Paramount Chief Lundu has launched an attack on a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) saying it does not respect chiefs and he does not want it working in his area.
President Peter Mutharika on Sunday was at Nchalo trading center in Chikwawa where he had a developmental rally.

Among the speakers was Paramount Chief Lundu who used his speech as an opportunity to slate Goal Malawi, a NGO which distributes food and is implementing various activities in Chikwawa.
Lundu told Mutharika that Goal Malawi workers are rude and biased in conducting the organisation’s operations.
“Mr President, here in the lower shire we have been experiencing a dry spell and we don’t expect people to harvest enough since there is no rain, and we are looking from government to help with some food.
“But there is an organization called Goal Malawi. This is a biased and corrupt organization. It is stupid and we don’t want them to work here this time,” he said.
The traditional leader also claimed that the organization forgets that “it is only working for government.”
During his speech, Mutharika said he will look into the issue.
Goal Malawi is a non-profit organization that delivers food to people affected by hunger and natural disasters.
It also supports a cash transfer programme that allows people affected by hunger to buy food.
The organisation has been implementing programmes in Nsanje, Balaka and Chikwawa for several years.
Anthu akudafe sitiyamika goal malawi anabwera kalekale kuzathandiza wanthu mu ngozi .silipanga busness ina iliyonse koma kuthandiza anthu mu njira zosiyanasiyana.pano mwaona kuti mwakhuta mwayamba kuwanyoza ;akhoza kutseka kummapita kwao mungavutike ndinu.Nsena sayamika.
Paramount lundu is right don’t just came in mmamidzimu and call the shots and when mfumu ask u to jump just do so don’t ask him how high.
A mfumu amanidwa chakudya. Mpaka kulira choncho. Goal Malawi ikachoka muphetsa anthu ndi njala. pepani omfumu!!!!
This chief, I don’t understand him. The other day is Bushiri, today an NGO, tomorrow who? Ngati ndinu mfumy bwanji osawayitana kubwalo lanu kuwalangiza.
if Goal Mw decide to pull out whatever they do ku Ng’ona kwanuko Mr Chief Lundu, who do you think will suffer? You are nothing but chidzete cha ma chiefs cholankhula chisanaganize, ipita madera ena m’Malawi mommuno anthu ena akuifuna.
You said ECG should go now its Goal MW kenako tizamva midzi yonse ichoke utsalatu wekha iwe….
Ndikuziwa ukufuna azingokupatsa zinthu uzigawa wekha……
Koma mafumu enawa. Kodi anafika fomu folo awa?
kodi ameneyu mzake amathandizana naye kulalata uja wati zii alikuti mafumu oola mkamwa awa
Kwa mfumu amapepesa ndi nkhuku kapena mbuzi, ndiye a Goal Malawi samaweta ziweto ndipo sangapepese chifukwa akuthandiza anthu amdera lake he must go to helo
kuluyi amadya chamba kwambiri ndaona
Chiefs must be respected whether poor or rich, to my understanding the chief was very frank because he praised other organizations but detested Goal Mw,chonde pomakagawa zinthu kwa anthu treat them with full respect
Network busy
Savage uyu software inatha kale kale mmutumwake
Ndimaona ngati goal Malawi ingopepesa pa zolakwa zomwe yachita kwa a mfumu pajatu amati tu kwa eni kulibe mkuwe choncho ndi zofunika kungotero basi. Goal malawi ili ndi udindo wothandiza anthuwa mnjira zosiyanasiyana choncho anthu ambiri asavutike chifukwa cha mkangano wa chief and goal officials
Apepese? Chifukwa chani man? Ndale zikalowanso mmabungwemu dziko silimayenda bwino coz ndale tanthauzo lake lafka pa udani. Politics is the game of fools.
Lundu amazitenga ngati iyeyo ndiwamzeru komanso wofunika kwambiri, koma eeeeee ndi mbalame yeniyeni.
Mafumu Ndi Adyera Mwina Akufuna Kumawafumbatitsa Kanganyase.
Koma ku dela kwanuko kukhala anthu?
What actually is wrong with this Chief? Now its Go Malawi,that time it was ECG church. Kodi a Mfumu ulemu wake mufuna azikusenzani pa Mutu?
Sometimes chiefs just want too much respect at the same time they do not do likewise to their subjects
now amenewa aaaa