The Nkukula court in Lilongwe has sentenced a 32-year old man to six years in jail for raping a nine year old boy.
The convict, Jackson Alfred, raped the boy on 15th April 2017 in Area 25C in Lilongwe.
In court, the rapist denied the charge of sodomy which falls under section 153 of the penal code.
But prosecutor Sergeant Vasco Magwaya of Kanengo Police Station paraded four witnesses to prove the case. The witnesses included the victim and a detective (Sergeant Tryness Banda) who investigated the case.
Through the witnesses, Prosecutor Magwaya proved that the convict was caught red-handed by members of the general public who heard shouts for help from the victim.
On Wednesday, Magistrate Cecelia Onsewa sentenced the convict to six years imprisonment. The magistrate condemned the conduct of the convict which she described as inhuman.
Jackson Alfred (32), hails from Bololo village, Traditional Authority Mthilamanja, in Mulanje.
it has to be in that way,as last days
How disgusting and evil
Sick bastard!! Incinerate him!!
7 bricks in a jumbo and hang them off his balls…bloody hopeless sod!
If I was a judge on this case I could sentence that idiotic and rem in brain man to life in bars
silly man
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Devil at work
Zinazi musamalembe chifukwa mumamukweza satana pachulu kuti azidumphadumpha,Golory be to God!
Zinazi musamalembe chifukwa mumamukweza satana pachulu kuti azidumphadumpha,Golory be to God!
Fool……. Ife ngati azimayi amatipeza okha kuti tikawachinde atipatsa dolla the whole night 50 GRAND ndye kumakalimbana ndi kwa mwana stupid
mmmmm..How?Raping a boy.
Iii Malawi sazatheka komano chonde tisiye mchitidwe ogwirirau
Ndiye Amalowesa Pati Mbolo Yakeyo Poti Ndiamuna Okhaokha Tazikhalani Serious Atolakhani Inu
Yagood decision
Kkkkk Koma zina iiiii
Vatican(Babylon) System..
Akutuma eti! galu
We should make sure he gets rapped in prison by 30 guy’s
There are too many churches but sin is on the rise, why, why,why?
Only 6 year’s
Malawi this is too much.What is it? Is this a God fearing nation?
Anthufe Satan adzatikana tsiku lomaliza kuti siiye amatituma,tikuenjeza.busy kuononga ana amzanu.
Asiyen sikaletu hooo kuli gule
Signs of end tym..may God have mercy on us
To my own understanding I think nkhani sikuti munthuyu wagwilira ayi koma aopa azungu kuti amve zoti anthu amathanyura tawamanga…. Coz mulandu ogwililira sentence yake singakhale imeneyi
Amuna enangomvetsa chisoni zoona azimayiwa alimbwee kukagwilira ka boy mmm zamanyazi
That’s satanic. Should have been castrated so that next world he realize his senses.
ooooh!! guyz ths z too much ambuye adalise malawi KU zolemesa zmenez.
Viazimayi vonsevi mmmmmh
Amene mukumudziwa mndala ameneyo mumuuze kuti pamnyapake
Rapping a boy???? Yhoooo abomination
Kkkkkkkkkk Km Abale Khan Zna Ukamava Gat Ukulota.
Mmmmmmmmmm koma yah anthu kuchimwa kumposa satana ndithu anthu muli ndisatana wanu wanu munthu sungakhale mbolo ng’ang’a panyamata nzako uffiti weni weni
Are these things really happening in Malawi?
Kodi atha mmalawi muno.
Is it raping or sodomizing
Mathanyula alipobe?
Come on…a man raping a girl 14 yrs Sam man raping a boy 6 yrs….. En thax same sex pipo…..! Is homosexual legal here…..????? T
Jst six yrs basi koma ua not serious
ooooh shame!
