The High in Blantyre today continues to hear the MK1.7 Billion corruption case involving ex Malawi President Bakili Muluzi and his ex assistant Lyness Whiskey.

The court had adjourned the case to today as to allow first witness be present in court.
The court had heard through Anti Corruption Bureau’s Deputy Director Reyneck Matemba that the witness Victor Banda has been sick and will be seeing his doctor on Wednesday and that he would not be resent in the court.
Matemba asked the court to adjourn the case or allow the second witness to testify but the defence lawyers Tamanda Chokhotho and Jai Banda objected.
It is expected that Banda will be in court today as ACB said he met his doctors on Wednesday.
For over six years, Muluzi has been answering charges of corruption in which he is accused of squandering public funds amounting to 1.7 billion Kwacha.
This is the worst ever President Malawi will never had.
He found Malawi’s economy hot kicking, and drop it to lowest levels.
All those monies which he is being accused of stealing would make more advanced economic infrastructure programmes, and put Malawi on the map again as it was with Dr. Banda.
What he had in mind was to punish and revenge the sins to the former Malawi’s administration, which really cost him dearly deadly.
This man still remains in the lines of 5th richest man in African soil,
This is the worst ever President Malawi will never had.
He found Malawi’s economy hot kicking, and drop it to lowest levels.
All those monies which he is being accused of stealing would make more advanced economic infrastructure programmes, and put Malawi on the map again as it was with Dr. Banda.
What he had in mind was to punish and revenge the sins to the former Malawi’s administration, which really cost him dearly deadly.
This man still remains in the lines of 5th richest man in African soil,
Akusowa chochita
Akusowa chochita
l Luv this guy…kikkkk ndimamufila sure .amakwana olimbana naye amatsogola ndi iyeyo
Malamulo agwle ntchito baxi za chamba eti:D
Tamusiyani chair apume mtendere , ntchito yabwino yomwe anagwira polamula Malawi mwabata ndi mtendere, pano ntchito zake tikuzisowa. Agalu enanu dziko likukanikani kuyendetsa koma kufziwa kumanga anthu osachimwa basi
Tamusiyani chair apume mtendere , ntchito yabwino yomwe anagwira polamula Malawi mwabata ndi mtendere, pano ntchito zake tikuzisowa. Agalu enanu dziko likukanikani kuyendetsa koma kufziwa kumanga anthu osachimwa basi
zaziiiiii malo moti mukatenge amayi muzawamange mulimbana nduyu
Arresting atcheya will be a great mistake.munthuyu Ndi wachifundo amathandiza anthu ambiri komanso he is a source of security in this country.Munthuyo so munthu wamba
amatan kunena kuti ndalamazi ndikuzirira ndeka? waba
Kkkkkk asalile mjomba!!!
God Bless Bakili Muluzi as yu Bless Me aswell! usabwezere choipa pakusithana ndi choipa komatu bwezerani chabwino pakusithana ndi choipa, si ine koma mau a Buku loyera lopatulika. Amen!
Osalimbana ndi cashgate bwanji mukulimbana ndi ndalama zakalekale kusiya zatsopano bwanji?koma disel abale,ukumusiya bwanji JOYCE MTIRA BANDAH
its about time this old man must go back to jail . Wachake saleka anaba ali kalaliki wa court ameneyi. ndiponso tuvutika ndiachina Mutharika chifukwa chaiyeyu anapasa udindo kwa Bingu
Ichi Nde Peter Wandionjeza Kod 1.7 B Ndi 11 B Ndalama Yaikulu Ndi Iti? Mleke Bakili Akhale Ndi Mtendere Wake. Zafodya Eti .
Pano ikuyenera kukhala 40billion
Ife zoti0usitsa ndidazitulukila kale amatelo akufunakulandila ndalakuchokela kumaiko woonazofufudza agalu.
Akagwire ndende ameneyo
yaah achalume kuchtekete kuchitulo pachanja achakunganya wosope wakuwendesya magambo gakwitelekoku mmatongomo ngawe pachiwandika ningakatile muzumbu kapenakuto yitolo yangaumbalayo yinyaleye kwejinji
Atcheya ndi munthu wamkulu komanso chikhwaya sangabe ka K1. Chakuti biliyoni anangoponda. Kodi mayi ake atupele anyuwaniwa akumapita nawo ku khothi?
akungovutika ndi a chair zopusa DDP eti.
how dare u peter? Do u tink u r beta dan bakiri?mwachita chani chani chooneka ndimaso y u r wastin ur tym instead ov maintainin our malawi ,zimenezo zithele2 thats stuipd
Palibe angamkwanitse angotaya nthawi yawo.za ziii mmalo momangomwa wine kumangolimba ndi chair.zamanyi basi
Kuchitekete kkkkkkkkkk
It’s nice story to read but try to shorten story when writing. This is to long and boring
It’s nice story to read but try to shorten story when writing. This is to long and boring
kodi dzikoli likulephera kuyenda bwino chifukwa cha k1.7b? mmene wakalambira mu2yu osamusiya bwanji? tiyeni tiphunzire kukhululukira aza2.. zi2 zomwe adapanga akulamulira ndi k1.7b, chofunikira ndi chani? Lets move forward malawi. zambuyo zitichedwesa.
kodi dzikoli likulephera kuyenda bwino chifukwa cha k1.7b? mmene wakalambira mu2yu osamusiya bwanji? tiyeni tiphunzire kukhululukira aza2.. zi2 zomwe adapanga akulamulira ndi k1.7b, chofunikira ndi chani? Lets move forward malawi. zambuyo zitichedwesa.
Anasesa nkhokwe zachimwanga
Anthu kudula mite go iye osasamala,
Ndiye wapangisa chidani anthu.
Anasesa nkhokwe zachimwanga
Anthu kudula mite go iye osasamala,
Ndiye wapangisa chidani anthu.
