The Mulanje First Grade Magistrate’s court has handed prison sentences to two men who stole a bicycle.
The two Sinodeni Sompho and Samson Sayenda have been sentenced to 10 years and seven years in prison respectively.
The court heard that on October last year at Livetere village the two robbed Mazunzo Mulatho of his bicycle and ran away.
The victim recognised Sinodeni and reported the incident at Chambe Police Unit. Officers from the unit arrested the two and recovered the bicycle in the process.
Appearing in court, they both pleaded not guilty but after police paraded witnesses, His Worship Smart Maruwasa found them guilty and convicted them.
In submission, the prosecuting officer Sub Inspector Annock Fumbo asked for a stiffer penalty describing the offence as dangerous.
Fumbo also said Sinodeni showed that he is stubborn since he has previously been convicted for other dangerous offences.
His Worship Smart Maruwasa agreed with the state and sentenced Sompho to 10 years in jail and Sayenda to seven years in prison and the court hoped the sentences would deter would-be offenders.
Sompho comes from Livetere village while Sayenda comes from Shaibu village both of Traditional Authority Nkanda in Mulanje.
Kkkkkkk shame
Kuba humber.ndazimai achabe tiyenaoni
Ndizovuta kumvesa
Akakhala okuba chimanga,ndalama ndi fetereza mboma ndiye 1 week ndi bell out
Kumanga munthu 10years coz of bicycle zoona nanga chaponda yo mumanga zingati
Fuck the government and the president too
Wotchuka ndimbiri yokuba ndalama za bomawa anakakhala kuti ndiye waba njingayi, bwezi mlandu palibe eish malawi kumvesa chisoni.
Njinga yomweyo zaka zosezo yet mukusiya madolo a cashgate kumanjoya ndi zakuba
wa cash gate nde kukhala mfulu
Nanga achimangawa fucken bullcrap anyani inu
Two men hve been sentenced to 10 yrs & 7 yrs which is which now, is this one english or chizungu?
let v judiciary go 2hell.thts y malawi will stll remain fuckn ignorant.if v bicycle is recovered y cant yu giv them afair judgmnt?we’ll 1day stand tall in burning these courts for blinfolding malawians long enough.
eeesh!!!mpaka pamenepo bandulo yoseyo yazaka zaoba njinga ee!! zotheka kuti amayesela koma wayesera mwasoka,munthu omwatiyi azamwaso olozitavuta bwanji,ophyanditiyi sasowa amakhala ochenjela nkamwa olo atalakwila boma lopusakaleli sangidwa komakumuveka udolo,malamulo mwaonjeza chifukwa mwaposa amulungu,amulungu anali ten wabwera yesu wasisa akhara 3 inulelo mwapanga over 50 achokerakuti nchifukwa mukulakwisa zinthu you think mukukoza zinthu koma mukulakwisa zisiru inu akubawa sikufuna koma kusowa jobs mapepara alinawo zimatiwawa fizi mungokweza kufuna kutikololabasi mukugwesa maphuzilo akumalawi muli angafuse ndani onse ndiogona inu ana anu mukuwatumizakuma school akunja akabwe kufikila muofesi wa univesity yamalawi muli akhale khuki wake nde ndizimenezizi ndani sangabe,anthuwambafe tikuba inuso mukuba ntchimo lofanana kusiyana zilango izi zithe lamulo limenelo ndilopusa nanuopanga malamulo munangotaya time yesu anapangakale malamulo okhwima 3 omwe ziko likawasatila likhoza kukharala bata vuto ndi matayio a!!
Ndipo eeee kumalawi ndale basi chili chonse atah
Fuck all ya,njinga ?
