President Peter Mutharika has hit at opposition parties by branding them as failures and losers who believe that everything in the country is failing.
Mutharika made the remarks on Saturday during a Blue Night dinner at Kamuzu Palace in Malawi capital, Lilongwe.
In his address, Mutharika said Malawi Congress Party (MCP) is a party of losers and failures that’s why they accuse him of failing to run the country.

“We are opposed by a party of failures and losers. And because they think like failures, they want you to believe that everything is failing. That is why they are working so hard discouraging you,” Mutharika said.
He further claimed that he will continue developing the country since his government is unstoppable and unbreakable.
“The more they see that we are fixing the economy, bringing roads and water to people, the more they will try to frustrate us. The more they see that we are making progress, they will try to hold is back.
“Remember, they will try to break us apart. But we are unbreakable. They will try to stop us. But we are unstoppable,” Mutharika said.
According to Malawi’s first citizen, the DPP led government is doing everything to develop the country even though the opposition parties are trying to belittle its efforts.
Mutharika then hailed members of the DPP saying they are patriotic warriors fighting for the ruling party of this country and are the drivers of transformation who are taking this country forward.
“Someone thought they could stop us from developing this country. But we are unstoppable!” Mutharika said.
Mr. Ibu is indeed afraid of Dr. Chakwera, whenever he wants to speak he speaks against MCP or nDr. Chakwera. I am sorry to say 2019 is fast approaching you and your blue maizegate party will pack up and go to ndata. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Auze Peter Ndiolepheladi.
Auze Peter Ndiolepheladi.
DPP yatetseka ndi mmene MCP ikubwerera wavw by wave keep it up Chakwera
You Can’t See What Apm Is Doing On The Ground Because”,you Are All Blind.Tarmarks Roads Are Almost In Every Region. Dpp 2o19 Woyee!!
Sometimes I sit and wonder which god chose this kind of President who doesn’t even love his people.Should have died last time he went to America for treatment otherwise we wouldn’t be hearing such a crap.
Kkkkkk inu mukundidziwa ine?
Sometimes I sit and wonder which god chose this kind of President who doesn’t even love his people.Should have died last time he went to America for treatment otherwise we wouldn’t be hearing such a crap.
DPP idzakulizani ndithu….ndipo mudzaliradi kuti akubelani mwachikhalidwe chanu..chonde musayitengele Ku mtoso ngati Nyama ya galu.kanamizanani otsutsa tidzathanananu 2019 sikale mulira.DPP the mighty party in Malawi..muzalowa mboma DPP ilikuti hahahahaha muzalemba mmadzi ana achepa.
Go deep into urself in the middle of the nite and ask urself same questions and see if u have not failed the people. Forget about the bootlickers and stooges and ur inner man will give u the answer
Tacosa kaye xili mkamwamo deni uxiyankhula kt anthu tikutolere bhobho
M.C.P yomweyo kuti waawaawaaaa
The biggest failure of all time is this cashgate dpp professor, alibe manyazi mpang’ono pomwe kumangokhalira kukamba za mcp osamakamba za development! Umbuli upose apa?
aliyese amakamba munthu kapena chinthu chimene amachiopa,, km nde wayambira kutari manthawo bwanji
Apm go to hell ur leadership is poor leave the office
Chigalu cha chiwewe kuwuwa hahaha. Mwina kwanu konko akumverani
Ulendo smutibera mukhaula
Kwanu ndi kunjoza ndichifukwa simuwina inu ,mcp mcp mcp zinalo limaveka kuluza simuziwa inu mwatani mugwesa dpp inu zoona?ooooooooo
MCP forming the next government and APM will answer charges of gates.
Kkkk Mcp Ndiana Oyamwa
Koma Singapore mtambo
Pitala akudziwa kuti awinaso chifukwa anthu amene amamuthandiza kubera ma voti ake Ali nawobe osati kuwina kwa chilungamo ayi pajatu amagwiritsatu Chilima posokoneza internet nthawi ya mavoti yekhaso akuziwa pomwe alipo
kkklk mmalo momakonza mavuto.bas busy kumaona mavuto anzanzanu.kkkkk shame on u now almost five years gone but look wat hav u done.bas kumangowamwesa anthu aku 18 mabi mmalo mokoza kumasunzumila ku chipani ch anzanu.kkkk munya
Even you bwampini u are full of failure in your leadership
Public reforms on beathbed nothing on the ground. Only making education more miserable than ever ,,then who is the failure
What developments is this mtchona talking about. Can’t he see that he is destroying our country with his corrupt team . Malawi is going downwards at a very alarming rate. Dzuwa salozerani. Everyone can see that Mr Ibu is not a performer despite his educational credentials. The man is not a leader but an academic. We need to change the governing team in 2019.
