Malawi’s ministry of health has urged religious leaders to stop the tendency of telling their followers to stop taking ARVs after they pray for them.
This has come after the ministry observed that a lot of people are dying after being convinced that they have been healed through prayer.
Chief of health services for the ministry of health Dr Charles Mwansambo said the tendency must be discouraged as it is leading to the death of many people.

”Am a believer, I do believe in prayer but there were times when Jesus healed the sick using soil this shows that there is power in medicine,” said Mwansambo.
He added that it is against the scriptures to stop people from taking ARV’s because there is need for divine interventions which need scientific approach of which God gave us.
Mwansambo further said that the tendency has taken lots of lives and there is need for of pastors to have a regulatory body which will monitor their work.
He added that in other cases they should be banned as they are misleading people.
sily followers to agree that
mmmmm titati tifufuze mtsogoleli amanena kut siyani kumwa ma ARV yo iyeyo mwina sanamwepo ma ARV ndipo sanapezekepo ndi kachilombo koyambitsa EDZI and fungo la ARV samalidziwa .siyani omwe akumwa apitilize kutalikitsa moyo musanamize anthu nkachikhulupiliro kanu kochepako kkkk ndimakumbukila ku ndilande ,kuli mpingo winawake ,chaka chinachake kunali chikuku mdzikomuno ndipo chinapha anthu ambili ,ndiye mtsogoleri ameneyo ankaletsa akhilisit ake kukabaisa ana katemela wa chikuku ,kunamwalila ana ambili mmm mwatsoka iye chinamugwila chikuku ankafuna kuthawila kuchipatala mmm kkk akhilisitu anzake anamuza kut ,”iweso ulipano tikupemphelera mesa umakaniza ana athu ku hospa ulipano mpaka nae anamwalira, ndipamene kunabwela a police kumachita kumaloza nthu ndi mfuti kumawabaya katemela .osamapanga masewela tili masiku ooopsa ngat kumwa ma ARV nkoletsedwa mulungu azatikhulukila ngat anakhululukila saulo ankaphat anthu kulibwanji ife omwa ma ARV ?titalikise moyo kut titembenuze mitima ya anthu ambili
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee kaya pot mumati mwayesu muli zonse,,,,nde eeeeeeee zanu zimenezo
Kumwa kapena osamwa ma ARVs kufa kulipo basi kunalembedwa mulibe udindo kumuza munthu chochita pa Mulungu wake…
kodi ndi angat atsogoleri amipingo kuwaponya mudzenje la mikango sangadyedwe? or kut njoka yafika mnyumba mwao sangathawe? palibe ndi mmodzi emwe .tiyeni pitilizani kumwa mankhwala osasiya ambuye amalowelera momwemo, nkango ukubwela sunganene kut ambuye thandizeni utangoima ,ukuyenela uyambepo kuthawa nde mulungu amachita mbali yake
Abusa abodza ngati ndi choncho bwanji dziko lapasi litseke zipatala zonse tione ngati anthu aleke kumwalira .kodi abusa akuyiwala kuti matenda ndi imfa zidabwera chifukwa cha temberero lochokera kwa Mungu
Not religeous leaders as if the Hindus and muslims do the same but say christian leaders
Chenjelan nawo muwemaso!!
mazibusa ake ndi omwewa akuba adzazana ku area 12 kwa kauma opanda ndi church chomwe,ati kumangosonkhana mnyumba ndi mahule,what ashame.abusa ndimawadziwa ine. iya.
