Demonstrations are on the table against Malawi President Peter Mutharika. They are expected to be led by religious leaders.
The Public Affairs Committee (PAC) has disclosed that it is to hold a protest to express dismay with President Peter Mutharika’s government for not including the electoral reforms bills on the Parliament discussion agenda.

The sentiments follow a meeting held in Blantyre on Wednesday where PAC delegates discussed the way forward after government decision of excluding the bills for deliberation.
PAC chairperson Felix Chingota expressed discomfort with the development, saying issues of elections “are at the heart of national life”.
Chingota added that the religious body, PAC, has agreed to march on Tuesday next week to present a petition to Mutharika and Speaker of the national assembly Richard Msowoya on the matter.
“We have agreed that we are going to march to present a petition to the government. We are talking about the clergy, religious leaders in our attire we are going to present a petition to the head of state,” said Chingota.
He added that PAC is to wait for the response and determine the next action if government fails to address the issue of dropping the electoral reforms bills.
Malawi minister of justice and constitutional affairs Samuel Tembenu has disclosed that the bills might be discussed if cabinet ministers approves them for deliberation.
Meanwhile Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has said that it is to wait for two weeks for the bills to be brought in Parliament and decide the next action.
The electoral bills are to witness the president elect having more than half of the votes during elections.
@Gama phiri….hahahaha!!! Shit…….you seem to be an ignorant and uncivilized useless cockroach!!! Why supporting nonsense?? I will always call those pastors STUPID and FAKE!!! Long Live PETER MNTHALIKA!!!!!!
Kazonya he the number one stupid before calling our pastors, if you are one of thieves one day God will punish you together with yr leader, ambuye akukhululukire pakuti sukudziwa chomwe unena
Ridiculous,instead of dating with the President you have decided to go to the street? you needs mental treatment
So…. you mean prayers aren’t working anymore or God isn’t capable any more? I mean… what message will this march be sending out stronger than that of being against mutharica? They are marching to show how churchless they are
Paziko lose lapasi ngati pali chilu chaulamulilo wamanyi ndiwe ngalu
Dont call them church leaders! They are useless activists… Just a reminder:- two wrongs dont make any right. Olo mundiopseze leaders help leaders! Failures complain!
When a child of God cries, something ALWAYS happens. Lets wait n c
This man also supposed to see like what happen to Mugabe
According to your side but I he has failed. Those church leaders you call them stupid they are always doing tremendous job. Ialways call them my heros. Idont doubt one day you will come back your senses and appreciate.
Ameeyo nde malawi
The constitution allows that.For Malawi to change to multiparty it was the same church leaders who wrote pastoral letter so what RU talking about?
Anthu ambiili amene simukugwiliza ndiganizo la PAC ndiamene simukudziwa mawa kuti libalanji.
Vyanangika apaaa mweee
1. Iweyo olemba nkhaniyi ndiwe chitsiru, amati #march or #match? 2. Uwauze awo otchedwa church leaders kuti they are fools.
one of the reasons why African countries do nt prosper,its bcz africans r too religious pipo
Prophet uja auzidwenso za matching yimeneyi hahahahahahahah
I think its a brilliant idea let them do that maybe he will change his mind kuti azitiyasira mages I ve no problem with tht by the way they are church leaders nde kut ma demo ake akhala a displine church things I support them things need to be changed mwina zinthu zisintha
Yaa that’s true I do support too
God can’t answer our prayers when the country is ruled by evil people look at sodom and gomora wat happened.if we want God to hear our prayers let’s put the leaders who knows that there’s God not who prays Satan
Nose ndi mbava mukudziwana zomwe mukuchita mumafuna muzitipusisa
ine ziko langa mkuliendetsa bwino,magesi mkuendela ka toch kotchaja kaja,odwala mkumawatumiza ku ma pvt,kwanu ku malawi ko kukuvuta pati ndikuthandizeni
Yes Lord, arise Jehovah, save Malawi!!! May the Hand of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon our Church Leaders.
Joshua 6 verse 3 to 5 and 7
3. You Shall march around the city, all you men of war, you shall go all around the city once. This you shall do six days.
4. And even priest shall bear seven Trumpets of rams horns before the ark. But the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times, and the priest shall blow the trumpets.
5. It shall come to pass, when they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when you hear the sound of the trumpet, that all the people shall shout with a great shout, then the wall of the city will fall down flat. And the people shall go up every man straight before him.
7. And he said to the people, “proceed and march around the city, and let him who is armed advance before the ark of the Lord.
It’s about time, God is taking over, armed men get ready, thus says the Lord. I HAVE FAITH IN YOU CHURCH LEADERS, IF I WAS THERE I COULD BE PART OF IT, OHHH YES!!!
Pa nyini pa mako
peter and cadets the meaning of democracy sakuziwa,malawi watulo!
Can’t the army there do like what they have done Zimbabwe?
Those who have got eyes must see,we are in the last days.
True leader in any field should inticiate developmental activities so where has he failed Ana achipili inu.Lodi poti anali mung’onto wa Bingu chingakhale chifukwa?Jodi ku Cuba akulamulira ndindani Osage mung’ono wa Fedral Castro. Ku DRC kabira simwana wa Loral Manila.Ku America Bush senior and Junior sanalamulire?Nanga ku Kenya Jomo Kenyatta ndi Uhuru Kenyatta sanalamulirepo? Manga Mutharika analakwa chiyani?
All errors are made by phone forgive
That old professor thinks like Mugabe
Rather un religious leaders that’s as far as I know about religion
Pitala watopetsa ndipo wafika pothetsa nzeru ngati mugabe
Mbuzi zopemphera zimenezo zimangodziwa kuwerenga mau a mulungu koma sizikhala chimene mauwo akunena mukuputa dala mkwiyo Wa mulungu musamale God is watching you mudzalipira
zipangani mchere wanu umenewo mwasiya zamulungu mwayamba ndale musatipake ife zimenezo ife 2019 omusankha tikumuziwa
Bad idea,very bad one indeed,2019 ndipompano
If is only way its okay but if not my god must help us.
Church leaders matching or praying..? Are these Church leaders or..? Church leaders or wolves in sheep’s skin..? Anthu aphedwa zokhuza kupopedwa magazi & magetsi, madzi panopa/lero 2017 zikuvuta koma osamatcha akuti akumatcha za chisankho cha 2019..? Izi si za dziko or za mpingo koma zalowa personal..! Inu mukudzitcha Pac ndi Wachipani amene wabisala mwa inuyo nonse Mulungu akukhululukireni..!
