Malawian rapper shining in the UK


United Kingdom based Malawian rapper Lavida Loca is getting along with the mic as her music is buzzing.

The artist whose real name is Vera Faith Chirwa is currently making noise with “M Way” among other songs. Her tunes are attracting huge traffic, thanks to her catchy style of delivery.

M Way came out a week ago but it has managed to break the internet. In a few days’ space, the song has managed to amass thousands of views on YouTube.

Vera brings further beauty in the song by exposing her Malawian identity, through Chichewa lines in partial and flying the country’s flag in the video.

The Malawian girl has a unique fashion of rapping, a factor that makes her special. It is without doubt that her countrymen cannot help it but pray for her quick collaboration with home-based musicians.

Faith was quoted as telling a local media house last year that she plans to work with Malawian musicians. She also hinted on performing in Malawi this year.

The female artist has a number of good songs, a factor which earned her space on the list of 21 female rappers who took over hip hop in 2020. According to list, she was in the sixth position.