Kuba ma milion akut 3yrs in prison wanjinga 10yrs eeee pa malawi malamulo siungawa mvense
Koma opalamula milandu ya chimanga simukuwamanga
Kkkkkk koma
Ngati wakuba njinga akupasidwa 10 years,what more wakuba …… iwe ndi mzakoyo samalani.court lake lidzakhale lomweli basi.
kapalasa yemweyu mpaka 10 yrs in prison km oba ma billions of Malawi kwacha 3yrs kenako kumukhululukira atagwira ukaidi chaka chimodzi mkumati iye amaonesa khalidwe labwino ku ndendeko
Hahahaha mwina bola akanaba Ku Lilongwe kuno ikakhala 4 months Ku mulanje value ya Njinga ndi lorry nzofanana kanjinga nkachaninso
I can see where all this poverty in our country is coming from. We have laws that can never transform our country for better. It is logically poor to imprison a person for 10 years for stealing a bicycle and imprison some one for millions or billions of kwachas. Koma adzapezeka mtsogoleri amene akhoza kudzakonza zinthu mdziko lathuli? I think we are still in the total darkness. Our education is not even giving us any bit of logic on issues around us. I hope the British shud come back and take us again. One thing they shud do to us, they shud recognize us as human beings who like them too needs recognition and respect for their humanity. Zachikudazi ndithu zalephera. Zangobweretsa umbava, tsankho komanso ulesi ndi nkhanza. Zoti azathu a kupanga ma amendments to laws that have negative impact to their security, interests and development. Pamene ife ma amendments omwe timachita ndi okhaokhawo oteteza ma interests a okhawo akuti ruling party. Total Shame. Pliz Britain don’t give us your money but let us be one of your state in your vast Kingdom.
Arrest those who are stealing big money please
What about pitala and chaponda?
thats unfair to be honest
Stipud, you live those chaponda you arrest hen stealers
Reduce the years,its too much
And those stealing millions of government money are given
3years. Honestly if our judiciary is not corrupt then Malawi needs a revolution to correct these michiefs
eeeeeee that is unfair ok how much is lt can cost for them to be in jail and they have big family to take care of ok
Apapa zikuoneseratu kt kuba zazing’ono ndi mavuto nanga njinga ya 40. Pn mpaka dzaka 10 mmmmmm
Ten years for stealing a bicycle??????
That’s a joke WTF?
Chomwe mungaziwa Boma silingamange munthu oba ma million ochuluka coz amaziwa kut Boma lisauka coz ndalamazo sizigwila ntchto iliyonse mpaka munthuyo adzatuluke. Ngt simukusimikiza pezani mwayi oba ma million ochuluka simungamagwidwe a long period. Km nkhuku, ng’ombe njinga nd izi 79yrz in prison.
ufititu umeneu, anthu akuba ma million mubomamu
what about those who steel maize???? panyipake judge umuuze
What about those who stole maize? I mean maize gate fans???
If it was my my relatives,l will kill the Judge simple & as that(shot & kill him/her l swear to Allah)
Stupid judgement why not George Chaponda?
Mike Ice-twist Mambwe check it out, hehe sometimes justice is served here
Hehehe…mmmmmmmyu think???
Don’t tell me you don’t agree?
Nanga awa akuba ndalama za cashgate mywatani panya panu mwamva, okuba za cashgate mukuwapasa 3 month’s in prison but others 10 years of what? That’s bulshit pamtumbo panu aboma nonse and pankholo panu zandibowa hvy
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk koma kumenekoooo
Man Bulle mukumva bwanji pamenepa man?
Njinga 10 yrs wa cashgate kungopepesa OGod bless our land of Malawi
Nanga awawa awa akuba ndalama zogulira chimanga ku Zambia wa, bwanji mukungoti mukufufuza???
There is no fair in this country
Ndiye nyalasand imeneyo wina kuba njinga zaka 10 okuba ma billion kukhala week imodzi akuti awonetsa khalidwe labwino ku prison atuluke zoonadi ndende ndimalo awanthu osawuka ndakudandaula #Malawi
koma ndie kuli kusakaniza nkhanitu apa Amalawi kkkkkkkkkkkk
Ayi Ndithu,izi Zaulendo Uno,
This is warm heart of lucifer the devil
Ma judge amaoneka madolo pa amphawi koma anthu olemera mmmm
Hmmm this too much 10years just over a bicycle.#Themalawianlaw
malawi ukomela anthu achuma munthu kuba njinga 10 yrs koma ena akuba ndilama zambili osawa panga kathu osauka tikanasaukabe mulungu sangadalise ndipo malawi sazatukukaso achuluka adyela not oti atukule dziko
Ma jaji a ku malawi
Court found him guilty let the law do its work. Those who are hiding today the law is looking for them soon or later will catch them.