Kkkkk dolo waiwopela kunjila man.
uyutu munthu awadziwa aMalawi, mwina adangomva mbili pamene tidasintha ndale zachipani chimodzi kuti adzapeze m’mene ziririmu. Anena kuti MCP ndiyolephera iye angandilozereko chimene wapanga ngati mtsogoleri?kapanda mkulu wake uja kupangako zooneka bwenzi muli pati apitala?
Empty tin makes alot of noise. APM, plz 4get of 2019. We’ve tired of killing and adapting #ALBINOS Pano mwayambanso kudula mitu ya anthu adazi. We don’t want a government of disaster & failures. #_Chakwera_2019_BOMAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Kwa ine MCP kulowa m’boma ndakayika!!
Kodi ya kwana nthawi ya kampeni? Ukuopa chani? Anthu atopa nawe.
mmmm ku malawi ziliko,,,apapa zangoonetseratu kuti afrobarometer ija imanena zoona potengera ndi ma comments ali mmusimu
Bambo mukalimbana ndi mcp mukungolakwapo, onse omwe akusokonsa ku dpp ndiomwe amapangitsa kuti mcp ioneke ngati chipani choipa ndiye samalani kulankhula.
finish n cry mukati opposition mwakati mwakati chitukuko sichiyenda mpaka 2019
challenge them in development
always against opposition fuzo fuzo za chitukuko basi ndiye ndale osalimbana ndi boma la mawa
mantha awo madala fasani muona
DPP boma mighty ruling part
An empty tin make a lot of noice
Zipani zilingati mipingo,mpingo sukapulumutsa munthu ayi,tsono chipani sichingabweretse chitukuko ndiye musamangoti MCP eee DPP ifeyo Malawi tikhale maso pa munthu yemwe angatithandize polongosola Malawi..kaya munthu wachita independent muunikeni bwino-bwino angati aangatithandize, tsono siza zipani zawozo ayi,,,munthu amatha kusintha zipani kuchoka ku DPP to MCP,,tiwonetsetse Malawi tisapuse ndi zipani…”DPP yachepa,,,MCP yachepa” ndechani????
Pali chilungamo apo? Kkkkk
Kkkkkkk it is too early to suggest which political party is gonna rule 2019 guys. Moreover some of you will not even go for vote.
Odwala ndiiweyo bwampini you must mind your business ukuwawopa amcp-wo eti wafa nayo basi
Mantha awa kumakhalira kukamba zaena chilikumuchititsa zimenezi ndi chani?
Anthu afuna chitukuko osati zomanyoza anzanu
Wamisala Uyu
#MALAWI24, Monga Momwe Mwaonera Ma Coment’wa, Cn We Say Pano Kt Bwampini ameneyu akunena zoona? Mumuuze Kt tatopa naye ndipo akachita masewera cardiac arrest ikumudikira. MCP woyeee!!! MALAWI woyeee!!
#MALAWI24, Monga Momwe Mwaonera Ma Coment’wa, Cn We Say Pano Kt Bwampini ameneyu akunena zoona? Mumuuze Kt tatopa naye ndipo akachita masewera cardiac arrest ikumudikira. MCP woyeee!!! MALAWI woyeee!!
Bwampini 2019 samakaso. Ukuwona wekha. Siwe Mwanatu.
Point to note,bwampini ameneyu waponda mwala…mcp isagonekele khosi nkumati tathananaye ai….akubwelaso ndi chinyengo china choposela cha 2014 ndipo ndi ichi chayambika kalechi .tsatanetsatane ndidzabwela naye pa 01.08.18 mtheladi mbamba dee…pali inuyo.
Useless man Peter kodi paja nyumba zaboma akugonazo pa nthawi yomwe kamuzu ankamanga ie yo adali ali garden boy kwa merica eti?
Mr President this is the sign that you are scared of MCP.Your time is coming to unend 2019 is not far. We shall meet in the street.
Builted @geoffrey tembo write in your parents dialect
Khala nacho chipani cha kwa Goliat ife chathu cha ndundu wa Amalawi tilli nga-nga-nga pa MCP
His personal life is the one which has improved in terms of finances and different accesses and now he is forgetting kuti the people who voted him into power are still struggling to make ends meet.
Zake zinayera zoti anthu akuvutika sangaone
peter ndmunthu wabwino kwambri
Builted kkkkk why cant you just write in your native language are you a school drop out
You are busy checking mistakes of your friends?. What nosense you don’t know sometimes when you are typing the right spelling it gives you wrong spelling if you are rushing to rubbish some one. Don’t be too judgemental Man.
Forgive him maybe its his age that makes him to forget the good things that the past leaders have done but thinks he is better than all of them despite him doing nothing for the country.
hahahaha,timvere ife asamayankhule ngati kulibe mawa and asamayiwale kuti lero limapita ndipo mawa limabwela koma sakudziwa kuti lidza ndichiyani.APM linda madzi apite ndiye uziti wadala fokofu.
kkkk kicks of a dying DPP.
