The 30-year-old Malawian man has been found lying dead just before 6 a.m. this morning in Thambani, Mwanza district with his face ‘sliced’ off with a sharp object, Malawi24 can reveal.
The deceased whose name is yet to be identified “has injuries on his body and has had his head skin removed, which indicate that he was brutally killed.”
Medical examiners from the district Hospital have not yet determined the exact cause of death.
A source said before his death, the man went to buy meat with his friend.
Said the source: “He was selling Airtime and his friend told him that they should go together and buy Nthumbwana and then killed him.”
Meanwhile the suspected murderer is on the run and is believed to have crossed into Mozambique.
This comes a few days after a man in Machinjiri was also found lying dead with his head skin peeled off.
The deceased hailed from Suga Village, Traditional Authority Thambani in Mwanza.
May God see them so that they do not have peace in their lives. God see what is happening to your creation
Ambuye akuona, Mwana wa zanu kumutero, olo kufuna ndalamako, osakalima bwa? God will punish you, I command, in Jesus name
Paja Baibulo Linanena Kale Kuti Ochimwila Yehova Azakhululukidwa,tsoka Ochimwila Mzimu Oyera Sazakhululukilidwa, Achita Iziziwa Ndiiithu Mzimu Unawachokela Coz Wabwinobwino Sungachite Izi!Kufuna Ndalama Kwinaku Mawa Kuzakutsatani! Muzasendedwe Ndinuyo Ndiithu Tym Will Come! Shame On U!
Oyenda Ndi Lupanga Ndi Lomwelo Lidzamuweluze.A Malawi Kodi Ndi Umphawi Okha Okhawu?
Nde mvula ingamagwe khalidwe limeneli
We need Ids in Malawi so it will be easyz for police to catch this criminals without dat it’s going to be one after another
Wapanga zimezo mlungu akulanga,iwenso ikubwera yako nthawi
JESUS said don’t cry over me,cry for ur self with ur children for me is over ,wat am trying to say is ; the END is just near alot of tremendrous things will be happening & xpect more than this, lets accept jesus to be our protector cause the pollice officers their @ the front causing death of innocent pepeople or how many police offecers cuoght on big cases so we have no whea to run
Thats why rain is not comin. God is angry with what we’re doin in this country. i ask God to punish all they ve such behaviour.
Iiiii koma
what’s with the head skin people?
Wake up Malawians ! Why are we missing one by one in this painful death? Lets unite in notime to assist our police by dealing with these people who are doing barbalic life in this country.Lets pray for our mother Malawi.We dont know maybe next turn is for us.What a wonderful secrete killing?
malawi wa lero ukulowela kuti?
Akupha anthu ndi a police omweo. Zitsilu
So sad may the gud Lord hav mercy on him
Mzimu waumunthu watithela watsala ndiwaziwanda tiyeni tipemphere kolimba
Mzimu waumunthu watithela watsala ndiwaziwanda tiyeni tipemphere kolimba
Lord have mercy on us
Lord have mercy on us
Too bad Ambuye atithandize sure, this is not fair.
Too bad Ambuye atithandize sure, this is not fair.
kodi zimenezi zaonjeza chonchi wy Malawi
kodi zimenezi zaonjeza chonchi wy Malawi
Ukamuziwa mdani wako umakha okomzeka tsoka ngati sumuziwa uzaziwa ataku gwira pa khosi
Zawonjeza the same week machinjili koma guys
Very bad
people can be so heartless..
oooooh dziko likupita kuti ili nyama zakuthengo zasiya kuopysa tiziopa munthu
Zikomo a boma pa kampeni mumkapanga ija kuti mudzakhwimisa chitetezo
too bad,malawi whats going on?shashasha iam scared.
Too bad
Death sentence yaKamuzu Banda ibwelenso
Plz ,plz x1000 stop this, tomorrow it can be one of your relatives
muyezo omwe wamuyezela nzako nawenso azakuyezela omwewo
Then we call malawi a Christian nation with all this filthy.