Chapiyoni pa zandale
Chapiyoni pa zandale
Anaesa ndi ushasha musamusiye ena atengepo phunziro
Anaesa ndi ushasha musamusiye ena atengepo phunziro
za ziii
za ziii
Haha malawi sadzatheka basi
Haha malawi sadzatheka basi
Haha malawi sadzatheka basi
Haha malawi sadzatheka basi
Mmmmm asiyen a chair mulimbane ndi latest cashgate…
Mmmmm asiyen a chair mulimbane ndi latest cashgate…
Mmmmm asiyen a chair mulimbane ndi latest cashgate…
Mmmmm asiyen a chair mulimbane ndi latest cashgate…
amangidwe ameneyo ama harser kwambiri ndalama za boma
amangidwe ameneyo ama harser kwambiri ndalama za boma
amangidwe ameneyo ama harser kwambiri ndalama za boma
amangidwe ameneyo ama harser kwambiri ndalama za boma
Acheya akhale moyo #charles msaku
Acheya akhale moyo #charles msaku
Acheya akhale moyo #charles msaku
Acheya akhale moyo #charles msaku
Musiyeni munthu wamkuluyu apume bwino Kodi mulibe manyazi anthu inu taona zimene wapanga kaye
Musiyeni munthu wamkuluyu apume bwino Kodi mulibe manyazi anthu inu taona zimene wapanga kaye
Musiyeni munthu wamkuluyu apume bwino Kodi mulibe manyazi anthu inu taona zimene wapanga kaye
Musiyeni munthu wamkuluyu apume bwino Kodi mulibe manyazi anthu inu taona zimene wapanga kaye
Who Is To Accused Of 92 Billion Of The Late{APWIYA}If U Continue To Accuse Munthu Wachikulire The Real Politician Namanyonyolo 92billion-1.7=phwi, Eesh APWIYA Munaononga Ndikumusiya Malawi Pamavuto,
Who Is To Accused Of 92 Billion Of The Late{APWIYA}If U Continue To Accuse Munthu Wachikulire The Real Politician Namanyonyolo 92billion-1.7=phwi, Eesh APWIYA Munaononga Ndikumusiya Malawi Pamavuto,
Who Is To Accused Of 92 Billion Of The Late{APWIYA}If U Continue To Accuse Munthu Wachikulire The Real Politician Namanyonyolo 92billion-1.7=phwi, Eesh APWIYA Munaononga Ndikumusiya Malawi Pamavuto,
Who Is To Accused Of 92 Billion Of The Late{APWIYA}If U Continue To Accuse Munthu Wachikulire The Real Politician Namanyonyolo 92billion-1.7=phwi, Eesh APWIYA Munaononga Ndikumusiya Malawi Pamavuto,
Leave Dr. Bakili himself he has done nothing. Let him enjoy with his money
Woyenda mmaliro. Sadzapezekaso wina.
Woyenda mmaliro. Sadzapezekaso wina.
Woyenda mmaliro. Sadzapezekaso wina.
Woyenda mmaliro. Sadzapezekaso wina.
Kodi inu , muziyeni dalayo alibe milandu bwanji kodi inu mumango kumbuza ngani zakale nanuzo mulindi milandu yakuba ,why no open caz
Kodi inu , muziyeni dalayo alibe milandu bwanji kodi inu mumango kumbuza ngani zakale nanuzo mulindi milandu yakuba ,why no open caz
Kodi inu , muziyeni dalayo alibe milandu bwanji kodi inu mumango kumbuza ngani zakale nanuzo mulindi milandu yakuba ,why no open caz
Kodi inu , muziyeni dalayo alibe milandu bwanji kodi inu mumango kumbuza ngani zakale nanuzo mulindi milandu yakuba ,why no open caz
hahahahaha dziko ndilivuto lero ali moyo mukulephera kumulemekeza koma akamwalira dziko silimayemika ai
Leave a chair alone and concentrate on kuthesa njala ndiuphawi wathuwu, what is gonna be the bennefit of arresting achair
ife tikudikira mungoyelekeza kummanga muona
Koma the expenditures of hearing this case haven’t they surpassed the 1.7 bita
amalawi ndale muzizidziwa.atupere ndi nduna m’boma la DPP bakiri nde adaika chipani cha DPP pamapo.moti mukuganiza kt bakiri angamangidwe? that is trick game akufuna atipusitse anthu.ngati mukutsutsa mungoti pheeeee muwone
chomuzuzila munthu ndichiyani?komaso pano dollarzo zinatha kalekale
Madala awa sangamangidwe muzimangidwa anthu oba ndalama zochepanu am 3 million inu 1- 7 billion sangamangidwe
Tatiuzeni ulandu wayenda bwanji lero Ku tiziwa zomwe ugolalata ai
Koma muziyamika zimene wapanga cheya dziko lamalawi nanga inu atsongoleli mwapanga chani poti mavuto ali mbweee m’malawi musiyeni bakili koma bakili2 ameneyo napolo mwamuwala masiku awiliwa eti oky
Mukulimbana ndi nkhani zakale kale za tsopano cash gate akuthawilani osafufuza zapanozo bwanji zazii
Daily mulandu mukusiya anthu a Okuba oibm ndalama kuwagwira
Asiyeni achair
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mukunamiza amalawi inu muluzi mlandu wauyambitsa yekha kuti uyambike akufuna ma million alandile atcheya sangamangidwe inu apa angolandila chuma chawo basi kamba kowaipitsila mbiri boma silimawina mlandu
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mukunamiza amalawi inu muluzi mlandu wauyambitsa yekha kuti uyambike akufuna ma million alandile atcheya sangamangidwe inu apa angolandila chuma chawo basi kamba kowaipitsila mbiri boma silimawina mlandu
Ndipo Boma lake la Malawi kudzawina mlandu pa Bakili aaaaaaaaaaa.
Boma la Malawi limayambitsa mlandu opanda mbonitu…….limafunafuna mboni mlandu uli mcourt,……#Fuck off#
kkkkkkkkkkkk nambo wawo ibra
Chi………wawo Boma jaMalawi kugatanda magambo akusosamboni gali mcourt hahahahaha yausilutu ayi…….waleche amdalawo atameje mwaufulu
cool Mr bm
cool Mr bm
Osangowamasula kuti mulibe mlandu nanga zaka zosezi mlanduwo
Osangowamasula kuti mulibe mlandu nanga zaka zosezi mlanduwo
Madala wa osalimbana nawoso thawi yao zithu zinali bwino kodi osakamtenga mayi uja bwanji
Madala wa osalimbana nawoso thawi yao zithu zinali bwino kodi osakamtenga mayi uja bwanji
Hmmmm this is just a debate the fact is what you know………. Non of you can judge Muluzi. You are barking here like the dogs in the fence. My fellow Malawians,do not fool yourselves here……..Muluzi is the best…
Hmmmm this is just a debate the fact is what you know………. Non of you can judge Muluzi. You are barking here like the dogs in the fence. My fellow Malawians,do not fool yourselves here……..Muluzi is the best…
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: dr.williamsherbaltempel@gmail.com, or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: dr.williamsherbaltempel@gmail.com, or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.
