The United States Government will provide salary support for the next three years for up to 462 Malawian healthcare workers.
According to the US Embassy in Malawi, the beneficiaries of the development will be Malawian healthcare workers deployed in high HIV burden facilities of Lilongwe, Zomba, and Blantyre districts.

These healthcare workers include Nurse Midwife Technicians, Medical Assistants, Pharmacy Assistants, Lab Technicians, and Clinical Technicians who will provide critical HIV/AIDS and other life-saving services to hundreds of thousands of Malawians.
It is reported that to date, 325 of these healthcare workers have been recruited and deployed with the remainder expected to be deployed by December 31, 2017.
The initiative has been made possible by the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Well done us gvt
Its a shame, another hand out to an african country
I don,t think if malawi will pay healthy cares after those 3years
Palibe angalithe dziko ilo unless you handover kwa azungu for ten years
That payment is part of your Sovereignty you just auctioned out, enjoy Malawi.
That money is very dirty and disgusting, i mean why the Malawian government even allows that? In the Us there are a lot of un employed people who needs and deserves support with that very same money why giving to the Malawians I mean what is the US government is going to get out of that ? The US government and it’s people are very dangerous to the world and Malawians don’t deserve to be forced to eat that dirty money. Is the Malawi government trying to hand the country over to the Us so that it must run our country or what ? Yes! our country is poor, we are poor and the US government need to let us die in peace ? weee don’t need their money !!!!!!
Down Babylon.
GLORY be to God
Koma kumalimbikira ntchito ndaziwona ndi maso pa karonga district hospital wodwala kubwera mamawa doctor osawoneka kufka chamma 2 munthu wamwalira atafka kale kuchpatala b serious (true story )
You people must march to the State House and remove Mutharika once and for all,a few months ago your Parliament ran out of toilet paper,what nonsense is that? Toilet paper is R2
suka Kklkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk usile wena kkk
Chilipo chomwe akufuna azatibere palimwambi uja amati kodza kapasi kuti kamwamba kasike nde otsatimanga mumsamba ayi apa nanga inu popanga zimenezi phindu lani lidzakhala chani.
Inu a Chitedze,Muluya,Mphepo ndimainje otsangotsekerera chilichose mzachinditsa nazo akazi anu zinthu ngati zimenezo watch out mzaziona kutsongolo this is not time for manner
Tidyeko ma dollars eti
in return for???????? i dont tink america will do this for free…ndiochenjera aja…
Can i ask you 1 question peter mutharika is president of Malawi or village head man
Dats great but thy should use there on ways coz if not consider wastage of ur money coz we know how to choope that kind of money.
Very shameful! Nchofukwa chake my Family Guy amati Africa isblikeva Baby! It cannot take care o itself! This very pathetic n zochitisa manyazi
Stand together end corruption. I tried to abolish my business because I dislike corruption there is nothing going on. A simple one pole to connect power they are demanding 75 cool what coincidence is that???
Thus y I believe in DPP.. Simwaona pano….zikuonesa zokha………kkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkk
What abt the rest of the civil servants?
Good akhaula okonda kusolora matumba ,,,,
God bless u s poorly Malawi, only corruption what they now idiots.
Ndim’mene zilirimu bwanji osangolitengelatu dzikoli, chifukwa zikabweratu abansotu ma Health worker salandilabe enawo
By 2019 the name MALAWI will be out of the African Map bcoz by that time we will under Donors.@#be careful guys
Malawi is a useless country!!! Failing to pay 462 people!!!……its no longer a country but a village,why dont you dissolve that country and provinces be absorbed by neighbouring countries then Malawi cease to Exist!!!!
So you think south africa is usefull country. Oh! wait is there any difference between SA and Malawi. Or maybe you think the world dont know that Mandela sold south africa to white people.
At least South Africa can provide for its citizens,you never heard South Africa begging European countries for bailouts or loans,you never heard South Africa failing to pay its employees or failing to give every employee bonuses at the end of the year,yes South Africa is way ahead of ur useless village,seriously you have to beg anada country to pay ur workers n u call yourself a country?!! Really?
You know why you dont beg from european countries to pay your bills? Its simple, its just because you have the european countries right inside south Africa athing that Malawi rejected in 1964
Black SouthAfricans are slaves in their own country, the whole world knows this.
Dominique, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about, and its bordering on racist. There is no country in Africa, not ONE, that doesn’t receive aid from one country or another. Whilst I do not agree in principle with handouts in general, you have taken that sentiment and turned it into a slur. Be very careful with words like that. Just FYI, I have reported this post, trolls like you have no place on facebook!
Even nigeria (the africas largest economy) still receives aid from west and europe so what is South Africa
This guy called Domingo or dominiki or whatever is too dumb and arrogant.it might happen that maybe he got a primary school certificate but sure its that it wasn’t enough to clear out his stupidness and ignorance.
If south Africa is a great country then is it that over the months their ratings has been downgraded to a junk status???!!!!!!!!!
