonderful staff. I also found that all the people working at the airports (Lilongwe and Blantyre) are highly professional in carrying out their duties. Malawian Airlines – I see every reason to praise and no single reason to complain !
Are you really sure about what you’re saying. Cancellations are always there BUT the issue to communicate with clients. So I believe this reply is just a thing to counter Wendy.
Which Malawi Airlines is the best service provider???????