Government has said many foreigners managed to register during the National Identity mass registration campaign in the Southern Region.
This was revealed on Wednesday, September 13 at Ryalls hotel in Blantyre at a joint press conference by US Ambassador to Malawi Virginia Palmer and Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security Grace Chiumia.

At the conference, it was noted that some districts bordering with Mozambique registered more people than the estimated populations of the districts.
According to statistics delivered at the press conference, Blantyre registered 98% of the estimated population, Nsanje 105.7%, Chikwawa 107.4%, Mulanje 99.3%, Thyolo 95.4%, Neno 105.3%, Mwanza 109.2% and Chiradzulu 80.6%.
Responding to why this was happening, minister of home affairs and internal security Chiumia said that the figures really showed that many foreigners managed to register in the border districts.
She however assured people not to worry about this claiming no foreigner will be given a Malawian ID card.
Chiumia further said measures have been put in place to identify all foreigners who got registered.
At the conference, Palmer officially announced the statistics for phase 3 of the national ID mass registration campaign.
Ambassador Palmer said in Phase 3, just as in phase 1 and 2, the NRB has achieved nearly full registration coverage among the eligible population and said registration coverage is at 98.5 % in phase 3.
The ambassador said in Phase 3, the estimated number of registrants was 2,256,000 but to date 2,222,000 persons have had their personal data collected by the registration teams representing about 98.5% coverage of the projected eligible population.
She further said in Chiradzulu district, the registration coverage is low at 80.6% claiming there are many people who commute for work to Blantyre and for most of these, it was more convenient to register at centres in and around Blantyre.
“I am delighted to inform you that in Phase 3, just as in phase 1 and 2, the NRB has achieved nearly full registration coverage among the eligible population. So far, registration coverage is at 98.5 % in phase 3.
“You may recall that in Phase 1, we reached 97.2 %and in Phase 2, the teams reached almost a 100% registration of the projected number of people who are entitled to a National ID,” said Palmer.
The National Registration Bureau has since said that it will not relent until every Malawian citizen in the 8 districts of Phase 3, and in the entire country, has had the opportunity to register.
Elections soon innit …..
No foreigner in Africa as long he born in Africa he is not foreigner….
Expires nonsense national ids I can’t waste my time & energy ⚡ just for something that’ll expire especially an id
Timadziwa kale kuti zats wat DPP wanted! To use the foreigners to vote for it! They knew that if registration started in south foreigners won’t manage it! But wow to him who will use foreigners to vote for him! Mulungu azathane NAYE basis!
l wish l was at home coz l m using Zimbabwean ID l was born in Zim..l want Malawian ID where my roots are
Everybody was a foreigner, that’s why kwabwera zama ID kut tikhale ma citizen. Even mumpingo, muli ambiri opempheramo but not baptized. But after baptism they become true members of that church.
So what
Achitha bwino kutipasa obwera ndipo tili wokhonzeka kuvota ndi mavoti akubwerawa DPP nndi bommanso lyooooooo muchedwa ndikulakhula ife tikuti lyoooooooo
Mulungu adzamudalitsa mene udindo ulili mulungu nalakhula tichulukane
Mulungu adzamudalitsa mene udindo ulili mulungu nalakhula tichulukane
Then its true kut muzabelanazo mavotiizo
Dziko la Malawi mulibe mzika zenizeni we r all foreigners
Shall Malawi Develop? Registering 4reigners 4 National IDs 4 Wat? U’ve Prepared Urself An Unextinguishable Disaster.Many Many Malawians R Just Idling Bcoz Jobs R Scarce.Shalln’t There B Great Pressure Here? As They’ve Registered, Doesn’t It Mean They R Real Malawian Citizens Now? If There Comes A Job Opportunity, Shall U Restrict Them From Accessing That Opportunity? So Shd Malawians Greatly Suffer While Already Suffering Cmply Bcoz Of Foreign Immigrants? Malawi Will Remain Poor Until Late Bcoz It Is Headed By Ppo With Poor Leaders.We Shdn’t Ill-Treat Them Bcoz Many Malawianz R In Foreign Countries.I Think U Would’ve First Asked Us As Original Malawian Citizens To Contribute Our Ideas.I Need Immediate Feedbacks To My Quests From Malawi 24.Home District:Mzimba Alina Hanock Sammy Samantha Rose Juwawo Emma Lumwira Luhana Khomanato Ulera Beehaaj Khumbo Kachari Mathias Ngoma Ireen Phiri Ephraim Kumbukani Nkhoma Love Chikwakwa Memory Gwaza Grace Chiwone Tiffany Milanzie Bright Sibande Noxy Chako Martha Kadyaudzu Clive Mithi Jr. Jessica Mtambo Essie Ntsako James James Chisale Akon Soko Cathy Jp Kambanzeru Rodric Gondwe Maria Banda Linda Munthali Ana Maria Bridget Kasema Zione Kwabata Benjamin Nuka Bright Bristo Chirwa Pamela Butao Gloria Shaba Tamarha Maggie Kamangaa Siliza Tusida Ndalama
Kuno Ku Mzuzu akulembetsa ndi ma refugees omwe boma likuti chani?