Eeeee kaya
Kill him
What’s wrong has he done?
Kkkkkkkk ampingo pandale kayaa nokha
Our military is not active,
Eshhi kaya phanani ZANU izo
Where brother?
Zofunika asilikali zimenezi.
It remains to be seen
Dziko langa lokongola, Mulungu akulankhula koma palibe munthu ali ndi nzeru kumvtsera chilinkhulo. Tikuthamangira kunyozo zili zonse zomwe tikuona zikutichitikira. Kodi ndi liti pomwe tidzavomereze kuti Mulungu ali nafe ngati bambo wathu? Pajatu bambo amadzula mwana amene amamukonda. Kodi timatha kudziwa momwe amatidzudzulira Mulungu?
Palibe munthu wolungama, chofunika ndicho kupempha nzeru zomvetsa momwe zinthu masiku ano zikusinthira kuopa kutenga tchimo lomuweruza Mulungu yemwe analongosoleratu zonse zodzachitika pa masiku ano otsiriza. Ine ndimakonda dziko langa la Malawi ndipo ndima khulupirira kuti Mulungu ali nafe, koma safuna kuti tizisekana kuipitsirana mbiri. Kutero ndizo nzeru za Satana. Kodi tidzadziwa liti kuti Yesu anamupha pomponya minyala. Zomwe tidzudzula mmasiku ano ndiko kuwapha anzathuwo powaponya miyala.
Atsogoreri amipingo ganizani mozama nkutheka kuti inunso mwatenga miyala kufuna kugenda munthu wosalakwa pomwe akusenza mtanda wolemera mzanu.
chisilu ngalu mbuzi iweti
Ngalu nde Chan kod kwanu nkut
Something fishy is happening here
Church leaders u want to make the earth paradise thats imposible .u have forgotten that your peace is in heaven kkkkkk
Lazy people preparing to steal from poor Malawians led by their so called next to Christ officials!
A sign of laziness
Kkkkkkkkkkk church leaders kkkkkkkkkkk I doubt if they’re genuine.OK I do understand I thought you mean pastors,evangelists,teachers, prophets and apostles. But church leaders no problem they can go ahead because they’re not anointed by the Almighty God and not filled with the Holy Spirit
Kod asilikali mukutan taonan anzanu uko
I disagree with those saying pafika Malawi things cannot change!
Everything is changeable only if there is a total renewal of the mindset!
If your mind tells you that there won’t be any change then that means your mindset doesnt see things changing..
Let s remember that previously back in 2012 Malawi was at a toughest level where there was shortage of Fuel, shortage and high price of Sugar, Shortage of Forex etc…This prompted the same Religious leaders to issue 60 days dateline for the HOS to address the crisis….unfortunately we lost our Head of State….but fortunately we Malawi sworn in a new Leader who managed to turn things around despite other issues of Cash gate but honestly it was like Malawians were relieved abit coz there was availability of Fuel,Forex and Sugar ….including power all day long…
So let’s unite and urge the Govt to improve some of these things rather than to be wasting time opposing on social media….action is best and thats what the leaders are up for!!
We have 3 arms of Govt let them wakeup and redeem this small nation…
Kwe Nadi Apo Mwayowoya.
Some leaders are the Gog and Magog their aim is to bring destruction Habakuk chapter 2
they are surpose to match against satan also,bcoz of turning them from preachers of the gospel,to matchers.
Akhuta dza mmunda dzomwe takololadzi! adawauza kuti ma Demo its a best solution ndindani? akamaveratu chakwera uyo kwake nkuwononga,nsanje mwano, ndi kudzikonda. 4 eg chakwera adawuza anthu kuti asapange nawo za NRB ndizoba mavoti komatu akuti adapita ku school tiziti he do’nt know what NID is? nde ku school ankakatani becauz even mwana wa primary amadziwa its advantege nde pano mukuti amipingo? chakweraso sangalephere ali mgulumo.koma remember chawona mzako chapita mawa chilikwa iwe! ndipo ntchito yako sitidati uzitsutsa zoipa ndi zabwino zomwe nde dzikoli ukulifunira zotani? are you leader of Nation as a president or as a leader of opposition party? becareful osabwera ndi nkokomo ngati ukufuna kukozetsa zinthu koma ukuwononga ayi! this is 2017 still time of ruling party of Dpp, Nanuso amipingo kunjaku kuli dzuwa mwinaso inuyo mukuwona mukamadwala ma litsipa,malungo,mutu wa ching’alang’ala ndi kutsekula mmimba due to dehydration zanu manyazi mulibe nkhani yake magetsi womwe anayamba kuvuta kalenkalewa?
Zonsezi ndi zotheka kuchitika chifukwa cha utsogolera osawopa MULUNGU Wamphamvuzonse , Mlengi , Kodi inu simunawerenge lonjezo la YEHOVA MULUNGU wathu M’buku Lopatulika Ndilo Mau a MULUNGU pa “2 MBIRI chapter 7: 14” kuti (anthu otchedwa dzina lake akadzichepetsa nakapemphera, nakafuna nkhope yake nakatembenuka kuleka njira zao zoipa; pamenepo Iye adzamvera m’Mwamba, ndi kukhululukira choipa chao, ndi kuchilitsa dziko lawo?) Tivutikiranji ndi kumakangana tokhatokha a Malawi ? Kodi mbiri yathu ya dziko loopa MULUNGU idapita kuti?
Zooona kumantcha.sibwino.inuachurch..mwatani.mulimbikitsa kumatncha tsikulo.inuosaoneka.achete.kumafa magaziameneo.azafunsidwa.pamutupanu
Kumusiyara peter kuti Malawi Afanane Ndi Southafrica akufunika zaka 92 akulamulila 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Democracy ndinkhondo!! (RIP) kamudzu
Agalu inu mumangonena simumapanga mkuti Demonstration manyi eti!! Simukuwona Azanu ku Zimbabwe?? U r bullshit!! Malawians!!
Hahahahahaha……God is watching the good job MR PRESIDENT is doing with full of blessings!!!! APM is GOD’S CHOICE………….
