…APM accepts to protect JB
Peoples Party (PP)’s vice president Kamlepo Kalua has disclosed PP is forging an alliance with Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in order to save Joyce Banda from cashgate-related arrest.
Kamlepo also disclosed that President Peter Mutharika has guaranteed to shield Joyce Banda against any arrest when she returns following the meeting that PP members of Parliament had with President Mutharika at Kamuzu Palace last Sunday.

“PP went to meet President Mutharika to plead with him so Joyce Banda can return home without facing arrest. Our party is disintegrating because our leader is away; parties are poaching MPs from PP. We want our leader to come so we can keep the party intact,” said Kamlepo in an interview with Times Radio.
Joyce Banda, founder and president of PP, has been in self-imposed exile following her loss of the 2014 presidential elections.
She is reportedly on Malawi’s most wanted list for corruption after presiding over a large-scale looting of public resources which became known as the Cashgate scandal. A forensic report by independent auditors established that over K550 billion was stolen during the 2 years that she was president.
Several senior government and PP officials have named her as the big fish and the primary beneficiary of the loot, leading the Malawi Police to issue her warrant of arrest.
Peter Mutharika has on several times called on Joyce Banda to return home to answer for her charges.
But Kamlepo Kalua revealed that the PP entourage reportedly led by Mr Roy Kachele-Banda successfully bargained President Mutharika for Joyce Banda’s immunity.
“In his own words President Mutharika said that Joyce Banda will not be arrested when she returns” said Kalua
According to Kalua, Nankhumwa facilitated the meeting which, as part of the bargain, will see PP back government bills in Parliament.
Vote yanga bt am killing my seif
Our country not 4 muthalika,ngt mungakhululukirane nonse muzapitira limoz 2019, tatopa nanu agalu inu!! Mukanene kut amukhululukire anaba mnyumba mwake?? Kapena zababake??
tiyambe kumanga chakufwa chihana for forming an alliance with bakiri muluzi first..kkkkk
Ndi choncho pa Malawi…
Mbuzi kamulepo
Nothing is wrong here.Let her come and fight the chewabelt.Kamulepo cant forget the misiries he faced while in exile.This was because of mcp.Joice is one of the founding member of dpp and she was instrumental in that land stride victory dpp had in 2009.If she can come back to support dpp,forget mcp coming back to rule Malawi.They have taken their campaign too far.Its nice that the speaker did what he did otherwise the whole session would be filled with vulgar words against the president.
Dpp has its on strategic plans .Chisakomere mbuzi kusumba garu .Where was Mr.Mia at first?Joice Banda come back.Kamuzu died in his home country after slaughtering many innocent people .
This is the moment I have realized that MCP is now a smart party. They never talked of any alliance with PP. Let that DPP/PP alliance go on and see how you will fall
PP has no gunuine supporters.only those who symphathised with JB and those who rode the tide after Bingu’s death.a clear testmony is how it faired during the recent by-elections
Malawi with it pipo
Bodza kamulepo wakana
A Muthalika A Landila Chiphuphu Kuchokela Ku PP kut aJB asamangidwe.Paja Lamulo Liposa Phamvu Amenewa ANT.C.B.afufuze.
look at foolish creatures what are dey doing
Its time for some one to be in power 2019 dikilani muwone za pa 17 octomber malawi wachangamukatu uyu
If Mutharika is wise he won’t do this.. Liberty Party will destroy easily with this kind of politics..
Abwele awone wayiwala pazana chidya makoko sichiiwala koma chidya nyemba siuja amafuna kummanga Peter ameneyi lelo akuti chani
Ndipo afike unyolo paja sukhala ndi president koma apolice.and alliance sikhunzana ndi dziko izo ndizachipani chawo zaife ngati wanthu ndi ndalama zomwe anadya mayiwa abwereeeee
Ndipo ngati ali ndinzelu asayelekeze kubwela kuno azikhala konko
FAKE NEWS!! If indeed these pipo met, is what transpired btwn these parties supposed to be for public consumption? Mmm
Kkkkkkk…Koma Kamlepo sungamumvetse ndithu. Kodi akulu muli mbali iti kodi? Ya Yudas kodi?