Mpaseni mutu ndi dzipalapasilo kuti aziwe timamuda
We are tired of these money lover liar pastors, Misleading people of God how can you succeed without sweats? Same miracle monies, this means every body on earth was supposed to stop working sometime back after the discovery of miracle monies this is foolishness!! OnlyJesus the only gotten true son of God could do that but without demanding money or anything from people, but now others taking chances using his name as their income generating activity sent by devil azakulangani kwa Mulungu kilibe zohonga (corruption)
Matthew 6:33 says ‘seek ye first the kingdom of God and all shall be added unto you’ now if we are seeking Gods healing power through the so called men of God how could they say that we have to stop taking medication?its high tym we search the spirits behind them!’yambani mwafuna mizimu yawo ili yochokera kwa Mulungu’
Physical and spiritual are difference sunganene kuti wa TB asalandire treatment yake afa ndithu ngati unapezeka ndi HIV and ur on treatment zimwani ma ARV mkumapemphera Mulungu alowelerapo osati kukhala osamamwa mufa inu thus why popemphera timati dziko litalephera amzeru mzeru zitagoma which means wadwala achipatala sakupeza nthenda koma achita kukuuza kuti muli ndi HIV and ur supposed to start the treatment ndiye uziti ayi abusa bwanji abusawo sanakuuze before kuchipatala kuti ur positive musamuyese Mulungu mchipululu njoka zitavuta anati ukonze njoka yamkuwa tense oyang’ana pamenepo azakhala ndimoyo osayang”napo azafa bwanji sanawauze kuti olumidwayo angopemphera achira?
Even in Jesus name?
Even in Jesus name?
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS
You cant force people who fear God live the same way the world live. Those who believe have their own heavenly culture of living totally different from the world system due. Let those who dont have faith continue taking ARVs and use condoms its their choice.
Anthuwo akavaya iweso u pasta wathela po…
Ma pastor otelewa chonde ofunika kuwatengera ku zomba box 34
Ma pastor otelewa chonde ofunika kuwatengera ku zomba box 34
Kufuna kupha anthu!
don’t blame the pastors alone coz i’ts evry1 responsibility 2 look after his or her own heaith ndiye kumakhala kupepera kwa anthuwo amene amamvera pastor wo kt asamamwe ma arv chonsecho amakhala akudwala ndi iwowo
Izi ine ndinakana kale mwana wanga azivutika ndimalungo ndikuona, choyamba kupanga ndimathamangira nayo mwanayo kuchipatala kenako kuwafonera abusa kuti ndinari ndimwana kuchipala, osatiso chaboma ayi PRIVATE CLINIC
Zotheka ngat paster yo waimad pachoonadi …….inu amene mukutsutsanu mukutathauza kut ma tablet ali ndiphamvu kuposa pephelo?
munthu wa nzeru umamwa mankhwala uku ukupemphera osati kusiyiratu kumwa mankhwala
Do u min inuyo Evans mukadwala simumwa mankhwala? Anyway differnt beliefs
Do u min inuyo Evans mukadwala simumwa mankhwala? Anyway differnt beliefs
Sphiwe, it depends how strong is ur faith, its not about who z prayng for u, its all about ur faith to ur God, we r different whn it comes to faith.
Kod pastor ndindani plz
kkkkiest mwadziwa lero
I for one I don’t hav kinds words for these fake pastors they claim to hav annoint water its all fake I hav never heard about annoint water in bible but annointing oil that’s I deal with these people but its pathetic after assuring us that the drug is not supposed to be stop till the rest of their life only to be told that our paster told me to stop god has healed me ! my gosh now why are coming here if you are healed no! am very sick since I stopped the drug now what do you I should start again? Now this drug by luck it will be effective ! So our pasters what is written here on earth its also written in heaven let the people access ARVs chondeeeee!
Anthuwa akasiya kumwa Mabiringisiwa Then ndi kumafa inuyo ndi Ubusa wanuwo Mupindula Chani?.
phindu ndiloti adzabwera kudzachititsa mwambo wamaliro ndikunamiza anthu kt mulungu wamkondesesa
phindu ndiloti adzabwera kudzachititsa mwambo wamaliro ndikunamiza anthu kt mulungu wamkondesesa
This thing is claiming lives of productive people. Why pastors why herbalists doing that to innocent people.
M’phetsa wanthu ozibusa inu
Pastor wa boza ameneyo.
Mukambirana konko zimenezo