Despite ban, Frozy still rules Malawi


Despite the Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS) banning the Mozambican made fizzy drink called Frozy, it has been established that the regulatory body has failed to seize the drink from sellers.

The MBS banned Frozy in October last year saying that the drink is not good for health of Malawians according to the body’s assessment but to the surprise of people the fizzy drink is still being sold in many areas of the country.

Frozy got banned in Malawi.

Snap checks that Malawi24 has conducted in areas such as Mpingu, Likuni, Chigwirizano and Malingunde in Lilongwe show that the fizzy drink is sold publicly a sign showing that Malawi Bureau of Standards is failing to remove the fizzy drink on the market.

The drink is even scoring high in Lilongwe urban in areas such as Lilongwe main depot, Area 23, and Area 22.

In Salima the fizzy drink is also being sold more than any other drink, a development that shows that the bureau has failed to enforce the ban.

After MBS banned Frozy, the Mozambican company that produces it hit back saying that the fizzy drink is of good standard and good to health of people since it was approved by Ministry of Health in Mozambique.



  1. Bola ine kwathu ndikufupi ndi moshico ndizikamwela konko nankha bwanji kumosambigeu ko anthu sakufa koma akumwa dairy

  2. You can’t ban frozzy for us as if we have another soft drink which is at a reseasonable price like frozzy, we are still enjoying the drink so please don’t say anything bad about frozy coz its our money that we use to buy frozzy!

  3. This Is Expected Wherever People Have Lost Respect For Those In Authority! Even Law Enforcement Agencies Are Not Supporting The Ban! The Bureau Goofed- People Look At Them As CARTOONS!!!

  4. boma lathu kulimbkira kuletsa frozzy kuleka mowa ukupha anthuwu,osapanga zanu zokoma ngati frozzy otskaso mtengo,osati dzathu dzokalakasadzi mukuti juice dzopanda standard,madzi kungothira sugar #1 mwati amalawi amwe,mukutumikira ife osati ndalama mwalandira ku southen bottlez

  5. boma lathu kulimbkira kuletsa frozzy kuleka mowa ukupha anthuwu,osapanga zanu zokoma ngati frozzy otskaso mtengo,osati dzathu dzokalakasadzi mukuti juice dzopanda standard,madzi kungothira sugar #1 mwati amalawi amwe,mukutumikira ife osati ndalama mwalandira ku southen bottlez

  6. Osaletsa Win,shooter ndazizake mukulimba ndi frozy kupusa basi, mowa wina ukupha anthu inu mwango khala osachitapo kanthu.

  7. Mwaninge waka imwe a LawKay Kasiya na Harold Singini G kkkkk timwenge tawenetawene yoooo. But the funny thing is that I have never ever tested this flamboyant celebrity famous known flozzy

  8. this is just a confirmation that MBS is a flop.hw can they tell a hyena to stop killing their goats while they dont provide maximum security to control the hyenas

  9. Tsitsani fanta mtengo ufanane ndi frozy ngati matikonda amalawi fe apo bii khaza zanuzo muzipangila mabanja mwanu Greedy basi

  10. Ife a Malawi tikuyenera kumvera zimene bungwe lathu likutichenjeza. Sibwino kika miyoyo yathu pachiswe popeza thandizo lanthawi yochepa koma loika miyoyo pachiswe. Tingadzanong’oneze nazo bondo mtsogolo

  11. i stopped smoking chamba, after spending 15 minutes searching for my phone under my bed…….while using my phone’s frash light #chambasizinthu

  12. chokan apa inu mut tikutaman mesa nawe ukat wamwa nd #frozy nde uzit bungweli lalephera kuletsa nanga uzimwa cha? shutpt

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