Wawa malawi wawa DPP kp up.wina apse mtima by 2020 malawi will be under one party rule all young parties will unite.and PP musanyadire iyo ndi nyambo yokolera m’dani.APM is a law master so akuziwa bwino kuzilanga zitsiru.mk550 billion its more money sangakukepeni mayi.angofuna akukokeni mubwere akupaneneni akutsekereni 2019 elections no chance ok.wait and see 2019 DPP ikulowanso
The solutions here is simple come 2019 let the old man pack his bags and go back to America where he belong,and we will have our country back with MCP
zaku mtumbo basi chipani ndi dziko zikungwilizana ayelekeze kupanga tizaona tizadula machendewo
Anthony Kawinga, i’m with you on that point, what we need now is for our Malawi Army to come in. These leaders re playing fools with Malawians, bcoz they know we have no one to our side. People re just come in, corrupt our Government fiscals, step aside and come again in another form. We demand just in every leader, starting from former President himself, his former Cabinet Ministers to the current regime. Lets be united Malawians, lets do what other sister countries re doing. No one will come and Liberate us from these Thieves of ours. Lets put our differences aside and focus for our future generations. Muluzi, Bingu, Joyce, Peter and all former and current ministers must be charged for their corrupt activities done by them. We plea to Malawi Army to assist us in this one and defend their citizens from these crooks. If not, we will get assistance( help) from Ecowas, Sadc, AU and UN to help us.
When will Joyce banda be arrested ? I can see this case withdrawn
To be inhot soup soon kkkkk
fake news
Hon Kamlepo Kalua Don’t be fooled by any fake alliance stories with DPP. Whoever wants to join DPP from PP should do so but should not drag some of us, as Vice President of PP in the north and as Rumphi East MP I put the following on the agenda through our spokesperson when we met the president: 1. DPP should Stop harrasing Livingstonia synod clergy with fake court issues 2. Quota system 3. Njakhwa Chitimba road 4. Harrasment of JB 5. All unfinished projects in the north and discrimination of the north I am PP and I do not wish to be part of any alliance with DPP or any other party. I.believe this is a stand shared by most MP’s from the northern block of which I am Vice president of. Those who wish to go work with other parties may do so quietly.8 hrs · PublicLike React Comment Share
Malawi needs bloodshed and not loadshed.. That’s hectic indeed..
if that is the story ndiyekuti mwatitenga amalawi ngati machende anuwo…ndanyasidwa nanu mudzafa IFA yowawa…watch out for the lebals party coming soon!
Kkkkkkkkkk kamlepo ayiyayiya….pajatu amazipanga yekha kidnapping…
So you telling me Joyce banda she is gonna get away with it?Our leaders they are playing with our minds,that’s why I don’t vote,am pleading with you government officials you can steal as you want,no one will arrest you. Stupid leadership
Wait a minute!! Can you say that again? Is this really what Hon. Kalua said or he has been quoted out of context?Will reserve my comments till verified.
ngati ndalama munadya limodzi agalu inu,kulibwino dziko alamulile asilikali.
Ndunena Mobweleza, Ngat Wina Satha Kyangonde Ali Mlomwe Azayankhula. Malawi Akuona
Mulandu siuwola pangapite nthawi
Oky Is What They Want To Do So No Option
Malawi 24 tsopano! Shame on you
Whatever transpired was therefore illegal..lobying president to violate consitution is illgal, if president accepts then he is an complice to illegal conduct.
This is extremely below par of any ‘honourable’ person.
Mukadzabanso ine sindidzavomeleza ndipo yense amene ndizamudziwe kuti amasapota inuyo anthu akubanu ndithu zikoli adzalimva kuwawa,
My foot, I had hope that Kalua was a man of principles. From today he should not talk about the 7 cabinet ministers whom he ‘wrongly purpotedly accused of wrong doing . Mark my words, Kalua has finished himself like Mugabe coz of of this wrong move .
Ndale zaku Malawi
Justice must be done on Joyce Banda failing which,I won’t vote for anyone till the end of my time .Why do you want to shield Joyce Banda? Now it’s all about you but not about the whole country?
Absolutely rubbish!! Boma ngati litakhala serious pankhani yothetsa zakatangale,likhoza kuyambila amend akulamula panoyo,kumunjata ngati atapezeka wolakwa.Vuto anthu ambiri sitidziwa kuti akati boma ndichiyani.Boma ndi anthu kapenakuti nzika zadziko.Ndipo nzikazo ndizomwe zimamupatsa ntchito mtsogoleri kudzela kuma Vote.Ndichifukwa chake amati mtsogoleri wolamula dziko,(anthu)Kapolo wathu.Tsopano wantchitoyo akakubelani ndiudindo wa anthu kumunjata wosawopa ayi,ndalama ndizathu,awa ndiganyu chabe.Koma ngati nzika ndizogonatulo andale ngati awa adzapitilizabe kutipula chuma chadziko inu mukanagona.