Kunoku Mzuzu ngakhale ma refugees akulembetsa kodi boma likutiponji?
Kuno ku zuzu akulembetsa ngakhale ma refugees hakweee zaukape akuwalora ndani outer
Malawi Wa lero kkkk
Tinanena izi boma ili phuma…ndalama lilibe..mkoma mkumayambisa izi za ma id
Never seen an exercise for national identify so easy as this one, i guess more Indians, Pakistanis and chinese are more Malawian now than the real owners of the land. The way this nation can be taken down so easily! is amazing
If you know that foreigners registered, why not make their applications null and void then??
What’s wrong with that? it means they want to become Malawian citizens as Malawians do in other countries. Even the president himself was holding a US Green Card, but he is a Malawian. I don’t see any problem.
Apatseni ma ID kenako akukhauritseni kwathu chilichonse mchaurere ku Jon kuno olo card ya kuchipatala akitikaniza ukadwala kumangoyang’ana kumwamba
bomali likuvomereza nanga ngati laziwa lapangapo chan kusonyeza kusagwirizana nazo? bomalo ndilimene likulimbikitsa zmenezo komanso sindkuona chfukwa cholembetsera uzika
Malawi will remain stupid nation for so long
bomaaaaaa ilo
This was catastrophe ideology,the severity of Malawi is declined softly to strangers and once Malawian sovereign would be occupied by the terrorist groups whom once they would run the capital hill with the iron first.
BEcause malawi is dumb man,,other countries they don’t even.wanna renew our papers leave alone the id then them they are busy giving our id for free !!!!.
Wakupatsani zingati mphaka munthu obwera kuphatsa ID?Inuyo simungamvutike koma zizikulu zanu ndi munthu amene mwaphatsa ufuluyo
Mmmm koma Malawi eeish umbuli unachulukitsa..moti tinene kuti simadziwa Vuto lakuchulukana M dziko? Ena ndiye amvere welcome development zoona? How? Inu simumadziwa kuti tikachuluka kwambiri vuto lake limakhala umphawi? Komanso Malawi imadalila chithandizo chochoka maiko azungu ndiye tichulukanamo, ziyenda? uganiza moperewela kumeneku..Botswana ,Namibia, Zambia ndi maiko akuluakulu koma anthu ndiochepa ndi chifukwa chake Ali olemela.komanso azathu Ali ndi migodi ifeyo tilibe kena kalikonse koma tikufuna kuchuluka ngati mchenga..kodi pa banja akakhala ndi ana 10 koma alibe malo olima komanso chakudya chingachitike ndichiani? banja ngati limeneli ana akakhala akazi amangopanga uhule chifukwa cha umphawi pa khomo ndipo akakhala amuna amakhala mbava kapena zigawenga..ndipo nonsenu mukumba chifukwa chaumbuli ..dziko LA Malawi silidzutuka mpakana kalekale chifukwa chaganiza ngati nkhumba.