Bkkkkkkk koma chilungamo chinatha pa Malawi sure
7-10years in prison for stealing bicycle? Ndiye kukhalire atibera 10billionwa eeeeeeh! moyo wawo wonsetu. Dzikoli limakomela opata basi. Mumva nati zilibe umboni.
A bicycle, ten years yet a thief stealing K60million only 3 years
Ndie zopusa zimenezo zoona akagwire ndende kwa zaka 10 coz cha njinga yakapalasa…… Mpamene ena anaba zindalama za nkhaninkhani munangowasiya
Shame malawi si azamva,10years for stealing byscle
Ubwino wake ndi a Kumulanje,l hope sakachedwako kumeneko kkkkkk zinazo akaseva judge yemweyo.
Drama ku malawi
Zimenezo ndiye zachamba kuba njinga mpaka 10years in prison aaaaa
njinga ten yrs,cashgate nkhani ili ku bwalo lamlandu,,maizegate pali commission yomwe ikuunika,,kodi cholinga chanu mkufuna kutithandiza kapena osauka ife tingofa? mulungu akuona nanunso muzawelezidwa ndi judge odziwa kuweluza amene ndi namalenga
Bicycle price 100,000 kwacha ok. Then 7 years. Therefore the one who has stolen k10,000,000 from government Will serve…. 10000000 divide by 100000 times 7. WA cashgate apa akuyenela kugwira ukayidi more than 700 years in prison.
This is not justice
Bodza limenero, 10 yrs and 7yrs mukutanthauzanji?
Koma dziko ndilokondera
When u judge u must think bcz those on cast gt thy have given 3yrs bt njinga mukumpatsa zaka zochuluka why making faver 4 those who have got money let God judge u bcz of fage judgement
Yes!thats good,mukafuna kuba ibani zambiri ma million osati ma hundred,mukaba zambiri akupasani zaka zochepa kuti ndalamazo zigwire ntchito mudziko otherwise boma will run short,nde kumaba moganiza
Very shame
Malawi ndikumudziwa ine ameneyo
Dziko ndilokondera
Not fare
you better also be sentenced for posting nonsense,tamulembani anayambitsa kuti a Malawi aziwonetsa R3000 pa Beitbridge akamapita ku joloza,ndiye za mzeru zimenezo ,osati busy mu office kumalemba za ma spoko ayi!
Dziko ndilokondera ndithu
Ndiye kuti malamulo anapangira osauka eti ? Kkkk lol
kma analoza Malawiyo ndi mfitidi weniweni those stealing billions of tax payers money get 3.5 years in jail kungokhalakonso chaka mukuwakhululukira but munthu oba njinga which is less than 50000 MWK up to 10 years Malawi kma ndi chani
How about those involved in the maizegate while millions are going without food Malawi indeed is a very funny country:-D
Jajiyo pachakutipake
What about this new m….gate?
Ulendo wina adzatimanga tose osauka ndikubwa nazo
amabilion amawasiya msangakuti,chumachizikagwirantchito kunja.koma awoabachakufakale.bolan akanaba ndalama ndikugula njinga
Nanga achaponda????
Stealing billions of kwachas being set free while a petty thing worth k30,000 being charged dozens of years. Ife amphawi tizingovutikabe chifukwa palibe otilakhulira ziphinjo zathu
jail is for poor people. There is no truth in this world
Kukhala mmwalawi mkulimba mtima
Judgement error……….
Koma tsiku lomatchalo kudzavuta…mikwiyo yachuluka
What about the government officials that loots what happened to them
How many years then for stealing taxpayers many through Admarc?
Fuck Jail . zaziiii!!!
Pa mW chilungamo palibe guys chaponda osamumanga bwanji
Dziko la pasi likomela opata.
Nanga a cashget muwatani lets think of…..
mmmmh guys njinga?? mpaka 10 yrs
Oshhh what??????? !!!!! Ten yrs in prison all because ov a bicycle our Judges are menaces. Honesty speaking this is nat fair. What if it was a Motorbike ?????
what? prisons belong to the poor!!
