Malawi government through the department of Natural resources has closed Chikangawa forest in a bid to conserve the trees in the forest, Malawi24 has learnt.
The development comes hot in the heels of breaching of agreements between timber millers and government who had both promised to replant trees after making products from trees, a thing they have failed to do.

The forest has also suffered from fierce fires that took away the life of trees in the country’s biggest man made forest.
Spokesperson for the department of natural resources Sagwani Phiri said government has finally stopped all activities that were to be done through the use of trees.
Phiri added that Malawi Defense Force (MDF) soldiers are to take responsibility of effecting the action.
“We want to achieve justice between government and the timber milling companies because what we have been agreeing is not what they are doing at the forest” said Phiri.
Apart from timber milling, Chikangawa has also been a source of living by communities around who make charcoal to sell for there survival- a development that has depleted trees in the forest.
The 54 000 hectare Viphya Plantations popularly known as Chikangawa stretches from Mzimba and Nkhatabay districts in the northern region.
Poor my my chikangawa to day is history songs in the air
I dnt know wre it goes
Nkhani yabwino yimeneyo achiteso chomwecho ndi Nkhotakota Game Reserve anthu oyipa Ife tikuwononga chilengedwe.
Just accept.
mukunama inu ife tigulitsa kuno ku mzuzu bwanji mukunamatu timaliza basi
Good development though too late
Its Time My Nephews Soldiers To Make Money.Everyone Need Money So Even They Have Closed But The Soldiers Can Not Protect Them Because “A Goat Eats A Place Where Is Tethered So They Have Done Nothing.Leave That Open Course We Eat Through Them So Nobody Is Nobody.
Let’s hope it’s not only on papers….
too late arleady finished
Aboma ndinu opusa kwambiri
Yes those nitolious people Somalians they shld go back & those Swahili driver
Ameneo azilolenda mmadera onse mmalawimo asamangokhalalira mmabaramu kulanda azikazi aweni
Makuni mwamala sono mukugada vichi
It’s a good development,i think they should do the same to Phili la Zomba
Muwauze a Total Land Care ukungootchaotcha mitengo alibe security yokwana
Palibe chimene chachitika pamenpo!! Nkhalango zathu mmalawi muno ayiniache ndi anthu! ndi mafumu amene azungulila nkhalangozo! chifukwa munthu sangachoke ku liwonde kukasamala nkhalango ku chikangawa! munthu sangachoke ku kasungu kukasamala nkhalango ku lengwe! chimene angasamale iye ndi khobili basi ndiye azigulisa chilengedwe iye akhale ndi ndalama! apaseni mphavu zambili mafumu amene azungulila nkhalangozo kuti ayang`anile muona zinthu zisintha. msilikali apite ku sudan, ku sylia , ku somalia kapena ku nyanja yathu paja yalandidwa tisayiwale nde ntchito asilika.
Good go on Malawi
Apanga Bwino
Bolani apo
Brilliant idea…….., What took you so long?
Kwasala Ku ndilande ndi chilomoni
Everyone asking for money even those soldiers if they can be asked some favour through the money, idont think they can refuse cash, because corruption is already done by The first citizen himself and spreading to all the governments working departments. So, there is corruption every where.
A good move even though is too late. Some rivers are dry, some hills are bare, wild animals have gone far which provided meat, is hard to find firewood, carpenters are suffering etc. Trees were cut down mercilessly by corrupt officials and were not arrested only arrested poor women who fetched mere firewood. Is pathetic. The late Brenda Fassie once sung – TOO LATE FOR MAMA. Indeed is too late. Some soldiers are also corrupt. The trees are not safe.
mitengoyo ndi ndalama ximinexo ndiye azidikilira pa 45 kulandira golide alipafupi,maiko osauka ndie kuchimake kwa corruption tiona,mitengoyo matabwa ake ali pa high demand overseas, bwanji simunawauze kuti azikagadira ndalama mukumabaxo za cash gate lero akumagadira nsato ndi udzu za chamba basi!
