Kamlepo: PP met Mutharika to save Joyce Banda from arrest

Joyce Banda & Oswald Lutepo

…APM accepts to protect JB

Peoples Party (PP)’s vice president Kamlepo Kalua has disclosed PP is forging an alliance with Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in order to save Joyce Banda from cashgate-related arrest.

Kamlepo also disclosed that President Peter Mutharika has guaranteed to shield Joyce Banda against any arrest when she returns following the meeting that PP members of Parliament had with President Mutharika at Kamuzu Palace last Sunday.

Joyce Banda
Joyce Band on wanted list

“PP went to meet President Mutharika to plead with him so Joyce Banda can return home without facing arrest. Our party is disintegrating because our leader is away; parties are poaching MPs from PP. We want our leader to come so we can keep the party intact,” said Kamlepo  in an interview with Times Radio.

Joyce Banda, founder and president of PP, has been in self-imposed exile following her loss of the 2014 presidential elections.

She is reportedly on Malawi’s most wanted list for corruption after presiding over a large-scale looting of public resources which became known as the Cashgate scandal. A forensic report by independent auditors established that over K550 billion was stolen during the 2 years that she was president.

Several senior government and PP officials have named her as the big fish and the primary beneficiary of the loot, leading the Malawi Police to issue her warrant of arrest.

Peter Mutharika has on several times called on Joyce Banda to return home to answer for her charges.

But Kamlepo Kalua revealed that the PP entourage reportedly led by Mr Roy Kachele-Banda successfully bargained President Mutharika for Joyce Banda’s immunity.

“In his own words President Mutharika said that Joyce Banda will not be arrested when she returns” said Kalua

According to Kalua, Nankhumwa facilitated the meeting which, as part of the bargain, will see PP back government bills in Parliament.