President insult charge against Kalindo reinstated

Bon Kalindo

The state says it now has evidence to prosecute UTM Legislator Bon Kalindo on the count of insulting President Peter Mutharika.

Chief resident magistrate (CRM) Mzondi Mvula in Zomba dropped the charge of insulting the President contrary to Section 4 of the Protected Flags, Emblems and Names Act last month after the prosecutors asked not to enter plea on the count.

Winiko back in court for insulting Mutharika

Kalindo was also charged with disorderly conduct and when the case went back to court yesterday the state asked the Magistrate to reinstate the dropped charge saying they have enough evidence to prosecute Kalindo on the count.

Kalindo who is Mulanje South Parliamentarian was arrested last month for allegedly insulting the president which is contrary to Section 4 of protected flags, emblem and names Act as well as disorderly conduct at a police station contrary to Section 153(1) of Police Act.

Police said the legislator committed the crimes at Balaka Police Station where he went to demand for the release of Chilima’s two personal aides, Kushi Unyolo and Joshua Valera who were arrested for “acting suspiciously” at Chiwanja Cha Ayao launch at Mmanga Primary School Ground in Balaka, earlier this month.