Boma ndi anthu ndi mawu ameneyo ndi odyera
Eeee km chantchito chake cha mphavu man mot anthu tose kumachiopa?
Daudi, inetu ndaphunzura chinthu chofunika kwambiri pazomwe zachitika Ku Zimbabwe.Mtsogoleri ngati akuchita zachamba,amalandila mphamvu chifukwa cha ma soldiers, komaso a police.Ndichifukwa chake mwawona kuti RGM sanalimbe,chifukwa anthu amene amamutetezawo anatopanaye,kamba kowona kuchuluka kwaumphawi mdziko.Atsogoleri asamatenge nzika kukhala mbuzizake chifukwa chakuti amadalira asilikali ndi a police,nawoso alindi abale awo kumamidziko amavutikaso.Leaders must nt take their people for granted.
I start to be more allergic to this govt. What is DPP hiding by putting all parties ruled during democracy? So that’s why we don’t see the outcomes of Bakili corruption cases? And now is after covering JB cashgates SO THAT that K577b should just end natural death.
Hopefully, there is huge some of money this regime has squandered. Malawians, we are in a very big problem with our politicians and if your brain works normally you can find why our presidents always want the predecessor to be arrested. Simply, the successor wants to embezzle our money without the one who has knowledge disturbing. DEVILS ARE ON THE STEERING WHEEL
So after you have saved one another you expect malawi to dance to your tunes?? Get a life not in these years , will take you out of your seats and you will be meeting in your villages.
They taking us for a ride they think we are stupid
Partners in crime DPP and PP Destroying Malawi
mbava kufuna kugwilizana zochita hahahha.nde akazaluza kaya azatan?
Dpp ngati ilolezimezi ndiyekuti mulanduwa mai joyce Banda uthele fao
Dpp ngati ilolezimezi ndiyekuti mulanduwa mai joyce Banda uthele fao
Guyz amalawi anachangamuka olomugwilane manja palibe kuwina 2019.musamatipusise inu mmalo mosataza cashgate mwayambakutipusisaife? Mmawa mutiuza kuti onse okhuzidwandimlandu wacashgate mwawakhulukira zimenezondiyezachambazo
by this apm is mususing public cash
UDF,DPP and PP are children of one father, corruption.
The nation held at ransom.
l wonder if this post is really true… Is Kamlepo really revealing that the whole aim of the alliance is to shield her boss, is that in good faith??? l cant understand why he tells us openly while he is in the same boat, and on the steering wheel for that matter
Kkkk, also in deep doubts just like you, br.”Mapwevupwevu?”
Akungoyesa zida but they are indeed in the air about this
Thieves uniting for the sole purpose of plundering government resources!
Tiwafinyila limozi onsewo ndiakuba okhaokha amenewa
andale nose ndi mbuzi mumatipepeletsa amalawi mukuziwana
Kaya mupanga alliance ife zitsatikhuze mdima watopetsa
Mayi ameneyu timikakamira ngati Mugabe
dpp had already forgotten how jb dragged dpp name in mad.why alliance with pp and what for? we want our money that jb and her pp siphoned from govt coffers not your crocrodile alliance.
Stupid leaders
Now I See. The Presidency Of This Country Can Not Move Away From South. This Alliance Is Just Nothing But Making Sure That Northerners Or Central Remain In Opposition
Please dont arrest her she is just a woman. Whatever she did she just did because she is a woman just forgive her
Haha hahahah ada chamba chani hahahah wandisekesa mpaka misozi guys mzikhala serious pena hahaha
wrong plus wronged pple.
Kodi ife kukacha tizingomva za a fisi a kubawa. Lucifer ndi Jezebel iyaaa
We cannot develop as a nation with ths kind of hypocrisy and stupidity.
amalawi tikuona 2019 shall resolve this deadly party dont u hear about zimbabwe
Zopusa, zamkutu, zamanyi, zauchitsiru basi. Ife tikuvutika kupereka misonkho, mukaba kenaka muziberekana. Tiwonana 2019. ndizavotera independent President.
Izo ndi zandale tiyeni tiziopa mulungu
Mavi yinu mwe. Galu iwe Peter together with JB. Useless brains.
