Kabambe appointed as new RBM Governor

Reserve Bank of Malawi

President Peter Mutharika has appointed Dr Dalitso Kabambe as Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) Governor replacing Charles Chuka whose contract has expired.

According to a statement issued by Chief Secretary to the government Lloyd Muhara, Mutharika has made the appointment in exercise of the power vested in him by Section 6 of the Reserve Bank of Malawi (Amendment) Act of 2010.

Reserve Bank of Malawi
Kabambe: new Reserve Bank Governor

The statement adds that the appointment is with immediate effect.

The appointment of Kabambe who was Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been welcomed by a lot of people saying that he can help in stabilising the economy of the country due to his vast knowledge in the economic sector.

Dr Kabambe holds a PhD and a Masters Degree in Development Economics from Imperial College London, University of London, United Kingdom which were obtained in 2008 and 2001 respectively. He also holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from University of Malawi obtained in 1998.

He has worked as an Economist for Malawi Government for 19 years beginning as an Economist and Principal Economist in the Ministry of Agriculture for 7 years and then as Chief Economist and Deputy Director of Economic Planning in the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development for 4 years and thereafter as Budget Director in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development for 4 years.