Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have called for the immediate firing of Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) director general Lucas Kondowe and Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson Justice Jane Ansah arguing that they have failed to serve the country.
Speaking to members of the press in Lilongwe on Saturday, executive director of Centre for the Development of People (Cedep) Gift Trapence said Kondowe and Ansah must be axed for failing to deliver as mandated.
Trapence wondered why Ansah’s MEC cancelled the June by-elections on the grounds of lack of funding.
He also accused MEC of not favouring the implementation of the proposed 50+1 system of electing president.
“MEC is there just to implement the laws but we are worried on how the chairperson commented on the 50+1. It seems she is tilting towards government because we have noted that DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) is refusing the system and we wonder how they could plan something that is to fail,” said Trapence.

On ACB, Trapence faulted the bureau of selective application of justice saying top government officials involved in corrupt practices are left to walk freely.
Other CSO leaders calling for the firing of the two are Dorothy Ngoma, Robert Mkwezalamba, Billy Mayaya and Reverend MacDonald Sembereka.
However, government spokesperson Nicholas Dausi has hit back at the CSOs saying they are being used by some quarters to frustrate government efforts.
MEC announced cancellation of the June by-elections citing financial hiccups. Ansah said the by-elections which are expected to be conducted in various parts of the country will be held after the 2017/18 budget.
The announcement followed controversy in the Lilongwe City South East constituency by-election as Malawi Congress Party (MCP) faulted the decision to have a by-election and not a re-run as ruled by the Supreme Court.
that’s Malawi aliyense achoke, President achoke , coach wa football achoke PAC ichoke, Escom ichoke etc etc . Nde kusala chani ku Malawi kuno? Dziko losauka kwabasi pa dziko lapansi. Shame
that’s Malawi aliyense achoke, President achoke , coach wa football achoke PAC ichoke, Escom ichoke etc etc . Nde kusala chani ku Malawi kuno? Dziko losauka kwabasi pa dziko lapansi. Shame
Nobody will remove them according to the lawz.. maybe if you are going to kill them
Nobody will remove them according to the lawz.. maybe if you are going to kill them
Lets Truth be Out
Lets Truth be Out
amaiwa achoke akuchisunga chipani cha D.P.P.( pachilolo )Mapeto ake muzafa ifa yowawa
amaiwa achoke akuchisunga chipani cha D.P.P.( pachilolo )Mapeto ake muzafa ifa yowawa
They are serving the Country but certainly not to the liking of a few frustrated individuals.
They are serving the Country but certainly not to the liking of a few frustrated individuals.
Must be fired
Must be fired
awapasa mabazi amenewo achoke basi
awapasa mabazi amenewo achoke basi
I don’t blame them personally but the criterion for appointing them is what is problematic.They have to always please the appointing authority.
I don’t blame them personally but the criterion for appointing them is what is problematic.They have to always please the appointing authority.
Malawi ndiye ameneyo,kodi tizasiya liti kuona chisoso chamdinso lamzathu kusiya chamdiso lathu?.Inu amene munena amzanu kuti achosedwe,mwapanga chani mmaofesi mwanu chopindulira ife amalawi?.Tiyeni tizipanga zothandiza ziko lathu chonchonso ndizosavuta kuzuzula amzathu zolephera zao.Oyendetsa chisankho amayembekeza kupasidwa ndalama zoyendetsera chisankhocho,tsopano ngati sanapasidwe comissioner wa MEC yo apite akabe mbuzi akulitse ndalamayo ayendesele Chisankho?.
nanga a ACB muwaikilanso kumbuyo?
Sindikuikira kumbuyo aliyense,Chomwe ndikufuna kunena ndichoti: kuno kumalawi palibe bungwe lomwe likugwira ntchito zake moyenera.
Malawi ndiye ameneyo,kodi tizasiya liti kuona chisoso chamdinso lamzathu kusiya chamdiso lathu?.Inu amene munena amzanu kuti achosedwe,mwapanga chani mmaofesi mwanu chopindulira ife amalawi?.Tiyeni tizipanga zothandiza ziko lathu chonchonso ndizosavuta kuzuzula amzathu zolephera zao.Oyendetsa chisankho amayembekeza kupasidwa ndalama zoyendetsera chisankhocho,tsopano ngati sanapasidwe comissioner wa MEC yo apite akabe mbuzi akulitse ndalamayo ayendesele Chisankho?.
nanga a ACB muwaikilanso kumbuyo?
Sindikuikira kumbuyo aliyense,Chomwe ndikufuna kunena ndichoti: kuno kumalawi palibe bungwe lomwe likugwira ntchito zake moyenera.
Inuso a Rhodney Badili ndiye uchitsiruo
Inuso a Rhodney Badili ndiye uchitsiruo
La 40 lidzakwana osadandaula nzosiyilana izi
La 40 lidzakwana osadandaula nzosiyilana izi
Hahahaha vemmm
Hahahaha vemmm
These pple must surely be fired, acb only works when they suspect that an opposition official is involved in corruption. When investigating opposition leaders they finalise everything within days while those in govt they take years to do the same why is it so. Byelections hav been cancelled several times if are to be conducted in areas where an opposition party is popular, why bcoz mec boss is remote controlled. These two officials must go, these pple think they can fool all of us something that is very impossible. You can fool a majority of southerners bcoz they rarely use their brains but some of us do.
