Catholic Bishops in the country have agreed to support Public Affairs Committee’s (PAC) nationwide demonstrations which will be held on December 13.
The protests are aimed at expressing disappointment over government’s failure to table the Electoral Reforms Bills and its handling of the local government reforms.

The nationwide demonstrations will be held under the theme “We Demand Transformative Leadership: Now is the Time to Reclaim our Destiny.”
According to a letter signed by Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) secretary general Father Henry Saindi, the bishops have endorsed the demonstrations since ECM is part of PAC.
“During their Extraordinary Meeting held from 23th-39th November, 2O17 at the Catholic Secretariat, Lilongwe, the Bishops endorsed the peaceful marches on the basis that ECM is a member of PAC,” says the letter.
The bishops have since called on catholics to pray for the country’s leadership so that leaders should do what is right and good for the nation.
Catholics have also been encouraged to join the protests in the spirit of citizenship.
The letter says churches across the country should mobilise all catholics to participate in the peaceful march.
In Malawi there is no church but organisations kkkkkkkk.
paja inu ndi a satanic mukufuna mwaz ife aai takukanilan muzapanga nokha
How about the issue of priests getting married (amsembe)ili pati?
Aah! At last you’re now flexing your muscles ‘ i can’t remember last time we heard from you guys,
Ndiye muzimunena chakwera kuti anathawa ubusa nkuyamba ndale mukuwawona akatolika wa
There’s nothing more difficult here than only to agree on what the opposition side wants as simple as that If the dpp say no to electeral reform bill that means they are good at playing crooked games during elections time and we won’t agree we will fight until we silence this blackout corruptive good for nothing the dpp organization
Catholics are in the prophecy,no wonder why church and state are now close to each other. Sit down with these books; Daniel and Revelation will the one who is excising all the characteristics of the beast repeatedly mentioned in those books. Nothing strange here!
Mmmmmmmm anthu amulungu amewa mmm dziko lilipa moto
Am happy that even when the Head of state is being sworn in…He/she holds the Holy Book ( Bible)….symbolizing obedience to the word of God which entirely strengthens justice !..
So our leaders are not doing anythung wrong unless andale adzasiye kulumbira atagwira mau a Mulungu
Devils at work
PAC yachani apa mpingo ndi wakatolika wokha basi osamawapopa agalu amenewa
Awa si anja amatiuza za yesu tikakumana koko
Ubale palibe ndale ndi mpingo kungoti nkunyasalande kokha komwe umbuli watikulira timanamizira kupemphera osathandiza boma kulanda nyanja yanu ija bwanji makape inu!ngati PACSinayankhulepo za nyanja kumangolimbira za ziiiii ma zada anu!
This is also another proof that the Vatican rules the World
I’m a catholic myself but our bishops have goofed this time
catholic ndi mpingo wa asatana..kupembedza mafano,kunyenga ma sisteri, kuledzebwa,…bulshit
do your self and your sons
Musamayiwale kuti ndima BISHOP omwewa adalembanso CHIKALATA nthawi YANGWAZI NGWAZI ija kuti NDALE ZA DZIKO LAMALAWI zisinthe.Nthawi imene ija enawa ALI KU EXILE,Now yesetsa kudzudzula mwa ULEMU koma azitsogoleri athu ANDALEWA sakumvabe.Njira imene imagwiritsidwa ntchito mtendere ukakanika basi ZIMAKHALA ZIWONETSERO.Asiyeni apange zomwe angapange kuti zinthu mudziko lathu lino zisinthe monga adapangiranso nthawi ya DR KAMUZU BANDA
DPP cadets please know that the church is only putting its weight behind the electoral reforms bills through PAC which were proposed by the Executive, Judiciary and Legislative arms of government.
Ana a nkhandwe inu!!
mr mbolo..
