Prophet T.B. Joshua is no ordinary prophet unlike his flamboyant peers prominent for offering ‘miracle money’ and anointing oils that they themselves do not use when trouble strikes.
The prophet’s emotional song calling for African unity has gone viral, ratcheting up over 700,000 within few hours of its release.

The Nigerian cleric, who penned the lyrics in the in the wake of the recent eruption of xenophobic violence in South Africa, was visibly moved and shed tears as the song was played during his church service on Sunday 8th September 2019.
The song clearly struck a nerve with thousands commenting that the composition made them equally emotional and echoing Joshua’s call for African unity.
The simple melody calls on Africans to avoid violence, overlook differences and embrace peace.
According to the lyrics: “The South cannot do it alone. The West cannot go it alone. The East cannot do it alone. The North cannot go it alone. We need each other; we need one another to grow. Africa unite.”
Joshua also called on all parties involved to respect and uphold the law. “See the killing over drug misuse. See the fight over joblessness among the youth. Where is the law?”
The song concludes with a plea for Africans to ensure fellow citizens of their continent do not ‘feel unwelcome’.
Remi Sonaiya, a former Nigerian Presidential candidate, was among those to react on Twitter after watching the song replayed on Emmanuel TV.
“It was rather moving and many in the congregation were in tears. May the prayers be answered. Killing and looting aren’t the solution to our problems. Good governance is,” she wrote.
On Emmanuel TV’s official YouTube Channel, the song has recorded over 300,000views with another 400,000 watching the clip uploaded to Joshua’s verified Facebook account.
i am a fans of tb Joshua i have a bladder problem where i am bed wetting i cant reach there from here but if there any way i could get a healing water send to me i think that would help me if i eaven have to pay for shipment i would thank u
True servant of the most High God
Well done T.B. Joshua, but will we unite? Black people forget yesterday quickly. Envy and jealousy is their believe. Black people are there own worst enemies even in siblings. Lord have mercy may the Lord they do worship and love have mercy on that great continent.
I am Ugandan by Nationality and a student from MAKERERE UNIVERSITY, KAMPALA (UGANDA) doing a Master of Science in Chemistry.
I am personally disturbed by our attitudes as Africans towards fellow Africans.If our Founding fathers were to arise from their graves today, l don’t think any of them would be happy with our current leaders because this is not what they have fought for during their struggles for Independence and Pan Africanism.However l personally Love Prophet T.B Joshua and Professor. PLO Lumumba for their efforts in a struggle to see a united Africa.
We are not Children of a Lesser god and surely the Almighty GOD of Heaven and Earth that Prophet T.B Joshua worships will deliver Africa from her oppressors.
Finally , may the Heavenly Father Reward Prophet T. B Joshua for his dedicated efforts in the Ministry of Jesus Christ and Humanitarian Compassion.
Please prophet we love you as a man set by God, also please and please prophet pray for our country Nigeria, the insecurity problems, there is NO justice again for the poor only those at the top.
JUDICIARY, hmmmmmm I don’t know in one or years to come where would references be made out of the judgment and tribunal’s we have this days. PLEASE PROPHET CRY ON TO YOUR GOD FOR THIS NATION
Please prophet we love you as a man set by God, also please and please prophet pray for our country Nigeria, the insecurity problems, there is NO justice again for the poor only those at the top.
JUDICIARY, hmmmmmm I don’t know in one or years to come where would references be made out of the judgment and tribunal’s we have this days. PLEASE PROPHET CRY ON TO YOUR GOD FOR THIS NATION.
Please prophet I love
Oh Lord Jesus help Africa to unit
God bless our prophet TB Joshua I ave watch Emanuel tv over and over again my soul as being bless by your ministry this man of God heart is full of the of the love of God thank you sir for being so kind loving caring and forgiving I by the fruit you shall know them you as being know by your fruit that you are a man of God pray for me
May the Lord God of heaven bring peace and love among the Continents and people of Africa.
Thank you Man of God prophet TB Joshua,…..moreover I need your precious time to help me out from being Addicted to alcohol.
May the lord richly bless you for your good Work
My phone number +971567054885
This is a very beautiful, and touching song. It brought me tears, and reminds me of how the Holy Spirit spoke to me, one day, while I was praying, and He told me to sing the following song, and placed it on YouTube, which I did. The song is entitled, “God’s Command,” and it’s under my name, (Joan Hamilton). The lyrics are, “No man is an island, no man stands alone; each man’s joy, is joy to me, each man’s grief is my own; we need one another, therefore, I’ll defend, each man as my brother, each man as my friend.” Dear friends, God is speaking, so let’s pray that all peoples of this world will adhere to His message. I love watching Prophet TB Joshua; he’s one of God’s prophets in this critical time. (Joan Hamilton, USA)
Let’s unite , I am very happy listening from Emmanuel TB Joshua.
Tears of one of greatest false prophets of our times…..even as his end draws nearer and nearer. Ask hm, if you doubt me. Time of judgment has come..even upon as many as have followed this great evil.