Kkkk, vitusi yayi wakulu.APA mphawumba, pali wana.Gowokani, sibweni!!kkkk Mtima pasi, wanikoma na sekukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Zonsezi nzachabe dziko lanthuli likufunika Ambuye alowererepo 2mbiri 7 vs 14. Ambuye atithandize mmalawi
Thats bushit
Chamba chakumalawi umphawi ungathe kumangolongolozana
Amalawi tiyeni tingoyesa kuvotera MCP pa 2019 , zinazi zafika popwetekesa mutu , dzulo mati ndiwakuba , lero asintha afuna ayendere limodzi, miandu sikuoneka kutha kwake, ndiye ndi chani chimenechi, amalawi tiyeni tiganize bwino, anthu samayenda awiri asanapangane, kalipo-kalipo. atikonzekera , tikaphonya 20- 20 kuzakhale kulira ndi kuchecheta mano.
What Kind Of Alliance Shall It Be..?
Ya Mbava Zokhazokha.
Opposition always makes noise about fighting corruption… what is it that they want about mama Joy..not be question? sometimes just make ordinary citizens to be insane.
Bodza iloooo
DPP is a corrupt party! why planning to shield a thief?
It goes without saying that poor citizens are suffering because of these greed of politicians. I remember one popular musician ‘LUCIUS BANDA’ who sang “anthu awa ndi maguy zawo ndizimodzi”
Don’t lose the little trust Malawians have in JB and her PP!!! This is misguided!!! What is JB afraid of, if she claims to be innocent? Let her come, get arrested and prove in court and to all Malawians that her hands are clean!!! Don’t give Malawians a chance to believe that JB was part of the looting gang!!!
WHAAAT?????mukakhululukira ife tikazakumana nae tizanyongabe araaaa!!!
Watchout Joyce this iz atrap Akudokha
Watchout Joyce this iz atrap Akudokha
Be serious guyz
2019 palibe chipani chomwe ndiza votele apa Mcp ndimadana nayo, Dpp ikundigoneka mudima, pp sindimayikonda, udf inatha kalekale
Chomwe chinandisangalatsa ine ndi chakuti mabvoti adziwelengedwa pa station pompo ndikulemba figure komanso mu wards,amatibera anthu awa onani 5:1
Ndisanayankhe, ndisute chamba kaye, kuti ndiphye ntima.
…”conflit of interest”…i thought cashgate is a national issue.Now at the expense of Malawians u connive to seal it coz of your political interest??…’thats stupid’…and u will need the same Malawians to vote for u???..’thats bullshit’.
If these parties won’t form alliance I don’t see a party to vote for. I can’t vote for Lazarus, unless MCP is lead by someone else.
Kagwere uko u’re not ours
Sorry he is not in Malawi.He cant see.
And youJoyce thinks you are theirs? Think again sweet!
I might not be in Malawi today but tomorrow and forever will be in Malawi. Don’t worry I’ll convince you guys to stop supporting whom you’re supporting, you are all mine!
wr all your??? iwe ndwe opusa etti? kagwere uko,ukudziwa mavuto amene tikudutsamo a malawi? usamayankhule ngati wakhunyu wava!! ngati bambo ako or amako amaba misonkho yathu kuti uziyankhula motonyoka useyi wava,anthu akuvutika !!! idiot!!!
Ur vote is not needed by Chakwera hop so….. He can’t mek wth ur vote??
U r full
this alliance between Prince and Princess of THIEVES is like “kicks of dying horses”.
Tukuonani and tikulemba
he wants to save himself not invesgated from misusing constituency fund he is among 20 mps swindled fund to develop their constituency
Oh! Is that so?
eish koma malawi waonjeza ,dirty politics
I must say its very hypocritical. When its the other side you shout from roof tops for arrests but because its your Joyce then you are begging and pleading for government not to throw the book at her? Who will stand for the laws of this country.
you..kkkk..you will be mr right..kkkk
Nkhani yabwino takondwa kwambiri Dpp Pp 2019 Boma
Olo musonkhanise tizipanito..MCP 2019 ndi boma kale..pitala zamuopsa wayamba njengunje
Inu muli pa 21% pompaja mungoti phee..2019 DPP boma + UDF + Nsowoya + …
chati ng,ani chaopsa mlenje
A Ben kusapota kwinaku kumakhala ngati chizowezi osadziwa cheni cheni mukusapotera chipanicho,inu m’mene zinthu ziliripa malawipa chiyambileni chamkulu uyu mungaloze chomwe chikuyenda??kuba osamangana,ana axool kutsekeredwa xool zawo mwaiwala,bwampini kupita kuja mpaka miyezi chonsecho zomwe ankapitila zitatha kale simunaone kapena kumva? Magetsi kuzimazima simukudziona?? Bank ija adaguitsayi ndalamazinanka ku???cashgate,maizegate,escomgate,Tevetagate,malatagate what else dou want to know Mr??? Ucadet siwabwino.