Dpp Yasamwa Ndizinthu Zoyambisa Yokha! In Ur Manfesto U Promist Us 2do Reforms & This ERFs Is One Of The Reforms, i don’t know wts wrong? May B U Mean Reforms R Good On Isues Corncening Others & Not Isues Corncening Dpp? Viva Pac! Ine Wamboni Ndizayenda Nanu
Dpp Yasamwa Ndizinthu Zoyambisa Yokha! In Ur Manfesto U Promist Us 2do Reforms & This ERFs Is One Of The Reforms, i don’t know wts wrong? May B U Mean Reforms R Good On Isues Corncening Others & Not Isues Corncening Dpp? Viva Pac! Ine Wamboni Ndizayenda Nanu
I can tell you every intelligent politician doesn’t want to churches in protest. It put you on opposite site of the truth. DPP should have been table the bill long time. Always churches win. Ask all old dictators
Amen .go go go Malawi .zizonyengereranso ayi
instead of mobilisng pple to pray 4 our country ,,eish church of last days
(Anazilosera zaka 100 zapitazo)
Mulungu anapeleka chenjedzo ndimalangizo m’buku 9 kuwakonzetsera anthu za kubwera kwa chisautso!! Iye walangiza Iwo kuti a choke m’mizinda ndikuphunzira kukhala Ku midzi, kudzala chakudya chaochao, kuti akhale akuxolowera za nthawi imene pazakhala palibe “kugula kapena kugulitsa ndi kukhala odalira kotheratu kwa Mulungu. Ulosi uliko kuti uziunikira zakutsogolo kuti anthu a Mulungu athe kukonxekera chobweracho ( monga zinachitikira nthawi yachigumula, anthu a Mulungu anali okhawo omwe anakonzekera). Zitsanxo za maulosi izi zikuchokera pa Yesaya 41-45.
Tel Them That After They Finish Demostrations They Should Also End Electricity Problem The Sameday
Ndatuluka mpingo wanu
Ndatuluka mpingo wanu
Ndichomcho pajatu amboni za yahova anachita kuunena m’buku lawo kuti ndi mpingo wa boma.
Chizalamulila dziko ndi mpingoo hahhahha owelenga galani maso
Chilombo chakuchi bvumbulutsoo
Chisokonezo okatolika.devilish church.You tried to bring democracy you Catholic bishops. Where are we now?
Mind you Hestings ndiakatolika omwewa anasintha sabata kuichosa pa surtaday mkuika pa Sunday (siku lazuwa) ufumu was romu (catholic) umalimbana kwambiri ndi Mulungu, khalan osamala.
akulimbikira nkhani zopanda pake bwanji osanena kuti tipeze njira m’mene zafikapa za magetsi tipange bwanji……kulimbikila zopanda kanthu ife sitidya ndale
odala jackson another meeeeee!
VP akupangaso support
mpingo sumaletsa kupanga ndale,coz politics build half way down part of human social wel being,ngati anthu a mulungu sangalowelerepo pa ndale ndize kt dziko likhoza kukhala lachipwilikiti,let them go ahead,ndiye civilisation yo imeneyo!
Tikati munthutu ndi thupi ndi mzimu,ndiye andale amagwiritsa ntchito thupi lokhalo pomwe ampingo amagwiritsa ntchito zonse,thupi + mzimu
Mr Matola nthawi zina sibwino kuyankhapo pazinthu zomwe sukudzidziwa bwino chifukwa omwe akudzidziwao akaona amaziwilatu kut iwe ndi mbuli. Pepani ngat ndayankhula kuipa, khululukan.
PAC & Catholic, can you merge & form one party to compete in 2019
mmmmm tifotokozeleni electoral reform ndchani? zitthandza bwanji? ndpo zikugwirizana bwanji nd spiritual growth/life? chitetezo cha moyo wathu pasikuli chizakhala chotani? nankha akatundu athu munseu muzawateteza bwanji poti ndfe osauka kale kapena mufuna mutionjezere umphawi ngat zakale zina?
iwe sukuziwa kanthu!
The Catholic bishops always bring light where the darkness is confusing people and all of you who are not able to understand what these catholics have said you are part of that darkness. Aposonati. Kkkkkk!
It’s Good To So, Our Duty Is To Bring Our Needs To God’s Attention,and To Do Our Part In Helping God To Bring That Desire Fruition.Tikamapemphera Kuti Tikufuna Kudzakhoza Mayeso Timalimbikira Kuwelenga.Kungapemphera Chabe Osamawelenga Kapena Osalowa Mkalasi Ndindani Angakhonze Mayeso? Tipange Zimenezi Pa 13 Pano Basiiii!!
Mwaila nsangansanga kuti ndale za dziko lino zinasintha ndi amipingo omwewa? Sangalankhule zinthu asanaonesese. Pajatu aneneri onse sanamveredwe ndipo ankatchulidwa ndi maina achipongwe. Muzisamala mukamalankhula. Ndi neneri uti yemwe ankangokamba za ufumu wa Mulungu popanda kuona momwe dziko likuyendera?
Is catholic a political party?
U mean those in politics don’t attend to their churches?????
Why only catholic?how special?
What’s happening is a clear manifestation of changing times. Change is unstoppable.
