Ngati muli a chigawo cha kumpoto ndiye mumakhumba kukhala President ndiye kuti ndinu munthu wa chibwana kwambiri.

Malinga ndi mlembi wamkulu wa chipani cha DPP Mayi Grezzeder Jeffrey wa Jeffrey, palibe munthu wa kumpoto angakwanitse kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko lino.
Mayi Jeffrey anena izi pa msonkhano umene anachititsa.
Pa msonkhanowo Mayi Jeffrey anapezelapo danga lothila ukali Bambo Frank Mwenifumbo amene alowa chipani cha AFORD.
“A Mwenifumbo ndiye ndi omvetsa manyazi, nanga munthu wamkulu lero ndi kumapita ku AFORD?” analankhula motero.
“Ife a DPP tinawauza abwele mbali yathu, koma iwo kukana ndi kupita ku AFORD. Kodi ngati anakanika u President ku AFORD a Chakufwa Chihana, a Mwenifumbo angautenge?” iwo ananyogodola.
Pofuna kuonjeza chipongwe, Mayi Jeffrey anauza anthu kuti chigawo cha kumpoto sichingakwanitse kutulutsa President chifukwa kuli anthu ochepa.
aziwa ndi mlungu he is able to raise a slave to become prince of his own people
Actualy You Are Mad Person That’s Why You Are Deserving Like A Kid
More educated people are from kumpoto
Paja mudabadwa ngat nchenche mmavutitsa anzanu mukayandikana ndikufa,upresident mwautenga ngat umfumu wa kwamanu et.chot udziwe amalawi tidaleka kusekelela zopusa coz umpawi udatikonda.zoona mbewu tizigulidwa motchipa pamene katundu ndiokwela tingatukuke bwanj
Sure,,, Mtumbuka sakhaladi president ku Malawi,, kumpoto ko
DPP Malawi is one do not divide it this must stop.
Kayini Matthew Major you should not be my friend from now on. Iam not associated with people of tribalism and nepotism or regionalism.Iam not from the north but you have handled the brothers well. Iam a Senga from central region mchinji
I have got nothing to do with you. Why can’t you just block me than being busy writing my name Kayini Matthew Major
Eish eish koma mwatinyoza quater system panonso mukupitiliza kutiselewulanso ziwani kuti mukuchitalo ndi sankho.Pempho kwa anzanga akumpoto kulibwino mpoto wathuyu likhale boma palokha.
Mboli zanu mantha basi ukumaziwa kuti simunga wine ndi Bushiri phathako
Iyeyo ndi wachigawo chiti ku Malawi?
Zonsezi tamva chabwino, kuthetsa nkhani apapa anthu a pa kaya ingolimbikirani kubabana so that your population can surpass that of the central and south basitu in 20 years time wanu wanu prezdente uyo!!
My comment ar stll loading
Eeeh koma yeah pali ma comment mmmmmm pipo cn spk kkkkkkkk shaa
Mungobvutika ndixo punsa
Tizakumana 2019 tikazakuponyani miyala a presdent musazadabwe mwazichosa nokha ulemu woo stupid Dpp
M C P nayonso sidzalowanso m’boma.
A DPP musamanyere pogona, dziko likunva and anthu akukuonani tiyeni nazo,
Kkkkkkkkkk ok atumbuka np chans
ine wakumpoto. iwe walemba na uyo wayowoyanga mose vondele pera ntchigukwa uli pera uzulana kumpto mwavindere imweee? nokumuchema mabus yoyoyoyo yayi tikachilireko njala tionesanenge nxt season
nanuso atumbuka muziwatibula alomwe amenewa akabwela Ku chiputula muwa sake mmiska alimo alomwe azipita Ku mulanje akudelela mtundu was school pa Malawi
Time Marks
No problem and there is no one need to be a president in Mpoto because this country is too poor and there is unemployment so we don’t need a president from our side Peter he’s the one who make Malawi to be poor and Malawi will never get rich because Chewa’s tribe they taking themselves like they know everything but they fool ,,, even u can say people from Mpoto they are foreigners in Malawi we don’t care
chakuti mngamanya mulungu simnthu zizasitha zinthu thnx
Kkkkkkkk funny
helpless leaders fight for poor country betterment wasting,time on northerners will never bring that county out of poverty.think people are suffering,
You people amuse and amaze me, coz go in offices you will find that the northerners you insult every time are the big bosses, and the southerners you praise every time are house maids, garden boys and gards. They even come to north kuzalimitsa as tenants , shame on you people who always criticize northerners
Mulungu si munthu our plans are not Gods plan .Zonsezi mulungu akuona kunali anzanu RIP
Sibwenzi a Obama atakhala president Ku USA. Anthu oterewa asamachuluke padziko lapansi pano.
Khalani ndi ka president kanu kopanda phindu kukhara ndi president sikuti mwasiya kuvutika ayi ndinu anthu amozi mkuzuzikwa kwambili kusiyana ndi akumpoto
u r welcom
A manews tazilembani zomanga mW osati kuphwasula mukayang’ana zomwe mwalembazi ndizabwino kapena nanu ndiobwera mukufuna kuyambitsa nkhondo
Kamlepo Kalua anali ku mpoto dzana,and he said northerners are the most stupid ppo in mw…kkkkkk
Pakati pa Goodal ndi pitala akulamulila zikoli ndani
za bodza izi!!!!! bad reporting!! kungofuna kugawanitsa mtundu dpp siinanenepo izi chitani manyazi wolemba nkhani zogawanitsa a malawi ndi amodzi.
God’s ways is totally different from our ways. Analipotu anzanu, de same position ur holding, Secretary General of dat same party, ( RIP ) nawo ankayankhula motumbwa. Anwae akukhululukileni Mulungu for regarding some ov His creatures inferior.
Nyatwa ada
Inu a Malawi24 tamalembani zothandiza mwamva!
#Shadreck kukulila kunja palibe Bakili ndimayesa anakulila kumalawi koma anapanga chani kumalawi?
Basi tiyeni tipange za federation,,,I think nkhani ya ma province itha kutithandiza.
The word tribalism…it’s very bad for our African continent specifically Malawi….this notion “tribe”…is a racist term with a very bad negative connotation….
Out of this word civil walls emerge…& we all know the consequences….
We are all Malawians…that’s that…nothing else…!!
Awo ndimaganizo aumwana and achikunja. Adziwe kuti Aizilayeli kanali kamtundu kakang’ono mukati mwa Aiguputo ndipo amatengedwa ngati akapolo koma mulungu anamva kulila kwao and anawaombola modabwisa Nanga anthu akumupoto sangawaombole akafuna Mulunguyo? THINK B4 U SPEAK.
Kulankhula Koipa Kugawanitsa Fuko La Malawiano
We are not worried. We have Jesus.those are words from failures…. They have failed this country .
Koma dipwipwi,polalata,palibenso,anzawo onse anamwalira.
Komatu a DPP sakunama ayi.
Akupoto analakwa nchiani kusankhana mitundu sikwabwno tonse ndiife amalawia
Mpoto everyone is president by himself because we are fighting for ourselves and we don’t have much time to complain about that your president peter is pusy!! Musalimbane ndi mpoto zathu zinayera kale we can’t west time for nonsense timadzimenyera tokha ife aliyetse ndi president munyumba mwake
Akuwanena a Vuwa kaunda, Goodal Gondwe, ndi anzawpo ena, olo amakakamirako kumeneko ubwino wake amva okha.
Kkk mulolo uli bho ase
yu must b vry stupid!!!