Afters dis case next wanna call Thalika’s sons kuzayankha yake cz zikuvia muchingwe, we nah 4gt Thalika’s son did
Afters dis case next wanna call Thalika’s sons kuzayankha yake cz zikuvia muchingwe, we nah 4gt Thalika’s son did
Just try n arrest him muone, muyiwone Soweto (mangochi) mmene imapangila, munyela mmbale chaka chino.
Just try n arrest him muone, muyiwone Soweto (mangochi) mmene imapangila, munyela mmbale chaka chino.
Abale musiyeni chair timamunyadira kwambiri Mandela wa ku Malawi ndameneyo bwanji osamupatsa ulemu akadzamwalira ndipomwe mudzidzampatsa ulemu, musiyeni mukufuna achokenso ku Malawiko chair ndi Mmalawi weniweni musamuvutitse chonde
Abale musiyeni chair timamunyadira kwambiri Mandela wa ku Malawi ndameneyo bwanji osamupatsa ulemu akadzamwalira ndipomwe mudzidzampatsa ulemu, musiyeni mukufuna achokenso ku Malawiko chair ndi Mmalawi weniweni musamuvutitse chonde
#Kumtunda !!!
#Kumtunda !!!
Aaaa malawian people be free not like that
et man madala dazili akutino ametera chani ngati sahasa
nanga kukamwaku atani a x p anuwa? hahahahahaaaa
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mama musandiseketse
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mama musandiseketse
kkkkkkkkkiiiii mama ine kudabwa kays kkkkkkk
kkkkkkkkkiiiii mama ine kudabwa kays kkkkkkk
Apaseni, ulemu,madala anachosamatha,mzikomu, akhulukidwe, kkkkkkk
Waisting time
Komatu m’dalayu mukumulakwila
Za ziii mukhalira yomweyo jb osamumanga bwa?akungoyenda mwezi wathawu anali kuno Ku RSA akulambalala chain kumalawi
Koma anthuwa ndi mbuzi kwambili
jail this bustard!
is justice delayed denied or adjourned?…..am not sure
Kumeneko nde kuluma zanja lokudyesani kupanda Tcheya munali ndani ??? Mukumbuke komwe munali
ambuye mulungu tagwada panaso panu yese olimbana ndi muluzi awone zowawa
ambuye mulungu tagwada panaso panu yese olimbana ndi muluzi awone zowawa
ambuye mulungu tagwada panaso panu yese olimbana ndi muluzi awone zowawa
Asiyen maDALAwa akula!!! ngat anadya Dola anadya basi!
Asiyen maDALAwa akula!!! ngat anadya Dola anadya basi!
Asiyen maDALAwa akula!!! ngat anadya Dola anadya basi!
mukathana ndi Madalawa kenako Masi10,, kundende sanapangile osauka okha olemelaso akalakwisa azikakuwona,,, Musaiwale kuwafusa Atcheyawo kuti anthu osaona aja anakawasiya kuti..
mukathana ndi Madalawa kenako Masi10,, kundende sanapangile osauka okha olemelaso akalakwisa azikakuwona,,, Musaiwale kuwafusa Atcheyawo kuti anthu osaona aja anakawasiya kuti..
mukathana ndi Madalawa kenako Masi10,, kundende sanapangile osauka okha olemelaso akalakwisa azikakuwona,,, Musaiwale kuwafusa Atcheyawo kuti anthu osaona aja anakawasiya kuti..
Ine chomwe ndaona andale onse amangidwe basi
Ine chomwe ndaona andale onse amangidwe basi
Ine chomwe ndaona andale onse amangidwe basi
My psychic readings focus on positive thinking & positive change. It may assist in bringing clarity to a confusing situation, help you prepare for the future in a more focused way and may empower you with positive potential. If you are seeking spiritual guidance with your relationship, marriage, love, family, career, money, health matters, or life’s daily issues, my insightful accurate psychic reading will help you answer the questions that weigh heavily on your mind. I would love to assist you with making the best decisions for your Future. No matter where you live I can help you.Call +27738951830 MUNIL SALEH, I do Whats-App, Face book/munilsaleh, Phone and personal readings.
My psychic readings focus on positive thinking & positive change. It may assist in bringing clarity to a confusing situation, help you prepare for the future in a more focused way and may empower you with positive potential. If you are seeking spiritual guidance with your relationship, marriage, love, family, career, money, health matters, or life’s daily issues, my insightful accurate psychic reading will help you answer the questions that weigh heavily on your mind. I would love to assist you with making the best decisions for your Future. No matter where you live I can help you.Call +27738951830 MUNIL SALEH, I do Whats-App, Face book/munilsaleh, Phone and personal readings.
My psychic readings focus on positive thinking & positive change. It may assist in bringing clarity to a confusing situation, help you prepare for the future in a more focused way and may empower you with positive potential. If you are seeking spiritual guidance with your relationship, marriage, love, family, career, money, health matters, or life’s daily issues, my insightful accurate psychic reading will help you answer the questions that weigh heavily on your mind. I would love to assist you with making the best decisions for your Future. No matter where you live I can help you.Call +27738951830 MUNIL SALEH, I do Whats-App, Face book/munilsaleh, Phone and personal readings.
Kumanena chilungamo,alietse alindiubwino ndikuipa kwake.koma Bakilimulizi kwakukulu kunalikwaubwino.osati satanawaleroyu mbuziyachabechabe.
Kumanena chilungamo,alietse alindiubwino ndikuipa kwake.koma Bakilimulizi kwakukulu kunalikwaubwino.osati satanawaleroyu mbuziyachabechabe.
Kumanena chilungamo,alietse alindiubwino ndikuipa kwake.koma Bakilimulizi kwakukulu kunalikwaubwino.osati satanawaleroyu mbuziyachabechabe.
