President Peter Mutharika on Saturday called for peace and hailed the country’s security forces for maintaining order.
Speaking during the main Independence Day celebrations in Blantyre, Mutharika said there are millions of Malawians who are silent but love the country.

He was speaking a day after post-election protesters set vehicles and buildings on fire, looted shops and offices and burned tyres in the middle of roads across the country
Mutharika said it has taken unity and hard work to build Malawi and observed that the struggle for independence was long and challenging.
He added that the differences that are there do not mean one Malawian should regard a fellow Malawian as an enemy.
“We may vote for different parties. That does not mean we are enemies. We may come from different parts of the country, that does mean we are enemies. We are all Malawians. We are one people.
“As long as Malawi is a multi-party democracy, there shall never come a time when we will all vote for one person. We will always differ in our political preferences. But that should never make us enemies. We will always remain Malawians, people of one country, and a common goal to develop our country. Let us unite in developing the country,” he said.
The Malawi leader thanked security forces for working hard to maintain peace in the country. He also commended Malawians of goodwill who speak for peace, law and order in our country.
He said there is need for unity, love and peace to continue if Malawi is to transform from poverty to prosperity.
Activities during the celebrations included cultural dances, a parade by the Malawi Defence Force and a football match between Be Forward Wanderers and Nyasa Big Bullets.
As long as there is tippex we will not know true peace. And again ……….why bother