Pepani pepani amalawi nonse mwaponya maganizo anu kumpoto kummwera pakati tonse ndiamozi km ngati sitisamala tionongana tokhatokha atolankhani ndiwo amabweresa mkhondo nziko ineyo sindikukhulupila KT wanzeru angamanene motero kodi maesa a kumpoto mwakwatira kummwera akummweranso chimozimozi ndiye chotuluka mmenemo mayesa ndiye mmalawiyo tisakhale tikukokana tiyeni timange ziko lathu maofesi ambiri muli akunorth ngati zinthu zikuoningeka ndionse amene akutuzunza osati alomwe chisanzo minisitala wazachuma chuma chikamaonongeka asasamala ndani
Zobaaaaa uyo
Dziko lathu kodi mukufuna tsiku limodzi tizakhale ngati othawa ngondo? zatikwana chifukwa idzafika nthawi adzawina munthu wochokela kuno ku mpoto muzalephela kuvomeleza
Ok chabwino poti mwanena zo sankhana mitundu, ndeno tikupempheni kuti ngati mwapezako wakumpoto uko mnthamangiseni, ifenso tikuthamangisa anu kuno kwathu kumpoto amene amativunira tea pa kavuzi estate, chombe, vizara ruber.muzitenga ngati DPP ndiyapakhomo panu ngati kumvekana ufumu , anthu a umve inu malawi yonseyi katengeni komwe ndi kwa umve ndi kumwerako assaa kunyela podwera. Ngati mukufuna kuti DPP ithere panjira tangonenani muwasatire achimwe anu ndi kharidwe lonyasalo kupusa peee.
a wise northerner can no longer admirer to rule already plundered, violated, abused, torn,a shame and poor nation like Malawi,it is cursed for denying good people from north and allowed selfish and thieves to rule
Membe zakufwa zikunanga kununkhiska mafuta ghakuphaka,theura uchindere uchoko nawo uku nanga vinjeru na uchindami wa munthu..
Kupusa agalu inuu
Malawi is one and Malawians are one, and what so ever anybody can say Malawi will remain one. And I don’t think there is anybody who can divide it. Gentlemen, why should we been busy dividing one family instead of taking time defending our lake along Tanzania-Malawi boundaries? Let’s think twice leave the citizens of Malawi in peace. We all knows that contesting presidents comes from any regions Malawi and from any district which shows that there is no ristriction of presidents in regions.
Panyo pinu imwi mukamba nkhani zo mweni mavi pamoyu chupiti zinu agalu imwi ake kumupotu tewanthu akusambila pee isi pamavi pinu mosi a dpp mukuchenje bweka limu mweni ndaliso zapamataku mwanimwazadi ndi ndali zinu zo zaugalu
Kkkkkkkk iya asamazivute awa amati ngo phunzira nanga amazaziranji pakati ndi kumwera malo momakatukula dera LA kwawo Ku moto ndi kuphunzira kwawoko
Kkkkkk, olo atchair ananenaso,ngamo,kkkkk
tingogawanapo apa bwanji
Eeetu man akudziwa atumbukawa pa ulamuliro chawo kulibe
Its true kumpoto kuno sikungachoke president analephera chakufwa thom chihana basi palibenso wina kwasara zitsilu za anthu monga phungu wa rumphi east komanso akamuzu chiwambo ndi anthu oti olo titawapasa mwayi sangalamulire
Kkkkkkkk koma man,shaaaa,ndi ngamo basi
malawi will nev develop with such kind of politicians thus why akweni anamupasa khofi mzimai ameneyu shhaaa
Iwe Peter naweso uyiwale kuti uzawinaso Malawi wakulephera chomwe umatha ndi tsankho basi nanga zinka number 1 koma mmutu mamina okhaokha ndimadziwa kuti ukangonyera mwana NDE kuti ukudwalaso. Mind you panali mkulu wako apo koma alikuti.
uchindere tikhumbenge chala.
Let’s go back to our Bibles, these are signs of the end, so don’t be surprised, just proceed with hard prayers we have got our own King of the kings the one who is about to come for the saints ( JESUS CHRIST)
Wopanda anthu aku north Malawi Ali chabe
Koma munthu ameneyu atithandandidza koma,mmmmmm ndakayika
Go to hell with ur poor leadership, don’t u know that you are the worst president than ever before, am proud to be northerner and am proud to be Tonga by tribe finally am proud to be a poor Malawian just becoz of you , all northerners who belongs to DPP you are idiots
We dont care about u president ,we r not poor like other parts of malawi
cooking genocide like rwandas did . better be careful
Pali munthu wakumpoto amausilila ukapolo wa u pressident pa malawi
Anthu akumpoto ndiozikonda kwambiri ngakhale kuno ku jonz
Kkkkk! Vuto lilpo apa
Zinthu Zimasitha Osamakamba Zimenezo Nkunja Uku Kkkkkkkk
Ha! Mbuli zawanthu ndichifukwa chake MLUNGU, akufuna kupeleka chigawo chakumpoto kudziko la TANZANIA! ndadziwa sopano mtima anthu akumpoto yankho lanu lafika ndipo mkwiyo wamlungu ukubwera kwaonse odana nanu khulupirani zimenezi.
I am a Lhomwe but anzathu a DPP wa kunena mosapsatila ngopanda ulemu, ankhanza, amtudzu ,akuba komanso opanda ngakatangale. #1_less_vote_4_DPP
Osateloyi kudali amzanu amkadziesanso opambana koma ayi ndithu zinthu zimasintha
ndzoona atumbukanu kuzikonda
Koma nde a DPP mwafikapo, koma musaiwale kuti anthu amene mukuwanyoza lero mawa azakhala mabwana anu
Nyozani mumene munganozere ife akumpoto sitifa aii,simunayambe inu a DPP and ife akumpoto sitikuteketseka nanu thawi ndiyanu iyiii
4kolu ngati president akumasala chocho pomwe even mpoto yomweyo yinam votera umunthu ulipo? Zidwaniko zomwezo Ana anjoka enu, kaya kuli president kaya kulibe czikuziwidwa nikomwe, am from mpoto and I hate if sameone is saying president of malawi or MP, zimazagwada pa nthawi yoti tivifake pampando Kuli efe olirafe, koma vikango kwerapo pamenepo vayamba kukamba vaupuwa, nyero zanu nonse Ana anjoka enu
kodi kukhala president wa
kumwera ndichifukwa?
When we start federal issue you start yapping feeling butshoted.if ur boss is silent it means he sent u to vomit those shameless ignorant words shame on you .
Dpp iyo yamulungu kapena ndiya kesale ngati ndiya mulungu takunyadilani mwayiwala mulipampando chifukwa cha amuluzi
You can’t talk like that while you have members of that region if those people reunite and take northern region as their country like Wandale .Plz avoid words of division
koma zikoli la Malawi pomwe lizzakhale ndi president wakumpoto lizachita bwino kwambiri inu zakukanikani bwana .malawi yose mavoti anu ndi five hundred yokha poti mumaziwa kuba muzabaso. koma mpoto yilibe polobulemu
Voti ilimumtima kkkkkkk.
Panthako pako Peter ulichindele chambula nazelu ukuwa ngati uyowoyela kumatako matongo ghako chaka chose ichi kikkkkkk asaaaaa
How can someone called a politician say like that? Go to hell politicians with their brain in the nose.Some countries that experienced wars are doing better than our country so is there anything we can show off apart from stealing government money??? Tribalism, regionalism and nepotism are the things killing this country .Happier are the eyes that sleep….
Pepani chonde osamasankhana mitundu!!!!
Malawi is one of the poorest country in the world, u president u president wavichiso apa sovani dankha Ukavu.
Mutumbwe ndi usogoleri obela zisankho mukanapanda kutero bwezi mulipamenepa anthu akuba inu mpoto inapanga zambiri kuti mupeze udindo umenewu akagwele ndi ubububu wakeo
This’ posted as an opportunity to make DPP unpopular in northen region.the fact that its the least populated region is true and that we have unpopular politicians.dividing malawi can’t be asolution to this challenge but abolish the quota system in education will help us in alot since we’ll still have such leaders in future but education is the best.what we should know is that we are not supposed to be influenced by any politician on these grievancies because these guys also contribute alot to weaken us.
No problem we can b a nation own our own,we have the resources to depend we have kayelekera,kanyika mines and we rich in oil(lake Malawi).North let’s fight for our freedom
kkkkkkkkkkkk kusonyeza kut akumpoto sa aku malawi
Kodi mumalimbirana u president? Hahahaha im glad kut ku mpoto singachokere mbuzi ngati imene mukuyitcha presdentiyi yomangoona an2 akuvutika.
Madness will be seen in any northerner voting for DPP, better not vote for any rather than voting for a devil
We don’t care, we are doing just fine without you.
More Tenats dc year pliz bwampini send them and yet masimpaa yahau
Ur full fuckin of shit peter matongo
You’re all so sick upstairs
ok inu ma prophet eti?
Malawi @50
After all dpp is not heaven
4 ur information I need more tenats this year
zoona koma zimenezowo……. agalu amenewa adzikhala achikumbe athu….. makape awa iyah
Ayi kodi ukulankhula bwanji bwampini
Go ask whoever said it…so what?
I don’t care as far as my tobacco farm all tenants are Lomwes
kod simukudziwa kuti tikufuna kuti mpoto tikhale ndi President wathu?Bushiri aliko akufuna kusintha zinthu
Shaaaaaaa….Yung Z afana ophulitsa life ngati makombola…..
