UK Energy Minister to visit Malawi


UK’s Minister of State for Energy, Clean Growth and Climate Change is expected in the country today for a four-day visit during which she will seek to understand how Malawi is adapting to climate change impacts and playing its part on international climate action.

Anne-Marie Trevelyan, MP, will visit Malawi from 2 to 5 August, 2021.

According to the UK Embassy in Malawi, Trevelyan will advance areas of collaboration between the UK and Malawi in tackling climate change in the lead up COP26 and beyond.

Trevelyan is also the UK International Champion on Adaptation and Resilience for the COP26 Presidency where she leads discussions between national governments, the international community and business on adaptation and resilience (A&R).

This means working towards supporting countries, including those most affected by climate change, to increase action to adapt to its impacts and build resilience for the future.

During her time in Malawi, she will meet business leaders, women and youth groups, development partners and government leaders at the forefront of interventions aimed at supporting communities and the country at large to adapt to climate change, build resilience and support sustainable economic growth.

Speaking ahead of the visit, the Rt Hon Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP said:

“Like many developing countries, Malawi has contributed only a tiny fraction of global carbon emissions and yet it is on the frontline of climate change, suffering the devastating impacts.

The UK’s COP26 Presidency is committed to protecting vulnerable communities from climate impacts, by driving global action on adaptation, and so I look forward to seeing and hearing about Malawi’s own experiences and efforts, and discussing how we can further work together to build the resilience of communities and countries around the world.”

The visit by Trevelyan comes when in just under 100 days the UK hosts the UN climate change conference COP26, in Glasgow in partnership with Italy.