Police at Nselema Police Post in Machinga are keeping in custody a 27-year-old man for cultivating cannabis sativa.
This is according to Machinga police publicist Constable Davie Sulumba who has identified the ganja farmer as Faison Chitundu.
The publicist said Nselema police received information from well-wishers that the suspect cultivated cannabis sativa in his garden at Wandikanga village in the district.
After receiving the information, Police Officers rushed to the scene and uprooted 415 plants of cannabis sativa in the garden which is 50 metres away from the suspect’s house.
They also seized half kilogram of loose cannabis sativa which was inside Chitundu’s house.
Meanwhile, the farmer is in custody pending court proceedings soon on charges of illegal growing and possession of cannabis sativa which is contrary to regulations 6 and 4, section 19 of Dangerous Drugs Act respectively.
Chitundu hails from Wandikanga village, in the area of Traditional Authority Chowe in Mangochi district.
Smoke weed and grow older
Regaliese it
Malawi dziko losazindikira, Chamba chilibe vuto lilinso kupatula kusuta ndichofunika pa ntchito zina,ndimankhwala otsuka mthupi ndipo munthu osuta kapena kumwa or kudya sikawirikawiri kumva kutsinatsina mthupi,chamba chimachangamutsa ngati coffee,munthu amagwira ntchito mwamphamvu komanso mwachangu, pa anthu 100 amapengapo ndimmodzi ngati sichinamuyanje (allegies) ngati mankhwala ena onse..Lolezani changuchangu chikufunika dziko lonse lapansi pazifukwa zokwanira,,amene sasutu sasuta basi-osuta chisankho chawo basi,,,mayiko ena sapanga za ulimi alindi zitsime zamafuta,miyala yamtengo wapatali,,malawi titati tizipanga export Chamba tikaamasimba lokoma
Walankhula Ngati Wanzeru
Nkhungu yaikazi umayesa mzako ine?? Azinzanga ndaachina katopeka,malingamoyo ndi ayikate osati iweyo
Hahahahaha Ndasekaa
Never give up #going get stop,until stop get going…#legalise
Ngati life tikudya bwino ndichamba sitileka mpakana kufa
If they find gold in my compound they say it belongs to government but if they find marijuana oooh its mine tooo corrupt
Anzanga, we need to rethink the legalization of Marijuana in #Malawi. Would chamba really mess up minds of an entire country? There is so much we could do with whether narcotic or non-narcotic hemp to revitalize our dying country.
mmasuren mthu osarakwa kurima chamba sumurandu oky
They arrested this man because he is a *poor man* who was making money by producing and selling chamba. So people got jealous of him and reported him to police.
But – if that is the case, then what about women (including the prostitutes) who get easy money from men (for sex, relationship etc)? This money is not taxed by anyone. The first thing that should be done is start assessing people who make income like this that is not taxed, and start issuing income taxes on them, failing which, they also should be liable to be arrested.
Chamba is not a big deal. Its a part of Rastafarian religion, of which there are many Rastas in Malawi. Further, its not cocaine. If you want to arrest someone, then go and arrest the cocaine importers and sellers – because cocaine is a hard drug that causes real damage to society. And regulate and legalize Chamba in Malawi (but make it illegal for children/students or below 18 years of age).
Respect ganja farmers you people.
ndidzadya chiyani chopambana chamba mutayeni
So what?
Kmatu sitisia kudya IYIYA zaziiiiiii !!!!!
legalise marijuana for better Malawi
m’masulen ndiosalakwa ameneyo and muyembekezele kuti chambacho chilimidwa kwambili chifukwa chili ndi msika wabwino. pamene mbeu zinazi mmmm maluzi eni-eni
So what? Is it a fuckin’ crime?
Iyayi uku ndekulakwisa musiyeni munthu asaa! Mesa amalima m’munda mwake… Mumafuna alime chimanga ena abe agulise kunja hahaha… Ayaya masulani munthuyo
Mtayeni ameneyo
Sanalakwe uyu koma akanamugwira munthu wadazi mkumugulitsa mtima wanu mbeeee
Kamuzu adati”chuma chili nthaka” musiyeni naye ndi njira yopezera ndalama. Chamba si kutsuta kokha,chimangwira ntxhito njira zambiri. Wake up!
Well done nselema police. Akupangisa ana athu kuzungulira misala .arrest more offenders
Muli ndi ana angati amisala omwe anapenga ndi chamba??
Hahahahahaha,atsuta naye, angomuchotsa.
go to lucky dubes song called rastaman prayer there is full information
Nde vuto ndichani
Olo mutamumanga ife tizidyabe mbanjezo, nuh badmind cn stop we inna awa zone!!!
Legalise chamba???????
Osamayesa tilime zimenezi basi,,,,
So whats wrong?
Even me am getting surprise
Did he kill anyone?
Tangololezani kuti chidzilimidwa ,and maiko akuja adzidzagula tonse m’malawi mo titha kusitha. Ndalama sizingamavute koma ayi mukufuna mudzilemera nokha aku Boma nu. Nkasa Anati~Ngati
mukufuna kuti munthu wina ali
yenseyo asadzapezeke akusuta
chamba,mukayambe mwaotcha
minda yomwe muli nayo,
musamakhale ngati chikulimidwa kutali,pamene njere zake
zikufesedwa mom’muno.
Pliz set him free, coz chamba is a God’s plant
Set him free.Malijuan bring economic high in the country. Damn
Ine ndiye ndachilimatu munya muona
In his farm what’s wrong?
Pali kusiyana kwanji CHAMBA ndi mankhwala a QUININ? mumthu ukamwa sumanva and umazungulira mutu .
Kkkkkkkkk eish!
Kkkkk mudziugwila ukamazungulila @esther
Kkkkkk …..sumagwilika kukhala pa mpado kumaona ngath dziko likuzungulira and ndikukhalaso osamanva kwa 2 weeks uli gonthi
Who Is This
Stupid fools in khaki uniform
Green Gold
Wina uyu dzagwireni
Legalise it guys. Where does the hemp in most of the products we use like lotions come from? You jeep arresting people growing while alot more are smoking it. Poor soul!