Republican Donald Trump has stunned the world by defeating Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, ending eight years of Democratic rule and sending the United States on a new, uncertain path.
Key points:
- Donald Trump will become America’s 45th president, according to Antony Green
- Mr Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton in some key swing states
- Mrs Clinton will not be speaking publicly tonight
- We’re expecting to hear from Mr Trump soon

Mr Trump took to the stage with his family to claim victory at his New York headquarters, and said he had taken a call from Mrs Clinton, who will not be speaking publicly this evening.
“She congratulated us and I congratulated her on a very very hard fought campaign. We owe her a major debt of gratitude to for her service to our country,” he said.
Mr Trump had repeatedly slammed his campaign rival as “crooked” during their bruising campaign.
Claiming victory, the president-elect said it was time to “heal the divisions” caused by the campaign and find common ground.
les pray that t wil all end well..
mavuto kumapeto kwa dziko,the end of democ,africa mavuto,aid zero,kumakonzekera mapama,jesus help the world,help us musalore tivutike.am warried,mgwirizano wa these 2 superpowers ubweretsa chitetezo?
all the best donald!!!!
9/11 and 11/9 : Two American nightmares …
Ifenso “lets make MALAWI Great again” lets bring back Malawi.
Am on Aljazeera news.One twit says “Remember 9/11/2001”,R u ready to run again?
may God be praised for the the biggest win of Mr Donald,shame to devil Clinton.
Aaa,this is a good result.Dnt just look at the bad side of #J TRUMP,this election has brought forward alot of things to learn from as upcoming democracies..Big up for trump he deserves what americans reserved for him.
Long live trump
Nthawi yoti Mahule alamulire inatha
Mkuona hule uja tinamchosa kuno
,,Tb Joshua
Malawi news media: I hope you’ve learnt some good thing here.
Not everthing newsmen say is correct!
It failed in Malawi so too in the USA one message is clear “kukhala mzimayi ndichifukwa”
Amalawi kupusa nthawi yachisankho ku malawi mudzamva timabungwe 50/50 campaign,idont know anthu mukamatengeka ndi timabungwe ta ku america,amabweretsa zinthu ku africa zomwe kwawoko sakwaniritsa.apa iwo amukana mzimayi ndie gender amalimbikittsayo ili kuti? iwo akadakhala chitsanzo posankha mzimayi
Come and arrest petera
Good luck for u trump but don’t rule like former President Dr Bush other wise ~~~~~~~~~
and wen u see adisclegius object standing where he should not be run to the mountains this is the end of tym how can aracist aperson who doesn’t see women as people atax invader win an election this is a signal of the end welcome to the end of days
no more ARV…..!!!!!
In America you can promise this and that but as soon you become a president then you becomes a puppet to Illuminant/freemasonic leadership. What they said is not what they will do. Satanism is ruling America.
Your Paranoia is getting the best of u ma friend
Dont let the neighbours war affect you….open ur eyes and ears for what is coming next.
zalowaso mzipembezo zomwezi ndawona mumatukwanana anthu Mulungu simunthu ,munthu ndiye wolakwisayo ,kaya ndi m”busa kaya wansembe kaya shehe kaya ndani
Kkkkkkkkk eti boss azngopemphera bas
Trump has no respect for MUSLIMS , AND the americans have showed their foolishness by voting him
zako izo
Mzimeneso zichitike kuno mu 2019
Ngozitu iyo,,,
Kkkkkk..zakunja simbali yanga
Let stupid leader rule the world now sign of end time
Trump is a racist
Ye he’s a beast who has no respect for african american and Muslims , shame for America
Just hope he will visit Malawi too,to clean up
We will miss obama
Women stop crying for gender Americans have spoken! Kklklkkkk!
Big up Trump.
Kuchimake kwa democracy amukana munthu wa mai enafe nde timatengeka apatu ngakhale owina amakhala mmodzi kma it’s a good lesson, ng’ombe yaikazi sikoka ngolo. MAGANIZO ANGA
Thats true
Womens job is to be fucked, not rulling men. shame on u media who wanted clinton u have mesirably goofed hehehe. AMERICANS HAVE SPOKEN
Shabaz Khandia i need yr reply on this
Shame for America for the beast has arrived
The americans have spoken and at the end u will see tears on their faces
looks like 9/11 is back
On 6th November a Pastor in Nigeria T.B Joshua made a prophecy that a woman would win USA presidential election and today Donald Trump won. This is how the Pastors are lying to their followers to lure them to Christianity telling lies of the unseen. “…To Allah belongs the Ghaib (unseen) of the heavens and the earth, and to Him return all affairs (for decision). So worship Him and put your trust in Him. And your Lord is not unaware of what you (people) do.” Qur’an 11:123
False Prophets the Bible said it,and thy make money in the name of God,but the truth is,soon their followers will receive 666 not knowing abd by the time they will knw,will be too late for them
Confession by mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior” and Accepting in your heart that He rose from the Dead! =Salvation. ..
Not gud at all
I will mis tht guy too.
Big up,ena kumalosera zabodza kkkkkk zandale zisiyeni
tadziwa kale
Big up DT ur a big man tym to be ruled by womenens its gone
wow i like Donald Trump configurations big man
I wish Mr Trump well success what we ask you is make what you promise the American. Peter Muthalika be ready you wanna go like Obama and Hillary Clinton MCP either UDF boma 2019 taona taphunzira pa USA DPP pa ulendo