Malawi’s Vice President Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima has warned Malawians to avoid following their leaders blindly and doing everything leaders direct saying such acts are derailing the progress of the country.
Chilima made the remarks during a public lecture at Chancellor College, a constituent college of University of Malawi (Unima).

The Malawi Veep talked of things such as jealousy and praising leaders without necessarily knowing the base of the issue as some of issues that citizens must refrain.
“The leader-follower tragedy, a vice arising from followers with blind loyalty. The leader is not told the truth but is flattered. Followers tell what they think the leader likes to hear and do anything their leader directs them to do even if it is unethical,” Chilima said.
On jealousy, he said it is a cardinal sin that needs remedial measures.
“It is for this inherent human nature that there is constitution, guidelines, policies to direct acceptable human conduct,” he said.
According to Chilima, the “wathu, siwathu syndrome” is also a serious vice in the country that if entrenched could lead to financial haemorrhage in organisations.
“It ranges from procurement, to promotions, and a sense of indebtedness is created between the hirer and the hired,” he said.
Chilima also talked of the unethical bondage or state of mental capture as manifested in players in public and private organisations.
He mentioned personalisation of offices, victimising others and nepotism as examples of immorality.
The vice president concluded by saying that moral decadence is a big problem which Malawians need to resolve.
“We need to rebuke unethical behaviour. Report to the authorities when you see some wrongdoing,” he said.
genius gentleman
Words of wisdom and encouragement!!!
“There’s no right way of doing wrong thing” I like it from his first presentation
Exactly……..and i as well like dat word
Pathetically he’s in the wrong camp!
this is the quality we are looking for if Malawi is to develop and grow
Munthu wamkulu mmanja mwanu
If you yourself do so to the president is better example.
Wi Luv u guys continue to develop dis country wi appreciate ur Luv DAD….may Luving God continue t bless u
Suitable for president not zinazi
Man awawa kunena zowona ali ndi luntha ndipo amawonetsa kuzindikira kwao chabe bvuto ndilakuti mpobvuta kakowa kuwonekera patari pa gulu la akhwangwara
Ngafeki awa. Always beating about the bush mmalo monena momveka bwino zinthu mmene ziliri. Kumangodziwa kunena “njoka saweta”. Osayitchula njokayo bwanji? Yesu amadsudsula afalisi mosapsatira. Vice wanuyu one ayi am not convinced. Samanena momveka bwino.
Which means you have a problem
Yes I have a problem with “fake”. Atchule njokayo kuti ndi ndani. Atchulenso okuba akuba ku DPP ko osati giving us some cheap lip service lecture.
Ngati inu mukuziwa kuti kuli njoka osangoitchula bwanji bwana Nanthambwe.
Chilima akudziwa ifeso tikudziwa chomwe akutanthawuza wamakutu wamva
#Jah_Zimbah ndi Saulosi amene anakamba za njoka osati ine. Otchulayo ndi Saulosiyo
Hahhahahhahaj makamba wandi seketsa
This face was supposed to be a president not petrol
And not this m’busa too
God Himself is the one who allowed Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika to be the president of this country
God did NOT give us Peter Mutharika, be realistic mr man.
I said ‘allowed’ not ‘gave’…both words are not far from the truth though
If u say he ddnt say that then tell us what he said, simple
very powerful words powerful indeed
wise words
inu abodza inu ife triku chanco komkuno moreover timamvera nawo he didnt said that
KO’d kukhala Ku chanco ndengati ndikumva chizungu? Sukulu zake za open komanso mayeso ake oonerawa. Zikumatheka kumapetedwa chizingu wakuchanco yemweyo. Ena Ku chanco ndialonda kaya
iweyo osabwerako bwanji? akwanu onse adapitako ku koleji? ndpo kwa amene adalepherawo adalephereranji? kaya ndmamva or not still iwill graduate
“He didn’t said that”
Is this English really from Chanco or Tsokamkanansi…?
Leonard kkkkk chipongwe he didn’t said that
bolabe ndrikuno basi!! iwe akwanu aliko?
hw many pple would like to b here if imay ask? msce amalemba ndi ma thousands awanthu koma uzifunse kuti enawo sanabwere kuno why? then uzindiseka bwino.
Kkkkkkkkkkk uli komweko mwina umapanga u scavenger mwina umakhala kwampunga kapena kwachikanda. Ife tingadziwe???
muwuzeni kapolo ameneyo chanco ndikachaniso koti mu2 akazifilire, kupoyila eti
Just To Hear That: He Didn’t Said That, For Sure This One Entered Chanco Through Back Door.Or Through The Window.
back door or not bolabe ndrikuno. inu muli makwalalamo agalu
shaa cliff waku teacher training college ngati iwe.mwana ophunzra ma college aanthu ouma mitu osiyidwa ku unima. dyabulosi fufuza ngati ku TTC kumapita anthu okhoza bwino
seydou mtumbuka kuda ngati makala
Mwina ku chanco’ko ndi cleaner, akudziwa ndani???
Waku Thyolo amapita Ku Chanco ndi 26 points, waku Chitipa Ku TTC ndi 15 points wanzeru ndani? Mulungu akuona zonsezi!
nawe iwe waku thyolo ndindani? osafunsa kaye bwanji?
ma points anu mumangopatsanawo agalu atsankho inu !! u will never rule mw.
Ilike ViP
Zoona!, makolo akaona/kumva mwana wawo akutukwana amayenela kupeleka malangizo abwino.
The whole cabnet ya dpp i lyk that guy Dr Saulos ali nd umunthu big up brother!!!!
ndigwa mchikond ndi bwanawa kale but not with dpp
zoona braz…., u seem to love our motherland tell Ur mate to develop a spirit of fighting for poor as the first citizen of Malawi