HaHahahahaha… Ndan?? kwacha mwayamba kudya chakumunda mwasowa pophwetsera nkhuto ndakuonani k!
HaHahahahaha… Ndan?? kwacha mwayamba kudya chakumunda mwasowa pophwetsera nkhuto ndakuonani k!
HaHahahahaha… Ndan?? kwacha mwayamba kudya chakumunda mwasowa pophwetsera nkhuto ndakuonani k!
Atcheya woye…….zanu zinayera kale inu
Ku malawi Zokha Mbuli.Ingakhale Nkhani Imeneyo?
The day of kiamah will deal with all people involved in persecuting Chair
Zopusa basi!Kumangoononga nazo ndalama.
Chosani kaye chisoso mudisolanu ndiye pamene muziwona za mmaso mwa anzanu!!!!
Bakili Muluzi z our Malawian Hero and we believe tht no one ‘ll rule as gud as hw he wz ruling. If it had been all presidents who r coming after him r wise lyk our X President Bakili Muluzi the Malawi would hv been improved than b4. If it had been also Malawi z still in the hands of Dr Bakili Muluzi am assuring u tht Mw would b beultiful and selfcontained…….warning!!!!!!! Once u try to do something bad on him; his supporters ‘ll spoil and damage all of u. Leave him alone to breath fresh air from heaven…….
Free him please big dad
If u had done this bfore I think during the pp, cashgate wud no longer be there. Bt bcoz u were neglecting to judge it bfo these pipo they took advantage to hassle that such amount of kwachaz.
Please finalise this case once and for good.We are tired of this.some of the cashgate cases have been dealt with and people are in jail now.What is so special about this Bakili case.If he is guilty put him behind bars if not free him.Inunso amakhothi munayambira ndi case iyi.Why is it dragging?Anthu akaba nkhuku matsekera kuchichiri.Let the truth prevail and come up with judgement.
Mboli za amanu! Mukulimbana ndimunthu oti iye kwake kunatha bwanji? Bwanji simunamutengerele #bingu_ku court b4 kumwalira? Even #joice banda nkhani za cashgate? Kodi #bakili chitulileni udindu pansi papita zaka zingati achule inu? Pathako panu nonse omwe mukuyendetsa zamulandu wa Bakili
Mboli za amanu! Mukulimbana ndimunthu oti iye kwake kunatha bwanji? Bwanji simunamutengerele #bingu_ku court b4 kumwalira? Even #joice banda nkhani za cashgate? Kodi #bakili chitulileni udindu pansi papita zaka zingati achule inu? Pathako panu nonse omwe mukuyendetsa zamulandu wa Bakili
Mulibe ndimzelu zomwe akapolo inu akukanikani J B uja kut abwele kuno azengedwe mlandu mukulimbandana ndi ameneyo kumuwonelela?ife wat pangila zazkulu anatmangila depot.mtsika ndi brige lactima kuno ku B L K ndiposo tala wakuno chpangilen achair mpaka lelo amango mata bac agalu anyan mbuz afit inu munalekelanji kumumanga 2005 ija?bwez pano atatuluka mukufuna pomuphela kapena?samadya mmakwanutu muleken alinaye cholinga mulungu
mulandu panja sumawola ngati somba panja eti
Kaya tazikambani
Ku malawi anthu amene anali anzelu ana mwalila mwalila kuna tsala mbuli zokha zokha muma tinyasa kwambili zinthu za chaka cha 2000 ndiku masokola pano ku choka nthawi imene ija nanga aka khala wa mwalila nde ndibwezi muku maka imba mrandu chiliza chake ndietu eeee anthu aku malawi kuti pangitsa manyazi nde poyambitsa nkhaniyo nde mumati bwanji popeza ndizakale kale kudziwa nkumadziwa kumva nkumamva kuti #mbuzi_imadya_pomwe ai mangilila koma basi ndiu mbuli mwati koma amene tipezele mwayi nde ata bweza munga pangile chani ndalamazo munga chape dziko lino makape inu munga sinthe dziko lino ndiku fika pa huf landani ndi 1.7 billoni demeti ndinu zitsilu bwanji osama panga zija dziko lose lina dziwa ndimwana emwe ana dziwa kuti ku boma anthu aba ndalama osa panga za akuba anzanu aja muku malimbana ndi muluzi ntaeni guys kusowa zochita kapena zinthu za fika pena ku malawi eti osango yamba kunpha mbewa bwanji
Anthu enanu mukuda peter pakhaniyi chifukwa chan? Peter yotu anaipeza khaniyi……inu idan lamuro coz nobody under the law no matter who ur white or black gati wapwanya lamuro amayenera ulandile chilango(mongokumbutsana lamuro limamanganso….olipangayo ngat walipwanyanso)
ngati mwasowa chochita bwelani kuno tizanthandizane kulima chamba ndasegula farm . musiyeni sofa agalu inuuuuuuu
This is buuu** let this man go u robbed him enough, he’s a founder of freedom in Malawi there’s a lot new cases out there for billions and billions, is Muthalika perfect then? look at our country now kungokhala ngati khosa zopanda busa this guy is a hero just try to harm him and see wat the results will be, buuuuuuu shit!
mlandu wa boma sumatha pokha pokha kusowa ma file kumbukilani iyenso muluzi amkafukula anthu mmanda kuti ayeze mafupa a wathu okufawo apeze umboni weni weni mlandu wa JB sunathe mukudziwa kale guys kuti akubitsala kwa eni
Joyce apita liti ku court?
Ok kawalala uyu alipo
Musatonyase ngati kuti iyeyu mungamumange, mukungofuna kuwagwira mmaso amalawi apa.
