12 years in prison for rape


A court Karonga district has sentenced a 32-year-old man to 12 years in prison after finding him guilty of raping a 12-year-old girl in the district.

The Karonga magistrate court heard that the rapist, Atusaye Mwalilino, sexually abused a 12-year-old girl on July 15 this year.

PrisonPolice prosecutor Sub Inspector Kelvin Kamanga told the court that cases of sexual abuse are on the increase in the district hence it was important to hand the rapist a stiff sentence.

“Your worship, cases of defilement are very common and are on the increase in Karonga district as well as across the country. It is my plea to this court to impose a stiffer sentence to the accused person in order to deter would-be offenders,” said Kamanga.

Passing the sentence, First Grade Magistrate Chakaka Nyirenda concurred with the state about the seriousness of the offence.

Nyirenda therefore ordered Mwalilino to stay 12 years in prison with effect from the date of arrest.

Mwalilino hails from Mwambuli village in the area of Paramount Chief Kyungu in Karonga district.