TB Joshua’s tears break the record


Prophet T.B. Joshua is no ordinary prophet unlike his flamboyant peers prominent for offering ‘miracle money’ and anointing oils that they themselves do not use when trouble strikes.

The prophet’s emotional song calling for African unity has gone viral, ratcheting up over 700,000 within few hours of its release.

Tearful T.B. Joshua

The Nigerian cleric, who penned the lyrics in the in the wake of the recent eruption of xenophobic violence in South Africa, was visibly moved and shed tears as the song was played during his church service on Sunday 8th September 2019.

The song clearly struck a nerve with thousands commenting that the composition made them equally emotional and echoing Joshua’s call for African unity.

The simple melody calls on Africans to avoid violence, overlook differences and embrace peace.

According to the lyrics: “The South cannot do it alone. The West cannot go it alone. The East cannot do it alone. The North cannot go it alone. We need each other; we need one another to grow. Africa unite.”

Joshua also called on all parties involved to respect and uphold the law. “See the killing over drug misuse. See the fight over joblessness among the youth. Where is the law?”

The song concludes with a plea for Africans to ensure fellow citizens of their continent do not ‘feel unwelcome’.

Remi Sonaiya, a former Nigerian Presidential candidate, was among those to react on Twitter after watching the song replayed on Emmanuel TV.

“It was rather moving and many in the congregation were in tears. May the prayers be answered. Killing and looting aren’t the solution to our problems. Good governance is,” she wrote.

On Emmanuel TV’s official YouTube Channel, the song has recorded over 300,000views with another 400,000 watching the clip uploaded to Joshua’s verified Facebook account.