That’s new to me to hear that soldiers are now guarding trees kkkkkkkk xhem
paja kulibe kokamenya nkhondo, wa police ndiye boma silinayerekezeke kuopa akhoma ma free to air dich ten pa denga face different directions onse owonesa ma programme a chalichi okha okha
That’s what you always say you skanks but you never do it , mind you that’s my fucking jangle I grew up in there and I know all the corners , there are a lot of niggas doing inside business there . I guarantee you nothing will change , so many things are happening in that forest I hate fuckers
If the CEO of Raiply cud listen to my advice early last year this forest cud have at least be saved. I once worked there for a short time, but l discovered that there is heavy corruption both from Raiply employees and staff from Forest Department in Chikangawa, the deployment of Moyale soldiers has come too late. Even the closure it won’t do anything, there is a heavy connection between loggers, soldiers, Raiply staff and Forest, let them tell you this the logging is done at night and during the day it is calm and normal, l cud have talked more and unearth many things but let me stop here for a moment.
kwatsala kuno phiri la zomba,anthu akuononga heavy
Kkkk ndie mukuteteza chan? Mesa mitengo munamaliza
Excellent news .wish they could do the same to the many forest reserves we have. Zomba/mulanje mountain on my mind
@Bello Tembo Nganya waneneska vintu vyanangika kale or wajare ndipo phindu lionekengepo sono, Apa unkungu naviphuphu vikwambila president nazinduna so vyakhila mpaka pasi kufikira na pa walonda. Chalo cha Malawi chanunka sono icho, no chilungamo yayi kwali, beta kujilimbikilira paiwe wekha, kajiso kuboma ndi??? I’loyayi!!
arg so what are u gonna do with deforestated areas cmon u yankees this shit has to stop of taking malawians as fools make plans to grow treez again than making DPP to get money from chikangawa forest
Zonsezi ndi ajohn tembo akanagwirizana ndi achakwamba bwezi zimenezi kulibe malawi watha chiruchonse kulibe sitinati aliyense akungoika ndalama nthumba mwake
Boma ili siikuganiza bwino its too late aganiza nkhalango latha
Kabajaliraci uko??? so pankani yavigwagwa M’mzuzu waphikirengecikkkkkkk ndiyo gen yatukulanga wazimayi mu Mzuzu naiyokkkkkkk
Awauze Bwinotu,cause a MDFwa Samamvesesa Ndipo Ndimbava Zotheratu,chomcho Azikalowa Mnyumba Za Anthu Omwe Aiyandikila Nkhalangoyi AKuti Kuteteza Matabwa.Muzyang’Anila Mnkhalango Alonda Inu!! Okuba
Tapulika kuti chikangawa mwajala . Sono ka nyanja ira mkutipu uli? Mkuchimbirira chikangawa mwawapa wa Tanzania apa mkuchimbirira nakupanga chindalama chabweka!!
Too late….climate change never takes things for granted
Atumbuka adya chani
Pali funso ,nanga aforest malipiro omwe azlrandilawo ndiye kuti za ulere ?
Soldiers guarding forest? Whom gonna you send for peace keeping?
mmmh, they are many of them doing nothing .
But it’s not their duty as they are for the security of the country. Msilikali anyowe ndi mvula munkhalango?
No matter how worse it is but solution its the best……i salute for your idea keep it up!!guys zabwino tiyeni kumavomeleza osamangokhala ndi opposition mind nthawi iliyonse thou am one of those pipo who r not happy with this government
sitimadikira zinthu kuti ziomongeke nkumakonza bwino a chimwene atha nkhalango ya chikangawa ife tikuwadziwa si anthu wamba koma andale mostly nduna ndi ma mp aboma.muvi oyang’anira umathobwa mmaso dont even blame a forest nawonso amateteza mchere wawo
Do like wise to soche , ndirande and mpingwe mountains in Blantyre. If you saw these mountains in 1987 then you know what I mean.
Long at last. Someone woke up. It was long overdue. Thumbs up
Nothing gd
where were you
Too late to save Jerusalem!! My Chikangawa,my tears!!
kkkkkkk osango siya bwanji
To little too late
I think there are other wildlife there.So may be the people skilled on wildlife could be the one to guard it
Komanso mbava zonse zinali mmenemu ziyamba kutibera mtaunimu ,apolice khwimitsani security tilondereni ndithu pa997
Its too late too quick to close it.Anapindulamo kale the late Bingu ndi Muli Brother.
