Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism has shut down 13 manufacturers of liquor which is packaged in plastic bottles and sachets.
Minister responsible Joseph Mwanamvekha said this in Parliament on Friday as he was responding to Member of Parliament for Kasungu Central Amon Nkhata’s question on the same.

Nkhata noted that despite government’s ban on the production of liquor packaged in sachets, the liquor is still being sold in plastic bottles all over the country.
In his response, Mwanamvekha said government closed 13 factories which were producing the liquor packaged in plastics and the liquor which is on the market was smuggled into the country.
He also expressed worry that young people in the country are taking alcohol excessively without considering their future.
“We are very concerned over excessive alcohol consumption among young people in the country,” he said
Mwanamvekha said government banned liquor packaged in plastics to protect young people as they are future leaders of the country.
However, other Members of Parliament said the House is not using its power to protect young people from alcohol abuse through consumption of the cheap liquor.
The members said despite the efforts to completely ban the production of spirituous liquor, it seems that more work has to be done.
Ndawala apa man
Kkkkk kulakwira zidakwa
No more midoli
The issue should not be the package, please close because that liquar is more harzadous than any. We lost our beloved ones coz of this so called cane spilit
If you go check the working conditions of those premises, you’ll find that they are pathetic where one’s life can’t improve. They just use cheap labour
koma kachizunguko pena pake nako kabalalika2 #Reporter
It’s not about packaging but rather quality of the product we allow on the market. High time MBS knew their work. If they bring glass bottles to package the poison will you reopen it? Sad
Yes, Wlc Development Ana Maso Anayamba Kuoneka Ngat A Phumbwa, Nkhope Nga Makolo Ophula Zamoto?
what a comic a scenario…madzi ali pambaliwo ali m’botolo la dothi??? kuli cooking oil ,pure water and all sorts of drinks mma plastic bottles now u should just elaborate to us as the nation why u’ve shut down these companies…achinyamata ena amapezeramo lamchere ,popexa ntchito mukungolemba ana anu,greed is a big problem with our politicians
Jada ndi more
Mayo ine,midoli yangax2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nduna zikapanga za uchitsiru sizichosedwa ntchito koma mafakitale akapanga zauchisiru amasekedwa ndipo ogwira ntchito zimathera pompo. Mmwemo.
Lets Make Malawi Again
Now Thats what I Call Critical Thinking, I Like That
Excellent work
Nkhanza,coz”peopple has to have a Choice.They Pay Tax,why Shutting Down???”
Good move than just saying
tilim’madzi! Komani PowerHamerv Mkandawire Alikipo Gamula Tamandani Nkhwali
goodbyeeee!masters kkkkkkkkkki
basi zomwe mumakambilana Ku Parliament kut ti burne mowa wa amphawi inu muzimwa Savannah nd black label chitan manyaz. azitsogileri
nde chamba chimenecho timwa inu kkkk welcome 2 nyasa
Nde wina azimuseka Dalitso Sailesi apa akuti which packaged in plastics Kkkkkkkk atolankhani mumakhala patsogolo kuseka inu
James you are right.Ive made the same observation
Kkkkkkkk ine kudabwatu man Bright
well dun job though it ws cheaper bt cld make ppl mre poorer.
Eish ! Its a good development BUT think of our brothers and sisters who were working in those breweries
its not all about employment only but also the health of those who were drinking or still drinking this poisonous stuff
sometimes laws have to be broken for the greater good #stainley
Anthu ayambe kugona sober
Kondwani Chimenya Chimwe Mwe Nyirenda
They banned k10 sachets, we never stopped, then blackberry, we never stopped, pano nde akuona ngati tisiya
Aphika kachaso alemera
Iii nanga msokho azikatenga kuti zodyela cashgate. Azipweteka okha
the first comendable job ever since on this minstry bravo !pokoza zinthu zinaso zimaonongeka vuto palibe the minster should help those having no jobs eish am tired
Are you not adding to the high number of joblessness why don’t you find an amicable solution to the problem than shutting down or they resisted a bribe?