Truth pains
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk yah
To hell with ur dirty politics
That’s gud ,it’s better to die without that position rather than holding it,cheating pple,harassing,blindfolding them & in the end going to hell.
Aliyese atha kulamurira it’s not about rigions
If everyone is stupid’ so who is good ? Kapena iwo amene. Akumpoto si anthu koma inu za ugalu
Atumbuka mbuzi za anthu alibe chitukuko mpoto tchire lokha lokha
Am from Thyolo but i dont support this people,but what i hurt inu anthu akumpoto ndiamenenso mumasapota ndikuvotera anthu amenewa,moti 2019 mudzawavoteranso adzikulalatirani..simupanga support anthu akwanu and i dont know why ndizimenezotu….
Mpoto ayimva kuwawa 2019
northerners are independent we don’t rely on handouts like southerners shame on you, don’t come here kudzalima fodya matenant athu inu what do you benefit from presidency we are much better than you amene mukudzitamandira inu mu tumbuka sazatheka paliponse alipo from capital hill to grass root kkkkkkk ubooka m’ mimba wekha
Stupid president
Kumpoto used to be called dead region, but there are intelligent people who lack unity.
Ok tamva! Life goes on!!!
stupid,,,peter,,,,chotsaniko ogwira chimanga,,,,ukawaponye ku south,,,,za ziiiii
Mulungu sataya wake don’t forget that ziko la Malawi osalitenga ngati munabwadwa nalo kubere kwamayi any eti komaso anthu akupoto osatitenga ngati ndife osarira ayi amene anena mawuwo ndichisiru kufunika kumupsa soap kuti achape mukamwa mwake mwina angaphuzire kuremekeza mutu wachimarawi
Kkkkkkk, Dpp Stop Making Noise, Munthu Oziwa Kumenya Xaima Pachulu Kumaziyamikila Yekha, We Dont Care Wht U Are Xaing Time Will Come Where By We Wil Be Free Just Wait, Ku Vutika Kuli Ndimalile Remember Mulungu Xanga Lenge Munthu Kt Iza Vutika, Watch Out Ndi Prezdent Wanu A dpp Xazakhala Muyaya, Tel Mi Whr Is Bingu??? Osamayankhula Ngat Akudulan Mutu,
Ndipo ndizowona munthu wakumpoto sangalamulile dziko lino
Thats total nonsense ! Why do u hate northerners? No Wonder U Know dat Northerners are Intellectuals.
for de first time ndagwilizana nawo a DPP akambapo zoona apa
Thats why I still admire Bakili.Anatsala pang’ono kusamukira kuno kumpoto.Here is the man who united the South, Central and the North not zinazi
Mwatere kodi whether this is true or not but we support what is good and a leader who is wise
Stkfna ma president khar nao kumpoto klbe zosusuka mwamva makape inu?
Mbuli za dpp
zmene mkpnga manyaka okhaokha stkfna zpan zanzo fokofo nonse makape othertu?
kaya 2019 sipatali asova aiwala zinachitikira bingu?ndidziko iri.akafuse kaliyati kapena mkasa
“When Banda”
Sinanga akango khala president ndiye kut cabinet yonse ndi yakumpotonso.tikuziwona mma officemu ndiye ehees sory zimachitika
Please secretary,this is not a good view because you as people of center and south are not the owner of the country. Who are you to talk about it and where were you when were alive, think about. Things are changing as you were nothing at Banda government don’t still hiding angels of God as they are born therefore they have certain commitments to the country. Even the colony are no longer in Malawi, please think,think and keep thinking.
I hail from Ntcheu but this is one in a million posts that deserves no room in our society and country…..The fact that one comes from any of the region or district doesn’t suffice the reason why he/she must looked at as adversary or foe,we use one demarcated map,one flag and this,signify that we are all Malawinians.Remember,Malawi is poor but rich in being a country that flourishes in peace,unity and tolerances hence,we will ever distaste those conceited and disintergrating obsession nartured in one or another way by any party or leader.DPP must take heed and refrain from proving anger among Malawins but rather strive to appease Malawians at large.Remember,an ear that doesn’t listen,accompanies the beheaded head to the grave
Wow! Those Last Words….!
Truth my brother
Va chimbwe vichewa
So ndiwo ukhaliriro uli uwu? Then we expect to develop with such poor mindsets? Ok
Kkkk ku mpoto zotsatheka kunkhala president.
Akumpotowo ndiye kuti si a Malawi? Izi ndichifukwa chake timati tikhale ndi colonies tiike maboundary akumpoto adzionere okha nawonso aku Lower Shire adzionere okha.madera tatchulawa akusalidwa kwambiri ndi maboma a democracy alipo lerowa.Honourable Chakuamba was once elected by the people of this country to be the president but because of tribalism justice paved way to injustice.No matter where one comes from but as long as he has a vision to uplift Malawi we can give him a chance but our choices brings wrath upon God when it reaches to extent choosing Peter Mtharika to become the president now he isgerminating feathers of flying high with corruption and wickedness on everything
So mukukanilanichi kuti tikhale patekha pera mind you this is Nyika republic
DPP should not forget that palibe wamuyaya and among you there is no any other character for presidency if Peter goes apo ndiye tiziuzana Chilungamo ndipo musayiware kuti ngakhale Pitalayo siwamuyaya. Akadzangochoka ameneyo basi uchitsiru wanu onse udzaonekera poyera, inu ndamene mukuononga chilengedwe pomaberekana ngati nyelere kufuna kukawina ma vote? Stop making those foolish remarks we are all Malawians and you will be disappointed one day to be ruled by a northerner
Bwanji mumadana ndiabalenga akumpoto mwaiwala kuti kaufulu mulinako lero anayambisa ndi chakufa chihana wakumpoto inu akum’mwela ndi pakati munali kuti ? Mwaswera nzanu atayambisa kale kuigwedeza mcp yankhaza one day is one-day akumpoto azalamula dziko la Malawi
This is personal ideas or saying ,not from the DPP I guess ,pls tame your postings ,am not from the north but I regard all as one
May be you should know sometimes why women gets promoted into top positions in any workplace.
-Very few it has to do with a proper promotion because of the experience and skills she has for the job.
-Most women they get promoted by using their “gooners” and nothing else-No experience, No skills [may be she has bedroom skills only]
Seduce the boss of the company etc and all over sudden she is promoted to the top position.
And when this five star slag gets to the top position, she behaves like a dinosaur.
Remember she didn’t went to school!
A person who went to school can’t behave like this Jeffrey woman of Dpp.
No worries ….keep it up!! only JAH JAH knows how the northerners get through tough times #ProudlyNortherner
Muwauze nzeru za mulungu nzayekha!!!! Pakhale khale mau ao azawadyesa masuku omwamo kale.In Jesus name vision is found in the dream
shame malawi
if this shit is true i dont realy give a damn and i know that there r pple who think that way ndipo chikanakhala chipani chenicheni kapena dziko lenileni i wud’ve been worried bt its a shit of a country and u can hav it.time is coming that the north will b a country on its own even if it means that blood will b spilt, mark my words i know damn well wat i’m talkin about!
Voice of Patrick odala ali kuti ?4rm Mzuzu chiwanja malawi
Ok fine tamva!!but u should know that ife akumpoto ndiamene tikutukula dziko la malawi poti palibe chigawo chomwe chili ndi anthu ophunzira ambiri kuposa kuno kumpoto,ma office ambiri akumpoto ndi amene tikuyendetsa,Nduna ya za chuma ndiyochokera kuti?mpira umene ndife akuno kumpoto amene tili ndi osewera ochuluka,osataya nthawi ndikukhala anthu osakhana zigawo zochokera ai,mtima umenewo sitingapite nawo pa tsogolo ngati dziko!!!
Well now it’s official. Thanks DPP we thought we are one Malawi.
Truth alwayz pains.can MCP the so called democratic party give that hot seat to a tumbuka?
Zosankana mitundu sixitithandiza
Kkkkk zaziiii kusowa zokamba.Mavuto ali thoo kumwera kwanuko komwe kuli President ,ndeno mutiuza chani chanzeru? Pitani kwawo kwa President anuwo mkaone anthu momwe akuvutikila ku Thyolo bola kumpoto .Osatinamiza ndzosagwila mutuzo.Mudzakhumudwa Mulungu simunthu . Get out
Nyifwa yitivwirenge zuwalinyake, guys worry not.