Musatonyase ngati kuti iyeyu mungamumange, mukungofuna kuwagwira mmaso amalawi apa.
let do with cashgate first ,zinazi m’mawa.
let do with cashgate first ,zinazi m’mawa.
let do with cashgate first
let do with cashgate first
No benefit let us just find the way to normalise the economy
No benefit let us just find the way to normalise the economy
Mukulimbana ndi mtunda kuchitekete lipupa achalume anyamata a pa town, kunena moopa MULUNGU Bakili muluzi ndi amene amapanga chitukuko kumalawi kodi inuyo mwapanga chani? Kukweza ma passport lero chimanga thumba 15000 koma muli m,boma nde mukulimbana ndi munthu amene 10 yrz sukulu paliponse mijigo zipatala msewu shop right
Koma inu mukulephera kugawa chimanga malata kukwera ngati oonse angathe kugula
Mukapitiliza timupempha Tcheya ayimilenso 2019 inu mukapume
Amalawi uno ndi nthawi yochita osati kumangolankhula
Mukulimbana ndi mtunda kuchitekete lipupa achalume anyamata a pa town, kunena moopa MULUNGU Bakili muluzi ndi amene amapanga chitukuko kumalawi kodi inuyo mwapanga chani? Kukweza ma passport lero chimanga thumba 15000 koma muli m,boma nde mukulimbana ndi munthu amene 10 yrz sukulu paliponse mijigo zipatala msewu shop right
Koma inu mukulephera kugawa chimanga malata kukwera ngati oonse angathe kugula
Mukapitiliza timupempha Tcheya ayimilenso 2019 inu mukapume
Amalawi uno ndi nthawi yochita osati kumangolankhula
Chichokereni Bakili sindinaoneko chipupa cha sikulu cha tsopano,Miseu ndi maintanance basi.
Chichokereni Bakili sindinaoneko chipupa cha sikulu cha tsopano,Miseu ndi maintanance basi.
Kkkkkk adwalanso pompano … Eish dziko lathu silidzatukuka chifukwa cha atsogoleri athu akuba …. Eish
Kkkkkk adwalanso pompano … Eish dziko lathu silidzatukuka chifukwa cha atsogoleri athu akuba …. Eish
Mwachepa muuzane bakili muluzi kkkk ameneyi mungampange ofunikira ngati ameneyi muwafunse a mfumu alero akudalira tiyeni tizingodya mkhwani basi
Mwachepa muuzane bakili muluzi kkkk ameneyi mungampange ofunikira ngati ameneyi muwafunse a mfumu alero akudalira tiyeni tizingodya mkhwani basi
Mulandu suchepa tiyenaen mukamusiy nawo a jb azizat bwanji cheya mwamusiya. Akayankhe basi ena atengelepo phunzilo.
Mulandu suchepa tiyenaen mukamusiy nawo a jb azizat bwanji cheya mwamusiya. Akayankhe basi ena atengelepo phunzilo.
Update us momwe zithere
Update us momwe zithere
Nde zachamba zimenezo mukulimbana ndi atcheya mmalo molimbana ndi kuthetsa mavuto omwe ali thoooo mdziko muno?xopusa bax
Nde zachamba zimenezo mukulimbana ndi atcheya mmalo molimbana ndi kuthetsa mavuto omwe ali thoooo mdziko muno?xopusa bax
That time it was 1.7 bllnMkwacha this time its almost 3.5bllnMkwacha osangoyisiya nkhani bwanji or angobweza half kkk
That time it was 1.7 bllnMkwacha this time its almost 3.5bllnMkwacha osangoyisiya nkhani bwanji or angobweza half kkk
A. Madrid 2-0 Barcelona
A. Madrid 2-0 Barcelona
Ife Alomwe sitisangalala ndi mlanduwu. “Manyi akale sanukha zitheka bwanji,” southerners let us parade fr this
Ife Alomwe sitisangalala ndi mlanduwu. “Manyi akale sanukha zitheka bwanji,” southerners let us parade fr this
Mukulimbana ndi afana apa town bwanji?
Mukulimbana ndi afana apa town bwanji?
Mukuluyu amangidwe basi, malawi is in undefined poverty today bcoz of him, nthawi anali president was a waste of time for malawians. Had it been he continued where Kamuzu stopped malawi wud be a better place to live, but instead he brought in thieves and thugs who ransacked malawi to ground zero. Today 52 years after independence we are still looking to donors for food and aid.
That’s malawi will never go forward bcz of pipo like you thinking about past instead of moving on stupid
Wyson Gift Banda Saidi kkkkkkkk
Wyson Gift Banda Saidi kkkkkkkk
Wyson Gift Banda Saidi kkkkkkkk
He ruined Malawi asa a real fuckin waste of time
He ruined Malawi asa a real fuckin waste of time
He ruined Malawi asa a real fuckin waste of time
If we all wud be thinking of moving forward there wud not be history. Komanso do you mean that amene anaba dzulo ku oibm basi milandu alibe just bcoz its zulo. Muluzi ngati ali ndi mlandu amangidwe basi ndalama anabazo ndizambiri. Komanso sizokhazi amufufuze kwambiri.
If we all wud be thinking of moving forward there wud not be history. Komanso do you mean that amene anaba dzulo ku oibm basi milandu alibe just bcoz its zulo. Muluzi ngati ali ndi mlandu amangidwe basi ndalama anabazo ndizambiri. Komanso sizokhazi amufufuze kwambiri.
If we all wud be thinking of moving forward there wud not be history. Komanso do you mean that amene anaba dzulo ku oibm basi milandu alibe just bcoz its zulo. Muluzi ngati ali ndi mlandu amangidwe basi ndalama anabazo ndizambiri. Komanso sizokhazi amufufuze kwambiri.
True solomon, the time muluzi was president is a wasted time and it will never be regained. He created a vacuum that will never be filled.
32 years of Kamuzu where were Malawi
Mabvuto ask your neighbour if he or she has a map of Africa, u will find Malawi there.
#synet uli ndi nzeru aise that’s the truth.
Thank you Chiko, for ur support.
Thank you Chiko, for ur support.
Olo atakhala kuti wamangidwa iwe chingakhuzepo ndichani? Uwafunse makolo ako kut b4 #bakili adasa motani? Ukulankhula izizi bcoz you r stll young
Ndatchula kamuzu kumbali ya chitukuko osati zinazo. Muluzi nayenso apart from failing to bring development to the pple. Anthu anafanso muulamuliro wake monga matafale ndi ena ambiri.
unapita ku xool koma sunapinduleko kanthu ndiwe mbuzi yamunthu
unapita ku xool koma sunapinduleko kanthu ndiwe mbuzi yamunthu
unapita ku xool koma sunapinduleko kanthu ndiwe mbuzi yamunthu
unapita ku xool koma sunapinduleko kanthu ndiwe mbuzi yamunthu
Ine mbuzi ya munthu iwe mbuzi ya mbuzi waona kusiyana kwake davie gamalimoto maluwa. Still muluzi amangidwa ngati anaba ndalama kapena amuuza kuti abweze.
