The Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (Admarc) has said it will start buying maize from farmers next week.
According to the parastatal, farmers will be able to sell their maize at its 337 markets countrywide starting next week.

Admarc officials told the local media that government has given the company K7.5 billion to buy maize from smallholder farmers.
This comes weeks after smallholder farmers complained that they failed to sell their maize to National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) because politicians with links to the ruling party were prioritised.
The agency was buying the maize at K130 per Kilogramme despite government setting a minimum price of K170 per Kilogramme.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Malawi this year produced a 30 percent maize surplus.
Earlier this year, government banned maize exports. After farmers harvested their maize, there were concerns concerns from farmers that the ban was affecting them since they could not benefit from their sweat because local traders were buying maize at prices below the government set minimum price.
President Peter Mutharika lifted the maize export ban last month to allow farmers sell their maize wherever they wanted though some quarters said the ban was removed at a time farmers had already been exploited by traders.
Nde Zakumbuyo
Boma Lonyasa Ngat Ili Sidalionepo Taganizan Chmanga Chdathera K50/kg Anthu Akumudzife Tigulitsa Cian?
Kkkkk koma Malawi
Bweran mudzagule kwa Ine
Mau opusa, Kapena kuminda kwanu mukolola kumene? dzitsilu nose kuyambi kum’tundako kumabwela pansi
Admarc yakut ine panopa ndili 15tones ndikusowa kogulitsa
Koma chimanga cho alimi Ali nacho?
Agula or azigulisa coz taliwsaso season ina kale mesa apa
kikikikikkk my mother malawi
Kodi chimanga chake chiti? Mukumawazunza anthu mpaka azipeta kusefa chimanga, zoona zimenezo? A admarc chimanga chinakukwanani. Mukumayelekedwa kwambiri.
Kodi chimamga chameleon chiti.
Total madness.
how much per kg
Beware of adnopahc
Mbuzi za mano kusi.
Anthu Musamatipusise Mukufuna Mutipase Njala? Chimanga Timagulisa December? Ndiwe Mmalawi Koma? Osangoti Yakwama Thawi Yoti Tibe Dollar, Ah! Ndinasala Ndikachinkhulupiliro Pang’ono Ku Boma Ili Koma Na Apa Suzaionaoso Yaine 0%
Iziz mukuchta tsiku lina a Mw tizakutoperan la 40 lizakwana tizakuwawulan machende nd Moto. Muzgula pano chimanga.Mukutinamiza ngat ana in fact muzgula nokha coz munachta dala kulesa kugulisa chmanga kunja inuyo osawagula a2 instead mukuwagula a)alim ovutka kale molira through mavenda( akukuguliran inuyo) then mukutsegula nsika mochedwa dala mkumadzigula nokha mokwera. pal zeru???? getting fat on expess on ur own ppo???? Mulungu wanga ine Chikathen chithu ich tatopanacho plz.
Ndye akamat u r a prince of thieves mkumadandaula mbux iwe??? nanu ma general asilikal kamatengeran chitsazo chabwino cha azanu kuzimbabwe uko mul dyo bakha akutiluma nd chilomo chake.
Pankholo panu mwava!!!! Kd ndnu otan ndpo mumamufuna anthu zalire bwanj kt muzave??? Stupid ,Useless leaders. leaders who pulls everything which good to there side you regard mw as ur gogo’s estate. Muzt tikusoweka ulemu?? mudabera kale a2 anyan othena inu mudalimapo mzere pa munda.
Kukolola in April ndiye nsika utsegulidwe in November???????
Farmers not yet harvest mwatan Kod. …??? Munali kut
Anthufe Tisadabwe Chifukwa Mtsogoleliyi Pa Nthawi Ya Kamuzu Akusonyeza Kuti Sanali Mdziko Muno Ayi. Chifukwa Adminstration Sakuidziwa Had It Beem Kuti Akuidziwa Tikadati Iyeyo Amangidwe Zingwe Ulendo Wa Ku Bwaila Kapena Ku Zomba Mantle Hospital Chifukwa He Is Mentally Disturbed
dpp goverment mukutichitsatu manyazi apapa or kuku bakilani kwake apapa mkumatino bwanji? Its 2much is it true kuyamba kugula chimanga pano? What about june july?? Losing majority bcoz of dozng like a gurd
Heei you brother Danie would you like to say something? coz sizikundivekera bwinoi
Agalu inu musatisause ndi fundo zanu zopusa pitilizan kubako mulungu azakulangani
Chimenecho ndiye chamba .Panopa anthu chimanga achitenga kuti? Anthu akolora May panopa chiimanga mukufuna kugulachi mugura kwa ndani?Iweyo unawonopa chimanga akugura November?
Why cant we just hav by elections b4 2019?this gvt has failed us.i hav never heard about this b4:buying from which farmers?
