Shocking! Kanye West made miracle money after receiving Jesus Christ

Jesus is King

…Kanye prophesies, says he receives visions from God

Kanye West, who early this year received Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, says he made ‘miracle money’ by looking up to the heaven this year after being born again.

The newly born again Christian and musician made the shocking revelation on Sunday while promoting his ninth album titled Jesus is King at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas.

Jesus is King
Kanye made miracle money

Tickets to the event, dubbed the Sunday Service Experience and open to people of all faiths, were made available for free and were gone within 7 minutes.

While speaking with Osteen, Kanye West declared himself “the greatest artist that God has ever created”.

Kanye joins Malawi’s well-celebrated hip-hop artists like Gwamba and David Kalirani who also switched from secular MCing to gospel hiphop. Like Gwamba, Kanye’s announcement of being born again received a mixed review.

“I’m an artist, I’m a creative, I’m a chef and I can only cook for one single God. I can only serve God” Kanye said of his newly found faith, saying there is a “Spiritual warfare going on outside, no man is safe from” Kanye sang after saying he used to serve “multiple gods” before being born again.

He said victory belongs to his Lord, Jesus Christ.

“It’s no longer a mystery, Jesus has already won the victory!”

In another interview, Kanye said he got miracle money just after looking up.

“Last year I made $115 million and still ended up $35 million in debt. This year I looked up, and I just got $68 million returned to me on my tax returns” Kanye has been quoted as saying.

In Jesus is King, Kanye makes a prophecy, preempting criticism especially emanating from fellow Christians.

“They’ll be the first one to judge me,
Make it feel like nobody love me,” he sings in Hands On.

He told Osteen that God has been sending him prophetic and inspiring visions.