Ine mbuzi ya munthu iwe mbuzi ya mbuzi waona kusiyana kwake davie gamalimoto maluwa. Still muluzi amangidwa ngati anaba ndalama kapena amuuza kuti abweze.
Warm heart of Africa why?
U r blak idiot.
Koma anthu a dpp ndi udf ndinu mbuzidi eti just bcoz ndikukamba kuti amangidwe azitsogoleri anu mukundiukila. Koma inu nomwe mukufuna anthu anaba ndalama za cashgate amangidwe. Why kuba ndi kuba basi. Kwatsala chuma cha bingu, peter mutharika komanso jb afufuzidwe kenako alandidwe zinthu zimene anaba amangidwenso.
Mukafuna kumanga ameneyo mumange ine zitsilu za anthu inu musiyeni ino ndi nthawi yoti aziusumana ameneyo ntchito anagwira kale
kusowa chochita bwanji cant you just leave him and forget you have been westing alot of since why cant you take that money and help poor peaple in our country than to continue troubling our Fomer president thats not good remember where were caming from and where we are now Muluzi he did he’s best but you forget anthu openga inu munakhala bwanji?
in jaill not in court
Bakiri’s case will last forever untill his dirth.what will happen if they can just take this #Guy in court coz we’r tired with his case.
#PETER treat every part of your towel nicely because the part you wipe buttocks to day will wipe your face tomorrow be were
alibe chifukwa bakili muluzi boma ndilimene liribe ndalama! live muluzi alone
cholinga amangidwe kodi?
Mmmm malawi amoto
Uyu ndi founder wa Cashgate ku Malawi.. onse adamphunzira kwa ameneyi
Leave a chair alone please, he is the only surviving President in africa
Munthu uyu anagwetsa Malawi mpaka Lero.. amati zithu zasitha ndikubweletsa zachilendo kumpha ulimi ndi mamphunziro then za umoyo.. Atsogoleri alero onse atuluka mwa iye mbamva zokha zokha too much Cushgate
#BAKILI MULUZI WILL AGAIN BE IN COURT TODAY hahaa..! . Malawi MUST CHANGE some of its LAWS. Of which ONE must be that ” President azizengedwanso mulandu akalakwa monga ichitira South Africa “. I think #BAKIKI will be troubled throughout his life, I dont think things could be like this IF THE FORMER PRESIDENT WAS ALREADY TAKEN TO COURT WHEN HE WAS ON THE POSITION, and I hope he could have saved some years already. . Akazakufelani ali mmanja mwapolisi mutadzaonezo ndizomwezo, fufuzani mbiri ya #KAPOLOMA before going far
tangoyelekezani kuikoka nkhani imeneyi tione ngati wina salowa mmanda oho
muyelekeze kumpeza olakwa muone
Munthuyo musiyeni alibe mulandu ai ndidzakale zimenezo pangani zasopa,bwanji osalimba ndi Anthu acash gent amudzaka zomwe?zopusa basi
Ok ndakunvetsani. Kom lero ndikapanda kunva kut mwa mmanga…. ndisazamvenso kut akupita ku court. Milandu yonse yatha h z free period!
Iweso bizy cautino ndiwe waboza ufulu unabwela ndi chihana nt cheya . Chihana watabwelesa ufulu ndipomwe acheya amathawako ku mcp kusiya mpando wa secretary gerenal.kuyambisa chawo nawoso chipani cha UDF.
Akulu inunso ndiyesa munaledzera nthawi imeneyo kapena ndiwe mtumbuka bulsht
Akulu inunso ndiyesa munaledzera nthawi imeneyo kapena ndiwe mtumbuka bulsht
Munthu akumuzuzilanji uyu,
O of them their are stupid no more jail becouse there knowing each other
Timve ma results lero lino,mlandu kuweruza mpaka 10years,pliz put him in jail today anatidzunza mdala uyu
Btwn this cases “Cashgate & MK1.7 Billion” which is big case?
Tired of this case now ….. cashgate cases are new but some have been concluded, conclude this case aswell b4 our taxes are drained further. Jail him or free him to close the chapter
koma zinazi zovuta kuzivesa ndinthu nkhani yakale kale osanoyisiya bwanj paka munthu wakalamba pano nthawi yonse ija munali kuti agalu inu munthu musiyeni malo momalimbana ndi chitukuko kuti anthu aone kusintha mukulimbana ndi munthu wakuti pana wakalamba kuti mumuonenele pano kale mukamuopa kodi?
What about cashgate zilipa pati tiuzeninso ife ma citizen tiziwe. ife za a bakili tatopa nazo.
Ya! They must learn that no1 is above the law, thieve is athieve no matter what position some1 has. arrest him
Haaaaaaa tayeni!!!!!!!!!
Kulimbana ndi Tcheya mdala otentha kwambiri kafunse ku Gettoh fanz timamukonda, ndiposo amatikonda, mafana onse omulonda muzatenga tsoka. Cahs gate yakudutsani palibe chokamba lero mukulimbana ndi ka k1.7 billion kusiya zambiri kwambir zija. Anakudziwitsani zambiri tcheya, ka ufulu mukunyadira lero ka kanadza kamba ka iye. Kma palibe chomwe mumamulipilira chokwanira, iyeyo uko kunali kuzilipira kwa padera. Musiyeni adyelel anenepe akhale noni noni. Amangwetu, awa achalume, kuchitekete, lipupa, anyamata pa town
Eti. Bakili woyee. President woyenda muzipatala, wachitukuko
Afana a Ndirande kwa safa
Macholowesotu anali otentha koma anakathela kuti?? Kamuzuso anali otentha sanamangidwe ndi Tcheya yemweyu??
Macholowesotu anali otentha koma anakathela kuti?? Kamuzuso anali otentha sanamangidwe ndi Tcheya yemweyu??