In Malawi prisons is for poor pipo not the rich ones It is not fair coz rich pipo steal alot of bilions but right now they walk free
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk eish
If it could have been 1,000,000,000….we could have here the following….6 month in prison with hard labour….or…sakupeza bwino…nde tawakhululukira poti ndikoyamba…..or umbini waniweni sitikuuwona….nde tidakafufuza mpaka ntsogolomuno…..or seeing him heavily guarded with dozen of officers….bail….then kulanda passpirt….then a freeman again…eating the billion like termites….then five years later…umboni palibe…..aaah..aaah…mesa ndalama ndizija amadya Ali pa bail zija…kkkkk….Ndalama zaBoma zinaleka KUWENGA UKAZIDYA Tiyeni nazoni…. shame on me…kkkkkk
Nanga wa cashgate mukumpatsa 3yrs bwanji?
Malawian justice system is just fucked up i mean u want to tell me a person can get 10 years jail term for stealing a bicycle? I just wonder how many years will the big time thieves like Chaponda get for Maizegate Scam.
Why I even like you page full of lies and old stories appearing on my time line, ashores
Aaaaaaa so you mean 17 years for the bicycle mmmmmmm a judge mwina kanali koyamba kuweluzapo mlandu anthu akumatchajidwatu 5 years ndi mlandu ikulu ikulu
Nanga awa akuba ndalama za bomawa,muzawagamula lit mlandu wawo????
Kumalawi kuneneko kupha munthu zaka 4 kuba 12blions zaka 5 kuba njinga yakapalasa
zaka10 zodabwitsa
if a bicycle =7yrs .10 billion maize gate =………………….
Mamulo limenelo ndilopusa Anyapapi Muwauze
533 milion kukakhala kundende 5 years
Njinga ya 40 thousand,, 10 years????
Ndende anamangila amphawife basi
Nanga awa akuba ndalama zabomawa bwanji akungoyenda freely mtauni? Munthu kuba ndalama za chimanga koma mkumamuyikila kumbuyo wakuba njinga ndiye ten years jail sentence, im sure God is watching you.
Koma nde Musandisekese Amalawi Chaponda akubama Billion koma kumamuwopa zandinyasa
Guys njinga ndikhale lomww mulandu wake ndiwokwera kwambili coz poyamba ankayendera ma DC achizungu
Nde wokuba choyendera cha DC wachita mwano waukulu, ndipo mpaka pano lamulo limenelo silinachosedwe.
Koma mube galimoto akupasani 4years kkkkkkkkkkkk
aaaa..anthu a cash gate kwa 2yrs basi
anaba njinga zingati,,10yrs???
Chilango choti asadzabenso zazing’ono.
Mean While A Cashgate Nkumapasa 3 years, mmmhu judgement day is coming tidzamva ndithu how can u punish some1 fos stealing a bicycle yet somebody stole billion killing people, ndithu mudzayankha
Oba ma million is walking free kuba njinga mpaka Ten years …….
Mean While A Cashgate Nkumapasa 3 years, mmmhu judgement day is coming tidzamva ndithu how can u punish some1 fos stealing a bicycle yet somebody stole billion killing people, ndithu mudzayankha
Mungoti phee muone
zakuma che
Kakakakkkakkakakakakakakakkayayayaayayayaya anachanii kakakakakakak dziko ilii
Eish it’s too much Mr judge,njinga yomweyo basi?
Tsono okuba chmanga kuzambia aja bwnj? Kuba njinga mpak zaka zonsezo? Sibhoo2 choncho.
Any punishment to a thief I don’t care…anthuwa amasausa kwambiri
2017 woyeeee dzko nd anthu make kkkk
Thats Fucken Unfair Sentence. Who The Fuck Is The Judge Who Handled The Fucken Case.??
This story is forge!!
Mufuna akhale zaka zingati nanga munthu wanzeru zake kumakaba njinga osaba ndalama zambiri bwanji..zachepaso zakazo
Kkkk koma Malawi sazatheka! Ndende ndiya anthu osauka eti!!!!
