The South Africa based conservation Non-Governmental Organization, African Parks, is expected to bring more lions into the country this year.
According to African Parks, the initiative is aimed to increase animal population in Wildlife Reserves and boost tourism.
African Parks said this on Thursday, August 10 amid commemoration of the World Lion day.
The organisation said the reintroduction of lions from South Africa into Majete in 2012 was crucial to the overall restoration of the park, benefitting not only wildlife but also tourism which has generated income for communities.
“We are celebrating a pride restored this World Lion Day! Just five years ago, Majete Wildlife Reserve was devoid of all lions, but we are proud to share that today their pride is growing.
“Over the years, poaching took its toll and there were zero reports of lions in the region since the 1980s,” the organisation said on Facebook.
The organisation further said that where wildlife thrive, people thrive too hence the need to take care of the animals.
This follows the successful translocation of over 500 Elephants from Majete Game Reserve and Liwonde National Park to Nkhotakota Game Reserve and Nyika National Park.
Recently, African Parks also brought into the country Cheetahs from South Africa which are currently at Liwonde National Park.
Sa Donating Lions instead of open more companies so that we may get job???
kkkkk nonse ndinu Mikango
MIKANGO ndi ya bwino yibwere ndithu malawi tikubele kana kwambwiri mwina tinga chepeko makamaka achewa kunyanya kubeleka
What are they going to feed them? Hahahahaha, let’s hope they don’t feast on starving people
I think its a means of trying to reduce the population.
tikudyaso imeney, bring it on.
NICE, African Parks is doing a lot to boost our parks, go to Liwonde guys, kulibe mkango
Police Ina Iliyonse Pazkhala Mkango Umodz,ku Ma Court Iwiri, Ku Stadium 10,ndipo Ku Capital Hill,and Paget Idzikhalapo 20,ithink This Is Jst What a Developing Country Like Malawi Need.
Hahahaha a wiz mwaganiza bwanji?kkkkk
Kkkk,@ Mikango Itithandize Nd2.
Malawi is just a small country,why bringing in some deadly animals like Lions?…risking humans lives..why not cattle?
osadanda tikuwonjezera mikango cfukwa anthu achepa pama vote a 2019 kuti tizawine kkkkkkkkk!
Nde Izizadya chani? Izakhala ma vegetarian?
Mikango yakeso mumangobweretsa yolumala komaso yamatenda kale ….
Bola abwepetse ma shop osati izi
Why more Lions? Sitidya zimenezo ife timadya agwape
Kenako tizamva kuti akubweresa njoka ngat python ,anaconda ndi zina kkk anthu azadyedwadi ndithu .
U mean u short with lions.
Malawi is not a damping place. We already have ours, why should they bring there here anyway. Hope they don’t bring other challenges tomorrow.
Mikango ibweladi koma Chimanga chinauponda:?*$
who needs a lion ?
You have failed different contraceptives to reduce the rising of human population….now….muyeseno mikango ndicholinga chofuna kuchepetsa chiwelengelo cha anthu…..Malawi has so many problems and amongst our problems…..lions is not our problems…mmalo mothandiza anthu amene akusowa zakudya….zoona muzidyesera mikangooo….Shame….
ikatavuna wandu wambiri nditu
instead of consumable things
Nkango ulibe ulemu.
Hungry Lions
Komatu Tidyedwa. Azimayi Athu Amakatola Nkhuni Kumeneko
These Carnivolsareverydegerous,
My fellow Malawians don’t rush into conclusion. SA is keeping many Malawians without papers and most of these Malawians are doing better in SA. Don’t think Government doesn’t know about it. Zimbabwean people are granted because of their crisis. Don’t forget that Malawi and Zimbabwe are Different. Malawian passport can be used in any country world wide than Zimbabwe. If you are Claver get the point of this.
well explained
Mikangophobia kkkkkkkk
Koma kukhala kudyedwa kwa anthu2 , kaya tiziona nanga iwowo akubweletsa kuno chifukwa chani ? amaziwa kuipa kwake anthu’o ndi ochenjera2
Do you want reduction of population of people may be?
