Established under the Censorship and Control of Entertainment Act, the Malawi Censorship Board was given mandate to censor published and other entertainment materials but the board has not always been active.
The public in Malawi has been fed with materials through publication of books and entertainment materials that raise eyebrows as to whether the censorship board is still operational in the country.

Last year, government through the ministry of education, science and technology withdrew a prescribed Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) Chichewa literature book over its content.
The book “Kusintha Maganizo ndi nkhani zina” was dropped after it was accredited for use in Malawi secondary level literature over its story “M’dalitso wa bodza”.
Contents of the story were reported to be offensive to the Roman Catholic and it took the church filing a complaint against the book for it to be banned for use in secondary curriculum.
Currently, musician Mwiza Chavura is under fire over his song “Ndizakupanga rape”.
The song has been faulted for promoting violence and fear among young women and for glorifying rape.
Several activists have condemned the musician for the song that has been controversial in the country.
Some activists have turned to Malawi Censorship Board faulting it for its negligence on its mandate to control content for the public.
Women’s Legal Resources Centre (WOLERC) and the non-governmental organization Gender Coordination Network, said the song does not deserve to be in the public domain and should be banned.
The activists have demanded the Malawi Censorship Board to wake up and start acting on artistic material considered obscene by the public.
In response, the censorship board has vowed to take its mandate seriously in the country.
Through adverts that are currently being aired on radio stations, the board has warned the public to refrain from sharing content that is likely to anger some groups of people in the country.
The board has urged producers of music to avoid producing content that is obscene.
Music websites that share obscene music and allow citizens to download will also be punished, according to the board.
The Malawi Censorship Board is mandated to regulate and control the making and exhibition of cinematographic pictures, the importation, production, dissemination and possession of undesirable publications, pictures, statues and records, the performance or presentation of stage plays and public entertainments, the operation of theatres and like places for the performance or presentation of stage plays and public entertainments in the interests of safety.
Banned publications are those ‘likely to give offense to the religious convictions or feelings of any section of the public, bring anyone into contempt, harm relations between sections of the public or be contrary to the interests of public order.
I feel that banning intellectual products is archaic!!! The censorship board needs to reform into a CLASSIFICATION board which must segment such products into age-groups!!!
takaponyeni apa tixakupanga rape tikamvere nawo
Shame both party ..rastafarii is love
ngat anakutuman ife ma chikiwo tiwadyesad rape
Chavula aint a complete musician;he aint got the talent,he aint creative enough to compose a song….jst find something else to kip u going my bro Mwiza…..Iwe sioyimba…
Mfanayu ndi dolo koma
ZA ZIIII LET HIM Y NOT HIM KODI NYIMBOYO NDIONA OR bodza? Y not kumanga chaponda, opha isa njaunju,opha chasowa?
Amalawi uchisirutu umenewu mwamva?
moti muzilimbana ndi mahule akuyenda atavula kale chilichonse pamtunda buzy kulimbana ndi nyimbo ya malangizo abwino ngat imeneyi a galuuu
Iii Akufuna Kulira Muthaimen Bhobho
Amene alinayo guys tatumizani , kuti tipelekelo timaganizo kk. +267 77005697
Ndihale pa 0633989658
Inenso pliz tandigailani WhatsApp me 265884420754
saviour shere mi plz tive nawo zimenezo
Nd hallen pa number yanga I will giv u +27633989658
uli nayo kale
GwirAni mbalame zikuipitsa malawi
Zithera pompa izi …wait and seee
Zao izo
Akugona pantchito awa palibeee
Hit song bg up chavura
Apolice asammange angomuosa ndi kumuzuzula
Watopa nawo akuyenda wovulavula kale. Ku Zambia anzathu anathetsa mavalidwe a umve ngati akwathu kuno, sensorship board ichitepo kanthu.
Paja Zambia yake iti iti? Zongomva kapena zoona ndi maso?
Why Chavula? Ur just watching all these ladies dressing half nacked showing us live pornography, nde uyu wangoimba mukusiya akupanga ma actions wo bwanji?
f**ken board,we r waitng to c some changes
Guys amene Alinayo share 0992756256
Gwaladinso amaimba zolaula
kanyimboka kalibe vuto lililonse koma kuti enanu muli ndivuto
Mpaka rape hmmmm koma sibweni waganiza bwanji pamenepa ameneyu amangidwe basi akaphunzire ulimi ku chichiri prison
Chavula yemweyo kuti wawawa…!!!
Munthu aķaimba yoñyoza boma imaletsedwe ķoma nanga imeneyo ikunyoza ñdani?
Otha kukonza inu,takonzani za aChaponda Kaye.zinazi mzazing’ono mukonza pambuyo pake.