Kulakwa okuma mabilion 3years aphawife tilibe ufulu
Seven for stealing a bicycle. No sentence for maize gate scandal… This world is unfair
Very Unfair Chaponda Moto Ukudikila Ku Jahena Uyo
Kudya za ana amasiye
kkkkkk nanuso muziona zakuba chosecho njingayo idalibe ngakha matigadi ,idalibe mabuleki
…ndangozizidwa ineyoooo…. (singing)
Kkkkkkkkk osamaba
10years wow!!!
Kkkkkk koma inu,,dziko ndilokondela ili,,okuba ma billion Ali phee kunyumba kwake,,kkkk
Okuba chimangayi koma osamumanga. Mbuzi
Ena anaba ndalama zankhaninkhani ku CAPTAL HILL mpaka lero kuli ziii ndiye wina njinga ya k30 mpaka 10years amalawi kodi mumaganiza bwanji?
10 years chifukwa choba njinga??? Nanga uyu amene aba ma Billion achimangayu mwamucharger zaka zingati?
MALAWI my country now prison is for poor people…
The pen has always been for poor people,not just here in Malawi but worldwide
Which pen Bryan Betland Ndaombwa
nde zopusazo zimenezo , ngati amenewo ili 3 years wat more chaponda? chaponda ndiye kuti ikhala life imprisonment with hard labor kikikkkkl akakhala pa mkhate sapheka
Moyo ndiwokondera,wokuba ali pheee nyumba koma wokuba njinga mmmm
And spelling “Bicycle” is difficult also.
Kkkkkk Koma ya amphawi ndamene timavutika ndithu
nde wa 10billion mubandula nazo zaka zingati am watching u
Koma ndiye a cashgate kumatsiya walk free, I am not agree with that that unfair just because their cannot afford lawyers. Stop abuse the law and favor. give them less sentences
Me too,i am not agree with that too much…LOL
Osangosagamula kuti akasese pa police bwa
Zoonadi abuse to the poor pple, its toomuch
After all njingayoso anayipeza yet ena anagura matharakitala mwakuba ati kungowauza kuti apepese basi! Zoona Ximenez!??
Shame not good too bad.
Judge Ameneyu Promotion Apite Ku High Court Azikaweluza Milandu Ya Cashgate,mazegate Ndith Congrats
njinga 10 years in prison aja anaba k570 billion 0 year in prison dziko layanja achuma ili
Aaaaa za ziiii osakamanga achina chaponda ndi anzake bwanj? Kanjinga ka 30 thousand inu makape et
Eeeeeee!! .Mulungu Akatiweluzadi,dziko La Malawi Anthu Akuba Ndalama Zambiri Osawamanga Wanjinga Paka Ten Yrs Ziliko.
Malawi yafunda basi chilango cha njinga ngati aba galimoto. Koma ama cashgate aja akungonenepa ,malawi yolimbana ndi ovutika basi, kuyiyamwa yowonda yonenepa akuyiwona Agalu a anthu.
amalawi tkuenela kudzukadi rather than kumangoonerera zaunsiluzi wina kuba dollah zathu 1yr wa njinga 10 wat a stupid nation and its leaders
Koma siku limodzi lizafika amphawife ndachumanu tizaweruzidwa mwachilungamo!!
Aaaaaah zisiru zimenezo bwanji?? Mpakana kapalasa? Osaba Bwamnoni bwanji?? Kapalasanso atonunkha kanthu?
Kkkkkk koma yaaaaa.
Aaaaa no 10 years t just too much. I think t’s a typing error.
Oky njinga mpaka zingati…..?
Aaaaah sima imene azikatha kumeneko ikaposa mtengo wa njinga
Aaaaaah zisiru zimenezo bwanji?? Mpakana kapalasa? Osaba Bwamnoni bwanji?? Kapalasanso atonunkha kanthu?
kkkk asaa koma abale,,,
Kutembeleledwa kukhala ndimtima wachikale omaba matewera kusia suit ilipomwepo asova
Kikkkkkkk wa cashgate 3years if he can behv well amuchotsera 2yearz wanjinga 10 over my dead body
Killing a mosquito wth agun…agalu a ku capital hill kuba mabillion ndikungowakwapula….
Agaludi Awa Mmmhu, Akukalimbana Ndi Mphawi Kusiya Agaluwa Azibabe Ndalama Za Chimanga
Zoonadi amenewo anaba mwendo wa munthu kumene kuli kupha simunalakwise mwina ena atengelepo phunziro.