Boma la muluzi lodula ziwalo nw wat we can say about this?…Boma la peter lochotsa khungu la anthu mutu…Dzuka malawi!Dzuka
Boma la muluzi lodula ziwalo nw wat we can say about this?…Boma la peter lochotsa khungu la anthu mutu…Dzuka malawi!Dzuka
Boma la muluzi lodula ziwalo nw wat we can say about this?…Boma la peter lochotsa khungu la anthu mutu…Dzuka malawi!Dzuka
Zoti tixipha ma gay izi mwayambisa nazo zigawenga kupezelapo mwayi mmalawi wopha anthu…..God protect us…
Zoti tixipha ma gay izi mwayambisa nazo zigawenga kupezelapo mwayi mmalawi wopha anthu…..God protect us…
Zoti tixipha ma gay izi mwayambisa nazo zigawenga kupezelapo mwayi mmalawi wopha anthu…..God protect us…
izi nde zitinso abale mpaka kusenda mutu wa mzako why makamaka whats the motive.who ever has done this be cursed for eternity
izi nde zitinso abale mpaka kusenda mutu wa mzako why makamaka whats the motive.who ever has done this be cursed for eternity
izi nde zitinso abale mpaka kusenda mutu wa mzako why makamaka whats the motive.who ever has done this be cursed for eternity
The government must do something
The government must do something
The government must do something
guys lets stop dc nosence tiyen tmuzwe mulungu satana angotnyenga chabe Malawi wabwinowu tkumuononga tokha
guys lets stop dc nosence tiyen tmuzwe mulungu satana angotnyenga chabe Malawi wabwinowu tkumuononga tokha
guys lets stop dc nosence tiyen tmuzwe mulungu satana angotnyenga chabe Malawi wabwinowu tkumuononga tokha
kuphana chochi mulungu akuwona ndichifukwa chake vula ikukanika kugwa.Mulungu wakwiya ndizonyasa zomwe zikupangika
Kwatani Kumalawi abale…this is so dad.
Mmmm so sad
Kunonso ku Mozambique zikuchitikanso moti anthu akukhala ndi mantha.
Abale wuphawi womwewu kuwononga ziko tiziphanyama zolusabwa
Abale wuphawi womwewu kuwononga ziko tiziphanyama zolusabwa
Munthu ni nyolecha anganyaaaaaaa Lord av mercy!!!!
Munthu ni nyolecha anganyaaaaaaa Lord av mercy!!!!
Plz get relevant info first,he was nt found in thambani musamanamize anthu
Plz get relevant info first,he was nt found in thambani musamanamize anthu
God have mercy on us
God have mercy on us
Malawi wabwno uja akupita kut?kulangana chotere bwanji zimatha ndikukambirana kusiyana ndikulanga anzanu kusenda ngati nkhumba ???
Malawi wabwno uja akupita kut?kulangana chotere bwanji zimatha ndikukambirana kusiyana ndikulanga anzanu kusenda ngati nkhumba ???
Asisi Annie musakaike izi zitha kukhala zoona dzanadzanali kwathu ku machinjiri nzibambo wina amupanganso chimodzimodzi, kumuvula chikopa cha kumutu mpakana nkhope nkumuchotsa maso kumudulanso mapilikano,
Asisi Annie musakaike izi zitha kukhala zoona dzanadzanali kwathu ku machinjiri nzibambo wina amupanganso chimodzimodzi, kumuvula chikopa cha kumutu mpakana nkhope nkumuchotsa maso kumudulanso mapilikano,
Comment on this
Iiii koma abale analakwa chani mpaka kufika point imeneyi? Mmmm
Last days
satanic ikugwiltsa ntchito anthuwa ,kumangololela zosakhala bwino kubwela nziko mwathu kuzakhazikitsa ntchito ya satana, eish malawi anali kale kuphana tokhatokha choncho? mwina ufulu unatichupukila,
like this
like this
Vuto ndi kusaopsa kwa chilango chakumpha.Munthu akampha nzake eee life in prison koma akatha mwezi akuti wathawa pamtuuuuu!Home Heart of Satanism wasopano zitchito zake sopano kuyamba kuonekera mMmMMmM shame on you
Once apon a tym Malawi was warm heart of Africa but now z blood shedding country killing wit no mercy eish my Malawi makamaka nchiyani
xo sad,kufa kulipo olo uphe nzako.
Some people were honestly not suppose to be born aas human . How can someone do that?We must really consider putting our beautiful country in our genuine prayers
Km myezo omwe umueza nzako nawe omweo umakhala wako
Sooooo bad
No matter wat u do, How u do it, Why u do it,,,know that one day you will die too,,eish
Palibe mwina ndi mbava kusenda chikopa basi
iesh u people are canibal
Government of Malawi please, you should also add a number of police officers and police unite like how you doing with teachers, to strength security in the country! Dont just being PHWIII in offices,I mean you government officials!