Kkkkkk koma inu mbava samalani.muzakhala zakudya zamikangoyi
Mikango yanuyo yizadya chani kuno nde ine monga gwape ndili pa chiopsezo apapa simunandiganizile
A lion is gentle animal don’t kill king of jungle bring them here where it belongs the warm heart of Africa
In the next 5 years coming we’ll only find lions in every corner of our national park, give us antelopes not african king of the killer.
mr lion welcome to malawi
oh my god!
Aaaaa Lion???? Malawi as a nation we get any benefit from this animal???? We need job n money not lions
Eish mikango ya mazula ndiyovuta ngati mzula amene konzekerani zeno wamikango kumene mutasungeko.
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk aipitise ku state house ikalume onse akuba ndalama zathuzi
Kkkkk ncito yake? Ati tourism hahahahahaha mudyewe tu
Tell the Lions to behave any misbehaving we ready to deprt them and zidzayenda pansi. Ndiponso zikonzekere kudzakhala ma vegetarian.
Kodi imeneyi ndi mphatso kapena asowa kopita nazo.
Tili ndi mikango yokwanira afufuze mphatso ina yoti atipatse osati mikango ayi. Apereka ku maiko angati kuti ife tikhale ma beneficiaries a mikango.
But when they go loose we fail to contain them.
Come on guys those lions can still bring in more money hey nanga simunatha kudya mikango yonse nkhuli too much amalawi inu
But u won’t feel the impact of the so called ”money, coming in”. Umbava wake umenewu.
kkkkkkk they just can’t support them there, so they are just looking for a place to keep them. we will end up having only lions in the parks.
Yusufu matola haha haha I guess you right my brother too much corruption until then Malawi will never prosper
Kiki like watson no SA got enough resources to look after those lions Iam it’s just a helping hand
How about our gwapes, we better keep our gwapes than the foreign lions who’ll prey on our humble gwapes
Yes please Simba….
Zachaniso Zilombo Zoopsazo. Sitizfuna Kuno Kwathu, Ziwathele Wokha Ku Joniko
Why Lions? They should bring another type of animals
Hopefully, we have enough food in our parks for these carnivores.
We need safari ☆☆☆☆☆
Thats good for tourism keep it up
Apa zikuonetsa kuti Malawi ndiku tchile..kkkkkk..ku SA zikusowa pokhala
Mr lion musabwere kumalawi mutiphera wanthu ndi nkhuli yanuyo….
They shd bring their food too, lions are nt easy animals.
Kuli nyama zambiri ku liwonde national park
They wil depopopulate other animals here.
More lion for what we don’t want u think Malawi is a jungle
ine sindikupanga nawo zanuzi
Akubweretserani ya chiwewetu
Imeneyi ikafika straight akaitsitse ku capital hill
Azibweresa zanzeru osati zamikangozo usiru eti
Eeeè azalume anthu acashgate
Zachani ukooooo
Boma lanthuli limafuna kumatiyika zoyakhula mkamwa…ine nde sindiyikirapo ndemanga iliyonse pankhani yamikangoyi…
Bola mbewa, ndi ndiwo.
They should not. SA is chasing our brothers so why should we accept these deadly animals.
kukomera mbuzi kugunda galu
undecisive fallacial move kkkkkkkkk
they bring in revenue through tourism, not all is bad from South Africa
revenue yake yongothera ku ma politician kubaa aaahhh!! malawi kuvetsa chisoni ndithu,mikango!!! eeeishhh,kkkkkkk
No folks, azipanga deport, akuti zilibe zilolelo zakhalila muziko la South Africa..
kikkkk km yaaaa more lions?
Ilike education but ihate school.
Ibweredi ikufunika, izamukhazule Chaponda wakubayu.
Azimai otola nkhuni samalani
Kkkkkk ppl dnt need lions we need ndalama bwana
Kkkkkk mavuto awatu
why lions plz. i thought we have them?
Mukopa bwana Joshua Mzembe kkkkk
mmalo mobwekesa ndalama inu busy kubweresa zilombo zaziiii.