Wopha albino 3years sichoncho?
kodi ka Chapondaka mukukaopa?? takamangenitu
zoonadi malamulo kugwira ntchito pa anthu osauka
MATHEMATICSif one bicycle worth K50,000 is equal to 10 yrs 7 months,(1) calculate how many bicycles are in K10 billion (50 MARKS)(2) how many years are found in that amount (50 MARKS)
Simple proportion kkk
Kkkk! solve it then
Zidzukulu za Muthalika ndi Chaponda .
I like this judgement. . its a lesson for them to steal more and not from the poor . that’s y we are not doing better ..
You said you like it because he steal to the poor, what about who steal for the poor and too much than a biycle. Maize for the poor malawian did he arrested for how long? And somebody come on the front saying memememeee what? Stupid mind with the stupid leadership and stupi judgement you all go to hero.
Did u even go to xool ?
Is a bicycle cheaper than maize ? How many in ur home town own a bicycle and don’t have maize and how many on the contrary ?
Chilangocho chachepa kwambiri akanaonjezera
Zoona kumasiya asizinamtole a chimanga mkumamanga mumthu okuba njinga,mitu yanu ikugwila ntchito koma? ..Waba chimangayo mukumuopa?
mlandu ongofunika mambama uwu
Nanga chaponda oba chimanga cha amphawi akumudzi dziko lonse mwamugamula zaka zingati???
Yaa thats gud punishment,they must steal things which will cost more money,dont steal to a person who is also poor
Kkkkk i cd have loved it more even life in prison
its all the same with those who steal public funds and tax payers money that meant for improving the living standards of the poor citizens
Goverment officials are stealing billions but they get bail out
prison is for the poor people
You dont hav to steal from someone who is struggling to get cash
I agree with you Kapenuka Suxess Willz
Kuba kukufunika xul ngati momwe amachitira ma government officials but kuba nkhuku umangophedwa za zii
So are these top officials not stealing from poor people??? We are struggling daily to get paid and bring butter on the table yet someone is just syphoning us without any regulations. Mxweee
Bad Judgement..
court ake ndiyaku mulanje kodii…!!! ndimaona ngati court leni-lenitu ine poyambaaa….!!!
Ummmmm pliz malawi my country 10 years 4 just a byscle when we have got pipo who stole billions and are left like that.
Its a lesson so that they should stop stealing little and from the poor. .. Lol
Aaaaaaa njinga ? Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
kuba njinga = 10 and Car = ?
Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha komano nkhani yake mwina sikuba njingayo kalipo kalipo
eeeeeee.Ku Malawi ndi kumpanje zowonadi.wokuba ma billion oti anakapindulira anthu osauka kumangoyang’anidwa osanjatidwa koma wina waba njinga imene atavutike ndi munthu Mmodzi kapena pamozi ndi banja lake basis ndiye mpaka 10 years?eeeeeeee.traditional justice maybe.
Munthu kuba nkinga 10 years in prison yakalavula gaga
Munthu kuba ndalama ma Million I mean ma Billion
Kupezeka.kuti not guilty
Malawi laws are just like International Criminal court (ICC)
The court only target Africans leaders.in Malawi jail is for poor people
So sad
Nde Wachimangayu Mumpatsa Zingati?
Kukaphaka gaga wezz :p
Cashgate convict who stole Millions, 3 yrs
They get 1 week in prison to avoid money lotting
very unfair though….
kkkkkkk malawi aya aya aya
Mmmmmmmmmmmm ayi man
bicycle yeni yeni mpaka 10 yrs achita kupempha zakazo kuti awaonjezere chani
kkkkkk man mpaka kupempha zaka kut awonjezele kkkk u hv made ma day
Kkkkkkkk…. koma ase… Udzaziona
kkkkkk zudabwisa kaya koma simanamvepo kuti fanz imatha kupempha kuti zichuluje zaka kkkk
Ma cashgate Ali free wat a country mmmmm
okuba za chimanga apasidwe life in prison
Ai bwana . ..its too much amenewa ndiofunikira kudziko…komaso akawamanga nthawi yaitali ndalama zichepa m’dziko muno