Imean kwa khama
Koma abale monday lomweri kwa kuchita kusenda mutu wamunthu kungosiya skull lero ndi izinso
eeew!!so bad
Kodi a BATA mwalandira order ya nsapato zachikopa cha munthu eit?
zinazi ndi ufiti…..Eeee
Inu ophaanzanu ndiye simufa mukuvaya konko basi
ufiti,tikawapeza otele kuwawocha nawonso.
Shaaa mpaka pamenepa RIP
Wrong turn part9
hahaha… nice one
Malawi wa lero!
Malawi wa lero!
this is too bad
this is too bad
this too bad
this too bad
Akagwidwa anthu otelewa ndiye muziwapasa belo sichoncho?zitsiru zomwe zikupanga zimenezi ziyenera kuphedwa posatengera umphawi,kulemera,kutchuka kapena udindo koma lamulo basi,onse akupanga izi Allah chonde alangeni chilango chophweteka pansi pompano.
Akagwidwa anthu otelewa ndiye muziwapasa belo sichoncho?zitsiru zomwe zikupanga zimenezi ziyenera kuphedwa posatengera umphawi,kulemera,kutchuka kapena udindo koma lamulo basi,onse akupanga izi Allah chonde alangeni chilango chophweteka pansi pompano.
Wakuuzani ndani zakuthambanizo…… chikolosa wasanduka thambani?????
Wakuuzani ndani zakuthambanizo…… chikolosa wasanduka thambani?????
Zinazi tazilembani chilungamo
I WONDER WHY OTHER PLPE TIK, like zinthu zonyasa ngati izi. Mybe is lucky of Humanity,oky mybe next tym is U gyz.
I WONDER WHY OTHER PLPE TIK, like zinthu zonyasa ngati izi. Mybe is lucky of Humanity,oky mybe next tym is U gyz.
A kamuzu amkanena kuti Democracy Ndi nkhondo Ife mkumati mukunama inu Che Kamuzu lero Ndi iziiiiii .
A kamuzu amkanena kuti Democracy Ndi nkhondo Ife mkumati mukunama inu Che Kamuzu lero Ndi iziiiiii .
Dziko lapansi laipa
Dziko lapansi laipa
Mmmm shame!
Mmmm shame!
ambuye mumuchitile chifundo malawi kodi chikondi chija chilikuti malawi iwe
ambuye mumuchitile chifundo malawi kodi chikondi chija chilikuti malawi iwe
Serial killer
Serial killer
Dziko lokongola,la nkaka ndi uchi lataniso nanga????????????????
Dziko lokongola,la nkaka ndi uchi lataniso nanga????????????????
koma dziko lauipadi
koma dziko lauipadi
Amalawi tizingotchona
Naweso uzafa imfa yowawa somewhere
Naweso uzafa imfa yowawa somewhere
May his soul rest in peace.
komaso apeter muthalika sakuchitapo kanthu nchifukwa chake ziko likusokonekela galu ya munthu ndimmeneyu peter anyaaaaani eni eni
Kkkkkkkkkkkkl sano mkutibwanji…
Eeeeeee koma inu
kod zimenezi zikukula bwanji??
wakunamizani chani devil ndi skin ya amzanu??
Anthu amadazi samalani..
kkkkkk koma aiseeee ndaseka ngati zabwino… zoona savuta kumuvula chikopa sinanga ndopanda tsitsi…. osendekasendeka kale….
Ise waduka inenso ndili nalo tere momwe ndimamva zoti ma alubino akufunakusiya kupha ayamba amadazi nkhawa inandipeza zedi..pompanonso zikumveka kuti amene ali ndi dreadlock ya natural yaitali bwino aziwaphanso nkumeta tsitsi kukagulitsa..ndalama wavuta pa malawi.
This nation was poisoned by sam selfish pple along tym aggo
human behaving like wild animals, one day God will be on u ,repent b4 it is too late
Being slave in your own HOME GROUND
Bwanji osangobwela Ku KASUNGU Kudzagwila
Ya Utenant Koma Kumangopha Anthu ngati Mbuzi Zikagwidwa Zikanyongedwe Zigawenga Zimenezi
Anthu Mukamapha Azanu,mumakhala ngati Inuyo Si Mudzafa Iyayi,death Wil Come One Day To you too and your answer to God when ur tym comes
Nde chifukwa chake ku mwanza kulibe mvula mulungu akukulangani.
