A 35-year-old man has been fined K50,000 for being found with marijuana.
Harry George has been told to pay K50,000 fine or in default to serve 12 months in jail after he pleaded guilty to a charge of possessing cannabis sativa.
George was found guilty on his own plea of guilty on Thursday by Nkhotakota Magistrate court.
He was arrested on October 11, 2017 at Kaombe police checking point in the district.
According to state prosecutor, Cedric Cosmas of Nkhotakota police, George was found with Indian hemp concealed in a weaving basket.
Police conducted the search in his weaving basket and found the illicit drug weighing 17 kilograms.
Possessing Indian hemp without license contravenes section 19 (1) of the Dangerous Drug Act.
Harry George, 35, hails from Chawanje village Traditional Authority Ganya in Ntcheu district.
legalise it….n i will advertise it
Legalize marijuana oh oh up in Malawi now now
Ichi ndiye chabanso kkk
Babylon why fire burn u
chi president ichi nde manyaka
F**k police
Munthu akupanga bussines mukumumangaso
Kodi chaponda amangidwa liti?
They fine for a tree??
Akusewelesa deal 2 pamenepa
Hello everyone am happy sharing this with you, am not suppose to be doing this but i can’t hold back my joy so i have to share with you, you too can be help just as i was helped by Dr Odudu who cured me the HIV virus after suffering from it for some years and CD4 count was very low i was depressed, i was desperately in need of getting rid of it, but the ARVs were not helping so i was eager to contact Dr Odudu who gave me his herbal medicine, today as am posting this i am HIV negative, don’t hide your sickness or else your sickness will hide you, contact Dr Odudu today so that you see a reason to back through the years of your depression and smile to yourself, you can call or whatsap him with his number (+2349067902914)or call +2349066604928 , pardon me i offend you with this post, but i must share this good news
Stupid thief ,find another way of making money
Shameless thief together with your dr dudu,,,arv’s were not helping?nagerian arv’s i suppose
Zoona kukhala nd kukhala mkumakhalira kumanga a chamba?? Aaaaaa komwe amafesa kudalibeko inu pano chakhwima munthu wakolora mukuletsa! Ngat chmanga chkufanana nd mtengo wa mbewa imodz ndeee tizilima chan???
Malawi akadzafika pololeza chamba kulimidwa ngati fodya waBale ndipomwe dziko lathu lidzakhale pamndandanda wa mayiko olemela padziko lapansi pano komaso jealous ndipomweso lidzathe cnanga wina aliyense akhoza kudzakhala khumbutcha koma ngati boma sililingalilabe izi zachambazi ummmmm njala,nthenda,sanje kuwonjezelaso umbuli pompo kuti thooooo kutimatilila ifeyo
Inuyo nde dzibani ndrama zabomazo kuti mudzitumizila ana anuwo ku xool zakunja mukatelo mudzidhulitsaso fees kwa agalu m’betelefe
kkk kd chaponda mumamuwopa?tamusini ameneyo akagulise busines.
Kumanga muthu cifukwa xa 50,000 Kma chaponda anaba zngat???? Amalawi stngatukulane koma akanakhala nzungu
Here in joz timaphafa mosacheuka nithu
Yah smoke zolo 4 shw
Is better to give them fine
apolisi inu zisiru wakumba ndalama zalama zaboma mukulephera kumumanga, mugulimbana ndimunthu wopezeka ndichamba choti akagulisa athandizira banjalake .Inumukuti apeleke 50,000,anaake azikadya kunyumba kwanu? kapena kwa peter mutharika? aboma akumba ndalama zoti dziko likusauka achinyamata akumvutika dzikoli ,tilimo ochuluka tikusowa zochita.Pamene namachende chaponda mukumulephera kumumanga mukutathauza chani? pali anthu ambiri akumvutika kundende mulanduwadzi .Iwe mwini lamulo nawe ndiwe mbava ,anthu amuboma akumba samangidwa,kodi boma mesa ndiife anthu .Atuluke opanda chirichonse ameneo ,makolo ake ndi okalamba .Musiyene pakwao ndi prisidenti,mp ,kasalaso ndi mfumu yopanda chinyengo .Osati afisi timaku voteraninu ,zandikwiisa nonga ine malawi wachinyamata.Mesamumati achinyamata alero ndi asongoleri amawa? akhala amawa bwanji?Munayamba ndikamudzi pakana lero mundakalipampando kumangomba basi ,musiyene akapitirize kungulisa chamba chakecho
Former Agriculture Minister Dr. Geoge Chaponda is the one who grow that Canabis,so go & ask him,may be he can explain it cleary.
A man has been arrestd………. Is that a daily story? Mumasuta ndnomwenu a polic mukukana??? Zamkutu!!!
Tangopitan pa Baraks iliyonse ili pafup nanu muone mmene anyamata akubandlamo,
kenako mukawagwire ameneo’
mukusowa zogwla eti?
Kupita ku ma show ama blacks anthu amasuta komaso kugulitsa chamba kwinaku mabalcks akuimba ganja time ganja time ganja time ,apolisi mukuona komko osamanga aliyese koma zoonadi chilungamo chinatha
Takagwireni chaponda
Takaamangeni olimawo pilizi ogulisawa komaso osutawa asiyeni hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Legalise marijuana!!!!!!
Nkhani kulembela amalawi okha anthu amayiko ena chamba sachidziwa. Lembani. Kuti ganja or cannabis
Should we conclude that Chamba becomes prohibited when it is in the hands of the common people? A police amasuta chomwechitu, bwanji samadzinjata akapezeka nacho? Okey! Fine.
Exactly my thoughts too
Zachepa nde mukuona ngati angasiye? kodi mumanga olima,osuta,ogulitsa kapena ndani? chifukwa panopa amene akusuta ma cigarretes nde ndiochepatu koma ena onse awa including apolisi ndi chamba chomwecho osangosiya bwanji kuletsako! ine sindisuta fodya aliyese koma mukutisokosera ndi nkhani zopusazo!
Zachamba basi
Nanga chaponda mumugwira liti?
Ndione ma comment ama rasta sopano