Just six years,are u kidding me
xakaxo xachepa ximenexo ximayenela okupha njovu uja osat opusayo ma judg nawo akugamula ngat sakuxiwa chomwe akuchita ndichimodxi kumuuxa kt dxipitakwawo nanga muthu wa xaka 36 wanxelu kungwilili mwana wa under 5 shame to ur nation.aximayi ambili kulephela kufunsila kuwuma mkamwa kumeneko ndikana khalako ku khothiko ndikaname mbama ameneyo ndikumpasa dala opepela osangothila fire kkkkk.
Too little
OMG! raping a boy?? and only six years sentence??
I bought a power bank in a China shop … I was happy it was cheap until my phone started charging the power bank
You can’t trust Chinese items. Normally they are not long lasting or fake. What they are after is making money out of nothing
Malawi wanga ukupita kut almost everyday nkhan zake zmenezi Ambuye mulowelelepo ndithu
Mbandele Chomene Wakumanya Yaye Ntchito Yawo Aunthule Waka Udindo.Lack Of Honest Mu Dziko Mwathu Ndi Big Problem Ndekut Katangale Wagwirapo Ntchito
Not long enough!!!
Fuk him
i feel our judges report for their duties absent minded and or bibida hangovers,how do they balance witi someone killing an elephant which not a sin at all in the holy bible slapping him to 13 yrs and someone doing matanyula which even in the holy bible is a sin;Leviticus chapter 18,if u are tired,zipitani kwanu mzikalima
Man Mukunena Zoona Mbuzi Zimenezi Zikufunika Kukangophedwa Osati 6yrs
thats not fair lets go back to past yrs wen chmbalanga en muonjez dd smila they charged zem 14 yrs nw uyu ogwlra mwana ot sankafuna y 6yrs anaenera mo than 14yrs
what a shame.
He is very stupid boy sure angagwire kamwana ka 6 yrs afunika 18yrs mu jail
Rape thay mothfck in jail too
Zaka zachepa six years zitu zomvesa chisoni kwambili ku gwilira munyata wazaka nine kodi umunthu wapitakuti amalawi
but plenty of single ladies …style up mehhhn!
only 6…aaah
zachepa eti sis kkkkk
eya ka kkk
Abale inu atilankhulitsa kuipa ameneyu zoona nyini zangoti mbwe izi kusowa anthu ,kumakafuna kamwana koti or bowo kalibe,he is very stupid
koma zokalowera ku jahena zikhale izi? kkkkkkkkkk
Mwaonatu ndinanenapo kuti ma judge aku Malawi pena sungawavetse kkkk imeneyo ndi rape KOMASO mwana wa under age koma only 6yrs really?????azimayi aja kungokodzera nzawo & kupasidwa 6yrs kkkk does it make sense???
Not @ all
No sense at all brother
This man must get a sentence other will learn from and him too, so he should never repeat it
amulakwila mzibamboyo nd ufulu wake kutelo
Why not 15yrs? He is an animal he deserve to live in the bush not with community.
Kkkkk koma guys
Only six years? Majestrate was his cousin. I can’t buy this story.
Mmmm Zaka zochepa izi
Azimai akumamenyanirana amunawa sakuwawona? Pamwanayo amafuna chani more over wammunanso chindele cha mzibambo
Hell no that’s crazy…! get purnished old man
mahule osewa zoona?
Mmmm uwu nde ufit,kodi akaz asowa????
duzi lool
very shambolic idea
atsing’anga ampusisa ameneyo, amafuna kukhwma, nanga tzt ndchan akaz onsewa?
Nde Misalatu
how come???so how was he feeling?this man is the demon…….
Ma5ka deserves to be hanged”
What a hell is this?? He is too bustard
Use positive words
mmesa bible imati munthu woteloyo aziphedwa bwanji osangomupha?
Only 6 yrs?
So you think 6 years is a joke? Stay in prison for one day then you’ll know what six years in prison mean.
To this gangster, 6 yrs it’s less considering that he has affected that boy for the rest if his life
Zakazo Zachepa Chitsiruchi Akanachipatsa 15 Or 20 Mahule Onsewa
he must rotten in jail with his wicked minds wat a shame