A mentally ill man popularly known as Mkwepu surprised people who were enjoying Sir Lucius Banda’s show in Balaka as he played the bass guitar perfectly.
Writing on his official Facebook page, Sir Lucius Banda praised Mkwepu for the way he played the guitar.

“Balaka show always has a surprise. As I was singing Ndiwe m’bale wanga, this guy just came and took the Bass Guitar from Charles and started playing exactly the right chords,” said Lucius Banda.
According to Banda, Mkwepu is mentally challenged and usually moves around in Balaka.
However, Banda also knows the man as a talented guitarist.
“To most people in Balaka they know Mkwepu as a mentally Ill man who just roam around the streets of Balaka.
“I know him as a former Bassist for the Malawi Army Bravos band of the late Jacious Kanjaukes in the nineties,” Banda said.
According to Soldier, during Friday’s show Mkwepu played very well and afterwards he led in singing the song Substitute by Gregory Isaacs.
“It was massive, he made some good money on stage,” noted Lucius.
Reacting to Lucius’ post, some of his followers hailed him for accommodating Mkwepu while others pleaded with the veteran musician to support the guitarist.
One of his followers on Facebook Leonard Chimbanga commented: “Soldier of the People. You did well accommodating him others would have chased him away.”
Asanapenge amatha kupanga zimenezo
nkhani ya week yatha inu mukukayilemba lero..bwanji kodi ?
I knew that man very well his father was a police officer at Zomba police college in the 80’s and he started his music carrier when he was at police primary school together with Kenneth Ning’ang’a and Elias Kaliat then letter booth they joined Army strings Band and he is the one who played bass guitar during Geocius Kanjauke but due to mental illness he resingned from the army. Do you remember the song ndapota nanu ma bwana nonse lipilani antchito mwachilungamo? Done by Army Bravo Band? He is the one who played bass guitar.
The Guy ,he used to play bass with late j. kanjauke some years back .little wonder
Koma guys munthu ameneyoyo sizocheza. Amatha, he played guitar & everybody was amazed. That time Lucius anali akuimba substitute ya Gregory Isaacs, koma eeeee….., amatha….
Mkwepu was a bass guitarist in by then Army Stirrings Band his first name is Ephraim, soldier helping his buddy and hope Loucius will take him on board.
Malawi24 konzekerani mlandu ku khoti ameneyo ndi bra wathu ife sitidayambe tamutchula mad man why u??????
Komanso anakamuika Mkwepuyo osati Lucius
Malawi 24 send your so called journalists to school again. How can you say mad man like its something to celebrate?
Mad man.
You people I fail to understand you ,mad man is a mad man why blaming the journalist for nothing, I have ever been a mad man nothing wrong with that its a disease
is he the one on the picture?
It’s a thought that counts. Lucius accommodated the man in that state of mind was something that many could or can not do. The talent of the mad mad resurfaced. Respect to you Lucius… help the man. He played all the notes and progression bass scalles well as u said.
Mwachedwa inu we got it all from reliable sources like The Nation and Malawi Heat munali kwani inu
Siwamisala, only that anasiya kuimba after mavuto ena. Koma amamwa kachasu kwambiri. Amene mwaitsata sound kwambiri pa Malawi pano, mkulu ameneyu anaimbako ndi achina late Kanjauke so few year ago. I was there @ Modern Park last Saturday night….
Yeah ndikumdziwa kwambiri munthuyu waimbapo mu Army Bravo ndi the likes of the late Dan Mwenelupembe, Elias Kaliati, Kanjauke ativinitsa pa Zomba community ground #MadamChikopa
Eyetu. Osati zomwe akunena enawa.
Ha hahahahahahahaha!!!!!
wamisala anaona nkhondo
Am not comfortable with the word used to describe someone who is sick.
Why you take that long to tell us or it’s another fabricated lie.
Mmm it has to be learnt with total notice that lucious banda shows always atract runats!
The last show he performed at mzuni main hall it was a surprise too to see a mad man ku stage but with total secured back and front stage!
I guess these runats are cloud pullers! !
if u don’t hv news stay quite, this is old story.
