Malawi Congress Party (MCP) vice president Richard Msowoya has decried the poor state of roads in the Northern Region saying the roads are death traps which are deterring progress.
Msowoya mentioned Karonga-Nthalire road saying the bad condition of the road is limiting farmers from transporting their produce to good markets.

Writing on his Facebook page after attending Traditional Authority Nthalire’s burial ceremony in Chitipa on Saturday Msowoya expressed dismay over the condition of the roads.
“Going to the funeral I used the road from Karonga Boma to Nthalire which is 162 km long. The stretch took us four hours to navigate, the road is so bad,” Msowoya said.
According to Msowoya who is also the speaker of the August House, if the road can be rehabilitated it can open up opportunities for farmers.
“Grading and maintaining that road would open up opportunities for those producing the abundant crops in the area and people who have sizeable herds of cattle and goats would have easier access to good markets in Mzuzu, Rumphi and Karonga,” He said.
He said that the road was last rehabilitated some five years ago and it is now in need of urgent attention.
On his return, Msowoya used the road through Rumphi which he also said need upgrading since it passes through one of the country’s tourist attraction sites.
“The road via Rumphi, which I used on my return from the funeral, passes through Nyika National Park, possibly the most beautiful part of Malawi and an underutilised tourist destination that Malawi need to make more of and get more from,” Msowoya said.
“However the road too needs attention because it is even worse condition than the other road and stretch after Chelinde to Perekezi, Nyika National Park, can only be described as a death trap. Protruding rocks and deep drains slow any car almost to a stop,” he added.
I think every leader that has been on that positions( president, ministers, Mp’s etc..). They are happy when they see people complaining of the things they need most such as good roads. Plus they don’t care about legacy…..
Ife tingoyenda myaaaa tikamachoka ku Limbe kupita kwathu ku Zomba!!!!!! Nseu wapamwamba
This is my Man. Courageous
vauchindere yayi mwapulika para vyamtondani nkhalani waka pasi mpoto wasithiratu lero pamnye…..oh!! iwe kuninangisya yai wapulika
This is the problem of educated people not thinking of developing the areas they come from but only think of staying in towns. Is he realising now that the roads are bad?
31 years ware was
Let Malawi move with a vision. Without Vision no mapping forward. We depend on taxes from people but without production being put in place as a government. Business crew/consumers are suffering because of Malawi has no vision.
Is it the first time he has moved thru the roads to damn find it’s death trap?
Kkkkkkk koma zinazi cimseu wayendamo chinaonongeka ndikale kwambiri koma unalipheee neba waine so whats wrong now to think about it?
Kodi iyeyo ndiye akuchitapo chani? Mesa we ve 3 arms of gvt iyeyo akusogolera imodzi mwa 3? Sopano akufuna chitukuko azimupangila ndani?
Thats cheap politics Mr Msowoya your are the head of parliament which is the arm of govt,your party ruled for 31 yrs did yu manage to improve roads infrastructure?just seek votes than blaiming innocents forsake too childish,i cant support nonsense though anortherner, talk national issues not tribalistic agendas,mukufuna mpando koma mukukamba zadera not dziko start begging nationalwide support than regional support if u are not careful your party may die like regional party Aford kkkkkkkk
Martin u are very stupid how can u creticise mr msowoya ponena zachipani cha mcp zakalekale ngati analinawo mu ndale nthawi imeneyo nde kulakwitsako kumeneko, munthu akudzudzula zabwinobwino iwe mkumayankhulanso zopenga wadya manyi eti
Do u ve 5 senses really? but i doubt,comment reserved
Iweyo nde mbuzi , msowoya wanena zamisewu iwe ukukanena za mcp zikugwilizana?
Sorry to discuss with mbuzi
Mseu wa mzimba mzuzu via kafukule tala anangopanga two km kuchokera nthaw ya bingu mpaka pano 2 km
Am going to sell Malawi to other countries, i see no one cares about it,,,,, who can help me to conect with buyers so that we sell it on cheap prise
Abwana chonde tsikulina mudzadutseko ku mayima ma minibus a zomba, salima nkhotakota. The road is worse. If this happens in the city of lilongwe what more in the city far north
Thats why they call it old town kkk
The fact is that nothern roads are poor sikut bwana msowoya angonena pot iwowo nd aku north ayi…
Mia wamufinya mapwala uyu..akulilira kuutsi…kkkkk
Ziaanthu zosayamika olo kuzipangira misewu yapamwamba sangayamikebe khalani choncho
A from the north but the problem is rather Malawian at large.