Hmmm Africa
How sad, we are rather killing ourselves instead of fighting for solutions to our pressing issues.
GOD you Man of GOD, please do more
Dear God.
We thank you for the for the life of our beloved prophet TB Joshua. May you keep Blessing him more and more. Indeed he is a true servant of God. Even when people talk of him badly he doesn’t respond tho them . he is an example of love to me.
Lord Jesus, bless me that one day I shall meet him physically in Jesus Christ name. Amen.
I love you daddy prophet TB Joshua and Mummy Evelyn. God bless you more.
I am a new fellow(Masseur, Physiotherapist) in Deutschland, looking for both male and female friends, male and female friends who can help me improve my social life and Deutsch language. I would be glad if they are also willing to learn or improve their English language.
From time immemorial, I have perceived this SON OF THE LIVING GOD as a genuine MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL OF GOOD NEWS. Unfortunately, some people find it impossible to distinguished the original from the fake. “The Africa unite” produced by Prophet TBJ is another indelible testimony, THANK GOD FOR GOD!!!
Great message but it need more prayer to ask God love and peace give of the spirit
This is serious, i can’t watch the song to the end I’m shielding tears rolling from my face down..this is touching songs..let the song be recorded into disc give it freely to people especially in south Africa..may God be with everyone of us..God bless synagogues, God bless man of God,God bless the those initiated this touching song,God bless the congregation and God bless Nigeria ,may God bless the Africans
After I heard the beautiful song. It also touched me. I also cry. God unite Africa. God blessed Africa. God bless our Prophet TB Joshua. God bless the world. Loved you Lord. Thank you Lord.
The song was very nice. I also was moved to tears. May God bless Africa and TB Joshua.
My heart bleeds profusely as I listened to the song.Why has South Africans chosen to agonise the peaceful repose of Tatah Roihilala?But l must note here that the tears of people the world over in general, and Africa in particular will never flow in vain.Jesus Christ is watching, and will act at God’s time.
????? amen
I was touch, I saw the killings a few days ago.
Timely,the song is very instructive. Wish it can be translated to major African languages.
Thanks the syna…. churh of all nation.
We the African need to learn from this song.
We the African need to unite & stop killing each another.
Special thanks to our prophet TBJoshua.
May God continue to keep u for us,more years to come.
Stay bless Our father in thy Lord
I sheded tears too. God so much love Africa but we hate ourselves. I wish we will listen to you and turn back.
God has heard our prayers, everything will end soon. Thanks man of God
Is true we Africa need to Unite , and understand each , love each other , stop abuse our self by killing each other we are one blood in this continent ,
Jeceriaha 14:09. God shall rule this earth, and his name one.
Jesus is LORD of ALL!!!
Indeed, as African’s, we need each other and we need to embrace one another with love. May our God open our spiritual eyes to know who our common enemy is…Satan is our common enemy. We our childrens of one father who is in heaven and that is God. If God is for us, who can be against us. We must all know the sources of all these bad events. My proof text is John 10:10, hatreds, stealing and killings in our African continent they had to come to an end in Jesus Christ name we pray. Thanks a lot Prophet TB Joshua, may the Lord continue to use so mightly and preserve you more and more for us and our childrens in Jesus Christ name we pray. Come on let’s walk in the water with Jesus Christ and we will not fait at all. ‘Africa Unite’
May God bless and grant us African peace and tranquility in our various countries in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ whom t.v. Joshua served.
Our great spiritual leader always lives by examples. Let the world understand the message in the song and act on it accordingly. Africa Unite.
It is really a sobering song from Synagogue Church of All Nations led by Prophet T.B Joshua, the real Joshua of our time.
I wish all other corrupt prosperity seeking Pentecostal church leaders in Nigeria and other parts of Africa & the world can learn from his simple life and style of gospelling.
Prophet TB Joshua is a true man of God. No one can change the truth about him. May God continue to strengthen him more and more.
You are a blessing Man of God. Love from Tanzania
Africa unity have been mention again thanks to prophet TBJoshua can we Africans said Dr Kwame Nkrumah is political prophet who mention this unity many years ago but he was misunderstood by westing nations
Am not surprise you are called , you act the way a true savant of God will behave. May God bless you for your call for unity and Peace. Indeed the south, north, East and west needs one another to survive.
God bless you
I’m in tears and prayer right now for Africa and I’m praying for my country as well to UNITE.
I don’t think the person who wrote this article knows TB Joshua very well point of correction Prophet TB does not do miracle money secondly he does not give oils to people that’s not true .
I don’t think the person who wrote this article knows TB Joshua very well point of correction Prophet TB does not do miracle money secondly he does not give oils to people that’s not true .
I don’t think the person who wrote this article knows TB Joshua very well point of correction Prophet TB does not do miracle money secondly he does not give oils to people that’s not true .
I don’t think the person who wrote this article knows TB Joshua very well point of correction Prophet TB does not do miracle money secondly he does not give oils to people that’s not true .