Mmmm…._its not old. It was Saturday night, I was there….
@ Modern Park
Mentally people their human beings some let us help them their just need our support
Anapatsidwa dzingati apo?
Ndiwoyimba anangopenga ndi chambacho basi
kkkkkkkk that is a miracle
Asanapenge amamenya zimenezo
Cheap journalism
That’s the best news I get this week from the warm heart of Africa. Lucious God bless you
ameneyo anapenga ndi canabis sativa (ganja) nde ankakonda regge music nchfukwa chake amatha kukanyanga sambo
Xa zii!
I can’t stop enjoying ur silly type of reporting kkkk
Osadabwa Kwambiri Ngakhale Amathanso Kunena Eng Yabwino
bola akhale adalembetsa za uzika!
Uyunso ndiye akukalamba alimwanatu bwanji Kodi?
Misalayo kaya imamuyimbitsa bwinoyo kkkkkkkkk koma chisakhale chizolowezi choma Mikutezi MW 24 kkkkkkkk
Its too harsh to use the word ‘mad’,umunthu mudzikhala nawo.
Miracles never end
Please what kind of journalism is this you mean you couldn’t find a polite term like “a mentally challenged person” a mad person is so demeaning and not in modern use.
Chimodzimodzi kuwelenga news ya week yatha kkkkkkkkkk munali kuti
Enanu ngati mukuona kuti ndinkhani yakalekale bwanji mukuwerengabe?
No mad men in BK…….
Bravo soldier iwe ndi soldier wa a mphawi for sure
Iiiii kaya ndiyakale kale bola tanva ebafe sitimadziwa
It was last Saturday night. I was there @ Modern Park. He played a giuter when when soldier was performing Substitute by late Gregory Isaacs
Madzi saiwala khawa,amisala ena akumapalasa njinga,ena kusilira atsikana
Madzi saiwala khawa,amisala ena akumapalasa njinga,ena kusilira atsikana
That’s great, nawoso ali ndi mzelu.
That’s great
Wenger out!!!!!!
Nde Mwachedwa nayotu
I read this story somewhere 3days ago I can say from Lilongwe news where were u Malawi 24
Thats gud mr soldier
Lero nkhani kulibe?izi adatiuza kale ena
inde kma akanala kuti rastar amugwira ndimchamba nde changu pa air
Koma nanu inu. Nkhani yakalekale. Mwiniwake anapanga post. ili ndi ma comments over 500 pano. nde inu mukakamba lero? Ha. Osangosiya journalism yo bwanji? kkkkkk
Mukaika wamisalayo akuimba gitayo coz sojayi tikumudziwa
Mosafuna kunyoza,kapena kukondera. Ndikufuna kunenapo chinthu chomwe ambiri samafaniza akamapanga zinthu. Palibe kanthu kuti wina akwiye,ine ndinenabe basi. Ouch ndayiwalanso chomwe ndimafuna kunena.
kkk a Sammysotu mutu udachita expire.Zoona mwaiwala nthawi yomweyi???Dikirani tikukumbutseni
another mentally challenged imbecile..give him lead guitar
#Dennis phiri,nanu mwayiwala kundikumbutsa kkkkkkkk.
# Chris, thanks for that,inu mukhala pa drums, kkkkk
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i like it, kkkkkkkk. mukakumbuka mutiuza
#Bigtrie,ndidakumbuka momwe ndimalowa pa fb. Eish ndayiwalanso. Inu mungakumbuke zomwe ndimafuna kunena?
aaaaaaaaaaa ineso ndaiwala funso lanu nkambuka nkuyankhani a Sammy R. N kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
#Bigtrie,kuyiwala kulibe mankhwala. Nanga mwayiwalanso surname yanga kkkkkkkk
Nkhani ya last week inu mukulemba lero? Paja mumadikira news paper zilembe kenako mumatule
It happened a week ago you post it now. Why too delay?? You need to update the nation on Every hour’s basis.
nkhani yakalekale akuyibweretsa lero
That’s great, hahaha amugayileko ndrama please