I would to know a verse in the bible which states that church elders must be enforce laws of the country wherever possible ,,,,, I have never heard of jehovah’s witness and seventh day adventists in those acts
Let’s embrace change coz its unstoppable.
A God fearing leader hates evil and put a good fight for the goodness of his subjects. Those Jehova’s witness and the Seventh day leaders and their followers are all dead people who are still walking on two legs.
God fearing people patiently wait for God’s Kingdom and they fight a spiritual fight not physical fight . That’s after jesus ‘ death ,,,,
Then Malawians would have been up to now under the British protectorate, if there was people thinking like you.
Just read how influential prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah and John (the Baptist) were to their contemporary governments.
Prophets of the new testament critised the contemporary governance and declared them evil not as how catholics do
The defeat of British colonial rule was an evil to evil game ,,,,,, tell me the spiritual fight that happened brother donton
Why God sent Prophets like Elija and Isaiah to criticise kings who were the rulers
Sir, We Hv 2 Kingdoms Sacred And Secular. The Sacred One Is There 2 Check The Other. I Doubt If U R Really Interested In Bible Readings Coz U Would Hv Known This B4. Check On Your Computer The Luther`s Reformation U Wil Get This. Next Time Behave As An Intellectual, Wat U Hv Presented Here Is An Error In Reasoning, We Call It Appeal 2 Ignorance. In Short, PAC Is Not Crazy It Knows Wat It Is Doing
“Sacred have to watch on secular” yeah true ,,, so the sacred must demonstrate ?,,? Sure,?? Is that a sacred way of influencing change???
If you understand the bible you can agree with me that the ways of acting after the death of jesus changed
Physical fight was eradicated
I knew that there was some cadets who are jelously commenting.
No. Read James 4:4; John 17:15
Lucifer is the owner of the whole world’s Kingdom ,,,, I wonder why bishops who claim to be holy still associate themselves into these political issues ,,,, are demonstrations biblical?????
Very biblical. Read how women demonstrated against king Saul when he was coming from the battle. Again, how people demonstrated against the Roman government when Jesus was entering Jerusalem
All this democracy you are enjoying today was faught for by the clergy.even from john chilembwe if you don’t know ask your grands they will tell you the truth.ask american king Martin Luther Jr the pastor taught for the freedom for Americans.can you seee??? Any question?
Iwe ndi okuba eti??? One of the cashgaters koma siunagwidwe eti? Mfiti yolodza dziko lako lomwe.
Ana obadwa mma 2000 umu, what do you know about democracy??…. This same PAC brought down one party system….stupid and deluded DPP followers
Young chindere uyu!!!
In Old Testament Mafum Ndi Ma Prophet Amapangira Zinthu Limozi Ndipo Ngati Mfumu Yachita Zosemphana Ndi Mulungu Kapena Anthu, Mulungu Amazuzula / Kulanga Kuzera Mwa Atumiki Ake Ndeno Church Liyenera Kutengapo Pali Pa Zamudziko. Apikene
Zinazi ngati simuzidziwa kulibwino kukhala chete the clergy people have done a commendable job as far as democracy is concerned in Malawi umbuli basi oh ndikukumbutse do u know Archbishop Desmond Tutu? ndi mmodzi mwa azibusa amene anamenyelela ufulu ku south Africa tsono inu ngati mwatopa kagoneni cause u no nothing
I should assure you guys
demonstration is never a sacred way of influencing change
Don’t take me back in old testament where men of God were engaging in physical fight(wars) ,,, after the death of jesus if you really read bible you will notice that all these were eradicated !!!!!!!
Are you sure pastors should be flocking in roads and claiming that it’s biblical??????
#Zawenee , Do you know what Jesus said to the Pharisees who were trying to block the people that were singing and following Jesus as he was entering Jerusalem? Jerusalem by that time was characterized by demonstrations against the government that was imposed on the Israelites. The Pharisees knew that the crowd that was following Jesus was demonstrating against the government and wanted Jesus to disperse the crowd, but the answer from Jesus diluted their perceived authority over the people.
Go and read again my friend these people were singing in praise of son of God not that the governance must change they were not demonstrating for change and mind you jesus didn’t come to be ruler in this evil world…
State the verse that is explaining what you have highlighted…
Jesus was not after governance but salvation of you and me
Kma a cotholic apa pokha mwandikaikitsa bill ipita bwanji ku nyumba yamalamulo eni amalawiwo asakudxiwa zilimenemo
Some people u ar idiots govt….church..state belongs to God in case u dont ….bishops ar for the interest of malawians
which govt belongs to God nthengwa? Mulungu wake ndiuti may be I should ask.dont fool pple
Why do political leaders swear whilst holding the Bible??????? Somebody answer me!!!!
