MP donates reflectors to kabaza operators


By Synd Kalimbuka

As one way of reducing road accidents involving kabaza operators in Zomba, Member of Parliament for Zomba Malosa Grace Kwelepeta has donated reflector jackets worth K1.5 million to kabaza operators in her constituency.

During distribution of the reflectors, Kwelepeta advised operators to wear them all the time they are on the road doing their business as one of the safety measures to reduce accidents along M3 road.

“I am very much concerned with road accident cases that have been taking place especially during the night where motor vehicle drivers fail to know that there is kabaza operator ahead of him,” said Kwelepeta.

The legislator also promised to continue supporting kabaza operators.

She then urged them to continue observing Covid-19 preventive measures. The legislator also distributed face masks to the kabaza operators.

Songani Kabaza operators chairperson Kenneth Jambo hailed Kwelepeta for the donation.

Jambo said the donation came at a time Kabaza operators were in need of reflectors to reduce road accidents

Over 500 Kabaza operators from Naisi, Jokala, Domasi, Somba, Namwera turn off and Malosa benefited from this donation.

Reports indicate that most of the accidents that occur in the district involve kabaza operators who operate their business at night.

It is expected that road accidents which occur at night will be reduce following the donation by Member of Parliament.