A photo of a man purported to be over 60 is circulating on the internet. The man is sitting for his MSCE.
While the school and the identity of the man are being treated as private, it is believed that the man is sitting for his MSCE so as to improve his fortunes.
One of the pages that circulated the photo urged young people to emulate the example of the old man of getting education other than rushing for fleeting riches.
“Get an education, even the old are getting an education,” wrote the page.
Candidates are sitting for MSCE which started on 22nd June and will be finished by the majority on 5th July.
Anamujambula ndani?
Maphunziro saatha mpaka kutseka maso komaso agwiritsa ndalama zawo onyozawo izo nzawoso
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well done papa kuphunzira sikumatha
motivating papa
I remember very well when I was writing my MSCE, I wrote with a certain old woman who was old enough to be my grand mother, and she came out with 18 points, as iam talking I heard that she is doing tourism @ mzuni, she had a vision, so for that old Man I should say big up to him, and i hope he will make it!
Ndimumenya ndikampeza akufuna kt ntchito akayambile kut ndisukulu yakeyo kkkkkkkkkk
Wow, he’s doing the right thing
All da bst mdala,though ppo are mocking u but it doesnt min anythin 2u jst work hard & archieve wat u opted 4!
Akukonza tsogolo
Mumasowa zolemba
ndiye muzizadabwa akai kwapula ndi 7 point?
M’dala ameneyi alinditsogoro lowala
It’s never too late in life for as long as you are still alive.
Ndawaonaso Ena Lero Pa St Kizito Lero Bhynd Limbe Cathdraw Bt Akuwelenga. Ambuye Ingo Bwelan Bax?
just understand the word “sukulu” meaning suukulu that siukulu kk
Kkkkkk a paulo pa st charle
Thats great I think he knows the important of Education,well done mdala
He inspires alot of our generation,guys we can do whatever we want in life lyk wat dis old man is currently doing.grand papa u r xo gd.
If you ever stop learning, just know that u are dead. Mkuluyu, mmmh he is on top of the game of life. He has a vision for a better future. Good luck.
Best wishes, i have really been challenged and impressed at the same time.
until then knoweth wisdom to know the difference btwn knolwedge and success- Sir Churchill……..so much as school has no end as said its good to recall that there are times today’s success will not surpass tommoroz knowledge……koz time is dynamic btwn the two concepts(success nd knowledge ) prior with age….. all in all……I wsh the man well
aa bola kulimbikila kaya mzayamba ntchito mtakalamba bola zina lanu likuziwika mb’oma koma kwinaku ndikuthawa khasu abale kkkkkkk!!
Kkkkkkkk sukulu siukulu
Akukhoza tsogolo kawo madalawa kkkk
All de best keep it up!
Kunoso kukaronga open secondary school Wa more than sixty years. ndeno ndizosadabwisa guys.Sukulu simatha .
Akuziwa chomwe akuchita madalawa big up
That’s great
Kkkkkkkk maulle mwamva nthawi ilipo
Sumtyns goes with age,dis is lyk munthu wankulu kukhwefula trouser.
thats your own thinking
Kukonza mbuyo madala
vuto lanu ndichani mulekeni dada wafiske khumbo lake lukonza mbuyo saletsa ife tazipangapo unima inatikanika but degree tirinayo via kukonza mbuyo kkkkkkkkkk
nde uja amaziluma pa interview atengele chitsanzotu
Its not too late he will make it
Yap good luck ka mdala iwe osa uja analephera …… ku SA
That’s gud plan, yes to educate.
A good example indeed.ma player learn something from him.
Abwampini akuba misonkhowa enanso analemba ndukupeza MSCE Certificate mochedwa. Mdala osafooka 4 years to come ngati mkwamoyo you will be a graduate.Who knows?
Nkhani yabwino ,all the best
Kuphunzira sikumathatu mpaka mmanda. Ngati umoyo ulipo chitanawoni maphunzirowo basi
Malawi 34 ulibe atolankhani odziwa bwino kulemba nkhani.
Madara mmm its too much KKK mm size ya ghetto
After MSCE what next??? LUANAR musungireni malo akubwera wachikulire.