These pple must surely be fired, acb only works when they suspect that an opposition official is involved in corruption. When investigating opposition leaders they finalise everything within days while those in govt they take years to do the same why is it so. Byelections hav been cancelled several times if are to be conducted in areas where an opposition party is popular, why bcoz mec boss is remote controlled. These two officials must go, these pple think they can fool all of us something that is very impossible. You can fool a majority of southerners bcoz they rarely use their brains but some of us do.
You too should be fired
You too should be fired
Its true acb & mec must go they are fruitless instead they are pro…DPP
Its true acb & mec must go they are fruitless instead they are pro…DPP
Nosense, ACB, MEC represent the nation. There is no way one 3legged animal hiding behind CSOs demand firing of its officers. Who said so?. So because of abylection in lilongwe where u think ur party will have an upper hand is postponed then they shld get fired kkkkk. U must be very stupid.Am also amalawian, born in this country, but Idisagree with ur partisan reasoning. Just check their names u will know whose masters they are seving. FOOLS!
If these pple were harrassing southerners u could be the one saying they shud be fired, but since they are towing ur parties line u dont care so long as lhomwes are free the rest can be victimised. One day is one day this govt will fall, God is not human.
God is for everyone kkkkkk
chaponda wakupasa money et??
Bru this is a democratic nation. Plz make sure you reserve other people right of expression. They have a right to speak not called fool. Now who is fool between you and people exercising their rights. Chaponda s case remain unsolved no closure but you call your ACB are work. If they is no case people have a right to know as citizens. You are the one who is dragging democracy backwards
Nosense, ACB, MEC represent the nation. There is no way one 3legged animal hiding behind CSOs demand firing of its officers. Who said so?. So because of abylection in lilongwe where u think ur party will have an upper hand is postponed then they shld get fired kkkkk. U must be very stupid.Am also amalawian, born in this country, but Idisagree with ur partisan reasoning. Just check their names u will know whose masters they are seving. FOOLS!
If these pple were harrassing southerners u could be the one saying they shud be fired, but since they are towing ur parties line u dont care so long as lhomwes are free the rest can be victimised. One day is one day this govt will fall, God is not human.
God is for everyone kkkkkk
chaponda wakupasa money et??
Bru this is a democratic nation. Plz make sure you reserve other people right of expression. They have a right to speak not called fool. Now who is fool between you and people exercising their rights. Chaponda s case remain unsolved no closure but you call your ACB are work. If they is no case people have a right to know as citizens. You are the one who is dragging democracy backwards
every Malawian now is barking like dogs kkkkkk
every Malawian now is barking like dogs kkkkkk
Am agree is gonna be better
Am agree is gonna be better
Timveko Za Ma CSO Akumwera Ndi Pa Centra Bwanji Ulendo Uno? Enanu Tatopa Nanu You Have Failed Us.
Timveko Za Ma CSO Akumwera Ndi Pa Centra Bwanji Ulendo Uno? Enanu Tatopa Nanu You Have Failed Us.
Im afraid we are lost…..them fool us.
Im afraid we are lost…..them fool us.
Sadamalize Ntchito yawo so asiyen apitilizeeeee kkkkkk koma ku Malawi kokha abale; zidzatha liti iziiiii!!!
Sadamalize Ntchito yawo so asiyen apitilizeeeee kkkkkk koma ku Malawi kokha abale; zidzatha liti iziiiii!!!
(ACB) Lukas Kondowe and MEC Justice Jane Ansah have failed the country.
These two are aligned to the DPP government.
ACB are failing to arrest Dr Chaponda but they can arrest Uladi Mussa.
That is selective prosecution by the ACB.
Madam Jane Ansah wishes the Lilongwe South East Parliamentary by elections were held in the lomwebelt zone of Mulanje, Thyolo, Chiladzulu not Lilongwe.
She is partizan.
(ACB) Lukas Kondowe and MEC Justice Jane Ansah have failed the country.
These two are aligned to the DPP government.
ACB are failing to arrest Dr Chaponda but they can arrest Uladi Mussa.
That is selective prosecution by the ACB.
Madam Jane Ansah wishes the Lilongwe South East Parliamentary by elections were held in the lomwebelt zone of Mulanje, Thyolo, Chiladzulu not Lilongwe.
She is partizan.
Yes let them both go! and in addition they are stupid,greedy and selfish!
Yes let them both go! and in addition they are stupid,greedy and selfish!
Yaaah that’s true they av to change the way they choose these bosses because they are not independent!
Yaaah that’s true they av to change the way they choose these bosses because they are not independent!
inde vipite vilombovi vopondereza democracy,CSOs limbikirani ndili pambuyopo.
inde vipite vilombovi vopondereza democracy,CSOs limbikirani ndili pambuyopo.
There no acb in this shit country
There no acb in this shit country
These are dpp operatives and cannot serve the demands of the country. If dpp says they are not in support of the 50+1 percent system for electing the president they should just withdraw from the race because they are living in the past era where the views of the people did not matter. We want a 50+1 percent system to be ruled by a president accepted by all not from one region let alone from one tribe.