Don’t blame the roads, blame the so called engineers.
It’s not engineer s it’s an old road. There’s need for a new road. It’s not tarmarked.
Not only in the north the whole malawi
31 years muli boma popanda okusutsani mudatani kukonza minseu ngati muli chipani chomwe sichifunika kulankhula za ena ndi MCP
Miseu ukuyendayi M1 M5 anakonza ndi amako, mwana wa hule iwe
Yehova akukhululukile simukuziwa chomwe mukunena man muphunzilenso kuyakhula mozichepetsa osati mokutha mau inetu mene ndimalemba sindibatukwane Munthu musamangotukwana wins aliyense simukuziwa kuti amene mukutukwana ndi Ndani remember always kuti kuli mawa…….thanks pondiyakha
Mphunzilani kuyamika pofuna kuyamika kudzudzula pofuna kudzula miseu ikuyendedwai inapangidwa 31 yrs mukunenayo muzaka zanu muli m,boma waukulu mseu mwapanga ndiuti u cadet opanda phindu
INU NDIYE MUNAMPHUNZILA KUTUKWANA MALO MOFOTOKOZA NGATI M’Mene mwafotokozela mu comment yanu yachiwiliyi
Mukanene nzanu kuti mwana wahule mai aliyense ndi hule ngati anavula ndikubeleka mwana tinene kuti inu munabadwa ngati YESU ..nkhani yake ya Malawi24 mpaka mwifika potukwana choncho mmmmm…
Phuzilani kuyamika lero misewu imene andalewa akuyendapo kuyambila Chitipa to Msanje, Salima to Mchinji mpaka ku Zambia miseu imeneyi idapangidwa mnthawi ya ndani? Admark, malo ogulitsila fodya, chanco, polly, Kamuzu nursing, Bunda, njanje, malo onse azaulimi, [ADD] malo a asilikali komaso apolice, zipatala zambiri komaso ma xool, ma post office kungotchulako zochepa chabe iweyo ukuona kuti zimenezi tinapangidwa mu ulamuliro wandani?
@ Robert Ching’ondo i think you r out of mind, remember this is face book, is not a place for fighting one another we r all 1, let’s show love cause God is love , no one will get anything from politicians here.
MR Kaliba thax for your comment is what I was accepting not kutukwanizana Facebook ndimalo ocheza osati kutukwanizana
Mr Felix thax for your advice
Ndimava chisoni anthu akamati MCP sidapange kanthu koma ku capital hill mudakafikako nakaona maoffice anduna osanjikizana adamangidwatu ndiKamuzu simudziwa?
Foolish dpp cadets mkamwa monukhamo
Enawo anakutukwana chifukwa umayankhula zoduka mutu moti anachita bwino kukupatsa mawu kuti uleke kuyankhula ngati kulibe mawa
Kutukwana sikwabwino guys but you could have schooled him that Kamuzu laid the base for what we have now. It was from the bush. THESE roads must be done. We thank Bingu for Karonga Chitipa road, we now take almost one and half hours but old days it was 12 hours. But Peter has to concentrate to development which in turn shall be manja antchito zanga zindichitile umboni. He has to stop campaigning verbally. I am inviting Malawi to a system called PRODUCTION BUT NOT ONLY CONSUMPTIVE. What are we exporting? Are Malawi products sustaining the Market locally? LET MALAWI MOTTO BEST BY MALAWIAN NOT CEASE.
These mentality of saying we are the best while a native is in total poverty shall not help a Malawian/ Our children.
Malawians go back on the draw board and map the way forward.
Mcp kuzivuta iiiiiii
Inesotu ndi kudabwa!!!!
Akunena zoona dziko la malawi pafupi fupi paliponse misewu yake siyabwino
The problem is nt a gvt, our engineers n mp’s can be the problem.
Zalowa nsanje basi
Tiyeni uko ma cadet inunkha nkamwa mukati mwayenda ndekuti mwapita ku toilet anzanufe timatuluka mpaka ku Dar
So who is responsible for supervising strong roads?when did u realise this? mwaona masiku ayandikira timabodza mbwee!!! don’t fool us we know the true leaders ok after all the pic shows a smooth road .Kambani zina wawa.tu hell with ur cheap propaganda!!!!!Kagwere uko shit….