“I wonder if governments of the world have a minute to talk of constructive ideas to develope- Largade”
it seems politics has merged to be the hot talk in mW every time time the president is on podium….nkhani nd castigation and harrasing opposition parties…. nd Ku blue night komwe Ndale ……when daz the president have time to talk of dvpt.. ..? search the president…..or else search me
Or akazi akowo bwampini amakudziwaso kuti ndiwe olephera,amangokhalira chifukwa chofuna ulemu basi
Madalawa azakhumudwa ndale zapano sizachizoloqezi
ndiye mwati yamtetha pachigweru mcp? ndiye asadati,ndiye mumuuze bwampini wanuyo kuti abeletu
95%,,,,,,,,Chakwera 2019 loading,,,,Mr genious apse mtima
100% mcp iwina 2019
Lies Lies Peter
and your traveling on there roads all over the contry .going to their hospitals .working in their builted offices koma zinzazi
Geoffrey “builted”hahahahaha why cant you just write in your vernacular dialect
mcp is a full of failiers but your living in there built house kkkklll
Peter,take note malawians are suffering under ua poor leadership,ndy olephera ndi ndani mtchona iweeeee? Take it or leave it 2019 paulendo basi,tione zina basi.
this is to show that you are fearing mcp, kachisankho ka 2014 kaja mubela kaja dziko limadziwa bwino
mbava kwao
kwachaaaa kaya mutani ife tasankha chakwera basi zamadzala mphuno toto
This one is one of the serious tragic events Malawi has ever had! He’s so unable to see the log in his eyes than a stick in somebody’s!
Kodi iwe ukuwona ngati sakuwona pa ground? Zoti wawononga ziko sulupenya haha mmalo mokhoza zachimanga Ku. Admarc kulibe ndalama basi bize kunyoza MCP haha
woow what failer?kkkkk bt does he know he is using roads constructed by mcp kia by mcp just to meation afew wht does he do or his brother done zat will benefit Malawias parliament and state house in llz thats for few beneficiaries here comes 2019 zats fever b4 the election u and ur cabinet ur going down ma friend
chilungamo kuwawa nthawi zonse chikalankhulidwa apm 2019 bomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! zikumunyasa adzilume kunsana
kkkkkkk yamuotcha pa chigweru MCP pitala achitaso kukanika kuyankhula zoveka dats y palibe chomwe wapanga pa zaka wakhala bomazi
Kk seeekuuuu
serious guyz ine Pitala amandidabwisa mukamati ndi profesor coz evn english yomwe amayankhula he does like fana wot akuphuzira kumene kumangozikolakola come to chicewa ayiso.So munthu wotere angapange zinthu zooneka pamaso pa anthu??
mkamwa ngt mulamba kkkkkkkkkk
it is true that even now pple can choose Satan over Jesus. Peter has nothing to show Malawians as a President. This is why he’s trying to dig information from other parties so that he can have something to say in those Rallies. Watch out 2019 is waiting for you
Mcp ilibe nfundo
hahahahahahahahah sometimes i like watching fools of APM making themselves dpp ikudziw kt chawo palbe mu 2019 msiyen chakwela akhale chakwela ndpo mbwampin mpanda mano akhaleso mbwampin
Kkk aike. Mna andiyazi kuthi kodwa amadoda ba MCP batheni bangashale phamdzi?
Uchindere wakufikapo bolanso Bingu anauyamba term yomaliza. Tsono awa aulawirira2.
Nanga sivuto sadaphunzisidwe kabedwe bwampini atuluke 2019
mcp ndi boma kale
Mantha amukulira mkukuyu akungodzidzimuka ndi mtswatswa wake omwe, 2019 Kuli kanthu
MCP singagonjetse DPP yachepa kwambiri.Inu kunali mitunda kumeneku ACHAKUAMBA,MTABA KOMANSO TEMBO,mwafutse akuuzeni.Onse omwe ndikuwaona panowa alingati zizukulu.Inu pangani chipani china inu.Muzaziona.
how many coments are in favor of pitala? this can apply what is happening on the ground, malawi walero siwakale uja watsala ndiwe kuzindikira.
Tizaona 2019 kuti iwe ndine ozindikira ndani.Mcp kuzangowinanso,onse makolo anthu omwe anafa chifukwa cha chipani chimenechi ndithu AZAUKITSIDWA.Patakhala chipani china osati Mcp chizawina.