Church leaders please! why marching? Do u think the situation will change just becoz u haved marched? Had t been uhave spiritual eyes u would notice we are at the very end of the world, and things in whe world as awhole completely changing not to better. Every hour,day,month and yr elapsed know that we are going toward the doomz day. Idon’t know what ur bible says? but mine says no man can lead aman until Silo will come. Silo is Jesus who will rule pple nicely. Open ur spiritual eyes, dont suffer from dellusion and hallusination.Muli ngati ujeni who is salivating to take charge of this country. or mutamalamulira inuyo nothing will change.Mwinanso mavuto kuposa panopo
JB solved very complex problems of fuel scarcity and electricity blackouts within 100 days. Remember that PAC also intervened in politics during Bingu s time. Go PAC go.
GO ahead it’s awill of the people of Malawians Mr President there President who want to compete for the PAC there no more like kamuzu Bingu if want you can do so
Imye ngati anachita kupempha kwabusa udindowo msiyeni munthu munamvotela nokha aaaahhh
Ana apak
PAC imachita zinthu zomwe anthu akufuna. Nkhani ya electoral reform ndiyokomera mbali zonse chifukwa chilinga chake nchakuti mtsogoleri azisankhidwa ndi anthu oposela theka ndicholinga chakuti anthu ambiri asamalamuliridwe ndi mtsogoleri yemwe wasankhidwa ndi anthu ochepa. Mchaka cha 2005 bungwe lomweli la PAC lidapanganso zionetselo kuthandiza boma la Bingu Wa Mutharika kuti azipani zotsutsa asakakamile section 65 mmalo movomeleza ndondomeko ya zachuma ya 2005-2006. Inu amene mukunena kuti PAC yalowa ndale simukudziwa zomwe mukunena. Atanena kuti tonse tipange ziwonetselozi mmalo mwa PAC, ndi a Malawi angati amene tingapange nawo? Ndiye ena mwamanso aboma akutimenyela nkhondo poonetsetsa kuti zofuna za anthu zichitike, asandukanso andale? Ngati Bingu adayendetsa bwino term yoyamba PAC idali patsogolo kutsutsa a opposition! Tiyeni tizilemba za mzeru apa.
aaaaaaa, koma ndizomvesa chisoni kuti azisogoleli amipingo atumiki achauta kukati apange ziioneselo kulimbana ndi usogoleli mmhuu mwataya kuyang’anila nkhosa za yehova?. bwanji osamangolipemphelela dzikoli!, kodi monga ngatidi inu ndi azisogoleli achipembezo masomphenya oti m’dyelekezi walimamatila dzikoli? bwanji kumalipemphelela kulekana kukapanga zomwe mukuganizazo? kodi mwaiwala inu achipembezo chinalipo chaka china zinachitika ngati zomwezo mukufunazo koma bwanji ana aazinzanu sanataye mooyoo? mpaka pano makolo aaoo adakalilabe ndiye mukufunanso zoooomwezija? zichitikenso ai mwina teroni mwina imakhala kuti mukuthila msembe zikachitika zinthu ngati zimenezo m’zipembezo mwanumo nthawi yasala yoochepesesa musiyeni munthu musampase m’pishupishu inu ngati ndinu anthu amulungudi lingalilani zaudindo wanu mukapeza kuti mukulakwisa pazomwe mukuganizazo mkwabwino kulapa mulungu ali olola kukhululuka chifukwa munaganiza kuipa koma ngati muona kuti zomwe mukuganizazo m’zabwino ai pangani koma pakazachitika choophya muzaziwe kuti zochitika chifukwa chainu ndipo m’kwiyo wa yehova uzakhala pa inu.
Ey panyapanu zipangani zampingo muzikamatcha chani?pamtumbo panu
Instead of preaching sharing gods word your wasting time joining politics sichina koma dyera ndilimene lakula. If things is not going well in country as you church leader you suppose to sit down with the government leaders to solve problem together. Not allelluya allelluya on the street is nonsense.
Followed by cadiac allestt
Amipingo amenewo kofunika kukawakuntha akapanga mademowo fukwa mpingo siungafike pamenepoooo
Mumuphese ndani
Tiyenazo malawi osamapepela iyayi yatsala house arrest
Kenako achoke-achoke
Mmmmm ayenela ndi ampingo WA apuse apuse mulungu afuna ana, Mmalo mopephela kut mavutowo athe ndiye mukufuna nanu ammipingo muzi matcha pali nzeru apa? Mavuto akafika apa ndipomwe mipingo imadzuka kumenya nkhondo ya kuuzimu osati zomwe mukupangazi. Inu ana a phalawo, azinkhanila, anjoka inu eti.
So you think God Is not watching what munthalika is doing??
DEMON STRATION is not a solution Yo frens in Zambia gat a day of prayer and RECONCILLIATION.bizy copying from zimbambwe after lo they were not church leaders but ARMY Foolishness,the church is sleepy and not origina.if they gat bibles in their homes let them go and read EPHESIANS 5V1-24
Mmmmmm koma achristu ndinu anthu onvesa chidoni kobasi mpakana mwayambaso kulimbana ndizaulamulilo waziko lapansi?
Dziko lino sitikusowa m busa kutilamulira a PAC muuzane nd nzanuyo!! mukuyenera kulapa holy ghost fire!!!!!!!!
Shit……Who are you??? Don’t ever attempt to intimidate me!!!!! You better do that to your wife….
Its not only Malawi, the whole Africa is crying. African leaders has failed Africa and it was better in the days of Colonial masters. Where are the Mandela’s and Nyerere leaders who loved Africa. Shame on our leader who are stealing from the poor
Marching what,tiuzeni zaufumu wakumwamba.
Koma mitu yawo imagwira ntchito amipingowa ,if they are real church leaders why not pray to GOD koma kumangolankhula mbwerera basi Dzuka Malawi!!!!! let’s develop our country not marching against President shame on you Church leaders!!!!
For which reason we must know?
Zandale izi muzizitenga bwino coz president aliyense akalowa m’boma sipamalephela otsutsa ,ndiye zimatengela iwe kuunika zomwe akutsutsazo ngati zili zoyenela kutsutsa coz otherwise muzasintha mapresident mpaka hundred koma osapezabe amene mukufuna
nonsense how can a normal church leader take part in politics.that’s why Malawi is still poor.coz timapanga ndale zopanda tsogolo. lets differenciate btwn politics and religion
no malawi z poor bcz v ua mindset…tinking dat religion shud stop u enjoying ua ryts
nonsense how can a normal church leader take part in politics.that’s why Malawi is still poor.coz timapanga ndale zopanda tsogolo. lets differenciate btwn politics and religion
Livingstonia synod can be one of them kkkkk
Watch Ur Words
What PAC wants is to sway peoples attention to MCP .Its very unfortunate that this religious body has reached this far.We need abody that can encourage peaceful coexistance.This present PAC has lost direction and must be replaced.Demonstrations when the answer to that crux has been food is useless.
