Man fined over chamba


A 35-year-old man has been fined K50,000 for being found with marijuana.

Harry George has been told to pay K50,000 fine or in default to serve 12 months in jail after he pleaded guilty to a charge of possessing cannabis sativa.

George was found guilty on his own plea of guilty on Thursday by Nkhotakota Magistrate court.

He was arrested on October 11, 2017 at Kaombe police checking point in the district.

According to state prosecutor, Cedric Cosmas of Nkhotakota police, George was found with Indian hemp concealed in a weaving basket.

Police conducted the search in his weaving basket and found the illicit drug weighing 17 kilograms.

Possessing Indian hemp without license contravenes section 19 (1) of the Dangerous Drug Act.

Harry George, 35, hails from Chawanje village Traditional Authority Ganya in Ntcheu district.