Wife to Inspector General of Malawi Police Service Ruth Kachama has urged all police officers’ wives in the country to manage their families well saying happy families are a source of national security.
Speaking to over one hundred and eighty police officers’ wives and female officers at Mchinji Police Station on September 11 , Kachama said behind any successful man there is a woman.

During the event, Kachama inspected a number of pavilions which the women erected demonstrating some of the activities which they do when they meet such as sewing, extraction of different kind of juices and baking.
Kachama encouraged all women to strive for such kind of good home craft management if happy families are to be achieved.
She emphasized the need for all women to have an eagle eye through having good visions and think of other sources of income generating activities.
“Unless you start to be more transparent to your husbands from any kind of business you do and being accountable for all family transactions, home management cannot be a key for happy families,” she said.
Kachama further encouraged the women to develop a saving culture while on the other hand consider God first in their respective houses.
She advised them to ensure their families are well bonded with natural love and affection. She also urged them to continue with education and to participate in various kinds of sports disciplines as one way of achieving good health.
Just seeking Facebook like. No man
she is {I.G.W} kuyiwara kuti ife ndima B.I.G!
Mayi mwadya too much kkkk
is she also the boss of the wives of policemen?
Big YES kutengera Malamulo a police boss
Chokani apa muyamba campaign ku nzera ku azimai apolisi kuno ku mchinji ndi kwa MCP ngati akutumani apita o kagwele ukuuuu! Bwanji ndi a Peter ako akumvekani nsaru zachipani chao koma kuti ndi apolisi izi ndiye zachilendo ku bb o ku mmchinji
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk paja alemba chizungu ndudabwatu sizugwirizana
Because you stay in area 30.Go to Hewe and you will know what apolice officer is.
Inspector general is a wife why
The wife of a policeman she is not a police she just an idiot enjoying her husband salary’ and seeking for attention from juniors officers wives.
Has 2 lead by example,iz she a role model?
Adimi, is there any benefit 2us ?plz writ useful things pple wanted to know the LDF and CDF how has been used in there District