I had a classmate in forms three and four classes at Mitundu CDSS. mr njewa. He was over 50 that time. Sizachilendo izi.
So Why Not BB Players? Blessing Is Still Waiting For You, Its On Silence.
Why not sailesi
Better to be late than never
dalitso vesrz mdala mumupikisano wa COSAFA kkkkkkk!
#mary wata chani
kwenikweni afuna chani
Neva Then Can He Entertain His School Dropping Child, Big Upps!
He want to become an MP in 2019 General Elections.
Kulawira ku mayeso kuthawa khasu kwa ma wk angapo, anyway all the best man
sanalakwitse ali bho
Its not over until u win,knowledge can b obtain at any age,there is no limit,not every study is about is about the job,sometimes is about to update ur serf into modern world m’dala uli boh
Hahaha watopa ndi ufiti
Akhonza kukhala m’dala wanga2 uyu,ndionetsetse
While #Sailes #Kakhobwe and #Kananji failing to………….
Mwaganza Mochedwa Madala Ophuzra Anachuluka Pano.
I dont see any reason why some commenter’s here are accusin mdalayu,its what he’s opted for.. furthermore this is so inspiring to todays generation in schools..mdala is searching for knowledge he never encountered before not a job..leave his dreams alive
Can maneb just award him 6points
Now you talking
Zingayambe kuyiwalika keep fire burning everywhere mandala
kkkk munalikuti? ok all the best koma anthu onkhoza bwino angonkhala kusowa job koma mudziwa madala?
All the best u ‘ll get 8 points.
wasala Daltso sailesi shame on u.best wishes Papa
School ilibe kukula
Past paper iyi tinawerenga kale
Mumakwana madala big up inuo…
Aboma komaso makampani chonde muwalembe ntchito madalawa ayesesa kumbali yawo
Iyeyu ali mnyamata amatani mpaka kumakalemba mayeso atakula?All the best Madara
Anali ku Theba kododa chikopa
Amawelenga kuti achose 4 points.
Hahahaha HahahahahahaAntima Antima
kodi mesa munanyoza Dalitso Sailesi uyu walakwitsa chani?
Apange mbuyo mdalaa… All the best
School is the third eyes and is akey to succes
Thax bester to agree with me my option
pamene ma player ena n macoach zkuwavuta wat ashame
Maplayers abb nkhani ndi imeneyotu
Uli nazobe nkhani za Dalitso?
Kodi inu musiyeni ameneyo,chifukwa amagwira ntchito ku kampani ija yatsekedwa yablack punch,ntchito yake inali yolawa kuti lelo mowa wakoma kapena ayi,onjezerani mutu pang’ono eyaa ulibwino sopano,ndiye poti anaipanga close sorry
Maganizo opambana madala,ndikhulupiliranso kuti simungalore ana kuti azisiya sukulu.
it’s never too late until you are late,,,,,,,,wish him all the best
I wish him all the best. So inspiring
Kkkkk shooo
Anyamata a Flames atengelepo phunziro ?
Spirit of hard work let this man be blessed
School is not everything Madala u can do better on other things
kkkk muwunze mdala sakudzi enawonkhonza bwino angonkhala kusowa job kangulu ka anthu kk
I don’t think xool is all abt gettin jobs #Mr Kaswaya .
Muuzen Kut Kumwamb Kulibek Education
Of coz sikupeza ntchito kokha koma munthu ngati wakwanisa za 60 ali opanda MSCE chingavute ndichani kukhala moyo omwe wakula nawowo
Guys change your negative mindset, this old man knows what he is doing so dont discourage him. Madala pangani zomwezo basi am wishing you al the best. Remember guys age is just a number and education has no limit when it comes to ths.
age is just a number koma 60 yrs is too big a number kkkk
if u r a primary xul drop out don’t kill his hope, wat eva his hope r just let e old man do wat he think it’s best for him
@ Myk G, 60 yrs is too big for you not for him
60yrs? ulimumavuto mdala iwe watsala ndi zaka 5 kuti ufe.
Akusowa zochta uyo…emulating w@..? Senseless….lyf begins @ 40 & education ends @50,,,sakuzwa zmenezo ieyo..? Aaaa