Thats veri amicable job
I think ur one of the beneficiaries
no fear no beer
Koma ngat mwafika ku Midoli ndiye sitigwilizana kamowa kamenekaja kamandifikapo ponona kwabax
Ghetto Whisky(Kachasu) shall live forever!! :p
Bravo to that!
Anao ndiako samalani Ana ako bwanji ukuwanaminza Ana kuti nditsogoleli amawa pomwe iweyo ukukhakamila mpando wako osapasa Ana Ali ndi nzeru zatsopano
koma nanga ogwira ntchitowo?
Nyasi zayamba kupungukano…. good job
Zosakhala bwino taganizani zili kwa yani?
ethanol liquors should be banned .kaya ayika mu botolo la plastic or glass.how can we allow ethanol be taken as liquors. these Indians can not be allowed to produce in their country .kutiwona kupusa ife a Malawi or bwanji ? opusa ndi yemwe anawapatsa residential permit. opusa ndi yemwe anawapatsa business license. very bad and you knew that these have come to poison our people but you closed your eyes and gave them licences .please mr minister investigate those who issued business license to these asians and investigate those who issued residential permit to these people. or you think these are investors. these are killers deport them to asia where they berong
Growing down
Bwanji osabana opanga mowa wa kachasu mutu wakachaso munawulawa inu?
Grin nde afike pa 200 tu
Ine ndwa kachaso…olo mutatseka onse…
Ndasangalala zimaononga ana zimenezi.
Zakhala bwino,,nthawi zina munthu umagwa mu tchimo chifukwa choti tchimolo waliyandikira kapena kuti lakuyandikira.anthu amagwiritsa ntchito zinthu zasakhala bwino kaamba koti zinthuzo zilipo,,chosani zinthu zosayenera pakati pa miyoyo ya anthu
that was what i was waiting to hear.Blavo.Osamangolimbana ndiogulitsa.Timimowa timineti tationengera anthu kwambiri.These companies came to Malawi after being banned in Zambia.Once again Blavo for the closure,keep it up
TIzimwa kachasu… Reduce price 4 cars berg en the likes… Sindikufuna kukhala sober
Chamba ndi dhilu, just legalise it.
Apa2 nde ulova.com, koma umbava,umbanda,misala ndi zina zitenga malo coz lots of pipo ali pa umphawi nkale nde nkumatsekaso ma kampani, too bad.
Nice move… And these companies should be shut down permanently not just for days
A Mr Midoli onse apita kuchuti choumiliza kkkkkk.
Nanga Poti Ena Amagwira Mobisa Komanso Madzulo Makaniwo Mukuwadziwa
Congrats Sir!
Nanga ntchito za amalawi amagwira kumeneko?talk to the manufacturers azifulula mowa osati poison amangayo.amalawi ambiri amafactory amenewawa!kuwatseka ziwonjezera kusowa kwa nchito komwe pano kwafika posauzana!#OPENTHEMNOW!
The same should go to those producing plastic bags in town. They are polluting the cities and town. Otherwise they should be heavily taxed
The environmentalists sasowa..u jst see them by their actions and sayings
Our towns are heavily polluted with blue plastics. Its high time to reconsider mass ban on the plastic production
aaaaaa I dont believe this coz they will come again with a new name and they will be welcomed I tell you
By then tizaona chochita nawo js like nw
What a good idea
Development is everyday going down
midoli no more kkkk sisani fanta chonde.
Wankhuni basi umwedwe kkkk
Well done!!!!
ndasangalala kwambiri coz anthu ambiri nkhope zao zinasokera /kutupa ndi mowa oyipa zedi.
midori ija bas yapita? mayineee amalawi timwa chan sono?