Charles, don’t fabricated yourself please, ukakamba nkhani yakupha kodi anthu 28 aja adaombeledwa kumpoto aja idali nthawi ya ndani imene ija? Nanga Mr Mbendela, mr njaunju, komaso Robert Chasowa kodi anthu amenewa adaphedwa mu ulamuliro wa ndani?? Nanga peter chiloweleni pa mpando umenewu wachitapo chazelu chanji koposa kuba ndalama zaboma? Ku Zambia kudali president Lupia Bwezani Banda adagonja mochititsa manyazi ndiye iweyo zikuonetsa kuti uli mu mnthawi ya mkusadziwa
Siza Umfu Ai Ur Tmy Iz Over Mukusowa Tulo
Akusowa tulo kumene Peter tamuoneni angokhalira kukamba za ena pamene azakewo sakukamba za iye, zoseketsa kwabasi
Wazungulira mutu,MCP moto kut buuuuuuuu
Moto uli lawi laaawiii wamuotcha pa chigwelu paja Peter eeish
Mbuzi za dpp zosavala mapanti
Cadate iwe ukuona ngati pitala wakoyo angawine
peter woyee! Not zinazi ati mia zinamkanika kale aja angofuna kusokoneza mcp basi
Mantha ndiomwe avuta apa
Hahhahahahahaha,,and DPP full of thieves,, if not for what MCP and kumuzu did I wonder how Malawi could be like,, let’s be honesty the facilities which were built during the time of kamuzu,,,KCH,Queens, chanco,national library in city center, just to mention a few thy r the best facilities we have in Malawi,, though some idiots don’t want to renovate those buildings those buildings r still surviving on thy own,this means that MCP never compromised on quality, quality at its best,,not many Malawians will see the facts here,,even during the time of MCP nkhani ya corruption kudalibe,no gates opened,, amen
…not that there wasn’t corruption during the dictator’s reign but nobody dared to question it…ukudziwanso za zomwe zimachitika kwa an2 amenewo..Ndi kudziwe laNg’ona,ngati sukudziwa ndiye kuti udari ukadari madzi nthawi imeneyo…(2)#Mcp is da party that failed the nation & it’s citizens…zaka 31 popanda a opposition simukadapanga zin2 zowerenga ngati mwalembazo mukadakhara mudarikondadi dziko Ndi an2 akewo chuma chikuenda bwino chonchija..but look yu failed to improve the lives of just 5/6million for 31 yrs…mkumati nyweee-nyweee zowona apa..mudziganiza musanalembe mbwelera zanuzi
Upumbwawo Ndi chfkwa sunamve..
problem of “doing everything” is that you cannot develop anything other than wasting your time by trying to fix everything. The only thing that we want is a proper strategic plan that u can use to develop this country. At the moment as far as i am concerned you ain’t done nothing, APM is even failin to fulfill the promises he placed in his manifesto. Now talkin non-sense to the opposition body will not bring him anything good other being his worst nightmare, i really don’t understand his game, its like he’s pointing a gun towards his own head coz he thinks that once he pull the trigger its gona shoot at the opposition.
good synthesis boss
why is APM trying to tarnish his opponent instead of being focused on transforming malawi so that it should not be called the poorest nation on the world
Its a sign of failier
That’s the point because politicians if they see that they are drawning they try to make others who are their rivals to drawn too
Palibe chanzelu chomwe wachita uyu chitengeleni mpando
Mu DPP yalakwa basi
Rip dpp
Ask him
akuwopa chani
pitala waonjeza u are the big loser u do nothing since u came to power can u tell me wat did u do to the people of Malawi, I remember late bingu he has done better in the first term, and he did arot, and phwevuphwevu u just talking nosense,
kuyamba m’mawa wa dzulo nkhani ndiyokhayi walembawe ndiwe mbuzi,palibe nkhan zina?nzeru mulibe,uchitsiru wanu ukuonekera pamenepa
yatentha mcp
atleast MCP believes in something which is true on the ground just saying
akunama ndi iyeyo mumuwuze MCP ndi makechulu
Malawi 24 why don’t you write something different from politics? ndiyekuti simumatha kusaka nkhani zina nxaaaaa!!!
KUMENEKO NDE TIMATI KUWOPERA KUTALI.akulimbana ndi MCP ngat chipani chotsutsa ndichokhachi bwanji?
Koma a Malawi 24 Nkhaniyi mwaikondatu
Peter Mutharika is a very dull president, which development has done so far that he can point at? Bingu — yes!! not madala awa. Zinthu zitakhala kuti zasokonekera, kodi alipo wa DPP yemwe angadzauze mtundu wa Malawi kuti ine ndidzachita zomwe amachita Peter Mutharika anthu nkumuvotera? koma kubatu kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
Kkkkkk. Is MCP in government now? Did MCP promiss good perks to civil servants and later told them to go to private sector if they want big salaries?
Did Maizegate, tractorgate, Cashgate and Passportgate happen in MCP government?
Therefore the past failure of MCP does not affect us now, but the failures of today’s leadership.