Matchalichi osadziwa buku loyera,mau amulungu akuti tipemphelerane wina ndi mzake komanso tipempherere atsogoleri athu without any condition, nao mukusiya kupemphera mukukayamba zina chonsecho mumpingo mwanu zoyabwa zili mbweeh! Tiye nazoni,ziwanda zikukudikirani zikakukhiyeni komweko
Thngz are worse nw here in malawi,soon we wl even ziweto marchng against ma problems tili nawo,
Akhuta bonya eti?
Coz Uli Ku R S A Thats Y You Are Saying That…. Koma Kunena Xoona Malawi Sali Bwino Bro,
Ampingo ndi azizake achakwera akufuna kuti nao apezeko akunamizana ampingo ndilibenao tnchito kwayo ndikuononga olomabanja anthu akungogona ndi azikazi athu palibe chomwe angatiuze akungotaya nthawi yao
Right time to bring changes in our country. Enough is enough lets move guys
Religious leaders you have a huge task to play rather than this teach right synagogues not doing things against someone
Noooh! Istrongly Disagree With This Behaviour, Church Leaders Doing Demonstrations What For? Church Leaders Should Led By Example Wakutumani Ndani Chakwera Kapena Please Leaders From Different Churchs Go And Proceed With Preaching The Gospel Of Christ But If Ur To Continue With This God Will Punish U While Ur Here On Earth
Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha yuuuuu hho koooo hehehehedee AZIBUSA MMALO MOMAKALALIKIRA BUSY KUMATCHA MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMM WASTE OF THEOLOGY RESOURCES PAC MULIBE MZIMU
..And So What After Marchng? 7Times? And Walls Of Egenco And Escom And Poor Economy Will Fall? Perhaps,..And What Will B Next Again? Same Church Leaders Preaching That Every Leader In Authority Is Chosen By God? So Are U Telling Me U Want To Dethroan Whom God Had Enthroned As Regards Th Bible? Tell Me More
word up broh….these people are men of God not by their actions
I Thot They Cud B Calling Us To National Day Of Prayer,repentance,and Humblng Ourslves To God! The Leader Has Failed Us,bt Wil God Fail Us Too? Never! Ths Is Nt A Solution,but Prayer Bax,earnest Prayers
Anthu amene mukumalemba za kuti repent inuyo mwalalikilako anthu angati?…God knows everything more that you and I do but am not behind the clergy I just want to see government tabling the electoral bill basi….the change we embraced in 1994 is what we deserve as a country. So electoral bill idutse basi
Komangat Kulikufuna Lazurus M’busa Wakugwa Chakwera Ayaluka,mwna Chpan Chake Cikhaled Chotchedwa PAC Not M C P.Inawamvetsa Kuwawa Amalaw Samaifunaso Mcp.Trust Me Never Shall Brutal Mcp Rull Malawi Again.Unless This New Party Yonamizra Umulungui(pac) But Znaz Akungotaya Time.
Point Of Correction!!! These Are Party Leaders In The Name Of Church Leaders.Akhristu Ngati Mtsogoleli Wanu(mbusa Wanu Ajapezekeko)ndi Mkango Umenewo Samalani.Ano Ndimatsiku Otsiliza.
Malawi uli pamalawi amoto
Write a comment…ur tald nothing
Dziwanda Dzawagwra Akusowa Podztaira,bola Mzawo Chikhamu Dzake Anataila Munkhumba Zomwe Znakafera M’madzizija.Okondedwa Gwran Yesu Kut Mukalowe Mufumu Wakumwamba Komwe Mavuto Onsewa Kulibeko.Chenjeran Nd Atsogoleri Akumpingokwanu Angayambe Kukusokezan Pofuna Kutaya Dziwanda Mu Dzna La Demonstrations.
I thnk u cuold hav sy …#PAC leaders NOT #church leaders. So, God open up our eyes & minds.
azibusa adyera omwe sadziwa malemba olowera ubusa ngati ntchito yosaka ndalama pomwe cholinga cheni cheni cha ubusa sachidziwa .
Keep it up, leave the Bibles, Qur’ans, mikanjo, ma yekete, ma whskot and what ever you’ve, and come together to restore our Malawi things are good enough is enough che Peter must go like Mugabe you’re country destroyer!!!!!!!!!!
Apange asiyeni ife tikudikira 2019 apm katundu omanga ndi linya tikamuvotera zifukwa tilinazo zokwanira
The next to impeached or coup,had rock
Whats The Matter
Not Church leaders bt people who pretend to be Church leaders how can people of God wbo believe in dialogue and constructive points do that.
2019 PAC izaima nawo pa chisankho.
Akuluwo achitepo kanthu nkhani yamagetsi tikuvutika ife ngati asatero nkhan ndi vote
Kungoti PAC Ya Pa Malawi Ndi Ya Zitsiru,mukuleka Kupemphelera Dziko Koma Mukulimbana Ndi Munthu.A Pac Mulipo Gulu,ansembe,ma Shehe,abusa Ndi Ena Osapemphera Mpaka Mavuto Athu Athe,a Pac Mulungu Wanu Ali Kuti? Mwasocheratu Kwambiri.Mulungu Akukhululukireni,
Ndiopusa asowa zochita thawi yomwe akuonongayo ikanakhala thawi yokhala pasi or yopita ku escom ndimalo ena otero kuti akamve bwino chomwe chikuchitika kuti magesi azizima umburi kkkkk awachitire chifundo yehova
Munthu wamulungu ngakhale mutaiveka mikango chikopa cha nkhosa koma mkango ndi mkango basi ambuye akudalitseni.
Zikomo bare wanga kelvin
Robert kodi mukudziwa chomwe akupitira kuseu kapena simukudziwa? ndaona kuti you are just talking u dont know anything, the same yr president agreed with them and assured them that he will table the electoral reform for this seating of parliament pano asitha that means this government is full of crooks.