Don’t lie to people here,southafrica is not performing well econocally.
They government of SA is in big billions of debts from overseas and they are failing to pay back,that’s the reason they been downgraded to junk status.
So do
S&P downgrades SA’s local currency debt to ‘junk’ status
While Moody’s issues a warning.
Arabile Gumede, Bloomberg / 25 November 2017 01:05 8 comments
S&P Global Ratings downgraded South African local currency debt to “junk” territory on Friday, citing a further deterioration in the country’s economic outlook and public finances, sending the rand tumbling.
But Moody’s decision to only place South Africa on review for a downgrade may have prevented a larger sell-off in the currency. Moody’s rates the country’s foreign and local currency debt on their lowest investment grade rung of Baa3.
The downgrade by S&P comes after Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba shocked markets on Oct. 25 by flagging sharply weaker growth expectations, a wider budget deficit and rising government debt.
Infighting within the ruling African National Congress ahead of a conference in December to elect a successor to President Jacob Zuma as party chief has also sapped investor confidence in Africa’s most industrialised economy where growth has slowed to a near standstill in recent years.
“Weak GDP growth has led to further deterioration of South Africa’s public finances beyond our previous expectations,” S&P said in a statement.
“We expect that offsetting fiscal measures will be proposed in the forthcoming 2018 budget in February next year, but these may be insufficient to stabilize public finances in the near term, contrary to our previous expectations.”
S&P lowered the long-term local currency sovereign credit rating to ‘BB+’ from ‘BBB-‘, and also cut the long-term foreign currency rating deeper into sub-investment grade territory, lowering it to ‘BB’ from ‘BB+’.
S&P raised the outlook on both the foreign currency and local currency ratings to stable from negative.
Standard Chartered Bank’s Chief Afri
There are clear danger signs ahead.
Barbara Curson / 18 August 2017 00:15 13 comments
The mounting financial burden South Africa is facing cannot be dismissed as unworthy of serious consideration, nor reduced to a simple solution, such as printing more money.
South Africa is facing a few financial hurdles, not least the mounting foreign debt and the financial demands placed on government by state-owned entities (SOEs). The painfully slow release of March financial results for SOEs is keeping us in suspense. However, the financial status of those that have been released show a horrifying picture of complete reliance on government guarantees and bailouts in order to stay in business. If these are not brought under control, South Africa could be dragged to the edge of a financial cliff.
An overriding concern is the government’s US dollar-denominated gross external debt, which at June was $58.8 billion. Public corporation foreign debt, totalling $20.4 billion, should be included as it is guaranteed by government. At an exchange rate of R13.39 (at time of writing), this amounts to R1.1 trillion. Total external debt is $152.8 billion (R2 trillion). Foreign direct investment of $1.9 billion pales in comparison.
South Africa – gross external debt
Gross external debt 20172016 $m$m1. General government58 79855 247Short term 1)00Long term58 79855 247Debt securities58 19354 626Loans605621 2. Public corporations 2)20 36519 234Short term 1)423425Long term19 94218 809Debt securities6 4766 463Loans13 46612 346 3. Central Bank492754Short term 1)492754Loans00Currency and deposits492754Long term00Loans00 4. Deposit taking corporations28 05527 442Short term 1)22 53622 119Debt securities116102Loans10 93911 028Currency and deposits11 48110 989Long term5 5195 323Debt securities1 3431 313Loans4 1764 010 5. Other sectors18 48414 156Short term 1)8 6056 493Loan and trade credits8 6056 493Long term9 8797 663Debt securities3 1083 101Loans6 7714 562 6. Direct investm
Paying off debt is crippling SA
Nation deep in the mire Budget deficit of R50.8-billion next year, R89.4-billion by 2020
26 October 2017 – 07:04 By Thabo Mokone

APPLYING HIS MIND President Jacob Zuma dozes as Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba admits in parliament on Wednesday that the economy is in deep trouble Picture: Ranjeni Munusamy
Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba has revealed that the gross national debt will shoot up to R3.4-trillion, or 60% of GDP, by 2020 as the government is forced to borrow more to fund policy implementation.
Presenting his medium-term Budget policy statement in parliament on Wednesday, Gigaba painted a grim picture of the state of the country’s public purse, stating that the government was facing a budget deficit of R50.8-billion next year, which was projected to rise to R89.4-billion by 2020.
Gigaba said the government was faced with difficult choices in the next three years because the economy was expected to grow by only 1.2% next year before peaking at a modest 1.9% in 2020, allowing little growth in the tax revenue base.
Tax revenue was projected to be R1.4-trillion next year, rising to R1.7-trillion by 2020, but government expenditure was expected to rise to R1.9-trillion in 2020, leaving a budget deficit of just over R225-billion.
This means the government will, in the next three years, be forced to borrow more money to fund its spending plans, which would push the gross national debt to 60% of GDP, or R3.4-trillion by 2021.
Gigaba loses his swagger as he presents a bag of gunk
The 2017 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) was Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba’s big breakout moment as a tightrope walker.