Zingoona kuchitika pa ndale apa. Enanu mumangolankhula ndale muziziwa kuti ndikupikitsana. Yes, DPP can say that because it has confidence. So we dont know but what I feel sibwino anthu a ku mpoto kuchita mantha ayi ngati nkoyenera kupikisana nkoyenera Mada we see you all as Malawians there is no foreigner in Mpoto but if we have anyone who can stand as a president well its fyn, we can do that. Anthu kwawo nkuyankhula amafuna awone reaction ya wanthu basi
The problem we have as Malawians is that the majority is from Southern and they vote for wrong people. At the end of the day we suffer as a nation.Wake up Southern people!!! and unite with Northern region.When it comes to voting and eliminate those corrupt people and lets benefit as a nation.begging until when???? Let’s make good choice who to lead our country!!! and be hard working and push our country forward!!!
That’s true my boss
True indeed
I don’t see any problem with this but keep in mind mpoto bukhu ndikawawa andso sitifuna zolimbana ndimunthu komaso Dpp ikhale konko komwe inachokera bwanji? Gwenembe wachabechabe
Alekeni alankhule zonse zaku khosi, God has a surprise for them on 20 May 2019. Sazabvomeleza ma results Mulungu atayikapo wina pa mpando wononawo.
Only God knows
How should I describe these DPPs I’m sorry I will use stupid DPP when describing them, how many leaders do you have in DPP from north if u are saying that then notherners let’s stand together to fight so that we become a nation on our own we should not be part of Malawi
Hinya tamva, so?
Thank God this time its not about ACHAWA OSAPHUNZILA/ASILAMU ZIGAWENGA…
Pasogolo muzalila
I Know and its a painfull fact that we Northers are foreigners in our own Malawi.
What a pity!
Zandimvetsa chisoni! Kuyankhula amatero??? Xitidya ndale ife mapazi awo
Inuyo akunmwera u pressident ndiwanu koma mukupangapo chani chotukula ziko lanu umphawi uli thooo ndichifukwa chake achinyamata akumapita ku maiko ena kuka funa ndrama mwalamulila kangat kaziko aka simungamasileko ma neibhors akutukuka ponpa apa inu mukungokakamila zinthu zaziiiii mukhale ndi upressident umphawi suzantha muno malawi simungasintheko ai koma kakaka uku anthu mukuvutika palinzeru
We Are the warm heart of africa wether north south or central region people we are one l dont trust this stupid statement anyway
Tonse ndife a Malawi.DPP yabadwa liti kuti aziyankhula motumbwa chonchi? Let’s unite and develope our be loved Malawi. Tisachedwe ndi kukumbana mitundu.Wake up Malawi
Our late presedent Bingu wamuthalika sadayankhulepo mawu onga amenewo. Pls tonse ndiadziko limodzi
Heaven is our destination to enjoy not on earth
oil malasha forest lake are building north Malawi its not high population which can build the country when you got alot of population there’s high problem of tribalism
only strong minded people will understand this
zinalembedwa paja kut mtundu nd mtundu uzawukilana,nt new to me
Only time will tell one day muzatigwadira mafana mwanva VIVA Mpoto VIVA
This is so pathetic coming from someone who is in government. Especially in this democratic era
kweni kumoto kulije njala ivo muvimanyengeso vandale tilije navo ntchito ise tikurya vindale ise cha
This can’t be true.
I am a Southerner, Phalombe to be so specific. With parents (late) of which one was from Phalombe and the other from Nsanje. They taught us to be associated with others regardless of where one was is com
Truly God’s time is always the best..
True, No one can Stop God to do what He has planned! Wisdom Mr Chirombo, God bless you! Amen
People, this is not true, examine the text before posting your responses because from the look of it, the grammar of the text shows that the writer is not sure of his own writing, he wants to see how we people can react to that, he wants to play with our minds especially those who rush to comment without thinking dont trust any post from any page, this is why other ignorant people see our ignorance and conclude and label us as opusa, wise up wanyane
whatever koma izi walankhula…kaya iwe sunavere zako izo. …
Mayaz, we should stop dancing to every beat, akangot mwakut ife eeeeeh aaayi aaawwaaaaa ichi awa icho ife paja izi, mmmmh sometimes i laugh not because i find it funny but, nkango abangulabangula sugwira nyama, lets fetch for a gvt that will do the good we want and promote that than kutha mpweya by discrediting amene akuzichita discredit okha kale. Koma ndiofoira mkuluyo
olo tikhale opanda president sinkhani bolani tikudya nsima soka kwaamene amagona nayo.
That lady she is bitch only she knows is drink her period blood from her smelling vagina
Imeneyinso ndiye iti man?
When did telling the truth became a crime? Presidency is for the southern region
We will bring you down with war and remember Tanzania will attack you
chitaganya ayambilenso? tikhoza kukhala pa tokha sakuziwa
Stupid un educated people of thàt tribe
In that case then do u ever come n campaign here coz it shows kuti u just use us the Northerners so I would like u DPP to distance yourself for begging us to vote for u , agalu inu
Stupid DPP even stupid your president stupid who ever wrote this
thanks…….Study in Belarus
Kkkkkk zazii zomwe amadya ma President anuwo simmadya nawo ndikunyumba kwanu sakuku ziwa Ali pheeee ndiana awo nde inu kuvutika ndi ukazitape basi sukuluso njeee iyaaa zausilu
But their shiit affects us….read your words…
You get affected because you are their followers, predictors on each and every poor speech.
DPP mudziwe kuti kuli Mulungu ndipo bible likuti chitsilu chimati kulibe Mulungu nde zomwe mukuyankhulazi mzauchitsilu; mukudzitenga ngati inu eni dziko? Mwapha miyoyo pofuna ziwalo mulamuliro wanu? Mwaba chuma chochuluka chingati? Mukuona Mulungu sakukuonani? The way you are speaking ndinu dzitsiru.
So we still have such senseless people in our mighty DPP?
A mtumbuka mulimadzi paka kalekale
Tikamphalilani tikukhumba u ptesdent kuno ake tikumanya tingapikisana namwe yayi mli wanandi ndi family imoza wathu 15 na wathu wakuti family imoza 5 mnga yana kkkkk kweni namwe mganizenge malo moti mganizenge vakuti mngapa uli kuti kuchulukana mleke mbwe mli bzy kulimnana na taba tumbuka
Sam Brighton please read my comment carefully! “Former presidents”
I wonder why you support Arsenal.
Arsenal is for the gooners! Ask those who understands English properly incase you don’t understand some words am using in my English.
chonchi kumeneku kukhale kuyankhula kwa munthu oti anapatsidwa udindo kuti dziko lidzimva ??? chipani cha dpp khalidwe ili ndi lawo anayamba ndi bingu ndi achaponda lero adakapitilizabe nawoso awa mukuti agilizidawa mwina akufuna kutchuka basi imeneyi ikhale fundo yoyankhula gulu likumvele kupanda mzeru ndiye kwakula basi
Mayi ameneyu waonjeza
man sizowona lero lino munthu wa mzeru angamakwele pa chulu kumanyoza anthu achigawo cha kumputo ayi ngati zili zifukwa za ndale osamusiya munthu anasankha ekha kukatumikila aford koma nanga imeneyo ikhale nkhani yoti aliyese wakumpoto asamayembekezele upresident aaaaa kuteloko gilizida adabadwa ali mp ???? umbuli si school yokha ndithu
Kkkkkkkkk zoona zake
President amakhala munthu m’modzi pa 5 yrs while u boss ma company ambiri timalamulira ndife ngakhale m’bomamo maudindo akuluakulu ndi athu akumwera wanu ndi utenanti olima fodya Ku mzimba. ngakhale company ya Illove sugar singayerekeze kuzatenga udula mzimbe kumpoto never
Haha Ha Agalu Inu, Chat Ur Mouth
Kkk Wat! manyi eni eni agalu.Ayiwala kuti we are in Nyika Republic
Tisakhe Wanth Msogoleri Nyika Yomweyo
kkk Ralph Mhone, K K, Mkandawire, Chihanas… Nanga The Ngwiras & Mtambos.
Dpp Ndimbola Zisiluza Anthu
Plz inu amalawi 24 Lembani khani zabwino apa
Mtumbuka sazatheka.
Oh my Malawi where ar’u going,
Sindine wakumpoto koma mwaganiza bwanji kufika porankhura chonchi..Mtsogoreri wa ziko timamutenga ngati bambo kholo koma Mmmmmmmh iziso zaonjeza.