Media houses that belong to……..
point of order Admarc will start buying maize from vendors not from farmers.This government need civic education,during Dr Kamuzu Banda,Admarc used to start buying maize from farmers around July /August such that farmers were able to buy inputs for the next crop season.
Ndinkhani yabwino koma mochedwa Komaso pakhalachinyengopamenepa,
Ndinkhani yabwino koma mochedwa Komaso pakhalachinyengopamenepa,
ukundiye kupenga misala kuzelezeka uchitsiru kupusa kumbwambwana chimanga alimi amangulitsa lero kufuna kutipusitsa eti amalawitu pano tidapenya kangulitseni ku zambiako
OLD POST???!??
Zachamba Etii,,,,
mmmmmm @ this time?
mulungu akuoneni afuna kugula kwa alimi a irrigation ndiwo apindule tsoka ulimi wa mvula dis yr osalima chochuluka tidzalime othilira admarc idzatigule mwina cha mvula chiribe quality ku msika wa kunja
Nde Fodyayo….izi nde za Chamba ananena Mmayi zija…
this government know that if malawi will be developed it will not make money so no development will take place.
Wakuba ndi wakuba basi.
Kkkkkkkkkk, the song has been sung for so long
Serious! Where was it all this time? …..Malawi¿
Za ziii anayambira muja!!!
Akufuna Kugula Mbeu Ya Fodya Ndi Chinangwa Tazalaz
Akufuna Kugula Mbeu Ya Fodya Ndi Chinangwa Tazalaz
Izi zikusonyeza kusakudziwa ku malawi kumene anthu amadalila ulimi kuti uziwapasa zosowa zawo, bomalo likuganiza kuti chimangacho chinakalipo oti timayamba february kutenga ndalama za eni kumati ndikupasani chimanga ndikakolola tikatelo chilichonse cha umoyo maso pomwepo, munthu woti sanakhalepo kumudzi ndizoveka kumanena kuti akufuna kuti agule chimanga lero chifukwa sadziwa ngakhale nthawi yomwe timakolola kutereku akuona ngati tikuyamba kukolora kumene pamene pano mpamene tikuvutika ndi njala zololora zinatha kalekale.
Wat????? Chimanga Chake Chiti Kma Ameneyu Wakalamba Eti
Zankutu this time
Poor Leadership and poor managiment which month is this are you sleeping. remove this news.
pea q
Amalawi Tingwilane Manja Pakhani Yachisakho Cha 2o19
Ngat Pali Company Yopepera Ndi Admarc, Katangale Basi.! Msatipase Mabizy Ife Pano Tayamba Kulima Paja Mvula Yagwa Mwamva?
I feel to understand this. Which farmers amend amakolola nthawi zinu. Aliyese akupanga zinthu mene angafunire. Chonde take the Admarc head to mental hospital as was Wandale
Inu anene zowonakuti mbuzi za anthu ndalama alibe panyopanu ndambuyanowo omwewo chimanga chogula usiku ndalama kulanditu kumbali patuuzu
Kugenda katauluka
Just give to indians 2 run Admarc inu zakuvutani.
Which maize please?
kugura kulibe nthawi mwayamba panthawi yake pomwe anthu akukonzekera kumunda ndalamazo agulira fert ndi mbeu,gurani kwa munthu amene alinacho
Alimi chimanga anagulitsa kale mopenga.ADMARC Imagula chimanga November .Malawi wagwa chain
Ameneyu nde fodya wa mkulu. Alimi akolola liti?
chinde-chindere ADMARK na DPP!
mwati mizigula ndalama zingati pa kg?…
Kupusa. Mumagula kwa Ma Trader usiku okha okha pamene ma small farmers mumati ndalama kulibe.
is this government really having sense? mmm Mukutitengera ku chionongeko ….poor timing
Kagulireni magetsi ku Mozambique ndalama zimenezo, musaiwalenso kukamulanda Chaponda ndalama zomwe akupanga pillow kunyumba kwake zija kuti magetsiwo akakhale ochulukilapo tapotananu mabwana inu mxiiiii!!!!
Ife zomwe tikupempha Mbozi zija zija zimadya chimanga zija zisaiwale kubwera season imeneyi chonde! tiwone kuti kodi next coming year ADMARC And the Vendors mugula kuti ma K70 anuwo! agalu!!