Opinion & Analysis
1 month ago
Debt-service costs are expected to rise from R183-billion in 2018 to R223-billion by 2021, making government loan repayments the fastest-growing expenditure item, at 11% of the Budget.
This means that the government would in the next three years be spending more money on paying
You can’t compare SouthAfrica to Malawi….Malawi ….ah very far from civilization still in old stone age
U can report me to Facebook as much as u want,Malawi is just a useless country
John your post doesnt mean a thing to me,as long as I can access clean water,eat good food,live in a well developed country,access to excellent health and good hospital,a country with advanced technology,even if Moody downgrades our economy,forget that we will go as low as Malawi…..to us Malawi level of development is equal to our Rural towns in Natal
Thus good news
mmmmmhhhhhhhhh, something isn’t ryt here, what is their profit?
My question aswell the US cant do that now wat will they profit ? This doesn’t add up at all
In return for the people’s blood.Kk
osamangothamangira ku comments”free datUS to pay Malawian health workers for 3 years0ByArchangel NzangayaonNov 29, 2017HealthThe United States Government will provide salary support for the next three years for up to 462 Malawian healthcare workers.According to the US Embassyin Malawi, the beneficiaries ofthe development will be Malawian healthcare workers deployed in high HIV burden facilities of Lilongwe, Zomba, and Blantyre districts.US to provide salary support to Malawian health workers.(File)These healthcare workers include Nurse Midwife Technicians, Medical Assistants, Pharmacy Assistants, Lab Technicians, and Clinical Technicians who will provide critical HIV/AIDS and other life-saving services to hundreds of thousands of Malawians.It is reported that to date, 325 of these healthcare workers have been recruited anddeployed with the remainder expected to be deployed by December 31, 2017.The initiative has been made possible by the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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You mean even U.S is happy with APM shaaa ndikoyamba kumva izi nde kuti ndalama yomwe timayenera kulipira anthu amenewo ndi CHITUKUKO basi DPP boma lokondeledwa DPP woyeeeeeee
Tiba zosezo ife a dpp
Here comes Healthygate
Boma likamayendetsa bwino zinthu,wolithandizanso saasowa..mwana wa nzeru saasowa womulipilira fees,koma wa ndudu ngati chakwera,amadya mwano wache omweo
U help to pay xul fees to the needy student….this is bad devt as it symbolizes the failing of govt to pay them
U Seem To Be Blind Minded. Ndiwe Omvesa Chson.
Then I hope money saved by our government which was meant to pay these 462 healthy workers should be relocated to this electricity problem at hand by planting new hydro station in some areas were necessary
aaaaa..mutu gwaaa..mtumbuka ukudziwa chani iwe
Zako izo si paja iwe mutuwo ulibe, away am not here to waste my time we you that was my concern if you want put your own, electricity problem got nothing to do with being tumbuka who told you that if the problem is over the one’s who will be using will be the tumbukas , for your information am a Malawian so grow up and get a life racist.
walakwa chani munthu apa. anthu enanu mulibe khalidwe. u cadet wakuzunguzani mutu
actually its the US it’s self that has recruited not our govt
However there where to be recruited by our government still despite that opportunity.
tru but the govt is bloke
tru but the govt is bloke
Zilowa mmatumba ndi Malawi ino
That money was never there, and never will be, unfortunately.
Even the one from US it will be like the government is bloke. But money for rally and unnecessary trips and calling people stupid is there
How can government be bloke while people they are still paying their Tax where is this money relocated?
personal use
Personal use indeed. Corruption is inside the brain, other parts of the body just follows.
If is corruption is taken place then I don’t think the US tax payers would allow that to happen BRAVO US Government we want you to give us a support like that tomorrow we relay our selves (HELP THE NEED TO HELP THEM SELVES)
Aziwakha zimenezo kuti azidulapo ma 6 pin aja kuti nawo adyepo
Chilipo chomwe amapindulako Ku chipatalako musatipake phula apa
Very embarrassing. No wonder Azungu will never give us respect.
Hahahaha!! Malawi, a failed state
That is bad news for the government. Are they failing to pay them? We can’t rely on handouts all the time from our Colonial Masters. Shame!! Peter wa Muthalika
Signs of a failed state.
What will happen after 3 years?
if no funds available retrenchment will take course
Ndiye wina mkumakula mtima ali pitala akuyendetsa dziko without doners
Chfukwa chani¿???
Adzilipila direct to the workers or thru govt.
Govt its time to develop
Under what conditions?
Thanks US.
They R Just Exposing The Failure Of The Government
They R Just Exposing The Failure Of The Government
Keep it up .u.s.a later as hellopping each other
bodza limenelo
Now let’s see what they do with the money saved.
am neva gonna be a slave to dem economy nah!!!!
What are they going to benefit for doing this
Mabloodsucker aja amenewo kkkkkkkkkk why don’t help teachers?? Tipaonepo bwino apaa
Zoona tiziona
Azikhala ma dollars kapena ma kwada?