Because even Peter Held the Bible akumulumbiritsa pa mpando!!!!
why didnt u ask the same question when they were fighting for democracy?
Holding bible is far away from God fearing
I can assure you you can be sleeping with your bible but salvation is not to do with that my friend ….
Some people ask questions in public like babies crying for milk which is not there? So politicians are associated with Lucifer? Is that what u mean?
Before the Don of democracy ‘ they were the freedom fighters, remember the likes of John Chilembwe. These so called #new generation Bishops ‘ i don’t think they even understand the word #peace.
zaweneeh mukuopa chani bwana?
Kaonga, ;,,, nothing I am fearing brother but I just wanted to point out secularism in people who claim to be holy
Point of collection I’m not a DPP supporter
Plz know this is ained at genuinely looking at what us rational nationally. Tbe Bishops have not wronged anybidy. Together with PAC remain the only consious of iur country. The bation says we need it who says not?
The people with influence,tiyeni nazoni.pastoral letter lembani tidziwa next ndima get out
Madzi achita katondo….
Makadet nawonso azakhala konko zikwapu mmanja tione azathawe .
Ndipamenenso adzathawire Peter Mutharika mulowere kwawo
Peter adzathawira kumpumulo wa bata
Yah neh everyone is after witnessing the fair elections this time around, nothing more ….Achoke-achoke mix lol
What if he wins again, don’t forget you lost in 2014
Iwili be happy if they will again with 51
Frankly speaking APM did not win the 2014 elections and APM doesn’t impress anyone in this country
Seventh day Adventist Church against ………………. it’s brother against sister affair.
I am a catholic but i cant do that
Malo moti adziti tiyende ndawala kuti anthu amudziwe Yesu,iwo akuti iyayi tikambe zachisankho,zaziiii mmitu mwao mwangodzadza mamina basi.Zoti Yesu ikubwera posachedwa koma mukudziwa?
Iweyo panga organize ndawala imeneyo. Iwowo pakadali pano apanga za electoral reforms.
Iweyo panga organize ndawala imeneyo. Iwowo pakadali pano apanga za electoral reforms.
Mr Mtunga ngati mungakwanitse tandiuxaniko chiyambi cha chikhristu ndi chiyambi chandale nde mundiuxe kulumikixana kulikonse komwe kulipo pak at pandale ndi chikhrisitu. Mind u Mr Mtunga a fool at 30 is a fool for life. Search and find your God.
true tell him
Zikuonekeratu kuti mkuluyu mmutu mwake simuli bwino.
Majawa iweo ndie m’mutu mwako ndie simulibwino
PAC yalakwa chani?pangani nanunso ma counterdemos anu mukamatche za Yesu
Rose uwerenge buku la ndale ndi mpingo la Catholic likuudza bwino bwino mbali ya mpingo pa ndale,osamangotsatira zopanga pake,bwanji ameneyu akukuudzani kuti mukayende ndawalayu akugwiritsa malo opatulika kumaweranga zinthu zoti zitha kuphetsa anthu?Mpingo uli ndimalire ake.
Message From A Half Baked Person, It Seems U Hv Little Knowledge About This. Google Luther’s Reformation
Luther was a catholic why did he leave the church?
Luther was against politcs in the church,ngati buku mukuwerengalo liri lolondola tandikembereni mau oyambirira omwe analemba pa pamphlet yake yoyamba nzera oyamba.
Grorge Dyson Christianity is embedded in politics. Jesus Christ was frequently in conflict with politicians. He was even accused of trying to subdue the government. John the Baptist was rebuking ills of the government figures. He was sent to jail because of this. Apostle Paul was speaking so strongly against the politicians, he was jailed because of this. Read the Bible
paja a Catholic sagwilitsa ntchito Bible, that’s why sadziwa za yesu
amagwilitswa ntchito CHISIME kkkkkkkk
Mr Mtunga wt the bible says about Christianity and politics.
Coment loading ……. But!!!!! There is a sink whole a head more people will sink
asiyeni akwaniritse zakubwera kwa mwana wa MULUNGU monga mmene malemba akunenera.