Muzimayi watokota kwa atumbuka fodyaa!!? Chani?? So its about racism!!
Kkkkkktribalism bwa…?
nepotim at its best. Malawi tili ndivuto
Chindele chakufwikapo!
Angulu Alomwe Nonse Mitu Yanu Munalindani Ku Panda Muluzi Mbuzi Zopandamano Mukapeza Mulomwe Muduleni Mutu Simunthu.
Inu simulungu amene mungaweluze
Moyo Oipa, Opasula. Anthu Aku Mpoto Ayenera Kuganiza Mofatsa Ndi Kusankha Wanthu Amene Azawalemekeze Osati Wanthu Amene Amafuna Kuwagwiritsa Ntchito Ngati Zikolopa. Wina Anayankhulanso Mawu Amwano Ngati Omwewa Ponena Kuti Chipani Chawo Sichingadalire Wanthu Aku Mpoto Pa Chisankho. Wina Mpoto Think Twice.
Bushiri ndi Ngwazi Ali ndi maprivate jet
Ontop 10 richest preachers in the world he is at No 1 he is major 1 adzalamula.
Dpp ndyakupha smkuziwa pathakopinu mose mkukana nd ife akumpoto mmaona ngat kumpo ndikwanyan et
Our dearest journalists, try to promote constructive stories, not destructive. Iyi si nkhani yomaikoka, mukulimbikitsa tsankhotu apa after all Malawi is one
Meaning they have to be selective in reporting, thats not the way of doing their job. They r here to giv us news mosakondela komanso osachotsa kapena kuonjezera. Do they hav to be hiding so facts?
tamufuseni ameneyu
For DPP, being a from north is a crime. Goodall, Jappie and company know this well, but they dont want to be jobless.
Moyo plus ndale zili ngati pelete (paraid) akangot about turn ……
Inde zilamulani bomalo komaso ifeso tikudalira inuyo akumwera ngati anthu ozalima ganyu mminda yathu ku Mpoto. Ndiye pamenepo pakuwoneseratu kuti ndinu anthu opanda zeru chifukwa chake mukasankhana nokhanokha anthu Osalira inu.
Kkkkkk Dpp Wakukanikani Utsogoleri M’malo Moti Muzikamba Zamabvuto Alidziko Muno Busy Kukamba Zakumpoto .President Ali Ngati Mai,ndiye Sizingatseke Mwana Obala Iwe Yemwe Ndikumamutoza Imeneyo Timati Ndi Kusoweka Chikondi Kaya Mwina Poti Sadakusankheni Ndi Anthu Koma Maganizo Awanthu Mukawava 2019 Mukachite Kubelansotu Shame On You
kwaine ndikoyamba kumva chipan cholamula chikuyakhula zimenezi, voto ndilot amalawi tili ndidyela muthu oti wakulila maiko akunja kungobwela Kuno bas ankhale tsogoleli ndi izi lero wayambaso kutinyoza mmmh akadanyoza ife achigawo chapakati ndithu akadafa infa yowawa
usaywale adachita kubera mavoti cousy,palibe mbuzi ya munthu imene ingasambe kut azikavotera foregner owonekera ngat iyeyu…..osadanda,mulungu sizingankanike kuchichotsa chigalu chimenechi
not only a foreigner but also a retiree somewhere, someone over 70 has to be our leader eish God have mercy
Masende anu olankhula choncho idiots
In America they thot their won’t be a black president.Bt as time went by a Kenyan became 1.So a diphiphi khalani phee watch this space
No point Guyz inu a DPP pls uku sikuyankhula ine ndi modzi wa ku mwela but yankhulani boh tonse ndi amalawi
We don’t need but we need to be ruled and occupy posts
Atumbuka mwazimvrla nokha tu apa inu si a malawi kkkkkkkkkk
Do me a favour Lomwes .Stop talking trash
Hule iwe Jeffrey
As much as I love anthu aku mpoto but I admit anzeru Za class zokha, adzaviteranso dpp 2019 especially chitipa
Alomwe mwatani kutukwana anzanu chochi inu mtima mmalo game ndiyanu koma zindikirani kunali zithu zamuyaya Malawi muno zinatha ngati malaya anyikidwa mu acid inunso mukuona!!!
Shame to DPP anthu akupoto thawi yanu to voto MCP 2019
Koma mayi ameteyu…..waonjeza….nchifukwa adakhomelera akweni et!!……MCP muyimva kuwawa…..
Some things are better left unsaid. You won’t regret for the words you never say . You can’t reverse what has been uttered. Dpp will be hunted by this address !!!
Tiyeni Titukule Dziko Lathu Osati Kuyambitsa Nkhondo!, Pa #Map A Africa Dziko Lathu La Malawi Ndi Lalingono Kwambiri Ndiye Mukuti Tigawane????
This is pathetic. I never thought that this can come from you Malawi 24 .Your education has not changed your behaviour.
akulu thamangani mukadzudzule munthu amene wayankhula mau amenea osati awa amene apanga post nkhani ayi m’mesa awa akunena zomwe zayankhulidwa ndiye alakwa chiyani
Ine siwaku mpoto Koma umenewo ndinsankho cholamula chpan schkuyenera kuneneza zmenezo
Mau awa ayankhulidwa ndithu dzili kwa anthu akumpotowo kudzasankha mwanzeru popeleka vote kwa munthu amene satha mau kuiwala zoti vote yathu idzafunika.Kodi anthu akumwera ndipakati mudzanyodza anthu akumpoto mpaka liti?Timayamikira Patricia kaliyati dzana dzanali pothandidza team ya chitipa united idzi ndizimene timayembekedzera wakumpoto,wakumwera komanso pakati ndife amodzi funso ndilakuti kodi tidzakhalira kunyodzana mpaka liti?Chifukwa chadyera nditindalama tochepa tomwe amatipatipatsa nthawi ya campaign timaiwala chitonzo chonse ndikuvoteranso Dpp kodi anthu akumpoto tidzanyozedwa mpaka liti?Akatipatsa ndalamazo tiyeni tilandire koma nthawi yovota tiyeni tiwaonetse chimbenene ulendo uno tatonzedwa mokwana asaah
I can like this 100times if given onother space to click LIKE again
mwawona wapapi withu pala tikuti pangani chipani ku mpoto mbwe muli waka ngotingoti mumanyuma mwa MCP na DPP lekan wamunyozeninge
hahahahahah munakavota nokha lero izi akusasani alomwe sayamika bola dyomba bakili anazungulira malawi yonse kuyendera anthu panalibe ndi tsiku limodzi lomwe ananyoza mtundu mu dziko muno mbuzi imeneyi ilibe umunthu
Manchester 0-2 Tottenham
I hate DPP the killer once war breakout here we will deal with you
This is what happens when you put a woman on power, they behave like a dinosaur and most of them end up being kicked out of their top positions i:e former women president’s of Brazil, South Korea, Malawi, Argentina etc.
I think this woman is a product of uhule, one of her parents was either a slag, harlot or a Jigalow.
She doesn’t even have no idea in regards to the history of Democracy [Multiparty] in Malawi and who first brought it.
May be she is a refugee from Congo or Burundi, please investigate her.
We don’t have such people from the north and most especially the entire country.
what are you talking about,is the president of Malawi a woman,you dont even know your president
Top positions to you means PRESIDENTS only? Go back to your primary school English teacher
Sam and Maluwa mbuli zenizeni
You have no idea of what you are talking about my brother.
But what she’s doing indeed its insulting people and we cant developed with sash thing,need respect one another
nyengo zimasintha, akamalankhula they should know that there is God above there amene amasisa ozikweza okha.
No problem even if the DPP see mpoto as foreigners in Malawi. Its high time we have been fighting nepotism and regionalism to end. Go on because even if some may condemn it and others will carry it on and passed to their new siblings. Its very unfortunate that northerners are insulted in many ways. If you are tired of them why cant you release them free that atleast they will have a capacity to look on themselves. On our diverse cultures we had an opportunity to come together and share what we have in common, food, dances, rituals, languages etc. Its an insane to call some body a chewa, a tumbuka or a northerner in an insult way. Yap we will not produce a president since we are not united as Malawians but we are divided by tribe. Shame on.
Sometimes these so called journalists are educated savages. This passage and the contents are not true. The aim is just to divide the nation. Why not mentioning the name who spoke the shit. Anger is useless. .
