Malawi government has disclosed that the country needs US$370.5 million (about K286 billion) for recovery and reconstruction following the 2019 floods that hit most parts of the country.
Through a post-disaster needs assessment report released today in Lilongwe, the Malawi government has indicated that the money needed is for short, medium and long terms intervention on the effects of the 2019 floods across the country.
Among the sectors that needs recovery include the social, productive, infrastructure and cross cutting sectors.
The social sector covers health, education and housing while the infrastructural sector contains the transport, energy-electricity, water resource and sanitation.
Productive sector includes the crops, livestock, irrigation, fisheries, commerce and industry. The cross cutting sector encompasses the social protection, the environment, people with disabilities just to list some.
According to the report, the social sector absorbs the largest share of the cost of recovery with 53.8 percent while the productive sector got the smallest share with 12 percent.
Among the measures that have been recommended for increased resilience to future disaster includes formulation and, more importantly, actual implementation of acceptable structural construction standards that incorporate appropriate hazard-resistant, strengthen and expanding flood control systems, flood-forecasting and prevention activities.
Earlier this year, the country was hit by floods that left over 50 people dead and destroyed infrastructures across the country. The 2019 floods also wasted away hectares of crop fields and live stocks.