Yaa zina ndizimenezo komano sizifukwa zoti athu amulungu azipita kuseu ndikhani zoziwikiratu zimenezo
kkkkkk,……. miracle Demostration
Masiku otsiliza kuzabwela aneneli onyenga ovala mikanjo yaitali ndipo azasiya kulalika zaufumu wa kumwamba
Prayer is the key although the walls of Jericho were brought down by matching around
anthu amulungu war room yakuvutani? pray and all will be just fine
PAC do not mislead malawians this is not the time for the so called marching, Kufuna kuthandiza m’busa zanuyo apa,dzikazamuyelera adzakuwoneni,mwawuponda,tili pano vuto lathu sizimenezi ai, lets priolitise vital agendas in the august house Viva malawi Viva people
I doubt if it wil really happen…..i wil support it tho..!
za ziiii..mukamatche kwa amanu
That would be cool
Yalakwa ikatele
A True Church Leader Can not Do That.To Do That Simply Means They Do Not Have The Holy Spirit
Akumationerera kwambiri
Munalephela kuitanizana nkupanga mapemphero amphamvu pa nkhani za anamapopa zija,koma izi ndiye zofunika??? SHAME ON YOU
Koma Malawi Sazatheka! Anthu A Mulungu Asiya Kukhulupirira Mulungu..Akuyika Chikhulupiriro Chawo Mwa Atsogoleri Andale Kuti Awasithire Zinthu Mziko Muno.. Malo Mogwada Pansi Ndikumupempha Mulungu Kuti Athetse Mavuto Mziko Muno… Lero Akuloza Zala Mtsogoleri.. Zipindulanji Zimenezi?! Tapangani Organise Nation Prayers For Better Malawi Than Organising Demonstrations… Please Sick To The Lord And He Shall Intervn In All The Challeges We Are Facing.
A Word … Komano Ndikuona Ngati Adya Bani Amenewa Man
Pakufunika house arest apa kenakomkuyika boma latsopano.nkhalamba sizingalamulebwino dzikoli tiyese achinyamata plz
Tiyeni nazooo
i have read lots of senseless comments here
why ru blaming the church leaders about demos? Let them do! Don’t u know that even in the bible people were also fighting wars? Pali zinthu zina kuti zitheke pamafunika kuchitapo kanthu kuti Mulungu alowelelepo. Kodi inuyo mutati muzipemphera kuti mukufuna ntchito koma muli phee pa nyumba ntchitoyo ikupezani pompo? mukuyenera kuyenda kukafunsira ntchitoyo and mayankho amadza kamba koti mwachitapo kanthu. Yesu amene adachitapo kanthu pothamangitsa ochita malonda mkachisi mpaka zinathekadi koma lero lino munthu akati apange ichi choti mwina dziko lisinthe ndi pamene wina akubwera ndi mfundo zofooketsa. Iwe ukuchitapo chiyani?
Ndiye ma demowo akatha magetsi asiya kuzima.inu simunamve zoti ma gen sets abwera??
Pali Mafumu ndi atsogoleri a mipingo. ndiye kuti pali Satana ndi angelo amulungu akuti satana anabvuta kwambiri tsiku limenelo koma mulungu anamuponya pansi pano. ndipo yehova anati tsoka mtunda ndi nyanja pakuti oipayo satana watsikila pansi.
Thats Good..aziwe kuti palibe chomwe akupanga.angotidyera ndalama
Pajatu mipingo inayi mabuku a Daniel ndi Chibvumbulutso kkkkkkkkkk
Akufuna apatsidwe ndalama, za chopeleka sizikuwakwanila.En a PAC akupanga zofuna za Chakwera osati a Malawi.
Mmmmn U see fellow MALAWIANS………? The world’s biggest problem is that most INTELLIGENT people are full of DOUTS while STUPID people are full of CONFIDENT.
Things ‘r worsy, LET’S DOOO!!!!…..
Ineo ndkakumbukira bwino za this guy amkati ” ndabwela kuzakutulusan mu msinga zamavuto” ndiye patipo pamenepa? Mbuli imeney et!
Chiwanda cha Chakwera chawalowa a Chipembezo.Mmalo mompemphelera President yo
After eating icecream I use tooth pick just to confuse my enemies
…church leaders to march against the president…kuti watani ?sakupita kumapemphero ?kkkkk ufulu wafika Pena ndi2…kodi mesa awa Ndi amene amayenera kutsogolera an2 pamapemphero ngati Pali vuto ?? Ziriko-rikodi ndi2 kkk
Bangs pempele bwanji vintu sivikuenda bwino.prayer without action is dead.!
…& da action is to protest..isn’t ?akulu mukufunika mapemphero azibusa amenewo akupemphelereni
Ngakhale Bible linati mverani atsogoleri anu
Misleading Malawians..instead on focusing the future..muli bize kupanga za lero..thandizani boma kuti ana athu asazakhale ndi mavuto a magetsi ngati mmene zilili pano …ndi a mipingo munaati tikhale mu democracy..zinatheka..mu democracy panopa pangani kuti zinthu zikhale bwino monga mumatiuzira nthawi ya mu 1993 za mademo zanuzo aaaiiiiiii
Lol..tikaonere kumatcha kwamalilime ndima verse..
Yea neh
Ma church leaders kunja kokha koma mkati mwao ndi mikango
Tamaneni zomveka. Moses munthu wa mulungu analimbana ndi mfumu Farao. ndipo muwerenge mbiri ya Daniel. misheki ndi abininego anakana kumvela zofuna mfumu koma iwo anatsata zofuna yehova.
Zalowa chibwana
Ndiye zioneselozo mupangira pansi pompano kapena kumwamba??? Anthu opanda chikhulupiliro ana anjoka,ingoyambisan chipan
Dzuka !malawi dzuka!Kumaonetsetsa amalawi.
Pali zipembedzo zina zomwe sizingatitengere ku cipulumutso koma kuchionongeko.Atsogoleri ena owoneka ngati acipembedzo koma mphavu zake anayikana,dzachenjere nawoni.Ndiongofuna kukhutitsa mimba zawo
Atsogoleri amipingo yalero, ndi anzeru kwambiri ayiwala miseche kumipingo kwaoko. Panopa tsopano nzeru zabwera, zofuna kumenyana ndi President ayi tiyenazoni ife tikuonereni.
it does not make sense kuti muli ndinzeru yet mukugona mumdima….go ku escom and kayaseni magetsi else tibweretseleni njira yoti magetsi ayake osamatisokosela ife,you empty tins!!! do not forget kut when dog burks coock crocks.
nyimbo zake pama demo ndi makolasi ndima praise kikiki this aint christianity i know they have missed it
Kkkkkkkk malilime mkati akuyenda
it does not make sense kuti muli ndinzeru yet mukugona mumdima….go ku escom and kayaseni magetsi osamatisokosela ife,you empty tins!!!
