MHRC condemns killing of person with albinism in Mangochi

Albinos Malawi

The Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) has expressed concern over the resurgence of attacks against persons with albinism following the brutal killing of a 26-year-old person with albinism in Mangochi.

The victim, Saidi Futon Dayton, was killed on January 27 this year and his body was put in a bag as the killers looked to find a buyer in Zomba. Police have since arrested three people over the murder.

MHRC executive secretary Habiba Osman said in a statement on yesterday that Dayton’s murder is an indication that the attacks against persons with albinism are going on but are not being reported.

Habiba Osman

“The commission restates that all persons with a disability or albinism have the right to enjoy their human rights like all other Malawians. Saidi Futon Dayton was entitled to enjoy his human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to personal liberty and security and the right to life.

“The commission therefore strongly condemns the fact that these barbaric acts against persons with albinism are continuing,” said Osman.

She also expressed concern of the lack of conclusion of a number of high profile cases relating to attacks on persons with albinism. Osman said the Judiciary should move with speed in concluding the cases.

Osman added: “The commission requests and demands that government acts swiftly in addressing this matter especially now that the country’s focus is on another fight, Covi-19.