Free water connection is only for distance of 24 meters from service line — Minister Mia


Minister of Water and Sanitation Abida Mia says the free water connections will only be applicable to a maximum distance of 24 meters from a service line and that applicants whose installations are beyond, will be paying for the additional distance.

Mia was speaking this on Wednesday April 6 in Lilongwe as she was addressing the media during ‘face the press’ conference where she outlined guidelines for the free water connection which people have been anticipating.

The minister said the free water connection which commenced last week on 1st April, will only benefit those applying for domestic use while all commercial users will be paying normal charges.

She further indicated that each applicant will be entitled to one free connection per year but the free connectivity will only cover a maximum distance of 24 meters from the service line.

“The free connection will be for a maximum distance of 24 meters from the service line, the additional cost for the additional distance will be paid for by the applicant. Application for water connection at an existing reticulated areas shall not be eligible.

“Application for water connection outside existing reticulated areas shall not be eligible. All applicants will be subjected to scrutiny for space of pipelines to pass or safely pass to avoid contamination of water,” said Mia.

Mia continued to say that the service line for the free water connection will be 15 to 20 millimeters in diameter and that when one recommends a bigger pipeline, the applicant will be required to pay for it.

The water and sanitation minister further added that all applicants will be expected to produce national identification cards and proof of ownership of land to have their applications processed.