Nde chifukwa chake ku mwanza kulibe mvula mulungu akukulangani.
hw can someone be such heartless
Koma Abale Mukuti Ndi Chani Kwenikweni
Koma abale,tizingomva zophana??? Too bad..
Athu olemera omwewa akutuma anthu osauka
Zikamatere mumandikumbutsa bomala Bingu kunalibeizi panthawiyake, kwaiye chinali chitetezodi ostimasewela ayi
Eeee koma izizi zayamba kuopsano tidzikhala mwamantha chonchi??
My Malawi,calamities will never end,terrible things happening,can God spare us with rains /blessing,,,may good Lord Jesus visit our rebellious lives in Jesus name.
Whats happening koma?
Not thambani but chikolosa village mwanza
Ayi Ayi chonde apolisi yesetsani pantchito yanu kufufuza ndi kuthetsa mchitidwe woopsyawu. Tiziyenda mwamatha achitetezo alipo? Akapezeka anthu omwe akuchita izi mungowatenga mukadyetse mikango ku Liwondeko.
And we claim to be God fearing nation..
what is really going on in the world
Amalawi kodi ndi business yanji yomwe mwayambayi? Ngati kulemera kwatenga nthawi pezani yina nyira osati kutenga miyoyo ya anthu osalakwa pliz!
Jesus why u so let to come.see what our is doing now,people they forget ur 10 commandments
bafikala ni njala.?
Koma abale ngat imakhala milandu,, i’ts gud to discus osati mpaka kupanga zimenezi,, Malawi wabwino uja wataniso?? Too bad
Anthu otelewa akagwidwa tikafuna kuwapha uwona a police abwela kudzaleletsa, zimatiwawatu.
Munagwirako kuti anthu amene apolice analeletsawo?
Ku Kawale tikufuna kuti tidzimumapanga mob justice a police anangobwela kudzamutenga. Kenaka tinangomva munthu uja watuluka.
maybe ndi chinyama
Zikopa za mitu ya anthu zasanduka business yotentha pa malawi?
Chilowelereni democracy ku malawi nkhani zake nzomwezi …..kudula mabele azimai , kupha alubino , lero ndi kusendana mitu .
Shame on my country.
Nthaw yakusadziwa mulungu analekelela
Something is going on Ku Malawi. This is the second person being killed and skinned off. Anthu akumapha anzawo ndi kumawasenda chikopa cha kumutu but don’t know what they do with the skin. Police have to investigate n find solution to this before It become worse. This is the second person to be killed like this within this week. Too bad Malawians we have to love one another not killing each other. May God change the hearts of Malawians and give them mercy on one another
amen in jesus name
zachitikaso ku Machinjiri ku Bt,chimozimozi zimenezi koma akumakapanga nazo chani zikopazo za kumasozo?
In Jesus name,
In Jesus name,
Ameen mu dzina allah
Amen In Jesus Name.
Ati amapanga zimenezo anthu omwe ali ndi dazi
Koma ati ndi chani?…….anthu atamba masana sure…….
Where is apolice
For what?
Why Malawi Who Has Told U??
DPP chilunga komanso chitetedzo ndipo 2019 boma asakufuna akakolope nyanja,kkkkk Nyasaland sadzatheka
Koma eee so bad
Try to show us clear pictures. Why shud u put that ‘malawi 24’ thing in the middle of the photo. #phitojournalism
I thought you where suppose to give us the whole story kuti zachitika bwanji?? Nanga chithunzi ife nde tiziti zinakhala bwanji?
ndipo olo chithuzichi akadapanda kuyika zilibeso ntchito chifukwa tidaona kale malo ena, chomwe timafuna apa ndi nkhani , ndipo nkhani ya last week kumangobweleza kusowa zolemba makapewa kapena bwanji
nachipant ameneyo wabweranso
Malawi igoing to be …….
Anthu Oipa maganizo inu!!!!!!