Good move, watikwana nkhalambayu
What a disgrace!! church leaders hav now started physical and verbal battle……what wil unbelievers do then?.that proves to me that mainawo mwangovala thus y ua prayers are not answered,U HAV FAILED BELIEVERS AND UA LOST,REPENT
They are not fighting alemba Mavuto awo pa paper oti akapereke kwa president kuti apange sort. It’s not something related to any kind of violence
Mr Ricky Hastings Mwenyewe do you mean kuti azakhala okhaokha popanda mbali zina zokhuzidwa?
Kod pa mavuto omwe alembawo is there any spiritual point/solution yomwe apereka?.pac ngat religious group imaenera kumabwera nd ma solutions omwe iwo apasidwa but from God osati just joining what the world raised.
zandale izi ndie mpaka ma church leaders. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, instead of praying what is this you are planning for ? ziwani kuti mulungu siwandale,pitan ziwan simulinso mbali yamulungu .you have choice+right to go & proceed with your plans.
Yah atleast wationa kupusa mokwanila nyapapi ameneyu
go deeper tets show action
50+1 wofikayo ndi mwamuna unless kuzaime zipani ziwiri
we have morethan 50 political parties here in malawi all against one ruling party.if they are wise enough why cnt they come together and electrify the problems malawians are facing. so that the world,president n malawians should appreciate how wise they are.????? koma kumangoyankhulira kumbari?? zikungoonesa kuti even inuso nzeru mulibe but uchitsilu ndiumene ukukutumani!!!!!
So so quick to judge opposition parties ,,do u know their duties in a Democratic country??? B4 u comment educate yourself about the matter otherwise umangoonekera kusaziwa….let me tell u one job of opposition parties, they are there to criticize,& condemn even proposing ideas to end the problems country faces (chakwera has just done that)ngati boma silidatsatire ilo silimakhala vuto LA opposition,, without opposition parties democracy or multiparty singakome eg bwezi za cash gate ,maize gate usakuzidziwa iwe…
hahahahahaha but we are all facing the consequeses…..eg blckouts
Godfrey masawo iwenso ndi mbuli yotheratu,do you kno what “condeming” means? The opposition is there to provide checks and balances on matters concerning gvt decisions.not criticise foolishly.
..and can you enlighten me on the solutions chakwera gave concerning the blackouts??
anthu enawa does not think asanayankhure…
Mbuki ndmene ili pampando adanena yekha kt wabwela kuzasintha MW
Are u accepting & confirming that the current regime has failed?
If so then change regime not bringing confused brains with pure ones.
Ndimbulidi munthuyu.Sangadziwe kut pali ma project ena omwe sangathe pompopompo? Long term and short term are 2 diferent projects.Zitukuko Zina zitha kuyamba lero kudzatha 2022
Loadshading tikaonetsetsa,vutoli ndilapakanthawi.Zinangovuta kut atsogoleri anthawi imeneyo sankacitapo kanthu.Lero vutolija labala zipatso,we are point finger someone yet we were there when the past 4 regumes were created these proms but u did nothing
My queen am agree with you and am proud of you
Kkkkkkkk che Godifule proposing ideas to end problems well said then ochakwerawa achita propose chani kuti magetsi akhale bwino?
#Williams, I agree with you. #Honest, need proposals how to RECTIFY our challenges indeed
KKKKK DID U WATCH HIS SPEACH OR KUVERA ???he proposed & mentioned zomwe zidapangitsa kuti vutori lifike APA ,,tangofufuzani speach yake muivele kkk
People proposed and in short term adapanga zoti agule ma generator koma chifukwa choti company yomwe idapasidwa mwaiwu idakana kupeleka kick bacs ku chipani cholamura thats y company yo idasintha kuti sibweresaso ,,government & escom adadziwa kuti vuloli lizabwera koma corruption ndio idapangisa kuti asabwere ma generator in time…
Mr Bernard osaiwalaso kuti a president ankalimbira kuti akhale mtsogoleri mmalawi muno popanga campaign ndipo amalonjeza kudzathetsa mavuto amalawi ndikumpanga kukhala wa nkaka ndiuchi ndiye mosataya nthawi izi zikuthauza kuti io anali odziwa zomwe dzikoli likusowa ndiye pano sichikhalaso chazeru kuti mukambe zakukula kwathawi yomwe vutoli lakhalapo ai koma zimayenera kungolithetsa chifukwa ndizomwe amalonjeza asanalowe mboma
I think this guy has no plans for his future.. No wonder…..
you are out of order..hahahaha uyudi akufunika kupita ku mantal
Safi sana tunataka ambaye hajasoma awe raisi tumechoka na wasomi wajinga
Ngati mukusowa zochita pitani ku chipatala mukapemphelere odwala
DPP must fall
Ma church leaderswo tangoapatsani kuti ayendetse dxiko kwa week tione mmene angalitukulire.
Zafika povuta
I hope they see w@ Mugabe’s got now
Ine ndinanena kuti mitchona siyabwino koma simunkandimva sangamve za munthu wina aliyense or zoti moyo ukuwawa alibe nazo ntchito kaya magetsi akuvuta sizikumukhuza zake nzoyera ndi bulutu uyu!
they will maich them selfs
Ali ndi kwawo awa…zikazavutitsitsa azabwerera. Inu ndiine kumazafa ndi njala.
When religious leadera start to march then things are out hand
Church leaders? That means you doubt about your prayers or your prayers are not answered by God because your hearts are not clean. You need repentance first before you pray for the country. Demonstrations alone won’t help.
dont u know that even in the bible people were also fighting wars?
Nkhani ya nkhondo kapena yomenyana ikuchokela kuti abambo Lameck?
War for what reasons you Idiot?
No need for war yes bt prayer for its self its nonthung step in dnt just sit kudikira kuti ndapephera zitheka ai even bible anthu amapephera popita ku nkhondo yes amakagonjetsa adani awo kamba koti apephera kwa yehova, so u mean tizingopephera mkumayang’ana zinthu zikulakwika kumati mulungu atiyakha tili pansi phwiii
aaa asiyeni bambo lameck-wa atuluka dzulo tinali nawo ku zomba mental hosptal nde sanachilisise!
chomwe ndikutanthauza ndi kuchitapo kanthu pamwamba pa mapepherowo osati nkhondo yomwe tikuidziwayi ayi coz ndaona ena atanthauzilaso molakwika. Ambuye awakhululukirengati sanandimvetse komaso ngati ndawachimwira
Zikomo Abambo Lameck. It is fine.
