He promised gold but ended up delivering sawdust, proving further that President Arthur Peter Mutharika is not his brother Bingu wa Mutharika whose motto was to have his actions speak for him.
A press release posted on Malawi Government Facebook page in 2014 has revealed that Mutharika and his administration have failed to implement promised reforms which were aimed at improving efficiency of the civil service.

The reforms mainly concern the attendance of government workers at government functions and political rallies.
“Chief Executive Officers of Public institutions, Principal Secretaries and other senior public officers need to spend more time attending to their core functions.
As a result of this, Chief Executive officers, Principal Secretaries and public officers will not be allowed to attend public or presidential functions except where the functions or events pertain to their organisations.
“Government wishes to stress that Chief Executive Officers, Principal Secretaries and senior public officials will be recognised through their performance and NOT by the number of public events which they will attend,” said the press release by civil service and public service reforms commission dated 12 July, 2014 .
It also said that female civil servants will only be allowed to perform at public functions which directly relate to their profession or organisation or at an event to commemorate an anniversary or celebration of national or international significance.
Four years down the line, it is clear that the directives were not implemented since some public officers are still following Mutharika to every function.
Just this week, Attorney General Charles Mhango followed Mutharika to the Northern Region where Mhango attended government functions which do not directly concern his office.
Moreover, female civil servants especially teachers continue to perform at government functions and ruling party political rallies just as they were before Mutharika became president.
When the directives were posted on the Facebook page, Mutharika was praised but recent comments show that Malawians have now realised that it was all talk without action.
God have mercy…..
We malawians we are very soft and stupid,normally we see things are not ok but what we always know is to complain without action.Tinapusa bwanji amalawi!
This is a clear evidence that he has failed so the best he can do is to pack and before it us too late….