We are all brothers and sisters why do we descriminate one another, thanks TB Joshua the wake up call , Amen.
Pedimos o Espirito do Deus para que haja a uniao e amor no nosso continente
Pedimos o Espirito do Deus que descesse no nosso continente Africamo em nome do senhor Jesus Cristo o nosso Salvador.
Really enjoyed your song, Africa Unite!!!!. People all over this world needs to Stop allowing the enemy, Satan, trying to destroy them through all sorts of evils . God through Jesus Christ Only, is the giver of Life and Life Eternal. Everyone deserves this , even in this Lifetime. We all will stand before that great Judgement seat. No man is bigger than his Creator (GOD). So Africa stand strong together. Because our children are the future!!! And if people continue in their evil ways, there won’t be a future for their children and ours. AFRICA, My Prayers are with you, and Fellow Africans. To the living God, be Glory for ever and ever. His kingdom had No End.
What a touching song. We really need one another
He is I tears cause he gave prophet months ago for us to repent and pray.
May be we didn’t. And it happened as he said.
May we now learn to listen and obey words from God’s people.
Bless u man of God.
From TZ
This Song was created by God, published by T B Joshua anointed and appointed for this time and season.
This song is fill of God holiness an honor when people all over the world hear the song they will be healed. and thank God for. the land that God has given them in Africa. this song will bring peace in.
Africa and all over the world thank you TB Joshua for your great commitment to our Lord Savior Jesus Christ
I groan in the spirit, Prophet Joshua you have moved me loving my own Africa. God increase your ministry. I love you.
God is God all things are possible with Him alone.look were we have come from.Ebenezee always and forever in Jesus Christ name amen.
Leviticus19:33 May the Almighty God have mercy on us.
God will restore the unity of this continent Africa
I love Africa and Afticans. They are highly intelligent but have been scattered by foreign forces of politics, conquests, religion and ethnicity. It is time for Africa to stand up and stand tall. I love prophet TB J, I am a covert from his players. I support Africa Unite. This, when successful, will unite all nations. Africa, the cradle of God’s creation, rise up in the mighty of power of God, our Father, Holy Spirit, our teacher, and Jesus Christ, our mighty saviour.
Peace be upon my lovely and Beautiful Nation.
Thank you Lord for the Man you have brought for us.
Tb Joshua
Africa unite
God please save us
This is so amazing, thank you Senior Prophet TB Joshua and the entire crew for this beautiful piece, we indeed need unity, thank you for the emotional reminder that we are one!
May God continue to Protect the Africans . this song is really touching from our Father TB Joshua in the lord. May God use him to unite the Africans at large.
Africa we bee each other ?
As a South African i watched and listened to the song i just started crying it’s true violence is not the solution i hope His prayers and pleases are heard. Thank you Man of God the song was an eye opener to the whole world God bless you
A genuine Prophet with a genuine call for African unity. God bless you Prophet Tb Joshua
Good morning Prophet TB JOSHUA. l am humbled by your Song Africa United. Oh God of peace may You bring peace upon Your people. Glory be to God Almighty.
Please pray for us especially my daughter Brianna she is 5 years old and sometimes evil play with her in her sleep please pray for us we need a breakthrough please poster I am from jamaica
This is marvelous, i am moved
May the God of my father t b Joshua bring peace and harmony in our land and in tb joshua’life and family
Oh yes God help Africa to unitd, protect one another.
Totally touching in the spirit. I believe this song will penetrate into the heart of Africans and the governments of Africans and change lies and embrace the truth and make African continent a home of peace and comfort. Thank you Prophet T. B. Joshua. Thank you Emmanuel TV.
I was equally touched by the tears from my mentor but I know peace is restored during and after the shedding of great prophet TB Joshua tears
A man of God with a humane heart will always be touched with issues on ground. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you in all the good works of faith that you are doing.
As Africa we need to know that individually and collectively we are the ultimate. Africa, should continentally unite not as a second home, but as one and only home for all Africans, with all Africans and by all Africans.
Very sad indeed, we are all the same Africa is our mother land let’s support each and embrace one another, thank you man of God tb Josue,,!! You have not wept alone you have wept with me as well…!! Let’s keep on praying for our fellow human being who being treated like animals, thank you, Martin malipilo from Zambia.
Africa until one Africa onelove
He is crying for Nigerians who are alive, what about hundreds of South Africans who were killed in his church Did he ever apologized to the families of those killed in his church.Today children are orphans he is alive to feed his children, those children are still crying even today.He must come to Brown street, Sunyside, Hatfield and see.what nigerians are doing to South African youth they are here to kill our nation and no one is saying anything.An innocent father was killed by foreign drug lord trying to stop them selling drugs to our youth.Laws of our country are not respected by foreigners. That’s why the situation became so violent and innocent people were.also affected South africans are angry they cant take it anymore. I also condemn the killing and looting
We doe need s.f again .
Pls come back home let put things right