Mukutseka lero ?? Nkhalango idatha kale kale??nde chani?? Where,was the gvt all this tym ??we really cry for kamuzu ,akanadzuka lero nkuona mmm akanalira koooopsa ,he was a visionally reader not mbofyo mbofyo mbofyo
Shiiit Nkhalango adzala ndi Dr Banda kudzalira mtundu wa a Malawi koma Mulii ndi Bingu adaitha lero mukuti mwatseka zofuna zanu zakwanilitsi zitsiru ujeni wanu
Its too late bt its ok. Good move
good concept bt its too late unless otherwise. Nyasaland aaa kaya
Apa ndiye zanzeru
If our current president was the 1st president to rule Mw ngati Dr Kamuzu…Kaya Mw akanakhala otani??….jst thinking.
koma nkhondo itangoti yayambika basi titha chifukwa otetedza azakhala akugadira mitengo osati anthu,kkkk
koma nkhondo itangoti yayambika basi titha chifukwa otetedza azakhala akugadira mitengo osati anthu,kkkk
welcome I dea
Its too late.
May we can sing #zizakhalaBetter!!!:…..kkkkkk
But its gud idea this w’ll help trees to be self from cutting
I Support the move gud start/development Alan as amiss mondo ndi anthu omwe chifukwa amawocha mitengo
theba ya alomwe ndie analowakotu
But some sodier may use wrongly instead of guarding forest may ‘ve chance to force women to have sex for them to be released jst bcoc have been found cutting down trees but this is not gud
My bro avoid putting statement that you don’t have tangible facts. You can’t find a single woman in the forest, let me tell you this all people who were staying in the forest were evicted long time ago, during this operation, not even a single woman was harassed in fact l was a leader during this operation, so pliz avoid defaming the men in uniform.
Iyaaa ndi zoona ine ndili nawo umboni,,,uzitiwophyeza?
Thats the tym 4 soldierz nw 2 bcme rich ,misng this chance sazalemeraso!
The decision has come very late as 3/4 is already without trees
great job,,conserving environment,,,,t worsens ,,,,dat
That’s good
Good development! If Kamuzu Banda was alive today, he would have wept to see Chikangawa the way it has been depleted. Shame on these greedy politicians!
there are so many forest to be guarded not just Chikangawa forest the earlier the better in 5 yrs time the forest will be back
thus gd news
Good development, its now time for soldiers to make money, corruption won’t stop, those Soldiers they will also sale those trees secreatly for timber making, believe me guys, buyers will make strong connections with those soldiers….ntchentche sitimayipatsa chilonda!
You are right, koma dziko ndilovuta palibe angalikwanitse!
nkhalango ya ku nsanjika amalondera ndi ma soldiers koma faz imakadulabe mitengo usiku, side ya manyowe, soldiers dirty corrupt folks, untouchable
What is your plan,can u give the government a solution now to the problem apart from deploying security personel to protect it?
u dnt know what ur talking! soldiers are better off u know what they are being supervised by their often achita kuikako ndege n aliko ambir kungopanga zodulazo yako yauma! kungopeza munthu akudula mitengo asilikali amakwya bcz they’re having sleepless night chifukwa cha anthu odula mitengowo ….chinyengo kulibe ku chikangawa with soldiers
Soldiers are off better than everybody when it comes to security.
not only silders,but also Big big men
Why soldiers,like we don’t hav police
And you hear someone condemning this. hahahahaha amalawi sitizatheka basi.
abwerenso m’phiri la Chiradzulu.
2 late
Ni onzanga awa
Kusowa chochita asilikali apamalawi pano ndi azilonda kuthengo anyway bola osaonga chilengecho kumangonyera paliponse mukumbe zimbudzi. Kuli nsato kumeneko musale
Its too late!
Definitely people who are constructing houses will have to go deeper in their pockets coz timber prices will go up more than expected…..the current ruling party and politicians should stop playing politics regarding to chikangawa forest coz they are benefiting large amount of moneys from timber owners in the forest
Good, Time To Move Forward
thamb up
Good development.
Why late lyk this?
Good development bola asilikariwo asayese munda wao corruption too much pa mw
Five late
That’s good though its too late
Good development
Too late
But it’s politicians who have depleted the forest.