A Nkhotakota woman,Aida Nkuzi,has her life end brutally after she was attacked by an elephant.
According to Nkhotalota police deputy spokesperson Paul Malimwe, the incident happened in the district.
Malimwe said the deceased left home to fetch firewood in the bush since they live close to Nkhotakota game reserve.
He added that in the process she met with an elephant that injured her to death.
“Hours passed without her reporting back; this prompted her husband to start the search of his wife,” Malimwe told Malawi24.
Later she was found lying lifeless under a tree in the bush having sustained multiple fractures on both arms and on the neck among other parts.
Postmortem results conducted at Nkhotakota district hospital revealed that death was due to severe head injuries and loss of blood.
Aida Nkuzi (40) hailed from Nkuzi village Traditional Authority Chitukula in Lilongwe.
Koma ndikangoipeza njovu imeneyi kuli shisanyama ku kakasamba
Komaso malawi 24 osayikapo njomvuyo,,,,apolisa ampha njomvuyo
Wildlife Achitepo kanthu pamenepo fast
NDE pic ya police ikukhuzana???
Akutan kuimanga njonvuyo akanakhala ndi muthu wapha njonvu akanamangatu
Nde ena akuti abweretse mikango kuchokera ku SA…. kkkkk mmmmm!!!!!
Guys kumangozipanga ndiwo basi njovu zimenezi, ngati amene anakazichotsa kumene zinkakhala sakuzisamalira
Wat ll happen to the living elephant tell us now ? If that mama kill an elephant life jell ist
What happens when women kill elephant
So sad
2 bad
Kkkkkkk hhhhhhh njovu kupsa ntima kkkkkkk yaaaa ine ndili kumbali ya njovuyo dinalakwe sife nafe timazipha mopanda kuzichitila chifundo
Koma munthu akanapha elephant yo nde bwenzi pano ali kundende….this life is unfair ndithu
Opha nzake naye aphedwe njovuyo iphedwe basi! Mukayisiya ipha ambiri.
please the development of shifting of elephant should not have negative impact to the sorrounding.the AP should clockly attending to the park RIP
government have to put electric fence around game reserve to protect people from wild animals
Just write in simple English
Trying to write bombastically does not make you a good journalist
Don’t force yourself
I don’t see any bombastic words….mwina zangokuvutan kuwerenga baba
kkkkkkkk pali bombastic words apa?????brutally yo olo wat??
Hahaha vuto loyambira skool primary zaboma kumalizira cdss zizungu zikukuvutan haha musamuonongery career muthu!!!
kkkkk There is no any “big” word.
You didn’t understand what I was trying to say
I didn’t mean the ‘words’ I meant sentences that they like to use in their posts are difficult to understand.you are quick to judge but I have seen people also complaining about the same things.enanu mukuti ndinamphunzira Ku school za boma komanso cdss..that’s fine with me but I was only trying to point out the problem I have with Malawi 24 and their news delivery
Boss Stanley W Simbeye Nzunda which sentence is difficult to understand there? Kkkkkkk
It seems like am talking to my self
Am out
Quarantine these animals plz sometimes they reach as far as Ntchisi District
ukalodzedwa umakuotchadi ndi mkute wa dzana nanga abale mpaka kuphedwa ndi njovu?kapena inamupedza akugona nanga njovu imathamanga imene ija?
Njovu Gmathamanga Kupotsa Nyama Zambiri Ndipo Munthu Siungathawe
i thnk u dnt knw wat ur talkn about n u cant even hear yourself!
kk mmayidziwa njovu inu kuti mukanene kuti simathamanga,,mwakulira kuti
Siya kunena zimenezo njovu imathamanga koopsa kuposa galimoto
Nkhani ya kale ngati iyi kumakalemba lero koma mul serious?
So sad! Why such incidences keep on increasing!
Nafeso zikapezeka tizikong’ontha ndipo tizikwasula
Sorry for that
has her life end