His father laughed at other political parties that they would ‘end like curtains’, now Atupele Muluzi seems destined for such ending.
As per old phrase that blind men cannot lead each other, the political merger that United Democratic Front (UDF) president Atupele Muluzi has with the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is likely to make the UDF lose direction ahead of the 2019 elections, a political analyst has claimed.
This comes in the wake of reports of DPP being deemed “failure” in addressing matters of national interest.
The Malawi, Zambia maize deal is among issues that have since made Malawians lose trust in the current leadership.
The events of poor governance under DPP watch have affected UDF that promised to be loyal to the party elected during 2014 polls.
Commenting on the matter, political scientist Wonderful Mkhutche has faulted the coalition arguing that UDF could have concentrated on building a strong stand ahead of 2019 elections.

“UDF should forget about 2019. Three years working with the government; it is part of its failures. They cannot criticise a government they have been part of. On the other hand, if they are looking at 2019 to be part of the DPP government, should it win back its mandate, they have made wrong political calculations. DPP does not need UDF,” said Mkhutche.
The scientist cast doubt on whether the merger was meant to work for the betterment of Malawi arguing that political parties are “election oriented” in Malawi.
He further advised Muluzi to consider putting aside his ambitious plans and focus on leading UDF arguing that his plans to change in 2013 brought hope to Malawians.
“Atupele Muluzi should learn to lead a party and not his ambitions. In 2013 he came with the Agenda for Change which backfired after some senior party officials felt that they were not part of it. He has done the same with the UDF-DPP coalition,” he explained further.
Towards 2014 elections, Malawi Congress Party (MCP) merged with People’s Party (PP) to have a weaker opponent than DPP.
While democratic principles demand working together, party coalitions works in contrary as they are taken to be tools to weaken other opposition parties.
This man did a wrong course for Malawi,political scientist my foot.Timavotera wakwatu osati fundo.kaya wina afune kaya wina asafune,MCP will never win it in the southern and northern regions.atupele and his two districts machinga and mangochi.even agone osamayankhula muparliament,the same MPs will win again next election and this will quash your political science trash.ukanapanga zaulimi bolani sch fees yako Makolo ikanawapindurira.
This is not true. Parties are just afraid with the alliance of DPP and UDF because the two combined together will have a numerical advantage over other parties since the South and East have better population than any other part of the country. Of course there is nothing wrong for UDF to merge with Dpp since DPP was born from UDF out of frustration. Therefore their merger is just normalization process. Mind you no matter how you can paint black Dpp or UDF people can not vote for MCP in the South/East let PP. For any party to rule this country they need to make in roads to the south else DPP is going to rule forever.
But he will end while being a millionaire. Isn’t that being clever?
Amangwetu udf yatha ngati makatani, wh dyera la atupere. Pakuti zonse ndi mbava zokhazokha sitikudabwapo kanthu ayi. Birds of the same feathers flock together.