Well done African unit
Ndchfukwa Chake Akulimbkila Kut Tizagwrtse Ntchto Povota 2019, Akufuna Azawinebe Ndthu, Mulungu Azatimenyera Nkhondo
Second nationality,the nzika form ndiye vuto
Pali nzeru
The bg problem is here in TZ they take foreigners as if criminals,I think education must be the problem .
Not only in the South
Koma mwayi umenewo tangotipasa ife omwe tikukhara South Africa fe hahahaha tingangoti bye bye bye Malawian !!!!
Amangidwe akubelani?.Inunso a Malawi mumatha kunena zina la Foreiner?.Akamanga ndiye abale anu azamangidwa angati maiko akunja?.Boma lathu lisasekelere anthu kunena munthu okuda mzawo kuti Foreiner,umenewo ndi mlandu.Mafricans sakhala foreiners mu AFRICA mumwemo.
then ID is for wat ngati akulembetsa ndioti simzika yemwe ?
DDP deliberate strategy to rig 2019 vote, learn from the past God whips.
Vuto ndi mafumu chifukwa fomu ija pali malo oti amfumu asayine ngati ali mukawundula wa m’mudzi mwawo chinanso ndichakuti fomu ija ikumakhala ndi mafumu ndiye zikutheka bwanji anthu oti kuno sikwawo kumapezeka ndi fomuyi izizi zikusonyeza kuti mafomuwa akumachita ogula kwa mafumu apo ayi pali njira imene akupedzera komans mafumube zikuwakhuza chifukwa pakumakhala chidindo chawo
this is a very good development, its my wish that come 2019 they should vote for dpp boma! kwacha lero?
Anthu ambiri akumwera ndi ma foreigners makamaka alhomwe..
sizikugwilizana ine ndi wa central region
anenezeni ku police amenewo amawala ife tikapita maiko awo
All foreigners registered shall vote for ruling parties. The main motive here bcz they enjoy in this regime than the citizens.
That’s planned b4 to register them in the south..
There is foreigners in malawi ,,,what that ,,?
achita bwino
If they feel malawi can be their home accomodate them. Africa belongs to every african.
Give them Id so that you can know them easily their I’d should differ from the homeland eg if the guy is from Tz his Id should like this: a Tanzanian business man trading in malawi ndikuti tamanya kuti mba mwiza kwacha woooo kumangana nkhuwemi chala u also been a foreigner ku America Mr Ibu
kkkkk Mr jani
What will happen to those of us who’re not in the country?
those with valid documents go to embassies and register
Umbuli dzko lathulino mpake azingotidyera masuku pamutu
Mwalemba dala ma foreigners cholinga choti muwagwiritse pobera mavoti in an on coming election, koma sizitheka mwaonekera kale ng’amba mbava inu,maforeigner ali Ku southern region kokha.
Bambo yanga yayimuna kwawo ndiku Chisi mmmmm kma M’bulundi ndiobvuta maganizo sure
Mmmmmmm kodi mwini mnzinda ndi ndani
Malawi sazatheka, all zambians will register, coz palibe security
There is foreigners in malawi ,,,what that ,,
Remove them immediately…
sizabwno zimenezo amangidwe basi
Akamangidwa? Wht else? stupid your heart like farao
u are an idiot maybe u r a foreigner too if u are a Malawian can u go in other countries to take an ID very cheap like that?foolish
mayi yanga yayikazi kwawo ndiku dowa. ma bulundi sazatheka
Talembani chichewa chomvekha, or u re from mzbq?
werengani kut zikutathauza chan before acting like professional chichewa teacher
Eish yotokhala nkhuku koma ma Burundi kusokoneza chilakhulo chathu chabwinochi kkkkkk
So what?
Yes that’s good they must register coz we are all foreigners on earth not in Malawi
Don’t take your religious beliefs into this matter
nonsense! You too could be a foreigner I guess! Can you do thus in South Africa? Bad citizen!