It’s not in Thambani, get right information Malawi 24 don’t just rush in reporting without valid facts. Munthuyu waphedwa in Chikolosa village T/A Kanduku not Thambani
Munthuyu waphedwa chonchi chifukwa chani?
ndzomwe ndkudabwaz,,chikolosa wasanduka thamban
Malawi24 kutininkha Bodza……. Chikolosa amusandutsa Thambani kodi?
whatever thambani kaya chikolosa stil remain in Malawi,plz police do something even the general public lets help the law enforcers by reporting to police any strange happening in our communities…together we can make Malawi a better nation
Ceaser tel me more thus my village,,,, chikolosa wake wapati pliz????
ndechavuta chiyani ? kuxokoneza malo n vuto nawe usegule information channel udziuza anthu zoona beshort
Good journalism put much emphasis on providing accurate information, it’s like reporting that a person has been murdered in Ndirande yet the actual murder offence was done in Bangwe yet all these locations are in Blantyre. My point was for the Malawi 24 to be accurate in their facts #Khoh_Kachepa
Good journalism put much emphasis on providing accurate information, it’s like reporting that a person has been murdered in Ndirande yet the actual murder offence was done in Bangwe yet all these locations are in Blantyre. My point was for the Malawi 24 to be accurate in their facts #Khoh_Kachepa
Lets pray for our country
Lord have mercy!
Zonse zakwanira akungoyang’ana kusaonongaku ndichifundo chabe!!!!
Tiziti kusowa kwa ndalama kumeneko,nanga ndi chani amalawi.
amd u will hear that when the suspect is caught he wlii be jailed for 8 yrs, bring back death sentence
Iii Malawi Wafika Pamenepa Or Mang’inawo Mpaka Khope Za Anthu? Mulungu Chocho Angati Chitile Chifundo.Malawi Wafika Pa Oqaida
So sad…. Lord have merc,my blovd country shame
This country is now no longer be called warm heart of Africa.Very bad to see these atrocities.Malawi is at war against silent BokoHallam.
Mmm why always malawi malawi malawi malawi?
Prayers required for Malawi.Sheikh’s, pastors help this!
Ndakulilira Malawi Wanga iwe Unali wabwino Poyamba
whats this ooshiii yesta murder aswell why ?
Malawi ameneyo at uphawi kwambiri
Posachedwapa sabata yomweyino anasenda wina ku Bt pano ku Mwanza Zoipa zoopsa masiku otsiriza.
Sad development common to day in every Country America inclusive Middle East is daily of beheading ISIS
Eish Thamban malo otembereledwa kumene kuliso mzimu wa Gadama, Mzimu wa Chiwanga, …….loading other names.
Choncho Mulungu angakubweretsereni mvula pa Malawi pano
Eeeeee koma zayambano zimenezo zoospya kwabasi God is watching
Mmmm. Nchiyan kod amalawi?? Nchifukwa chake dzikoli likukumana ndi mabvuto ankhaninkhan, mulungu sangakodwere nazo izi ayi
Terrorist group has emerged in malawi,very sympathetic nyasaland!
koma umphawi usatipangise kuwononga moyo wa ena.kodi atayamba ulimi sangamapeze zosowa zawo.
Mmmmmmmm Malawi ukupita kutii eshiiiiiiiiiii
Ndikumati dziko lowopa Mulungu, pazimene zikuchitikazi Malawi iwe watani kodi?
May his soul rest in peace
May his soul rest in peace ,
munthu akuopsa kuposa mkango lero, a police anthu amadziwa kufufuza a Malawi tisadandaule zonse zikhala bwino. Ambuye atithandize
mulungu angadalitse bwanji ngati tikuphana motere mmalo mopemphera mulungu atipase madalitso zomvetsa chisoni
ambuye nditani ine
Yoooh! Koma ndimavuto azachumawa tiona malodza ndithu kumalawi kuno,zonsezitu kaamba kamavuto azachuma and iblame government for this
Way too bad
2016 chaka chamayakho,mayakho ake ophanawa?malawi walero
koma ambuye atthandize nanga mpaka kumsendana nkhope mmmmmm they’re hearles
eeeeh kwabwera osenda mitu kodi???
Last days kumangophana ngt nkhuku
what is so special with nkhope za anzanu?
mwina zising’angawa awanamiza zinazake
Anthu ngat amenewa akangogwidwa azipheratu osat azipitanso ku polisi.
zochosana nkhopezi ndiye ziti kodi? tizingophanapo kodi? nkhani yake ndiye iti? njala yomweyi? kapena umathanyulawu? japena mkwiyo ndi peter muthalikayu? GUYZ NDICHANIIIIII?
Eishhh why Malawi why??
God have mercy
my malawi what is wrong with you my beloved peaceful country,Lord have mercy on us