Angry polytechnic students’ parents storm Blantyre Police

poly students

The University of Malawi (Unima) fees hike matter has now forced parents of 14 arrested Malawi Polytechnic students to hold a vigil at Blantyre Police station demanding the release of their children.

Malawi Students arrested for protesting
Poly students during the demos

On Friday, police arrested 14 students from the Polytechnic, a constitute college of Unima, following demonstrations against fees hike.

Since Saturday parents for the arrested students could not hide their anger as they demanded immediate police bail for the children.

The parents cited mistreatment by police officers to the students in police cells saying they were being beaten and being poured cold water on their faces.

Spokesperson for the parents Havery Soko said the police used guns to disperse parents who vowed not to leave the station until the release of their wards.

He added that parents opted to sleep at Wenela bus depot while waiting for their demands to be addressed on Sunday through their lawyer.

Meanwhile Southern region police spokesman James Kadadzera has downplayed reports of mistreatment to the students.

Kadadzera further condemned the action of parents to storm the station arguing that the development will pose security threats.

The students are to appear in court today to answer charges of conduct likely to cause breach of peace.