Monse munayambila muja mukuona ngati zikuphula kanthu kukufunika kuika malamulo okhwima kaopangawo plans tiyeni tiller ziphuphu caus ena mukupita kukatseka ena akupita kukatenga ya fanta palibe chomwe chingathandize mapeto ske zimangopitilirabe
Chikokeyani, kachasu,wamasese akabanga mkati anthu atupa miyendo chaka chino kkkkk
Manlord! Kwatulukaso Mowa Winatu Akuutcha Chigaragara.
chigaragara ndiye utinso umenewu kkkkkkkkk
Kkkkkk maina amowa angobadwabe ngati ana kkkk koma a MUJE mulimba? Anthu alezera ndi k20 chaka chino kkkk
Givelord! Ukudabwa? Ukupeza posachedwa anthu sakugona tulo kuyesayesa kusakaniza chemical kkkkkkk
Kkkkkkk tione anthu akutupa naye kachasu tsopano…..nde ndikhapikekhapiketu :v
Midoliyi ndiye kuti basi?
Mwamulakwira Ras Dema
Akapatsana ndalama mumva kuli ziiiii mowa akugulitsabe
Yes let them start irrigation farming to improve the in economy of this country not midoli
Nde sizoseka Midoli super vodka apa….mutseke Carsberg n Malawi gin
Oh!!! no .
Very Good Government For Laying The Foundation Of Islamic Sharia. Close Chibuku Brewaries And Carlsberg Malawi Too. They Are All The Same.
u ryt bro they hv to cloz those companies too coz its nt fair to favour othr othr companies while their aim is the same.
Sharia is just a law… dont be cheated Muslims are worse alcoholics… come to Nigeria in Bauchi State. it is an Islamic state and beer is not allowed… But go to out at night and see they way they swallow bottles of beer….
ur right,go to mangochii ukaone mmene mowa umwedwera kumeneko,mukakhumudwa,sharia is jst a law indeed..but achita bwino kutseka those companies,achinyamata akuonongeka nawo mowa umenewu,mpaka munthu kumafundula ngati njoka coz of timowa timenetii!!!! eishhh!
Nanga ma Factory a Kachasu ?
Apapa Ndiye Mwatilakwira Coz Enafe Mowa Winawu Sitingakwanise Malinga Ndi Kuchepekedwa Kwathu…
i lyk ua honest
Eti Amwene, Akufuna Ife Tisamamwe?
i agree with you but i think CHIBUKU is cheap.plus health. vuto ndi loti bwana mumafuna zinthu zolezelesa mwansanga
#Obie, Thats Why Ndikuti Enafe Sitikanisa, 500 Timatha Kulezera Koma Chibuku Kuti Tiyake Timawononga 2 Pin.
kkkkkk i get you #kateta
Worry not about money……worry about ur health
Good job kumalawi makampani ena opanga mowa akumamwesana uve
Im gonna miss super midori, shooter etc basi ndmweletu uxanaxowe.
Achita bwino oyipa umenewu
Chbwanat chimenecho
thumb up!
Welcome kachasu bye bye midori
Now am starting to like the government..bye bye midori
What is midori?
Will never keep liquor down
kkkkk amidori asovenge ife ndi ajada
chamba et mukuona ngati tidzimwa chani?open NOW!!!
Shaaa! Super midoli uja
no more midoli kkkkkk nice job
kkkkk ndiwe sober man eti?
kkkkkkk yap
Very good!!!
very good ndiye kuti chani?
Chizungu chimenecho! Baba kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
owowo chizugu cha “very good”… ndiye chimene chili “very good” apa ndichani?
Kenako bola atsekenso company ya Chibuku! This government is doing well!
kkkkk drunkerdz complainz
Chibuku chilibe vuto.Winawotu ndi poison weni weni anthu amatupa nawo
zawukape man
Nduna yosowa zochita iyi aaaa
No more shutta on de market kkk
mbola man
big up
big up ndiye kuti chani?