Malawians open your eyes and see what’s happening. you are going to figure out who is real
it means no any case to JB it is just political differences
Yehova Mulungu Amaika Zinthu Zobisika Pa Mte,te,te. Time Up For Dpp!! Munthu Wa Nzeru Sangakavotere That Stupid Alliance. Kupangana Shield Pa Milandu Ndi Cholinga Chofuna Kupambana Chisankho? Mad Pipo Will Vote Fr That Alliance. WAKE UP MALAWI!!!
Mulungu nonse a ndale akutoperani zakuphani paka modzi ,,,, tiyeni muzioneka ngati madolo
This is bullshit alliance
What is it that she run away from?
Let her be tried by the court and if found guilty be punished.
Remember its poor people’s money that is in question.
Anthu okuba nkhuku akuvutika mma prison and here we are talking of Billions of kwachas and the govt want to set her free in the name of alliance and useless bills in parliament.
Woke up Honey kamlepo Kalua!
Otherwise I can see an alliance of thieves and the prince of thieves himself being an architect
My poor Malawi
mu 2014 amkat ngat mukufun kudziw amene anaba ndalama za boma tivotel dpp lelo ndi izi akufun kumuika mkhwapa j.b why?
no logic at all.birds of same feathers fry together.kkkkk wakugahena onse
do not judge
Zomwe zachitika Ku Zimbabwe mwaziiwala inu a DPP?
mbaleme zomwera muchigoba chimodzi zimaziwana……,………………….
chakwera ndi sapitwa…
onjezeranani mavoti kuti umbava wanu usazaoneke
byeee ndapita Ku Zimbabwe ndikamuone mdala uja
Meaning the president is the law,the law is the president! Shame!!
You better merge with MCP because if you really did cashgate you will be arrested in 2019
zausiru, ali ndi mlandu amangidwe basi..
munthu woba nkhuku ama mangidwa what more wa ma billion?
Thats madness now.If thats the case,which means she really syphoned our tax payers money.Are these alliances genuine or just to shield individuals who are in the wrong side of the law ?
vote yhanga ili ndi Lazarus olo mutani mutani ine mcp itenga boma wait and see to becontinued!!!!!!!!!!!
These guys must consider that claimed blunders made by Joice Banda was not based on political grounds or against DPP, why saving her just because of politics?…….If she wronged DPP as a party, then that can make sense, but if She wronged Malawians as a nation, why politically saving her?…Note that the cashgate issues is not for DPP or any particular party, this is a national concern and politics should be avoided at any cost. Let justice prevail at its best.
They done that to Muluzi now ndi izi JB. Akungofuna ulamuliro basi. Zothandiza dzikoli alibe nazo nthito. Aa
Send a thief to catch a fellow thief, fisi akachoka thengo ili kupota linali sasintha amakhalabe Fisi
Recycled politicians @ its best
I refer great lessons learnt from #Zimbabwe!!!!
amalawi sitinavinidwe thats why ngakhale ntchentche timaiopa…… Ndanena izi xhifukwa to the guys are play with our badget mmawa tiagwadilaso omwewo mmalo Moti mw isinthe ikusintha ndindalama izi nde zopusa kwambiri
Wamisala anawona nkhondo……Kkkkkk!!!…Kumawona anthu owasunga mchipani!!..
MCP the only choice…
Mxieew.A Dpp kutitengera a malawi ngati ana.Ngati muli ndi umboni kuti anabadi ndalama bwanji wosamumanga Jb yo mufuna kumuteteza pazifukwa za ndale.Mutiseweretse a malawi both dpp and pp
Wakhuta thobwa losasa iwe ,Mcp yachani, manyaka DPP idzatenganso but on condition, adzabela
Useless alliances. U guys are only aimed at maximising ur votes but not satisfying people will and needs
Ngat zamukhuza ayenera kumangidwa bax
Is it same Kamulepo kaluwa who was kidnapped sometimes back? politics is a dirty game
Akutelo, ndiyeyo.lnenso, ndikulingalira Kaye.
Kamlepo Osalola Zopusazo,akazabwer JB uzaikoke ya kashigetio
forged stories..
Wow!! MCP Ikatenga boma 2019 Tizamangaa nonsenu!!