Sometimes these so called journalists are educated savages. This passage and the contents are not true. The aim is just to divide the nation. Why not mentioning the name who spoke the shit. Anger is useless. .
these was spoken by dpp sg jeff wa jefly
Vuto la atolankhani limenelo kufuna kuyesa zida .koma osatekeseka makosana dziko ndi la Mulungu iri afta o tirisiya
Vuto la atolankhani limenelo kufuna kuyesa zida .koma osatekeseka makosana dziko ndi la Mulungu iri afta o tirisiya
mwapanga nawo bwanji walalawalala, wanalume,wakwithu,wakuchindikika, wenichu chalu,wakusambira sukulu chomene kkkkkkkk!
We are free people, please forget about this in Jesus Christ amen.I love Malawi I don’t eat politics I don’t know you …
Inu tiyeni tizingoyang’ana bas akuziwa ndi tchata otenga moandoo bas sizokangadzo ai gyz
Hehehehe. Come and here this my dear brothers.anything to comment? George Trust Moyo Pilirani Gondwe Peter Mkwayi Nsini
Zimenezo ndizomwe mumanganiza mukakhala?
Palibe vuto, olo mutati akumpoto siamalawi, chifukwa sindikuwona phindu ndimalawi wathuyu. Zaziiiiiiiii…….. Kadziko kochepaka uphawi uli thooo kumasankhana zoona? Kkkkkkkkkk Peter Muthalika.
Zinayamba pa Bingu qouta system yao
We cant be on driver’s seat but we are the engene of the whole government machanism.
No stress mpoto sitidanda kulibe Desert kumpoto,mvula njosayamba chimanga chiliponse ponse.umuudze peter yo kt kulankhula kwamalovu asatibwelere si anthu ake.(mshiii,foolish)
Ndkhale mbul pa khan imeneyi………..
Iwe kulemba iwee pamozi na chakufuntha chako chi pitala icho mavi yinu mosee mulivindele chomene. Ise tikulya u president yayi, tikulya vakulya vithu. Imwe mwazgowela kupemphapempha ndimwe mukudandawula
A Dpp mwatani?mukuyesa kuti ndinu a muyaya,analipo otere koma ali kuti,ndani amadziwa kuti PP mkulamulira,zitachitika zija,amkaziwa ndani kuti UDF mkulamulira boma Chihana atatchuka-amangwetuuu!!
Stupid DPP
timasangalala ndi dziko lathu osati dpp or plezdnt (foolish)
of cause nkhaniyi ndyopeka koma nd zoonad
Time tells
Its all about the tym
but 4 this issue it cant tell
We don’t mind. inu mzibwela kumatilimila kuno Ku mpoto. Noth is a country on it’s own if you don’t know
komabe timakulamulani nthawi zonse.
No time fro politics or voting
Fuck DPP.
You media you have to be careful since you got powers to construct or destruct the nation. Please unite Malawians on divide them. Avoid kulemba mpheketsera!
Steve, simphekesera ayi. Ndinali konko ine!
Or ku America nakoso ankalankhula mawu onyasawo kut wakuda sadzalamulila , koma inafika nthawi mpaka Obama analamulila. Kumpotoso idzakwana nthawi adzalamulila
Obama is not black
Koma ndi ntundu wanji, i think ulindivuto
Iweyo wazeru akamati first black president wa America amatanthawuza chani? Umbuli ndimatenda et
Ooo kkkkkk Obama is not what??? Kkkkkkk koma iwe usandisekese kkkk
he’s aotumatically black cousy.
alomwe nonse,nikhuluma,#masimba,#niyanya,mukumtenga malawi ngati mafamu anamndolo eti?za………………….?basii
Mapage enawa tichenjere nawo gyz izi-izi
Allah Knows the Future……
No stress alomwe abwere kuno kudzalima fodya malipiro awayilesi yapanasonic. Mtundu uyu unakakhala mbeu yachimanga ndikadangokazinga. Umphawi paMalawi chifukwa chamtundu wotembeledwa uwu. Mwana wafisi. Kuberekana ngati mbewa. Anywhere we don’t stress because mbuzi zichokera konko kubwera kudzatilimira fodya
Ukati alomwe ukutanthauza chani? Mu DPP muli alomwe okha? Kapena unamva kuti alomwe onse amasapota DPP? Unamva zoti alomwe onse ndi andale? Ine ndi mulomwe, panopa ndikukulimila fodya kumpoto? Mmalo molimbana ndi andale omwe akugawa dziko lathu ukulimbana ndi mtundu. Iwe ndi andalewo simukusiyana.
So what. Go and ask the one who started this shit. Achewa a lomwe kuno kumpoto same same fanana 6&9. We are not interested in President. But tobbaco tenants to come here. So iweyo wakudzidwa bwanji panyama yagalu yomwe iweyo sumadya. We will never insulted and keep quiet. You are not God. Get used to it
Now fodya has got no value. Ambwenumbwenu zakuvutani basi. Vomelezani.
Lameki usalimbane naye ntumbukayu akueoneka kuti ntumbuka wake ndi wosapita kusukulu. Atumbuka ndimawaziwa ine ndi ophunzila komanso ozindikila komano comment ya Michael Mkandawire ikuwonesa kuti ndi mbuli maniwa.
mudakalimabe fodya akanyimbi inu? ulimi wachisamamunda kolima olima iwe mtengo udikire mzungu adzakuuze.zitsilu inu.kuda ngati school shoe.mufune musafune koma mpata olamulira dzikoli simudzaupedza.ambwenumbwenu
Ekari akanyimbi ndinuyo who come frm ur so called better places coming to the north kudzalowa wu tenant you asshole
Mkandawire mtumbuka kape iwe u can’t even write good English, hahaha and you claim to be educated. Mboli zanu nonse
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk koma muphana.
Iwe Mkandawire usamale pakamwa pako powolapo wamva #Alomwe ndi dzina la Mwana wa kwanu kapena? zinasalanso zolima fodya? zausamunda basi mapazi akoooo!
OK Ben what what. If you are here to correct grammar. Tell me what is the opposite of bread? Don’t start things that you can’t finish. You will run here with speed of 10 dogs
Ben watch you tongue. Fuck u OK duzvi
not all lhomwe follows such absurdity job u ar syng here,respect urself broh.
kkkkkkkk ine zanga pheeee mlhomwe weniweni ndipo sindikuona chosankhilana mitundu ayi apa nkhani zandale zingokuchedwesani basi. mulungu popanga mitundu ndiziyankhulo sadalakwe ayi koma anali ndicholinga komanso nonse amalawi ma Africans okaokha palibe wakumangalande apa guys ndipo sukudzatheka mlhomwe kukhala mtumbuka kapena mtumbaka kukhala mlhomwe ayi zosaatheka konse ndichikonzero cha yehova basi ndiye izi mwayambazi zikhonza kukhala zachaka cha 1994 anthu akumpoto amathangitsa akumwera mpaka kuotcha mizikiti kumeneko ndthu.
Kkkkkk ife tikhale ndiutumbuka wathu koma alomwe vomelezani kuti mtundu wanu ndiokanika ndipo ndinu mbuli za anthu.nditukwaneni sinditupa olo pang’ono
Chiku Nsera so you are happy that we get insulted then keep quiet. No we give back what they give us. If they start we finish up. And Ben fucker will run away with a speed of 10 nyau
We are de grt pple
Fuck you #mlotha it seems u don’t know what loners are, most lomwes have qualifications that half of you has but they don’t like to blub about it, ask around next time you visit our city
So Ben what what you failed to give me opposite of bread kkkkk. Its obvious lomwe will never tell me let me make a cup of cappuccino.
Surprise these malaka forgot that Chihana is the one who brought democracy in this country. Ena anali chete until referendum. So stop being arrongant
nchawa pa low bas kkkkkk
Akuluakulu koma nonse amene mukulemba izi ndinu olengedwa ndi Mulungu mmodzi,kuphatikiza mzimayi opanda nzelu amene wayambitsa zimeneziyu. Ngati mumamva kuti ku Rwanda kunali nkhondo yapachiweniweni zimayamba ngati mmene mukuchitilamu kutukwanizana ndi kunyozerana mitundu yanu. Kwanilisani zimene malemba analemba kale.