Stop hatred and racism,
If they live there its their destiny let them live in peace
If I were in your house would you be sending me to your bedroom the way you do with your kids? There is a limit to being a foreigner otherwise there would have been no geographical demarcations, visas, passports etc
Bantu didn’t create those lines after all imaginary lines kkkkkkkkk
But we have countries meaning everyone belong to one but that does not restrict one’s inter country movement.
European nations did that so we are not yet independent until all Africa becomes one nation, we are still running our countries through colonial theory
Now you are putting a blame on someone instead of sorting out issues in your country.
Yeah, I blame them coz they divided us and created nationalism, tribalism and hate amongst African ethinic
We ware 1 b4 but white pple qokd and devided us dis iz gud movement dat we can become 1 nation.#free #up #black #pple
Thanks King that’s what Africa must aim at than pointing fingers at each others
But we should move on rather crying over spilt milk
Bad citizen spotted
Africa rise now and unite
Heheeee but not South Africa aise,..
I support Shepherd Mzee Wenger Phiri his brain is brighter u are a future president of malawi we are brothers n sisters Id wil be given to everyone that has been in malawi for duration of 5 yrs ndikuti ndi zikwa ya muzi n the chief suppose to know those people akhaliska pa malo giv them Id
Shepherd Mzee Wenger Phiri seems you don’t know what you are talking about Malawi is not a trush or to say agardern of our granny but its for malawians.when it comes to national issue all oreigners are not allowed even the white people also .check out with Tanzania when they were doing their registrations on national Id or voting id,seems you does not know what you are talking about.Yes they can have their passports and visa to be in the the country but not on our Malawi passport,id’s and others.Malawi is for malawians sitikana alendo ayi they are welcome but not kulowelana kuchipinda you get my point
Yeah I get you sir Lwazi kweni vikuwapo vyakuti pali wanthu anyakhi akhala vyaka vinandi mu chalu icho ndipo atolaso mbumba za uko nakumangasu nyumba zawu uko sono ativwilikenge uli wanthu ngati awo bwana wane? even kuno tiliko imwe na ine kuno ku RSA Id amalawi alinazo chifukwa tchakuti ali kukhaliska kuno n Id zawo zikupambana na weneko achalo kalembelo akuti a malawian sono kuli kose kuli mulendo pa chalu iche kweni tasuzga chiyambe chakumangana those people they were trying their lucky kuti angavwilika uli simply they should be told imwe Id yino palije than putting them behind bars
Always people get advantages of us Malawi thing you know our story all over we go we are nice people and those one who try to smuggle bad thing out side and their countries are not allowed in those nations get advantages of our passport.marrying our sister’s its not that avoided thing to be called foreign do you remember about lucius Banda song kupupuluma.if they get what they need they vanish
Help them having Id is better that the life they stay in malawi without Id, putting them in a systematic wil help our nation plus them they wil be afraid to do evil things
Let’s be hard as other nations are hard on us tell me is it easy to have permit here in rsa.How many day are we given when you are entering to be in.have you seen some being followed in Malawi as they are doing in pack station in joz lets be proud of our natio Let’s not spoil our peace it is only Malawi remaining peace country in Africa the likes of Botswana
Palije nkhani how many Malawi citizen are outside the country, if there are people love to live in Our countries let them stay as long as they don’t indulge themslves into criminal issues ⚠️
You did not get the point Shepherd Mzee Wenger Phiri go back and see the topic staying and registering id is different
Awo wapanga register lekani wakhalenge, ni mwawi wawu, kuno naku mbwe alendo they have tz id
We should kill these imaginay lines created by Colonial rule and at last live like our for fathers, our on African nation must be born
But if they are known akhoza kuwalanda after having evidence and they can make a case for them
Its not a problem but somethings must change
That will take miles of years to change someone’s mind its not like a lady you can change her mind when she was in love with someone and you take over to change her mind not to thing of the other guy but its not also all you can change her but some
ok ?
azibale athu amenewa
That is fine
ife eni dziko nkukanika chifukwa chochuluka anthu pamzere..