Panyo pamako ukuwona kuti akunama? kuMzuzu udapitako? ine ndiwapa central koma kumpoto ndimavako chisoni ndiye apanga bwanji supervisor ngati mukuti akunama?
Galu ameneyu akati wayenda ndekuti wapita ku toilet
Muuzeni ameneyu ndi martin wakeyo, akunama kuti ndiwa ku north poti ndi mkandawre, pamene bambo ake anakangopereka mimba ku nsanje chitsilu chamwana
then you shouid use to mentaine
U guys (Msowoya & Gondwe) u re making those things, u just put money in ur pockt.
Msewu wake uti?bodza lenileni,inu mwapangako chani kudera lanu mr speaker sir?
Chizungu chavuta kuva tu apa
then you should use to mentaine
U leaders have failed to develop your region,u spend time in parliament dozing,clapping hands for nothing,from the same parliament your coleagues have developed their areas!we don’t trust u anymore come 2019 there will be more voter apathy
So what
Which road is this? Recently when APM visited the north, there were ululations all over the shore when he cited the commitment by his govt to construct good roads in the north. In fact, he said some have already taken shape. Today, my honourable, the most powerful politician in the north, the Speaker of Parliament has raised concern over poor state of roads in the northern region. The big man has a point. That is very true. But where do M.P’s ask the govt for developments in their constituencies? And being the Speaker am sure he doesn’t ask for any infrastructure development instead he goes straight to the ministry responsible or the president. Unless honourable RM was noncommittal in development in the north but now he has seen it imperative.
Bwana mukadzakhala ndimwayi opita kumpoto mudzatsimikiza zomwe amanena RM
Wilford Gani, sindikukana kapena kutsutsa koma olemekezekawa pamndandanda wamaudindo aboma ali pa namba 3. Ndipo kupempha chitukuko sangamapemphe nga MP wamba. Ali ndinjira zenzen maso ndi maso ndi president. Posachedwapa APM anali kumpoto ndipo ananena kuti miseu ina ndi ina ikukonzedwa. Nzosathela nthawi imodzi. Poyankhula mau amenewa RM wadziwa liti? Nthawi yonseyi anali kuti? Pano zaka zatsala ziwiri ndiye boma lingakonze miseu yonse ya kumpoto kwathuko? RM ngwandale chilipo akufuna kukwanilitsa pandale. Nkhanga zaona kale.
Kumeneko nde kupusa kuja,you have seen it today? kodi inu bwanji? Ku Malawi kunoko ngati simudziwa sikudzatukukaso! vuto anthu ake We are too concentrated with politics and ungreatfulnes people when somebody is ruling gvt timafuna tili ifeyo, although we don’t have wisdom to operate it!,to be a president its not easy.we do
What exactly is your point
Akunena zoona madela ambiri kumalawi misewu yake siyabwino
Koma atumbuka ndi osayamika kunena chilungamo
Tikupempha nseu mukuti ndife onsayamiza mukutanthauza chani?
Ife tikupempha Boma litikhozere nseu Pali vuto lanji?
Talakwisa kupempha
Aikane misewu kuti boma lipitise madera omwe olo wa gravel sakuuziwa inu mwapanga chani a speaker kkkk nsanje
Aikane misewu kuti boma lipitise madera omwe olo wa gravel sakuuziwa inu mwapanga chani a speaker kkkk nsanje
Amatipwili mulibenso ndi mzeru zomwe mukungoyankhula ngati mukutuluka kumene ku chimbudzi
It’s very easy to be a president, if you have the vision. How can you stand up and say I will ran the government? If you are incapable, others can do? I can show you capability in Malawi multiparty set up. The first term of Bingu Wa Munthalika. Now Malawi is at stand still. THESE problems has to be spoken and find a way out. Msowoya did a very good thing as a citizen. He wrote on his facebook page where the got the information. Let Peter do something for the betterment of Malawi as a whole. Do you know that Eva De Mayya got a donation for Rumphi to Nyika but the government barred her. The donor told her not to give the money to Malawi government. It’s not who has done it but the development.
ndi kwina kuli konse Pakati ndi Kumwera. nako kukufunika misewu yabwino. …. kungoti the whole malawi. .