We are the genius like it or not. If you don’t like it go and kick the rock
wapulikiske waphalireni longos @ michael mkandawire.kkkkkk
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkmmmm hahahaha
Alomwe sianthu amati tivotela wakwathu kenako mkumadzativutaso chigawo chapakati njala itawanyetsa kummwela kwaoko, azidya m’bale wawo yemweyo amene alipachithumba chandalamayo koma chotiadziwe one day tidzakwiya sima idzanunkha madzi adzawawa ngati othila tsabola tea adzawawa ngati zongendawa! becareful Lomwe muziyankhula bwino osamayankhula ngati dzikoli mudalenga mndinu kapena amanu.
Sizikukhuzana Ndia Lomwe
Michael Mkandawire lol wayiwala othyola tea kwathu ku N/B lol
Yaa that’s true or kumpoto kusakhale prezdnt sivuto ,bcoz kulibe munthu oti Ali ndi ana 9,10 11 ndife anthu ozindikira hvy nde musazitame ndi zausiru always njara muzaza kumpoto agalu inu timakulimisani fodya ,kuteroko ine nasiya kuwagulira nsomba ndi nyama azidya nyemba every day coz family planning mutu mwawo mulibe, ndipake kuwina mavote ana 14 one house shame on u ,pamshahara pinu mose
ife atumbuka timalimbiķira school kut tikaone ku #Blantyre ndi #Lilongwe paja kumpoto kwathu kuno ndikonyasa kkkkkk
atumbuka ndinu anthu onvetsa chisoni kale ndi kale ambili mwadzadza mu lilongwemu ulonda ena mu blantyre kwanu kobowa simnafikeko koma sindilakalaka kutchile ndi uko nde mkumat ndinu ozindikila ozindikila Sazidziwa ekha ife tidakali nawi ma president madela otukuka osati kumatope kwanuko mudzililabe ndi mtima choncho ine nde mumandibowa msaname
Koma tisawanyoze kwambiri alomwewa kodi ife atumbuka tingathe kumagona panja ( ulonda) utelala ndi utenanti?
Kkkkk kawalazi estate is London for these people
Yakula khaniyi ndapita kwa major 1
Yaa ndife ozindikira kwambiri enanu upresdent mumatenga ngat ndi wagogo anu ayi kulibe ,anthu asazindikira ngat inu mburi zenizeni ,or president akhale wakumpoto Chuma ndi chake ife bola zathu zikuyenda pitala wanuyo palibeso chomwe akupanga ,bingu ,peter onsewa ma prezdnt nyumba imodzi? Mbuz zeneko zeru zino zilikumalira mu mbewa izo mukurya asaaa
Even Kamuzu despised the Tumbukas,he’s the one who said atumbuka anthu oipa kwambiri. Ife Will keep on reproducing coz ndi mphatso yochokera kwa mulungu. Tibelekanadi ngati nchenga
Who gave you data Ben? I ask you what is the opposite of bread. Koma mtundu uyu osavala underwear kuvuta zazi
kkkkk koma mtumbuka akadzangodziwa kuti soya pieces sinyama…..koma kudzavuta bwanji…..!!!
ngati umaliminsa alomwe ndi tonse timabwera pa nkhomo pako kudzalimira
hey girl stop it because fisi fucked you. Malawi was on map because of fisi. So my question is are you all bonked by lomwe fisi
our colour should be the uniting factor,Tonse akuda tikunyozelananji?azungu amatinyoza calling us monkeys,tokhatokhanso kunyozana tinatani anthu okuda,ku Jon zenophobia kuphana tokhatokhafe oyera ali pheee!#poor_breed#
Chilungamo chimawawa
All of u who have commented here needs deliverance!Remember matafale”yang’ana_nkhope_yako” think twice
Cynthia Dzanja nanga inu mzindikira liti kuti sugar wa brown ulibe masamba. … mumvekere thank God sugar yi anathiliratu masamba ..ooh lol umbuli ntundu uwu
Akadzangodziwa Kt Froze Si Fanta Udzavuta Mtundu Umenewu
Wizzie Wazisomoh Bandah thanx for your advice. But how do you think we should respond when lomwe insulting northerners. Right in our region from south just to come and tell us nonsense. I think these people are the one who need deliverance. 1 we are paying tax.2 Malawi was a laughing stock last year because of Fisi who was bonking girls right in front of them without saying nothing but they go to church every Sunday. And they were aware of this act. Now because BBC spread the news that’s when they started hehehehe. Now they are insulting us. No we stop that right now. We northerners we work hard and we don’t depend on government money. All we need is them to recognise that we are genius and it was just our fellow norther who fought for Democracy in Malawi. He was arrested, persecuted, and etc. All these people who are making noise came out after referendum when Chihana simbi yamoto break all bearers from all odds. So we believe if things are not well we stand up
kod mntumbuka simunthu ndichifukwa sakuwerengeredwa kaya
Iwe mmene ukuonekeramo ungakhale ndi munda wa fodya machende ako mwazazana Ku south mungatiuze chani anthu aku NYIKA REPUBLIC
kkkkk why would i bother to explain to you. like who are you. so you want machende anga akhale ako. that show how stupidity at maximum you are. what your problem for me to have a tobbaco farm. geeeeez
Small brains discuss people…it’s not a crime to be Lomwe neither mtumbuka ife anthu ozindikira we live peacefully we coexist regardless of kochokera.there are bad northern people so too bad sourthen and central people.but there are very good.nice and lovely people in all areas ..
Mukazawona munthu akutukwana alindi chiwanda regardless of where he comes from kkkkkk one day shall be casted out with Jesus christ period.
Sindinapitepo Ku nyika inuyo mumasiya dziko lanu kumakatukula ma dera aweni achina BlackBerry mhone
Erick Nkozomba start telling your fellow brainwashed Lomwe people kuti asiye kunyoza ife akumpoto then us will do the same
Not all northeners koma atumbuka
Kuno ndimakhala ndi atonga mtundu wa bho nawonso amadana ndi mtumbuka
Michael Mkandawire you must brainstorming before write your comment I am lomwe up to last breathing I cant change to be the tumbuka who doesn’t care life of anthers if u dont like go and mop in the lake malawi
Mbuzi za anthu inu mukukangana zazi ndiye kudera kwanuko kumachokera president koma tikuvutikira limozi .both of you ,u are stupid idiot.
Mbuzi za anthu inu mukukangana zazi ndiye kudera kwanuko kumachokera president koma tikuvutikira limozi .both of you ,u are stupid idiot.
Kkkkkkk Mbwenu nthenaA…..aAa imWe asibwEni Kasi Nivichi Anangachi Alomwe aya.
Haward Mulolo ndine ntonga ine sitimadana kuno kumpoto. … koma ntundu wanuwo the worst
Lol Selina Namasalima Namasalima are you kidding hey” tumbuka who doesn’t care life of anthers ‘ others” are you okay upstairs there? ? So ur tribe care about others ,, keep dreaming
Lol sindinawonepo mtonga akukonda mtumbuka chibwelere kuno (Capetown) and ma friends aku nkhatabay sakonda atumbuka
Kwanu kulibe misewu mums tends pa ma bwato inu even kunyera mmadzi anthu opusa inu
akazi akumpoto sungawasiyanitse ndi anyamata zinkhope zokalamba asiyen adzigwilana okha okha just know ife sitikuwelengelani kumene a za ntchile inu
No love lost No love found kumapeto kwazimenezi aliyese akhala chimozi mozi
Are you from Malawi? I doubt. Were the hell can you find Tumbuka in the shore of the lake. And the lake goes all the way up to the south. This just show me how stupid you are.
Ben Obook how stupid u are miseu yanji ili kwanuko. … sperm wasted human being
Ndine mlomwe nyozani koma sindikunyoza aliyense why you guys mukukangana chifukwa cha anthu awiri olemba wa Malawi 24 ndi wayankhula ndikukhulupilila nonse mumaganiza b4 comment, tili ndi atumbuka kuno kumwela tikukhala opanda sankho komanso kumpoto kuli alomwe omwe mwati ndi mbudzi, pa umoyo wanu mumamva bwanji kumunena nzanu kut mbudzi? Ndikuziwa kuti zakuwawani poti akut ndi dpp koma ndi Mai amene ayankhulawo, ngati tizivota kut ndiwakwathu dziko kathu lizakhala likusauka mpaka kale tiyeni tizivota ngat mw, ndimakukondani nonse
Patrick Mose so we should feel better. Who is the victim of this rubbish tribalism, regionalism. If you have good advice fine. But you are giving it to wrong people. Take it straight to the one who are starting this. OK we will be calm. But they will carry on then what clap hands inde bwana inde bwana. No you a treating a wrong person the people who are sick in the head are from your side please go to them and advice then. Thank you sit down
Fuck off zinthu zoti zatha dzulo uli busy kumazikakamirabe go to hell
Howard who are you fucking around here. Fuck you Fuck you, you can’t do nix young man fuck you fuck you
crazy chinchman
Don’t be a hero here.
