54 year old arrested for raping 14 year old housemaid

Rape Malawi

A 52-year-old man who works at Balaka District Hospital is in police custody for raping his 14-year-old housemaid.

Balaka Police Spokesperson Edith Kachotsa has identified the man as Shadreck Goba.

According to Kachotsa, police received a complaint through YouthNet and Counselling (YONECO) that the man raped the girl.

“Following up on the complaint police interviewed the girl who revealed that Goba used to do this whenever the family members were away and he has been intimidating the girl not to reveal to anyone,” Kachotsa said.

According to the victim, she got tired of the abuse hence she reported to well-wishers who directed her to YONECO.

Police are probing into the matter and the suspect will appear before court soon after investigations are over to answer the case of defilement.

Goba hails from Nyamkwatula village, Traditional Authority Malemia in Nsanje district.

Police in Balaka are urging the general public to continue working hand in hand with the police in order to reduce defilement cases which are rampant in the district.