Baby stolen in March yet to be found


Police in Blantyre are appealing for information that can help trace a baby boy stolen in March this year in the city.

According to public relations office Augustus Nkhwazi, the baby was stolen in Chirimba township in Blantyre.

“Mother of the baby, Falesi Amosi aged 24 , on 19th March this year, left her three-month-old baby boy in the care of its seven year old sister. She went to buy some soap within Blantyre,” says Nkhwazi.

When the mother returned, she found her daughter without the baby.

When asked, the girl said a woman took the baby and went away with it after telling her (the girl) she had been sent by the mother.

Efforts were made to trace the baby within the location but to no avail.

Matter was then reported to Police at Chirimba and later referred to Blantyre Police.

Police instituted investigations which are still underway to trace the baby and arrest the culprit.

Meanwhile, Police are urging parents to avoid leaving babys in the care of young children.
Police say children should be left in the hands of people who are responsible enough to provide the necessary attention and care they deserve.