Macholowesotu anali otentha koma anakathela kuti?? Kamuzuso anali otentha sanamangidwe ndi Tcheya yemweyu??
ndipo kummanga tcheya nyasaland adzawawasa koopsya.ndikapolomatu uyu amabangula ngati nkango
nanga kukamwaku watani tcheya wanuyi??? kkkkkk ngati mwamudyesatu manyi ang’ombe
nanga kukamwaku watani tcheya wanuyi??? kkkkkk ngati mwamudyesatu manyi ang’ombe
amenewa ndi paaaaahhhh !!!! atcheyawo angozivuta apa
amenewa ndi paaaaahhhh !!!! atcheyawo angozivuta apa
Ndale za pa malawi sopano
amangidwe ameneyi
Try to put him in jall and see what is gonna be happen here in Malawi our weapon is ready for any attack especially south of malawi
What weapon do u have my brother?
What weapon do u have my brother?
dreaming only
amumange kuti ena obwera mtsogolo muni
adzakhale ochita mantha ndi katundu wa Boma
dreaming only
amumange kuti ena obwera mtsogolo muni
adzakhale ochita mantha ndi katundu wa Boma
Take o ur weapons,w wl meet there man. Umangomva weapons are ready?
Take o ur weapons,w wl meet there man. Umangomva weapons are ready?
Take o ur weapons,w wl meet there man. Umangomva weapons are ready?
Take o ur weapons,w wl meet there man. Umangomva weapons are ready?
Bashili u are so foolish. sukudziwa amangidwa . anaba ndalama mchawa ameneyi .
asiyeni a chair apume.
Ngati kumalawi kuli mi jigo ndi atcheya, ngati kuli msewu Wa m1 from mulanje border via Thyolo nde ndi atcheya apanga zambiri zomwe inu simuzatha mpaka kuchoka pampando. Mungolongolora osapanga chitukuko mu kuchedwa. Kwambi
za ziiiiii
Zachamba basi i mean bwanji akulimbana ndimunthu oti tinamuyiwala kale instead ov kumanga uyu ati alibe Pulobulemuyi…
Amayi ndi Abambo ndisazamve kuti patient wanyoza odwara pachipatala pano
Do not free others will follow jail them
Apa chilungamo chiwoneke,Abwanawo ngati anaba amangidwe.Malawi ndiyosauka cifukwa cha anthu ngati awa.
mukusiya za cashgate zimene zasowetsa mankhwala nzipatala mukulimbana ndi kuntunda while his tym mankhwala ndi mafuta sizinkasowa was cheap than ever
Kodi 1.7 ndi 577 yayikulu ndi iti
Vry noses kulimbana ndi muluzi osasiya adyele ufulu omwe enanu mukudyelerao kamba ka iye.anatimenyela khondotu.mangeni muone ngati malawi siitha ndi #Bokohalam
Eeeeiish,but this case will last forever why cant you leave this man,akutumani et?kapena mwasowa zochita?milandu ya fresh ili thoo!FOTSEKEE!
Waste of tym
Akalimbana ndi ameneo ndiye apita ku thata kwa kulu wake Bingu
Malawi is malawilano. Bakili he was the best president to me. Not ena awa. He is a human being he made a mistake. Instead of u new government concentrating on country crisis u bisy fighting with bakili. What about cash gate?? And you all eating money like a tomato. Eish
Akumuchedwesa azipita ku Zomba maximum prison.Chimbava chachikulu chinawononga kwambiri dziko ichi.
Thats true he must answer tht case he is the one who make malawi to be in finacial prblemm
Mlandu uwu mnabadwa mpaka zausiya ndithu hahaha
Munaawona achair amatekeseka…………
wa 93billion nde ulowa liti ku High ko……. malemuwa apita ndi ndalama zanga
Tiye naeni ameneyi #mulandu_suola
no more droping of cases like this one, anthuwa ndi akuba anaba ndalama za a Malawi. Justice shud prevail whether he is old or not but he has to face the long arm of the law no mata wat. Akasiidwa ameneyi mbava zina zomwe zikutibelazi zidzamangidwanso? Ndaona anthu milandu yoti akhoza kungokambilana kumudzi ndikutha being sent to jail for 10yrs. if we say he is old then, government shud consider first releasing all old pple from criminal storages in Malawi (jails) then he shall be left Scott free. Why shud he go jst like that. PATIENTLY WAITI FOR THE PREVAILANCE OF JUSTICE
U r stupid with yr cru
why is he stupid? #abdul kuba ndi kuba kulibe mwana kulibe wakule,,,,court should look on this not you @abdul
go to hell man, yo an idiot. DR bakili muluzi anabweletsa chitukuko chooneka ndimaso, now yo talkin shit… aliyense ndiokuba koma sanabe moti malawi nkumasowa mafuta komanso mankwala nzipatala
A sensible,capabld & knowledgeable man understands things deep from the root, bt u are jst sm1 with a shall mind. Think of the people who steal chicken,duck and the likes. If we take the Muluzi case is’nt this killing people. Whats the difference? If this mane is used 2 buy medicine,maize and what have, do u think the country won’t move forward. Don’t rush vomiting senseless ideas when u completely knw nothing. I think u’ll be matured enough to be a true partriot.
kuzindikira kumati vuta Amalawi u tink das small money?? shame
zinazi zikungoonetsela2 kt sm of us are Malawians who do not have love for our country. we’re young leaders of today!! let’s we rise up & shine, no one wl cm from smwea 2 chang Malawi, we’re a change ourselves for a better Malawi 2dei & nt 2moro coz 2moro is now. TOGETHER WE MAKE MALAWI A CONDUSIVE PLACE FOR EVERYTHING
zinazi zimangooneselatu kuti munthuyo mumadana naye ndalama zomwe zikubedwa pano ndizomwe akhala akuba enawa sizingafanane ndizomwe zikunenedwa apazi muluzi anali munthu wabwino olo atabweza ndalamayo chitasinthe ndichani hahaha
U wl talk it wont change anything now hs in a court, all the same justice shud prevail
Ndiye mukuona ngati a chair angamangidwe……! Tikuzinamiza tokha amalawi bwanji ndalama zomwe zikuonongeka kuyendetsera mulanduwu, zikagwire ntchito zina and 4get about this case…. Bakhalani ndi long arm of the law yanuyo kwinaku mony za gvt zikupita!