Ndikugwirizana nao amabungwe oyimbawa awonjeza asathere pa uyu yokha komanso enaonse oyimba zopusa athane nawo
#Kanjana_Yohane Nanga Zigawenga Zovala Movulazi Kuwonesa Ziwalo Zawozi Mapholishawa Amachitapo Chani? Anamangidwapo Ndani? Kapena Makolo Awo Adayamba Amangidwapo Pokuza Anawa Mwauchitsilutsilu? Inu Ngati Nyimboyo Yakuyabwani Mungopanga Pretend Ngati Simunayimve Nokha Munkafuna Ufulu Wamalankhulidwe Lero Mukutinso Fwiii Fwi Fwi Fwiiii…. Ameneyo Amasulidwe Chifukwa Amangowonesa Chimene Iye Ali Mkati Mwakemo
0881304401 plz ndingoinvera nane wezi
Ilipo osadanda ndilinayo
Unditumizire nane Ku 0881162827
Nyimbo iyi mmm what a bad song.
Ndikufuna nditangomvelako kanyimbo kayambisa kut chule apeleke balewake finye (mphawi) pamene ena cashgate pple they are enjoying behind the bar leave him he is musicians WhatsApp 0746450467 share ity
Gwaladi ayi oh
What about choponda?
Don’t think about chaponda my men let’s talk about this guy musakhale ngati simukudziwa kuti nkhani ya chaponda ndi yamfanayu ndi zosiyana nanunso bwanji Kodi
Wawukape amukwizinge unyolo vas
With this era it’s still difficult to oppose such kind of music mainly under hip hop genre
Nyimbo Zinali Kale.Pano Ndiye Mphwetsa Zenizeni.Makamaka Zoimbidwa Ndi Anyamata Ndi Asungwana Okhadzula Dala Mabulukuwa.Kaya Akumati Urban Music Kaya Koma Ndiye Kuli Udyo.Nyimbo Zinali Kale Basi Pano Kwatsala Ndikuvula,kulalata Ndi Kutukwana.
Ife tinadziwa kuti akatha anamapopa then kubwera omanga mvula motsogozana ndi awawa
zukutolelana ??
Waiting for a video and part 2 hahaha Ndzakupanga Rape
Amenewo amangidwe ndithu. Ngati analibe zoimba akadangosiya.,ngakhalenso makolo awo akufunika kumangidwa chifukwa cholela ana mwauchitsilutsilu, komanso mwini studiyoyo amangidwe chifukwa chosagwilitsa bwino ntchito zida zake pojambula nyimbo za zigawenga. Ndiye muwawuze kuti luso sachita kudzikakamiza, ngati ulibe luso ndibwino kungokhala. Mesa akamaimba amafuna anthu tizimvela ,ndiye ife tizimvela zachambazo?
its chavula production and so palibe chifukwa chomumagira cause akupereka chenjezo that means asikana azivala bh
amangidwe nyimbo za umve malawi ayi
Tamvelapo nyimbo zambiri zopeleka malangizo,koma uyu simalangizo awa ayi koma kulimbikitsa umoyo wa uchigawenga, ameneyi amangidwe ndamake omwe alandile chilango chifukwa adamulela mwa uchitsilutsilu kwambiri, koma studio adajambulayo mwini wake amangidwenso, zaugalu pamalawi pano ayi. Tiyeni tilikonde dziko lathu.
Nde Trump muchita nae bwanji poti watitukwanaso? Kkkkk
Kkkkkkkk koma man yaaa
Tidzingomupempherera chimene akuchita sakuchidziwa ,kurengedwa oyera mthupi basi akudziona ngati mdzonse iwowo ngopambana kwambiri ,Ma americans
Yes and he must be very careful coz he can be assassinated any how
Za akungu beautfull out side but evil in side.
Mbala zokhazokha, zodya ndalama za ma artist athu pano pa Malawi mopanda chisoni ndi chikondi. Yet artist akusowa ya ku studio.
Weed Akudya Nzeru Za Anthu.
Kkkkkk kkkkkk u always comes after a situation goes wrong, mudali kuti pamene scorpion adagwedeza ndiku seli kwa ntchafu?
kanyimbo kali bhooo aka walakwa chani munthu kungotchulamo period bansi walakwitsa
Share me the track please… 0997002992
bola wakuchenjezani anakakhala ena sanakakuchenjezani kuti akupangani zakezo. lol
Nyimboyi ndaimvera lero koma eiiiish! Chavula akumupweteka weed kwabasi!
uli nayo?.
Share it plz +27604202475
Yeah I got it
Halla me on +265995446871
Ofcourse but there is just a need for awareness so the artists can come up with positive music
Kwa mene alinayo anditumizile pa 0835728186 plz
Ukuyifuna ilipo
Ndipase plz
Ok fine
Koma wakutumizila send to me 0717420106
Am still waiting mn,ndikutumizila akanditumizila
Nyimbo akuti kuyika energy server..
Media Council inakupatsa license koma?
someone send me plz 0027627499849
censorship is always asleep, pali nyimbo zambiri zoimbidwa pa MALAWI zomwe ma message ake samakhala abwino.
Much as I am a fan of local music, I appreciate nice urban music which seems to enjoy massive air play though there are a few rotten potatoes