Malawi Police officers in Nkhotakota district are keeping in custody six people for killing an elephant at Nkhotakota Parks and Game Reserve.
According to Nkhotakota Police Public Relations Officer Williams Kaponda, officers from the park arrested one suspect after well-wishers tipped them that he was selling elephant meat.
The suspect later on revealed his friends who were also arrested inside the Game Reserve.
Apart from the elephant meat, the suspects were also found with two rifles, a 375 and Muzzle loader, gun powder, two ivories, two cartridges, and an axe.
The six are expected to appear in court soon to answer the charges of hunting and killing protected species (Elephant), illegal possession of protected species (Ivory), illegal possession of firearms, illegal entry into wildlife reserve and conveying weapons into wildlife without permit.
The suspects are Sakondwera Buda, 32, of Nyanga village, Buggard Nyirenda, 53, of Kayontha Village, Yoswa Banda, 52, of Tewete Village, Mcdonald Chunga, 27, of Kambavi village, Yefeta Kaluma, 28, of Kaomba village all from Traditional Authority Kapelura in Kasungu while the sixth Ephraim Banda, 48, hails from Mazwini village, Traditional Authority Mabulabo in Mzimba.
Kkkk zili kuno,njovu kupha munthu palibe mlundu koma munthu kupha njovu ukaimvera ku Balaka
Apa palibe mlandu anthu akufuna ndalama & ndiwo. Albino akuphedwa palibe chochitika tiziti chan? Mwina A P M akuziwapo china apa.
Njobvuyo. Irikuti yophedwa imaoneka chomchi mukukweza magetsi mkhalango zikutha anthu akuotcha makala
Ndiwoka zimenezo amasuleni plz
zaziiiiii…….:( mmalo mot tizinva zot mwamanga opha ma alubino shuwa tizinva zimenez. alubino ndi njovu chofunika kwambili nchani.
Moti muzikamanga anthu okupha albino uko mukulimbana ndikumanga anthu okupha zinyama usiru et
Musasiye amenewo awulure anzawo ! Ife timadalila njovu zomwezo Kuti alendo Azibwela ambiri mmalawi Munoz.
Admin kunonse Kuli winawake wapha khoswe mumumanganSo
Admin kunonse Kuli winawake wapha khoswe mumumanganSo
mmmm ganizani bwino njovu ndizofunika komaso albino nayeso ndi ofunika muyambe kamanga opha anthuwa then akupha zobweretsa ndalamazo
mmmm ganizani bwino njovu ndizofunika komaso albino nayeso ndi ofunika muyambe kamanga opha anthuwa then akupha zobweretsa ndalamazo
Aphazingati?amasuleni muyambe mwamanga Dausi ndiye akupha zambiri ku Nyika national park uku
Malawi sazatheka awakakamira opha njovu pamene opha munthu uyo alipa belo.kkk
Zazii koma munakasangalala munakamva kuti njobvu zapha munthu apa zavuta kuti njobvu yaphedwa kulibe chitetezo ku game kumeneko
Zazii njobvuzo mwina zathawa ku gameko ndiye mukufuna ziphe anthu kulibwino anthu aphe njobvuzo basi
you can lambast police left and right but one day you will need their service. Look, it is also people like you who make them relax their discipline.
I see a lot of prejudice in some comments. If it DDP that you hate that fail you to make disinterested opinion, then you are not `men’
Ndiye njovuyo ili kuti? amafuna ku panga ndiwo ndiye wina nkhumawagwirabso esh!
Let them go in and eat NSIMA and salt for them to realise that their mistake was indeed so grave.
Apa pali njovu four koma palibepo yokufa nde zabodza basi
R.I.P elephants and for the killer neva give up one day nyangazo zipezeka
apolisi aku Malawi ndiopusa lnu simudziwa amalimbana ndizazi anthu akupha osamangidwa kumamabgudwa opha chilengedwe
anakakhala ndi nzungu munakamusiya popeza ndiwakuda iiiii
Eish!,kill them also plz.Why killing wild animals?.
Nde mumve chilango chaku… Kuposa opha albino
Kkkkk atayidwe amenewo sanaphe munthu,apolice mulimbane ndi anthu amene akupha anthu azawo not wapha njovu
Apolice akumalawi. ntchito ya wa game nawoso. anthu akuba ndalama m’boma kupha albino osamangidwa.
Kkkkkk apolice malo mogwila anthu omwe akumpha ma albino mukumanga okupha njovu kkkkkk.
Inu Inu! Kkkkkk
mmmm anthuwa amangidwa ndi alenje a boma, akawapereka mmanja mwa apolisi kt apite nawo ku court, ndye tiziti apolosi agwira ndiwo anthuwa?
useless government is quick to get elephant killer bt for albino killer the stl investigate
Mutharika Is a Handsum guy, Hu say’s No?
Chilungamo chidutse ngat madzi apa nanga zinthu zimene awapeza nazozo Boma lipanga nazo chan?I hope kut agulitsa nde chikusiyana nchan kumanga a m’boma ndi ogwidawo nde chinyengocho.
Kumangana osauka okhaokha mmalo momapasana ma line opezera ndalama azanu ku central bank akupasana ma line kuzolowera moyo wa chisamunda basi
Bola amene big up malawi iphani njovuzo siyani ma albino
Ndikuonapo njobvu yophedwa apa?
Tipapangabwanji.pokuti ntchito zikusowa.m’ boma.tchitoyamanjandiimeneyo.yopha m’njovu.atulusidwe anthuwo.
Munyenyembe poorness ndiye kuti chani nanu apa,income!!!!???
albinoso ndi chilengedwe koma bwanji athu akuph ma albino sakuwamanga koma busy kusaka amene akupha njovu
a recomended job to those elephant killers bcoz elephants kills people.
Release them for they killed an elephant which is a wild animal,these are better than albino killers.Please set these 6 men free,l see them not guilty of anythng
Mangani ompha njovu omphana alobin asiyeni alemele
We Malawian that is only instead to consider our poorness we are we again killing our source of income through visitors to visit us and paying dollars
milandu yochepa imeneyo kusiyana ndi yanebayi guyz.
alibwino opha njovu than kupha munthu, Malawi Police mwakhala bwanji? mugwira opha njovu kusiya opha albino.. oba ndalama za boma mukungowaona akuyendera magalimo odula ndi ndalama zakuba.
amangen bcoz akuwononga zachilengedwe
asatulukeko kuonga chilengedwe zakusintha kwanyengo sakuona komanso anayamba kale awafufuze bwino bwino
Amafuna kulemera that was thier best way to find cash than stealing .apatseni nyangazo akagulitse thats agood plan for them.
Y u kids of satan arrest pple 4 that?? But when anelephant kills someone u dont do anything y??