Ine kwanga mkuthokoza bwana Julio pa misala yomwe Chauta adandipatsayi. Koma ku uzimu tikamati kumenya nkhondo sititanthauza imene mukuganizayi koma kuchitapo kanthu.
The first people to approach Kamuzu were these same people. Today you are enjoying the democracy and now they want to March to the palace with their grievances on paper. What’s the problem?
Thanx bwana Phiri pondimvetsa
Nkhondo zake ziti za m.bible mukunenazo a Lameck Kholiyo? Mpingo suli pamenepo kubweretsa chisokonezo Koma kubweretsa mtendere then do you think demos can bring peace btwn the two parts? Mukati akufuna kuthandiza amene tikuvutikafe mutanthauza chani kodi pakati pa kuzimazima kwa magetsi ndi electro bill chimene chikuvutikitsa anthu ndi chani? Nanga bwanji sanakamatche nawo za magetsi zija popeza ndi vuto limene lakhuza aliyense ndani amene anganene kuti anthu akuvutika chifukwa cha bill-yi ndani? Nde tikanena kuti mipingo inayi ikumatumikira satana tilakwitsaaaa
You are welcome Mr. Lameck Kholiyo
Inu ndi gulu lolemba kuti amen pa ma Facebook pages a ma prophet Nkumati mulandira ndalama. That said, Its all about action not just prayers.
Mwina angofuna kutiphimba mmaso ma church leader ake ndi ma members of PAC si onse ayii
zonse akdzwa nd mulungu mot tzimatcha a escom buzy nd peter bac zoona abusa nkhan nd ndalama bac!!
All the best
Ndiye akharanso ma church leaders?? Coz what I know about church leaders, if things are not going okey,,,,, they enters in the room and pray unto God….. Maybe are not church leaders but POLITICAL PARTY LEADERS…..
Democray tikunyadirayi anayambisa ndi iwowa kukamupanga approach Kamuzu. Why didn’t we blame them that time
Is that a good way of approaching? Are they going to discuss or to force
Mmm nanunso olo Mulungu amawatuma anthu ake kukathira nkhondo kwa anthu ena kusonyeza kuti pali nthawi yolowa mchipinda nkupemphera komanso ina yochita zinthu
Yes agalu awa analowa ndale pano? wokapulumuka amawadziwa yekha Namalenga kuzembera ayi!
Kwayine machurch leader akhoza ndipo ndiwokhawo amene amabwera mtendere nudziwa kuti ena zikuwanyasa zimene apanga amipingo. Ndipo zikuyenera kutero chifukwa khalamba yathuyi ndiyokanika pamene athu amenewa amalimbana ndi kamuzu kudalibepo ndipo nukumbukira kuti padali athu wena amawanena kuti ndi atsogoreri asatani achina ntaba dousi. Woti athu amene aluwanyoza kwayine sizachilendo ayi. Ndipo mngakhela mutatukwana bwanji palibe chimene chingasithe kulempheretsa zimene akufuna ayi.
Za ziiiiiiiiii
Coping from zimbabwe ? that cant help malawi open your eyes and see stop dreaming but live the dream …make malawi a better nation ..lets suport our president rather than leting him down ..look at the oppositions ndani munganene kut angasinthe zinthu mene zilili pano ..Be wise
nice!!!! am clapping my hand for your
dpp both of u^
u r still in dark u don’t know the country’s current situation even if he belong to your tribe bu u can’t say those words.Remember former president bring fuel in 3days
im not into politics but u like using common sence at times ..and thats nothing but the truth ..man
Lvc pipala so what?? being in opposition does not mean you cant work with gvt.ma demo wont help anyone apa
so true ..mademo ..i dnt suport tat u say u demostratin kumaonongo zinthu zaboma ..dont u see kut ndi loss gvt hav to put money in reparing those thngs malo mot the money cud have worked in some areas .i think malawians we are beta pipo we just hav suport th presdent and show lov that way he cant mess up .
remember they say together we stand and ther z much power wen ther z peace and kumvesesana .yes zinthu sizilibwino ..koma m demo ndi zaziiiii nothng wil change otherwise we going loose things even lives ..so lets open our eyes and see a beta malawi
we have supported him enough , we cant take this anymore
Vuto boma limasokoneza dala zinthu mademo does not means kuononga ai even mmalamulo athu mademo ndiololedwa koma ziko lakamaoamulidwa ndi munthu osamva komaso kulephela mapeto ake zimakhala ziwawa,mwanena bwino kut mmene zilili palibe Ku opposition angakwanise kukonza that means you totally agree that mkuluyu walephera ndipo zikumuvuta ndemoti amvele zomwe anthu akufuna ndikuvomeleza kut zikumuvuta Nde akumachitaso makani ndemukuti people should say nothing, if you follow politics from one party to democracy it was those churches change things, it was only the wise Dr Hestings Kamuzu Banda who accept the change,not all this mapresident adyelawa.
so true bro …lets not harsh on the president but say wise
Thax de problem mukava kt kuli ma demo u think ov violence no…. ndi ongot timpase pressure osat kuonga zithu…. U say abt together we stand xo lets support ur church leaders
haha church leaders ..mmmmh
we need prayers from them not mademo …thats th isue …atleast akanati we shud fast and pray cud hv partcpated not mademo thy shud lead wth example ..
You started attacking the president atangolowa kumene,olo Chakwera wanuyo sanayamikilepo chilichonse cha president,nde supporting yake ili pati
so true Ben …talking of oposition ledears simaonapo oti kupasa mpando lero angasinthe zinthu …atleast strategy ya Dpp imaonekako at times its just a matter of times and all these hapening coz of campain i dont blame peter for blackouts …iyi ndi campain from th Oc s and other opposition if u to take a look bwino bwino this z politics if u know the Game u stay wide open
Mademo ndi abwinoabwino kma vuto ndiloti kwanthu kuno anthu akava dzinali amaona ngt chida chowonongera zinthu even constution yanthu lmarola ngt pafunika kutelo
Hahahahaa Supporting Thieves.
There ppl out there who can at least help in rebuilding this country but unfortunately they cant make It to the top position
Malawi can be improved by malawians so if the government is not respectin its citizens marching its not a mistake but sign that we need better Nyasaland?
Malawi olo patabwera wina kaya wa maphunziro chotani zithu sizingasithe ulamuliro wa munthu ndi ovuta ndi ufumu wa mulungu okha ndi umene ungasithe zithu.Mwinanso patabwera ena ndi amene angadzapange worsen things chosecho ali busy kunena anzawo ngati anzeru koma kutenga boma zidzawakanikanso .Ulamuliro wa munthu ndi choncho
Ukapanda manu usamaswa phale, and you think this your empty headed leader has the possibility of changing things in Malawi.