Not worthy it though
Mupingo Wasiya Kulalikira Zakubwera Kwa Yesu Nkhristu? Nanga Mipingo Siyinawelenge Nkhani? Matthews 24: 7 , Countries Will Fight Each Other, Kingdoms Will Attack One Another , There Will Be Famines And Earthquakes Everywhere. 10 , Many Will Give Up Their Faith At That Time ; They Will Betray One Another And Hate One Another. Ndavomeleza Kt Mpingo Wa Roma Simpingo Wotumikira Mulungu Koma Wachinyengo. Inu Ntawi Yanta , Zimezo Zilibe Phindu Koma Udzani Antu Anu Kut Yesu Waneng’enera Kubwera.
Despite being atumiki they still got rights on political agendas. Don’t get confused too much
Bt they have not to be on top of politics
They are not always on top , did u hear anything about them last year or few months ago? Our nation is not on the right track thats why they are out now. Lets just admit dziko lathu silikuyenda bwino and push things. Its our freedom for that matter
Woyendatsa Dziko Ndindani ? Mulungu Amati Pephelerani Adzisogoleri Anu . Mulungu Analonjenza Zintu Izi Kt Mudzindikire Zakubwera Kwake : Kudzakhara Njara, Antu Adzanzikundikukira Chuma , Chikondi Chapaubale Chidzasowa, Khondo , Mukadzawona Zimenezi Zindikira Kuti Ndayandikira Kubwera Kudzakhatsikisa Ufumu Wake Watendere Without Death, Famines , Etc Osati Zintu Zonyansa Abale.
Edward i think u r the one who is being political here. If u r oky with the situation ya mu dziko lino, then keep it for urself si onse omwe akukondwa mavuto akuonjeza. And atha kukhala omutsatira presdent omwe akuonongetsa zinthu koma if people are not giving the presdent some pressure, then who else will coz its only the presdent amene who have got powers in the government to deal with anthu amaudindo mu ndale omwe akuonongetsa zinthu. Asiyeni a church apange zomwe angathe sakukaswa ma shop ayi
Nde inu ngati mukuona kuti mabvuto m’dziko muno awonjeza osangopita dziko lomwe lilibe mabvutolo bwanji?
Chilungamo Sindikupanga Ndale Koma Mabvuto Alembedwa Mukhani Ndapanga Koti Zomwe Mulungu Ananena Kt Mukazawona Izi , Zindikilani Kt Ndilipafupi Kubwera. Mulungu Ndiye Njira Yonthesera Mabvuto ,, Pephera Kosalekeza. Omusatira Yesu Mungalawa Anakumana Ndimavuto Koma Yesu Anawantindiza, , Petrosi Panyanja Akanamira Koma Analira Kwa Yesu Anapulumutsa, Nanga Mavutowa Tingawanitse Tokha ? Ayi Koma Kwa Yesu Atithandiza.
Catholic bishops are big hypocrites
Ngati Ukufuna Mulungu Akuthandi Sikuti Umangopemphera Kokha Ayi,timayenera Kumapemphera Kwinaku Tikutengapo Gawo Polimbana Ndivutolo Osati Mukunena Inuzo.
Alex i agree with you100%
@ Harawa …. thus purely Nonses…..u mean those in politics sapita ku church??????? Wake up bro
Mwanena Kt Nonses !! Koma Uthenga Umene Ndapeleka Pamenepo Mudzawufuna Nthawi Yamabvuto , Inu Mukuwona Ngati Ndindale Koma Ine Ndikunena Zimene Zinalembedwa Mubayibulo. See , Daniel Ndi Chibvumbulutso. Mudzazindikira. Kumbuka Ntawi Ya Nowa ,
Is matching of PAC and Catholics voting in general elections? Don’t just get excited, understand the issue first
Hahahahaha. Meaning? Anthu akudziwa bwino lomwe. U are like Kamuzu mmene ankati multiparty ndi nkhondo. Koma Amalawi sitikupangabe nkhondo since then. Ndiye understand mwanenayo, nkutheka inuyo u misunderstand the issue. May be go deeper..
they have already understand the issue & they know how important it is…….. iwe ukuwaona ngat mbuli kut sakudziwa what it means about the electoral reform?????
Kkkkkkk tell him,apa ndiye yalakwa heavy,ask MCP munthawi ya kamuzu
On my wedding day, any guy that is more cute than my husband will be chased out..
I hate confusion!!!
Kkkkkkkk am more than this! Am not coming!
Kkkkk Alaliki Atsiya Bible Pa Gome Yawo , Kukhara Ku Bar . True Comfunsion.
Kkkkkkkkk 100% with u
Boza…muli ndi democracy chifukwa cha iwo! Bwanji kunama?
Remember in 1994 there are the one who helped us to change from one party rule to ………………where we are now.
ndiye dziko linapindula chiyani apart from making everyone crazy if not 30%mad