Guys mukukangana zazi,
ddp sankho!akumumpo alakwani?thats stupd, foolsh.(soka msinde chimanga chilinda moto) ziwani siinu amuyaya pamene mulipo tizakhala.
Akudziwa ndi mulungu osati ine kapena inu kapena awo
Kuyankhula koti mwakhuta uko sikwabwino
Ndani wakumpto analamulirapo dziko lo?
Si inu nomwe achewa,ayawo,nda lomwe mwaliononganso?
Kazilamulirani ndikumapha abaleanuwo kwa tembwe,kwaciwere ndinjala
propaganda politics!!! dpp SG sanatelo ayi kodi mchifukwa chake MCP inatengela mwambo wa dambulu ku mpoto kukasaka mavoti eti!!! “ati yophera a wemba”.
whr z fact?
mmm,MCP zikuyikhudziranso patii apa,cadet iwe eti..
Ife akumpoto vuto tilibe po president wanthu sakuziwi mwina ndiwaku tanzania nabola moyu
Mtundu ndi mtundu uzaukirana kumapeto,musadabwe lemba likukwaniritsidwa konzekani loading…………
Kumpoto Kubombilechi? Muna Matingo Umwe Wati! Ubuzemphano Bwa Minong’ono Bwila Mukali Muyeta Lolo! Linga Bo Bwanafyale Bwinu Ba Lomwe Umwe Munkhapasha! Mwene Kyala Amenye sha Nkeni!
Death progressive party
Bola muchilemba kut chelsea is the champions of 2016-2017
Ine ndale ayi.#
Kkkkkkk fact. Zadzalamuladi koma adzakhalabe otsutsa
Osakhulupirira Zimenezo Ife Tonse Tikudikira 2019 Kuti Dr Laza Akhale President Ndi Otsatira Wake Waku Mpoto.Tikudziwa Kuti Dpp Tsopano Ikudzikonda
Malawi ndi dziko la aliyense, kaya ndi ku mpoto, pakati, kaya kunvuma ndi ku mmwera komwe. kuyankhula kwanji kumeneku. Ngati DPP ikuona ngati 2019 mpatali ikuzinamiza. ngati DPP ndi ufumu, ufumu umeneu wayesedwa ndipo walephera
nkhawa yanga ndioti mukuika alomwe onse osalakwa kuzalandila nao sankho inu mukazachoka
Zoona pomwe mtendere pano ndi wao okha
koma akulakwisa kwambiri, chifukwa dziko lopanda mzika kulibe asogoleri.tsono akamazitenga ngati iwowo ngofunikira kwambiri kuposa aliyense akulakwisa poti ndalama akunyadilazo zikuchokera mmatumba awanthu akuwanyozao
kuyankhula uku mosazindikila sakudziwa kuti akuwuza anthu akumpoto kuti mavoti awo ndiwosafunikila ndiye poti sikoyamba anthu akumpoto kunyozedwa ndi dpp zili ndi inu kumawapatsabe vote koma apa ndiye akuchotsani mugulu mwawo
Adzaona polekera 2019 yafika kale
Zilibe ntchito
Mufune musafune dzaka dzikubweradzi buchilu adzankhala tsogoleri wa dziko lamalawi
buchilu ndiye uti ameneyi??
#Buchilu ??
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mwangozizimuka kutulo? chani kapena.
kkkkkkk buchilu? kupepera nkamwa zianthu izi..kkkkkkk.ndipaja mmalo moti wani(1) ati wanu kkkkll
kkkkk understand him, he is from Zimbabwe nkana akukonda kulemba ma DZi – DZa
kkkkkk ndiye paja azanthuwa amachita kuda ndi m’sinini omwe wa m’mano.
kkkkkkkkk ey malawi wa moto,but let’s use this insult,and change president guyz,wheither he ll be northern,central or southern..fisi uyuy watikwana guyz!
buchilu kkkkkkkkkk, man inu ndi character wamkulu kkkkk
Akumpotowo kutani?kuzikonda kapena?kusankhana mitundu uku!!
Let’s her become next president of my poor malawi
Pankhani iyi admin sakuname wanenadi SG wa DPP mkamwa modya zachere
Mwayamba ku posta mbola apa,,,,msatidanise ife!
Mavi yako na pitala wako uyo demet
Wachewa mijantcha yawathu.
Kodi ku Malawi kuli president???????????????
aaaaaaaaaaaa m24 kukokomeza mxwwww
Padimba pake ameneyo adzipanga kwawo komweko pamudzi pakenso mumuwunze kt pamzikiti pake ndikut pasadaka pake
Kikkkkkkkkk ufumu wapadziko ndi osala
Nde Muziwe Anthu Akukaronga Tapangana Zoti Tili Kumalawi Muiware Zanyanjaso Muiware Ife Ndi Tanzania Basi Ana Amangufuri Muisover
Zabodza time will come Malawi adzakhala ndi mtsogoleri from North
Page iyi tisamale nao ikhonza kuyambitsa makangano ndi ziwawa. Kodi mwawafunsa a DPP kuti mumve mbali Yao kapena mwangomva kwa ena. Let us be careful with this kind of unbalanced reporting which can create enemity among peace loving Malawians.
Nsanje to chitipa
Nkhota to Mchinji
We are one.we can not all become president.udindo ndimphatso yochokela Kwa mulungu.
Vuto si page koma mayankhulidwe a chibwana a DPP
It’s not the page my good people but Jeffrey wa Jeffrey said this and ndinamva ndinamva ndi Makutu angawa…..this message should go to Goodal Gondwe,jappie mhango and all those who are Dpp but are from the north….mayankhulidwe ogawakanitsa awa….the woman must resign
@#Kondwani don’t forget Jappie Mhango analankhulakonso zopusazi.
koma kuyankhula uku komanyoza anthu akumpoto chipani cha DPP ndikhalidwe lawo ngati mungakumbukile ngakhale nthawi ya bingu mau ngati amenewa anayankhulidwaso mvuto ndi anthu akumpoto mumawapatsaso supote anthu akukunyozani
An insult to his fellow north ….shame to him jappie
kkkkk awafusa bwanji a DPP wo kuti anene mbali yawo popeza mbali yawo yanenedwa ndi SG wachipani chomwecho
awafunse atumbuka anene mbali yawo, mbali tamva apa ndi ya dpp
muzilimbirana kumwera komko Ife bola tili ndi Moyo zaziiiiiiiii
Uku ndiye kuyankhula motumbwa, mulungu is joni kapena jemusi ankaziwa kuti a muntharika omwe akhala zaka 40 ku America azalamulila ndi ndan?
ndi nkhani yolemba imeneyo?? Kufuna kupatulana bwanj? We r all malawians
akulu amalawi 24 alibe mvuto iwo akudziwitsa anthu amene sanamve zomwe zayankhulidwa ndi kagulu kena ka anthu amene ndi odzikonda musaloze chala amene wa poster nkhani ayi koma amene wayankhula mau amenewa ndiye opanda mzeru
ndamvesa,n the funny thing is zayankhulidwa ndiwakumpoto komweko
gilizida jeffly siwakumpoto ndi wachigawo chapakati ku mkhota kota man
nkhotakota?? Oho?? Anyway km this issue has no any constructive idea,u know how the thutsi and the
nkhotakota?? Oho?? Anyway km this issue has no any constructive idea,u know how the thutsi and the hutsi started fighting?? It started pa media. Amenewo ndimaganizo opasula cholinga akumpotowo akamva aziti cha?? To me this z complete shiiiitt!!
The big shiit comes from the one who said it…
nde that idiot! Told malawi24 to voice out that clap???
mulembi wamkulu wachigawo chakumpoto osati wa DPP?? mwalemba mbwelera!
Mmmmm ndmadana nzausilu
ok tamva,nabola moyo
Mmmmm ndmadana nzausilu
Chifukwa chake dziko likuonongeka coz of u mbuli zakumwera
Musamabwelese udani apa
zili booh chifukwa ndi zaufumu wa alomwe. malawi ndi kingdom sitidandaula pitilizani
Kkkkk! Kamlepo Koma Post Iyi Waiona?
Mmm bodzat
page iyi kukokomeza