ngat ati apezeke olakwa akuyenera kubweza ngakhale zuma ananaso kuno kuti abweza ndalama zomwe adaonga pomanga zuma village 210 billion R . ndalama anabazo anakakoka mazi kuchoka kunyanja ndikutsegula ma farm mphepete mwa nyanja nde bwezi akulila ndi njala . azitsogoleri athu ndiozikonda i salout Dr H kamuzu banda sadayanga’ane mbali adayesesa popanga zinthu.
ngat ati apezeke olakwa akuyenera kubweza ngakhale zuma ananaso kuno kuti abweza ndalama zomwe adaonga pomanga zuma village 210 billion R . ndalama anabazo anakakoka mazi kuchoka kunyanja ndikutsegula ma farm mphepete mwa nyanja nde bwezi akulila ndi njala . azitsogoleri athu ndiozikonda i salout Dr H kamuzu banda sadayanga’ane mbali adayesesa popanga zinthu.
ngat ati apezeke olakwa akuyenera kubweza ngakhale zuma ananaso kuno kuti abweza ndalama zomwe adaonga pomanga zuma village 210 billion R . ndalama anabazo anakakoka mazi kuchoka kunyanja ndikutsegula ma farm mphepete mwa nyanja nde bwezi akulila ndi njala . azitsogoleri athu ndiozikonda i salout Dr H kamuzu banda sadayanga’ane mbali adayesesa popanga zinthu.
Mo Phex Phekani ngakhale nthawi yatcheya mankhwala amasowabe mwina mkuti uli mwana . unice wakhala akufunsa mafuso ovuta kwambili okanika kuyankha.
Mo Phex Phekani ngakhale nthawi yatcheya mankhwala amasowabe mwina mkuti uli mwana . unice wakhala akufunsa mafuso ovuta kwambili okanika kuyankha.
Mo Phex Phekani ngakhale nthawi yatcheya mankhwala amasowabe mwina mkuti uli mwana . unice wakhala akufunsa mafuso ovuta kwambili okanika kuyankha.
nonses live Muluzi alone, y cant these pipo concentrat on how to stop ziphuphu u think even peter sakuba ryt now… olo alimbane ndi chair sangamumange its all tricks these pipo r the same komanso muluzi cant pay back the money olo atakhala nazo
so why are you bothered. this one is for true patriots not smone who loves who jst coz of political affiliations,tribe or racial connections. we’re not into that, we are for justice
Mr Sydney you have a good point but as usual your point is worthless to the worthless of the worthless justice in MW.How many times muluzi has been incripted to court??nad when did his trial begun and what happened up to now?When you manage to answer this on your own you will realise that you have voice of voiceless coz the system is the same and you can’t change it as result it suits and change you that’s politics of Malawi.
Mr Sydney you have a good point but as usual your point is worthless to the worthless of the worthless justice in MW.How many times muluzi has been incripted to court??nad when did his trial begun and what happened up to now?When you manage to answer this on your own you will realise that you have voice of voiceless coz the system is the same and you can’t change it as result it suits and change you that’s politics of Malawi.
hey nyimbo imodzi sachedzela gule mukusiya achina cashgate omwe apweteka mttndu wa amalawi ambirin
Atchea in hot soup again chaaa pour cold water please!
throw this munthu in jail ma cashgate anayamba ndi madala awawa,,,,,nothing to smile about,munthu wamba kuba bankha ndi 15 yrs in jail koma awatu awa mabillions kwacha
Acharle mumazidziwa ndalama inu?
tanena bwinobwino ukuti chani?
tanena bwinobwino ukuti chani?
tanena bwinobwino ukuti chani?
The High in Blantyre.
Kulibana ndi za ziii malo momalimbana ndi za cash gatezi apa kuti timvr mutu wake
Koma nkhani imeneyi idzatha adzakakuferani ku court ko iii ai ndithu lija ndi kale munayamba kulimbana naye
Atcheya Nkhani Imeneyi Ndinu Osalakwa.Bola Likupepeseni
Zausilu basi
Achair mkale moyo
Mukufuna kunongaso ndalama ndi izi Koma guyz Malawi mmmmmmm ali ndi vuto kwambiri
damn just leav this old madala ,,pliz
Akhululukireni akula
osamamvutisana sibwino ayi cox mziko muno muli mamvuto ambiri bwanji osakhoza izi kaye mwayamba kutiona kupusa mukufuna tiyambilenso xoosha matayala patsewu ?
ndizotsathandiza because thats one way of losing government kwacha.
Zisilu mukulimbana ndimilandu yakale kusiya yanyowani ya JB
At the end Government will loose a lot of millions for Compensation A Chair will be set freee
Musiyeni munthu apume plz bwanji osathana ndi mulandu wa Cash gate uja bwanji?mukulimbana ndi nthani za zii.
zachaba eti osamusiya munthu azifewa bwanji anatenga ndalama zanu kodi mmesa zathu misinkhoyathu bushit
Just leave this #gorvenment why cant we go forward with severe problems we are tagged in?
This is madness, why can’t they just drop the case for Christ sake, Bakili is old, why don’t they lock up the Cashget guys?
Eti inu angolimbana naye pamene alipo ambiri akuna ndalama
Akuopa kuti akamusiya iyeyo ndi amene atawazenge mulandu chifukwa chomuzunza. Iwo abomawo alibe umboni okwanila koma iwowo.
He must go to Maula fast .He isnt older than Kamuzu that he,muluzi arrested.
mbava ndi mbava ayilange
Mulandu Uwu Wukubvuta Coz C Muluzi Anaba Kma Office Ya Wupresident Ndikabinet, So Mlandu Anamanga Eleson As Aperson. Ife Maloya Apa Tidyamoso Muboma La Apeter. Maumbon Aboma Anathawa Kalekale. Ndiye Chiyambireni Mlanduwu Paonongedwa Kale 22 Million Sapepesa Ndi Billionio?
Akukoloka zomwe adafesa mkuluyu, muja adazunzira Kamuzu muja? AIONE BASI!
Bulshit! this year you updated to us that his case has been withdrawn now what is happening?
Mupatseni ulemu munthu wakhulu inuuuuuuuu
zaugalu. basi
Hahaha koma mlandu umenewu uzatha????????
ikatha imeneyi iloweso ya #JB.