The Malawi government has said it will start distributing coupons for this year’s Farm Input Subsidy Program (FISP) in September.
Confirming the development to the local media was spokesperson for the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Osborne Tsoka.

Tsoka said preparations for the distribution exercise are at an advanced stage and come September, the ministry will start distributing coupons.
The publicist further added that the exercise will roll out earlier to address some of the challenges usually faced when implementing the program.
Last year, farmers in the country received their coupons at the end of November which was criticised by various quarters including the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP).
CCJP through its national secretary Martin Chiphwanya said the delay in distributing coupons negatively affected farmers who rely on the coupons.
Why can’t government invest money into production/ commercial farming? than in substance farming which is resulted to be consumed, no any foreign currency in?
I lost hope with this programme because it benefits wrong people. This programme is good but it is misused. Poor people are manipulated. People who are involved in distribution of coupons and working at fertilize selling points are misusing this programme believe me
Its time again for the richer to get rich and the poor get poorer. Lord have mercy on mother Malawi.
look at them eagerly quiuing
Malawians. you people still have coupons?are you people this lazy?
Why always fooling farmers?
Zili bwino
hohohohohoho ndale izooooo!!!the past two years anthu avutika heavy nde pano mukut chan.?kkkkkkk ife stiiwar mwatunzunza kokwana akanganya
coupon? What is coupon? When did this programe start? Politically motivated and trying to gain popularity.
is it necessary? what value does fisp add to gdp? total waste.
Why so fast??? Campaign or what?
Zachani zimenezo poti zimangofera mthumba basi….
Koma chimanga simunagulebe..koma mbuzi izi
Its a welcome idea bt whats so good 2 receive a coupon in september & u buy fertilizer in January or february? distribution of fertilizer is always a problem due 2 poor management in government
Stop the nosense go for a universal subsidy period. We are tired of this politically inclined so called subsidy
mcp woyeee
Ngakhale mutapeleka mu june zopanda pache K40 yomweyi ndipo chaka chubwelachi ndi njala basi
Kkkkk ati kusangalasa anthu
Zili Ndu Mmanyumbamu Zinanso Zachani.? Fodya Bomamu Wachuluka
good! !
M’malawi sazatheka.Kulandila Coupon lero m’mawa akuigulitsa,ena amapezelatu ogula asanalandile.Boma likamaliza ma Id kupangila anthu,chonde chaka chammawa pofunika Coupon iliyonse izikhala ndi chithunzi chamwini wake,apa mbali ina izatha kuthandiza kugwira anthu achinyengo,chifukwa kuli mafumu ena omwe amagulitsa ma Coupon anthu ovutika.
Unprofitable progmme
gv chaponda 2000 and other more ma-rubbish!
Za zii
Useless project most of the times it doesn’t reach the intended beneficiary who have nothing and end up selling them
who is useless btwn gvt and the benificiary who sell the cpn.
You already have the answer
That’s why your name is #Bokho, useless man