Safety yathu ili pa chiopsezo
What for???? Lion we don’t need lion in Malawi we need money or bola dzakudya ndiye tikanathokodza
Apa pakhala vuto. Nkhalango zitetezedwadi koma nafe anthu tidyedwadi. Nyama nzochepa kale,mumadandaula za ma poachers and now you bring in more poachers in the name of lions! Geeeeeeee
Mikango ilipo kale imeneyo ndiyongo onjezela ikuteteze bwino bwino
za zii
Do we have enough animals to feed these lions?
Yes. Many antelops,kudus,etc
Human overpopulation in Malawi. Ibweredi mikangoyo izatichepetseko. Kikkkkk
Kkk! We’ll Feed Em Life Sentenced Prisoners. So Worry Not
Is It To Reserve Or The Sign Of 666 ?
Anaconda nd shark ziyenera zibwelenso
Moti muzibweletsa chimanga,mankhwala a nzipatala mukabweletsa mikango ya chani!?…tidya mikangoyo? zopusa eit
Amenewa akufuna atipweteke ndithu
istead of importing hares,agwape ndi zina zoti titha kudya akubweretsa Mr Lion kut adzatidye
Aaaaaaa nde ndakwiya zedi
where actually in malawi?
Next time we Will hear its eating people!
Anglorera anthu kuti azipha nyama. Nanga zizizadibwa ndi mikango. Check out men. Ngati akuti ndizachionesero timaziona ndikale pa ma filimu.
Mmalo motumiza gaiwa apa
Margret Jere
Kkkkkk koma amalawi kuitanitsa mikango yoti idzidzadwa nyama zathu
nde bola akanabwelesa ng’ona tikanapangila lacoste
Kkkkkkkkkk koma ya mmalo mobwelesa ndalama mukubwelesa mikango koma ai ndithu
Sheeeee,nthawi yomweo ine kudzangot gututu wanga toluuu,kuopa kudyedwa man
adzadye onse okhudzidwandi cash gate kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk tsoka kwa iwe mtunda
Lions aaaa zayambaso liti izi bola2 kubweresa ma Zula mwina tingaone kusitha.
preparing for 666? dat wll devour ppo who wll deny 2 recieve de mark of de beast.,, #last_dayz
I think you are true my friend, do we need lions in Malawi what for? Some roads has been tarmarked for the safest travel during their operation, be wear my friend
indeed, but GOD wll protect his ppo jst like #daniel_in_de_lion’s_pit
Akufuna ikadzasowa chakudya izadye anthu chiwerengero kuti chitsike
kkkkkkkkk chitukuko cha Bwampini chimenecho??
What for?
Ndiye mwati izilondelanso nkhalango malo mwa asilikali anthu?ndiye mukhala chitetezotu
Ibwele zokumva kuwawisa coz ambiri. amati imakoma hvy mwai ndiomweu tizailaweko
lions what for? instead of bringing a gwape
B Ware!!
Next time you should bring the Anacondas.
Bola ikhale ndi chitetezotu osati izingodya wanthu. tinavutika ndi njovu nthawi ya mai joice banda ndiye mikango ndi yachabe chabe.
So that thy will eat us
Lions osabweresa fertilizer bwanji.
In the name of our lord, keep them there. Thank you
For what?
SHOOOO! Lions !
Should we be excited?
Yachani ife mikango inuu iyaa
Malo mobweretsa ng’ombe
Wat 4
Alonda Ankhalango Amulungu Ndiameneo, Mubwelesenso Muphiri La Mulanje Osakhala Msilikali Kulondela Nkhalango Mukuzitolesatu Nonkha Kenako Muzaona Ana Ayamba Kubwezela Zibwana Eti Kapena Kusowa Zochita
Lions 4 what?
dats nyc
Among good things in the world we import animals
So that can eat nice meet for our game reserve welcome Mr lion
Ashiiiiiii coming to malawi to do what?
Lol stay
simply to eat us
Kkkkkk i wonder about this development
me too surprised
Xenophobia yachepa. Tidibwe basi. Kkkkkkk!
guys mwandibanda nonse ashiiii kkkkkkkkk