Ya ya ya tiyenazo basi osamasapota pathological liar Munthalika Mbava iyayi
It starts with churchs even his late brother was like that then cadiac mmm going without sayn goodbye nthawi yatsala pamkitikiti sorry ne
We badly need mademos to show our anger about the hopeless situation in Malawi. A church onetsani mphamvu zanu. We support you.
satana at work. Now in church, zobvuta zedi
Zopanda ntchito mwina angokhuta dzomwe takololadzi! ma Demo angabweretse chitukuko zowona? mwakhutakhuta muliphee tipange ma Demo tsopano kudzera mudzina la a Malawi muvekere ma Demo kupusa kumenekoko,kodi wa opposition and ruling government who is a leader? ife tizivera chakwera? who is he? iyeyo akungotsutsa zoipa ndi zabwino zomwe dzikoli akulifunira zotani! kumawauza anthu kuti asapange nawo za NRB ndizoba mavoti,koma chosecho akuti adapita ku school tiziti he don’t know how the important of NID is? panopa ndizosachitaso kufusa omwe akupanga ma Demowo chakwera watenga nawo mbaliso munthuyu kwake nkuwononga
Tayler Ndiwe Panyo Ukumubakira Empty Tin Yu Zamtii
We will support the next coming president not someone who does no where he i going
Only if Malawi will. Wakeup from her slumber….m
Sono u want people to say nothing huh? Tizivutika eti?ukunena ulibe mbali koma u r 100%dpp
Oooow ukudziwa kuti zinthu zaonongeka eti ? Waononga ndi ndani? Eeeew that’s why akufuna ku mmatcha. Kkkkk
Chakwera galu wakuba, oipa mtima. Sangakhale president, mark My words
Zosadabwitsa ndi waku thyolo kwawo kwa lomwe Mbwampini. Chakwera akuvetsani mimba
Mpakiza Phiri too much nepotism thats y Malawi sangalemere #Tikakhala akumwela ndiye kuti talakwisa? nanga titafuna ku votera Chakwerayo? stop calling People from south side fools if you want muzithana ndi Peter yo, we are all Malawians ndipo tikuvutika #i dont like that tpye of judgement
Ndiye iweyo uganiza. Kuti muthu waku thyolo angalemekeze Chakwera. Komaso inewo sindidanene kumwera iweyo ndiyewanena werengaso comment yamgayo komaso uwerenge comment ya Patrick mlande. Ndiye umufufuze kuti achokera kuti ukuwoneka ngati kuti every month amakomoka.
Zaziiii kuzolowera ku zaulele za mpingo basi
Tangompangani zakuZimbabwe ameneyo
Dont say useless church leaders,aliyense has got rights kuchitapo kanthu ngati nzika ya dziko lake,if u r idle let some pipo be active.
If that is the case then akanangoti concerned citizens tikanawasapota
yes u r rght.chuch leaders r citizenz too
Oooh yes!
Churches Mmmmm,
P m must go
Kkkkkkkkk koma zoopsa! Tangopangan zakuzimbabwez basi
Za ziiiiiiii…..
Amalawi kusowa zochita ndikumvetsa chisoni
Zikupindulirani chani. ….??
Malo mogwira ntchito ndikutukura ma anja anu…..?
Muzafa amphawi ngati simusuntha chikhalidwe swear
Uselessness church leaderz!…
Dyera ma church leader, vuto ndiloti sakuwayendera ku ma chalitchi kwaoko ndikumakawasainitsa ma Mk 5,000 000.00.
even if u march 10 times that wont bring any change….pamene wafika Malawi even atakupatsani utsogoleri inuyo palibe chimene mungapange.Now stop sweating over a thing u can not change…..pitani mukasamale banja lanu kunyumba.!!!
Mukunama alipo anthu ovazazawo osati kumaba zacampain
talamulilani inuyo man Patrick tioena kusintha
zinthu zinazi osamangoyankhura just coz uli ndi mano mkamwa….kumaganiza usanayankhure!!! are u sure kut atakupatsa utsogoleri ungaukwanitse iwe??!
These are the people whom we eat with turns into bad friends
These are the people whom we eat with turns into bad friends
U have talked!!
The thing is Malawi can change and that is true adasitha bwanji Zimbabwe oti it was bad kumakhala ndi one million uli paper imodzi now things change ngakhale pali mavuto ena even Malawi can change osamadzionera pasi guys
Yes we can. It only requires intelligent leadership in managing state affairs.
Peter must resign or soldier takeover kkkkk
kkkkkk Zimbabwe style eti?
It cant happen mphwanga!….
u dont know what a coup is thats why u think its funny
Iwe ndiye ukuganiza ngati ine wava
Tiye nazoni
Mudakali mbulibe u dont kno what coup is.
Akungolakhu chifukwa akuva ena akulakhula kapena wakwao ndiwa MCP mukunama
Kkkkkkkk mukudziwa kuti simungavoteredwe nde mufuna mungolanda etuiii ndakumvani tsopano basi auzeni ma soldierwo
Maloto a chumba
Mmmmmh, palinso chotchulila umbuli apa? Munthu wayankhula, inu mukuti umbuli, kambana chanzerucho ife timveretu.
Mwina zikuchitika ku Malawiko ndi mzeru, timva kwa inu.
Nthawi zonse timaganiza kuti asilikali ndi kumpha anthu basi, ndi achitetezo cha Dziko lathu mwa mphamvu, ngati anthu talephelana kumvana ndi kusata njira zoyenera, why not Soilders forcefully defend those who think we are Serving them yet they are the Serving us, I support it too.
Why not military coupe
Me too am huge wonder why not army to take action?
We had no any military coup after #MCP held the citizens hostage & enslavement for over 31 yrs…what makes u think we should have it today ??akulu palibenso kulowera back door m’boma kkkkk
Hahaha mulira a mcp simubati,2019 ija mwayamba kuiopa kkk. Kulibe za back door apa
I think nkhani si mavuto a wanthu ayi koma mwangodana naye munthuyi coz even army itatenga singathetse vuto la magetsi meaning muzadikiranso 2019 kuti vutoli lizayambe kusovedwa kkkk
Zafika mpakana apa????
mmmmm ok
Good development, i ll take part,,,
ZA Ziiiiiiii .