.mmmmm mukachipeza kt chimanga nthawi zino
Chimanga chakeso chiti??? Kodi admarc ikusogoleredwa ndi alendo.Mlimi angakhale akasungabe chimanga mpaka pano kudikira admarc?????? tsiyani tizigulisana tokhatokha thumba 6 pin inu simukufuna january emweyu mutigulise 12,500
serious ndi yomwe ikuvuta apa
Kupusa kotereku chimakhala chiyani
bola ngati akunena zoona !
uku ndiye kupusatu mukagula kwa ndani chimangacho poti anthu akudzala? stupid admarc thinking they r doing ryt decision mutagwirizana kale ndi mavendor zogulitsana chimanga nanga munthu wamba akanalinachobe chimangacho ino ndi nthawi yolima mmesa ma coupon mwapeleka kale? ndinu ombwambwana et
Mugula chimanga chake chili kuti, zambuyo mwalendo, ingotiuzani chilungamo
This government is sick they already know that farmers haven’t have maize why they just say from vendors?
Seems politicians and their associates are keeping a lot of maize which they bought at low prices….now its time for windfall profits from public resources via Admarc. For starters Admarc doesnt have the cash for this purchase but Treasury will rush to provide the money to purchase a commodity which Admarc doesnt really need.
The most stupid thing i have ever heard. The farmer is dead.
Hehehehe koma APM anapanga Lol anthu mufuna agulise chimanga chomwe atsara nacho cha mbewucho???
And Escom what are they Buying from us?
Akamanena kuti mbwampini akuchukutsa kugona vitsilu vina vimakana uchokera kalekale sadayambepo kugura mbewu November.
Big up patience always pays
Big up patience always pays
next week farmers will be busy planting mbeu not including maize poti its not marketable….admarc yo ikanangothetsedwa ndithu
Management by crisis.Kodi chimanga chake mukachipeza kuti? Boma loyendetsedwa ndi mavenda limatelo.
Umbuli chimanga chidatha mukukamba za Admarc angosiya mukufuna anthu afe ndi njala
Alimi opusa agulitsa chimanga chawo ku Admarc pakatha miyezi itatu kumakagulaso chimanga chomwecho ku Admarc
Anthu anakolola April, inu muyambe kugula December. Hehee koma ndiyetu. Tinagula kale kwa alimiwo. Mutigula ife ma vendor bola mutikwanitse
so which maize are they gonna buy?anthu chimanga anagulis kale pa 50mk/kg….tangokhala ndi dzindele za asogoleri basi
From farmers or Vendors??
Koma ndiye mwachedwatu…
Zooona,,,, Kugenda katauluka….
Mukagula kuti, popeza munalekerera ma venda anagula kale kwa alimi anuwo? Inu munali kuti, nthawi yonseyi Chapondanso ndi uja anatibera uja.
kkkkkkk buying from farmers this time????
Good news, but too late
Starting now?but this government is ruled by thieves,mu boma la kamuzu anthu amamanga manyumba abwino frm ulimi
Ndiye iwe kwanuko ngati kulibe nyumba yabwino, umaganiza kuti umanga m’boma lake limeneli pamene iwe sukugwira ntchito? Ugwire ntchito, ukhetse nthukuta ndiye uzamanga yako yabwino kapena walephera nawenso kuba m’bomamo anakumbandiramo? Ndiye ukuchita jealous, usadandaule bwanawe boma ukulifunalo likadzawina nawenso uzakhala makhumutcha mawa.
Kumalawi siungamange nyumba ndi ntchto mfana,kufufuza iwe ulibe kapena unamanga pot unaba ndalama
iwe jafali Tambala tazinvetsetsako zinthu zina osamangothamangira kulankhula usakudziwa chimene ukulankhulacho imagn anthu chimanga anakolola mu april ndikuyamba kugulitsa mu may kwama vendor mtengo wake 40-50/kg nthawi yonseyo admarc kuli zii ndiye alimi chimanga chija chatha mkugulitsa kuma vendor mcholinga chokagula mchere lero mvula yabwera alimi akudzala ndiye mkumadzati admarc ukuyamba kugula chimanga sikuba kumeneko? and zoti kale anthu amamanga nyumba mzoona osati izo ukunenazo si zoona mwina popeza ndiwe cardet mukubera limodzi koma udziwanvera chisoni anthu akumudzi kwanu wanva
Ukunena zoona mr frank phiri,jafali sakuganizira alimi,ifeyo kumamidzi timadalira ulimi ndiye akuti ayamba kugula panopa November chimanga tidagulisa ku mavendor
Inu Kulmbana Nd Cadt Ngt Ameneu Mutaya Nae Thaw Ana A Price Of Thievs Awa Asien .
kkkkkk now u r talking indeed he is a son of prince of thieve
the son of prince of thieves. cadet paint kunkhope siyinachoke. eko thinners/turpentine uchose blue
chitukuko chili ku ulimi osati zimene akunene mbavayo stupid in mind
Mutayeni Mwana Odya Za Bin, Malawi Odya Nsima Sagulisa Mwezi Uno Chimanga Uyu Asazipope Amakhala Pa Rent Alibe Den