The word madando has become a hit on social media due to its use by Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson Jane Ansah.
The MEC chairperson Ansah has grabbed the social media’s attention following her use of several words in most of the institution’s updates on the May 21 elections.

Ansah has frequently using ‘madando’, a chichewa word that means complaints, during all the press conferences MEC conducts at the Comesa hall which is a national tally center for the May 21 tripartite elections.
Furthermore, during her speeches she has also been heard repeatedly mentioning ‘My fellow Malawians’ and these words have become order of the day.
Her repetition of the words ‘madando’ and ‘my fellow Malawians’ has seen the general public doing likewise on Facebook and WhatsApp.
In these days when the elections mood is still active, one can’t view five WhatsApp statuses without seeing ‘madando’ or ‘my fellow Malawians’.
Different images of various objects have been stamped ‘madando’ and are making rounds in different groups, pages and even personal walls.
For instance, a bottle of beer has been labelled ‘madando’ and its picture has gone viral.
Meanwhile, even the MEC chairperson has become aware of the trending ‘madando’ quotes as evidenced by curbing of the words during her Sunday speech as she updated journalists on the election results.
Ansah go ahead you deserve credit.Be still strong and of good courage.God blessyou